Programme - European Society for Literature, Science

European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts
Annual Conference
in collaboration with
The Humanities, Medicine and Sciences Programme, University of Malta
and with the support of
Faculty of Arts, University of Malta
Faculty of Science, University of Malta
Department of English, University of Malta
15-18 June 2015
Venue: Grand Hotel Excelsior, Valletta
Monday 15 June
Keynote Address 1
Tom McCarthy: Reading, and Question & Answer Session
Welcome Reception
Tuesday 16 June
Welcome Addresses
Keynote Address 2
Bruce Clarke, ‘Scaling the Microcosm’
Parallel Sessions I
Parallel Sessions II
Parallel Sessions III
Roundtable 1 : British Society for Literature and Science
Roundtable 2 : Critical Posthumanism Network
Keynote Address 3
Marcus du Sautoy, ‘To Infinity and Beyond’
Drinks Reception
Wednesday 17 June
Parallel Sessions IV
Keynote Address 4
Franco Moretti, ‘Micromégas: the very small, the very large, and the scale of the
digital humanities’
Special Presentations: - SLSAeu 2016 (Stockholm)
- ‘Scale’: Publication plans
Parallel Sessions V
Parallel Sessions VI
Parallel Sessions VII
Keynote Address 5
Franco Moretti and Cary Wolfe, in dialogue
Conference Dinner
Thursday 18 June
Parallel Sessions VIII
Parallel Sessions IX
Keynote Address 6
Gaetana Marrone-Puglia, ‘The Daring of Cavani’s Galileo: The Architecture of
Parallel Sessions X
Close of Conference
SLSAeu Annual General Meeting (for SLSAeu members)
Boat Trip: Grand Harbour (subject to demand)
All events take place at the Grand Hotel Excelsior.
Plenary events will be in the Ballroom (Level 7).
The exception is the keynote address by Marcus du Sautoy,
which will be held at the Valletta Campus, Old University, St Paul Street, Valletta.
The Registration Desk is situated in the Lobby of the Excelsior (Level 6).
The IT Help Desk is situated on the First Floor of the Excelsior (Level 7 Foyer).
Presentations and materials for projection should be sent to
up to the 14th June, or handed on a USB stick to the IT Desk from the 15th June.
Requests for special equipment should be emailed to the above address by the 14th June.
Breakout Rooms:
Carapecchia and De Mondion are on the 8th Floor
Castille, Aragon and Provence are on the 7th Floor
Monday 15 June
Registration (Grand Hotel Excelsior: Lobby, Level 6)
Ballroom, Level 7
Keynote Address 1
Tom McCarthy: Reading, followed by a Question and Answer Session
Chair: James Corby
(Event organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts and the Department of English, University of
Welcome Reception (Excelsior: Pool Deck)
Tuesday 16 June
9.00-9.45: Ballroom
Welcome Addresses and Conference Announcements
9.45-11.00: Ballroom
Keynote Address 2
Bruce Clarke (Texas Tech University), ‘Scaling the Microcosm’
Chair: Manuela Rossini
11.00-11.30: Coffee (Level 7 Foyer)
11.30-13.00: Parallel Sessions – I
Stream: Quanta and Cosmologies (Venue: Carapecchia)
Chair: Victor Grech
James MacAllister (W.E.B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts-Amherst), ‘Bacteria to
Biosphere: ‘Gaia is Symbiosis Seen from Space’”
Zach Horton (University of California, Santa Barbara), ‘Networking the Cosmic Zoom’
Josh di Caglio (Pennsylvania State University), ‘On Being Scaled: Rethinking the View from
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (Venue: De Mondion)
Chair: James Corby
Charne Lavery (University of the Witwatersrand), ‘“The jungle stretched out for mile upon mile
on all sides…like a great sea”: Huge Nature and Tiny Humanity in Leonard Woolf’s The
Village in the Jungle’
Sarah Williams (Evergreen State College), ‘Caramelization in Satin Island /Akiyen in Turkana:
Inner Touch as Present-Tense Anthropology ™’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (Venue: Castille)
Venue: Castille
* Panel: ‘Imaginary Magnitudes’
Chair: Amanda Boetzkes
Ted Hiebert (University of Washington, Bothell), ‘Motivational Dreamers and the Pataphysics of
Exploding Heads’
David Cecchetto (York University), ‘Artworks Not to Scale: Listening to 21st-Century Media’
Eldritch Priest (New York University), ‘Between Dreams (or, Scales of Lucidity)’
Stream: Politics of Scale (Venue: Aragon)
Chair: Joseph Cacciottolo
Dominic Fenech (University of Malta), ‘The Mediterranean: A Scale-Model of World Affairs’
Clare Vassallo (University of Malta), ‘Scaling the Gap: Translation and Interpretation between
Culture and Politics’
Buffet Lunch (Admiral’s Landing)
14.00-15.00: Parallel Sessions II
Stream: Quanta and Cosmologies (Carapecchia)
Chair: Klaus Mecke
Michael Sinding (ELINAS, Universität Erlangen), ‘Energy in Mind: Concepts of Energy in
Intuitive Ontology, Science, Literature and Worldview’
Aura Heydenreich (ELINAS, Universität Erlangen), ‘The Dark Side of the Universe: Wormholes,
Dark Matter and Dark Energy as Fictive Discursive Entities in Modern Cosmology?’
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (De Mondion)
Chair: Folkert Degenring
Sasha Mile Rudan (University of Oslo), Eugenia Kelbert (University of Passau), and Sinisha
Rudan (MagicWand Solutions), ‘Visualising Dynamics of Narrative in Fiction’
Juergen Meyer (Universities of Paderborn/Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg), ‘Scale:
Novel and Popular Science’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (Aragon)
*Panel: ‘Scales of Modernity: Bodies, Building, Literature’
*[Panel carries over into the succeeding session]
Chair: Laura Balladur
Connor Pitetti (Stony Brook University), ‘Scale and Apocalyptic Desire in the Modern
Architectural Imagination’
Johanna Heil (University of Marburg), ‘(Sub)Atomic Movement, Martha Graham’s Modernist
Expressionism, and Gestures in Contemporary Dance: A Matter of Scale’
Ignacio Choi (Stony Brook University), ‘Modernism, Literature, and the Problem of Scale:
Lukács, Conrad, and Empire’
Stream: Politics of Scale (Castille)
Chair: Astrid Schrader
William Abberley (St Anne’s College, University of Oxford), ‘Intelligent Animals and Mechanical
Species: Scales of Agency and Automatism in the Victorian Naturalist’s Travel Memoir’
Danielle Sands (Royal Holloway, University of London), ‘Interrogating Anthropomorphism:
Scaling, Equivalence, Difference’
15.00-16.00: Parallel Sessions – III
Stream: Measurement and Systems (Carapecchia)
Chair: Charles V. Sammut
Josef Lauri (University of Malta), ‘Dimensionless Fundamental Constants: Science with
Klaus Mecke (ELINAS, Universität Erlangen), ‘Measurement Narratives: How Physics Achieves
Objectivity by Metaphors and Scales’
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (De Mondion)
Chair: Janice Sant-Balzan
Maria Frendo (University of Malta), ‘Scaling the Love-Mad Woman and the Orphan: Miss
Havisham and Pip in Search of Lost Plot’
Elisabeth Friis (Lund University), ‘Alices in Jumboland: Scale from a Girlish Perspective’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (Aragon)
*[Panel continues from the previous session]
*Panel: ‘Scales of Modernity: Bodies, Building, Literature’
Chair: Laura Balladur
Connor Pitetti (Stony Brook University), ‘Scale and Apocalyptic Desire in the Modern
Architectural Imagination’
Johanna Heil (University of Marburg), ‘(Sub)Atomic Movement, Martha Graham’s Modernist
Expressionism, and Gestures in Contemporary Dance: A Matter of Scale’
Ignacio Choi (Stony Brook University), ‘Modernism, Literature, and the Problem of Scale:
Lukács, Conrad, and Empire’
Stream: Politics of Scale (Castille)
Chair: Dirk Vanderbeke
Anders Johansson (Umeå University), ‘Micro vs Macro: Barad, Lyotard and the Politics of Scale’
Michael Tavel Clarke (University of Calgary), ‘Little People, Big World: The Problem of the
Individual in Contemporary Explorations of Scalar Transformations’
16.00-16.30: Coffee (Level 7 Foyer)
16.30-18.00: Parallel Roundtables
Roundtable 1: British Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (Ballroom)
Papers and Discussion.
Chair: Frida Beckman
John Holmes (University of Reading), ‘Evolution and the Epic: Genre, Scope, and the
Poetics of Deep Time’
Greg Lynall (University of Liverpool), ‘The Scale and Powers of Solar Technologies’
Martin Willis (University of Westminster), ‘Science, Size, and the City: Performing Scale
in Victorian Travel Guides to London’
Folkert Degenring (Universität Kassel), ‘Life, the Universe, and Everything: Spatial and
Temporal Scales in Science Fiction’
Roundtable 2: Critical Posthumanism Network (Castille)
Chair: Stefan Herbrechter
Manuela Rossini (Berne University)
Bruce Clarke (Texas Tech University)
Cary Wolfe (Rice University)
Mads Rosendahl Thomsen (Aarhus University)
Ivan Callus (University of Malta)
Aula Magna, Valletta Campus, St Paul Street, University of Malta, Valletta.
Keynote Address 3: Marcus du Sautoy (New College, University of Oxford), ‘To Infinity and
Chair: Josef Lauri
(Event organised in collaboration with the University of Malta’s Faculty of Science, on the occasion of its
100th Anniversary)
Wednesday 17 June
9.00-10.30: Parallel Sessions – IV
Stream: Modelling, Mapping, Imaging (De Mondion)
Chair: Michael Tavel Clarke
Laura Balladur (Bates College), ‘Recursive Self-Similar Diagrams in Descartes’s Treatise on Man’
David Wittenberg (University of Iowa), ‘The Scale of Urban Domestic Architecture: Kazuo
Shinohara and the House as a “Savage Machine”’
Roberta Buiani (ArtSci Salon, York University, Toronto), ‘Mediated Spaces, Translated Places,
and Resizable Maps: An Experiment in Affective Geography’
Stream: Quanta and Cosmologies (Carapecchia)
Chair: Giuliana Fenech
Ryan Kopaitich (University of Berne), ‘The Literary Infinitesimal’
Victor Grech (University of Malta), ‘The Manifestation of Manichaeism in Star Trek’s
Aline Ferreira (University of Aveiro), ‘The Minute Sublime: The Aesthetics of the Very Small’
Stream: Scale, between Science and the Arts (Provence)
Chair: Gloria Lauri-Lucente
Lawrence Buttigieg (Loughborough University), ‘Scale as Representational Device for the Female
George Vlahakis and John Kougeas (Hellenic Open University), “‘To make science a candy. To
make something small but attractive'”: Science in 19th-century Greek Juvenile
Stefan Danter (Universität Mannheim), ‘Gigantic Scalings: The Significance of Godzilla and Giant
Monsters in Contemporary Popular Culture’
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (Aragon)
Chair: Maria Frendo
Erik Erlanson (Lund University), ‘The Nightingale’s Song Again: On Poetry and
Martina Domines Veliki (University of Zagreb), ‘The Capital and the Romantic Sublime: Scaling
the (In)Conceivable’
Ljubica Matek (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek), ‘Scale and the Manifestation of Evil
in Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House and H. P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Dreams in the
Witch House’”
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (Castille)
Chair: Stefan Herbrechter
Luke Hortle (University of Tasmania), ‘“Hold out your hands”: The Deranging Scale of the
Stefano Gualeni (University of Malta), ‘ENLARGE YOUR MESOSCOPY: A Philosophical
Reflection on the Human Scale and Projectual Ontologies’
Mads Rosendahl Thomsen (Aarhus University), ‘Posthuman Scale’
10.30-11.00: Coffee (Level 7 Foyer)
Keynote Address 4 (Ballroom)
Franco Moretti (Stanford University), ‘Micromégas: the very small, the very large, and the scale of
the digital humanities’
Chair: Ivan Callus
12.15-12.45: Special Presentations (Ballroom)
Presentation 1
Frida Beckman (Chair, 2016 SLSAeu Conference in Stockholm): ‘Control’
Presentation 2
Publication projects relating to ‘Scale’: Presentations to be announced.
12.45-13.45: Buffet Lunch (Admiral’s Landing)
13.45-14.45: Parallel Sessions - V
Stream: Mapping, Modelling, Imaging (Carapecchia)
Chair: Stefano Gualeni
Mario Aquilina (University of Malta), ‘The Scale of Style: The Work of the Critic in the Age of
Big Data’
Carolina Ferrer (Université du Québec à Montréal), ‘Big Data and Literary Studies: Mapping the
Literatures of the Americas’
Stream: Measurement and Systems (Aragon)
Chair: Cristina Iuli
Joseph Cacciottolo (University of Malta), ‘Measurement over Time’
Ritienne Gauci and John Schembri (University of Malta), ‘The Geographies of Scale: Problems in
Measuring Indented Coastlines’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable
* Panel: ‘Fresh Air’ (Castille)
* [Panel carries over into the succeeding session]
Chairs: Karen Pinkus and Amanda Boetzkes
Amanda Boetzkes (University of Guelph), ‘The Plasticity of Air’
Claudette Lauzon (OCAD University, Toronto), ‘The Deranged Scales of Aerial Warfare’
Maria Whiteman [Interdisciplinary Artist], ‘In the Air’
Stream: Politics of Scale (De Mondion)
* Panel: ‘Scales of Violence’
* [Panel carries over into the succeeding session]
Chair: Clare Vassallo
Frida Beckman (Stockholm University), ‘Allegory and the Violence of Interpretation’
Dehlia Hannah (Arizona State University), ‘A Year without a Winter’
Brad Evans (University of Bristol), ‘Intolerable Violence’
14.45-16.15: Parallel Sessions - VI
Stream: Mapping, Modelling, Imaging (Aragon)
Chair: Gordon Calleja
Steve Hawley (Manchester Metropolitan University), ‘Not to Scale’
Maria Theuma, ‘“Life in Plastic, it’s Fantastic”: Scale, Barbie’s Hyperreal Body and the Plastic
Stream: Scale Between Science and the Arts (Carapecchia)
Chair: Bruce Clarke
Dirk Vanderbeke (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität-Jena), ‘Of Atoms, Ants and Beauty: Scale
Invariance in the Arts, Literature and the Sciences’
Gustavo Ariel Schwartz (Centro de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU & Donostia International
Physics Center), ‘Scale as a Key Factor in Rebuilding the Dialogue among Literature,
Science and Art’
John Betts (University of Malta), ‘Micromegas by Mandelbrot’
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (Provence)
Chair: Marija Grech
Janice Sant-Balzan (Cardiff University), ‘Countercosmos: Scaling Paul Celan’s “Abgrundvers”’
Marc André Fortin (Université de Sherbrooke), ‘Particles and Polymers: The Poetics of Scale in
Contemporary Canadian Poetry’
Wanda O’Connor (Cardiff University) ‘Moving Fields: Mapping the Contemporary Spatial Poem’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (Castille)
* Panel: ‘Fresh Air’
* [Panel continues from the preceding session]
Chairs: Karen Pinkus and Amanda Boetzkes
Amanda Boetzkes (University of Guelph), ‘The Plasticity of Air’
Claudette Lauzon (OCAD University, Toronto), ‘The Deranged Scales of Aerial Warfare’
Maria Whiteman [Interdisciplinary Artist], ‘In the Air’
Stream: Politics of Scale
* Panel: ‘Scales of Violence’ (De Mondion)
* [Panel continues from the preceding session]
Chair: Clare Vassallo
Frida Beckman (Stockholm University) ‘Allegory and the Violence of Interpretation’
Dehlia Hannah (Arizona State University) ‘A Year without a Winter’
Brad Evans (University of Bristol), ‘Intolerable Violence’
16.15-16.45: Coffee (Level 7 Foyer)
16.45-17.45: Parallel Sessions - VII
Stream: Scale: between Science and the Arts (Castille)
Chair: Sally Shuttleworth
James Corby (University of Malta), ‘Ratio Essendi: Tragedy and the Scalar Therapeutics of Loss’
Stefan Herbrechter (Coventry University), ‘Perdre la mesure …’
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (Carapecchia)
Chair: David Wittenberg
Ulfried Reichardt (Universität Mannheim), ‘Scale, Pattern and Emergence: Music and Science in
the Novels of Richard Powers’
Ming-Qian Ma (State University of New York at Buffalo), ‘Seeing Worlds Anew: American
Language Poetry and Its Poetics of Scale Derangement’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (De Mondion)
Chair: Greg Lynall
Nina Lyon (Cardiff University), ‘Mapless Maps: Scale and Anti-Realism in Carroll and Swift’
Christopher Müller (Cardiff University), ‘Upscaling Imagination: Exaggeration as Method’
Stream: Politics of Scale (Aragon)
Chair: Mario Aquilina
Alexandra Perisic (University of Miami), ‘Scaling Globalization in Edouard Glissant’s Tout-Monde’
Vickie Gauci and Anne-Marie Callus (University of Malta), ‘Enabling Everything: Scale and
17.45-19.00 (Ballroom)
Keynote Address 5
Franco Moretti (Stanford University) and Cary Wolfe (Rice University), in dialogue
Chair: Cristina Iuli
20.30 (Tiki, Grand Hotel Excelsior)
Conference Dinner
Thursday 18 June
9.00-10.00: Parallel Sessions - VIII
Stream: Measurement and Systems (Provence)
Chair: Victor Grech
Mariella Scerri (University of Malta), ‘The Scale of Medicine’s Great Expectations’
Cynthia Farrugia-Jones (University of Malta), ‘Putting Human Health on a Scale’
Stream: Quanta and Cosmologies (Aragon)
* Panel: ‘What secures the reference point for thinking beyond human scale?’
Chair: Marija Grech
Florence Chiew (Macquarie University), ‘Uexküll, umwelt and the problem of anthropomorphism’
Jacqueline Dalziell (University of New South Wales), ‘Animal ‘Nature’”: Reconsidering Cruelty’
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (Carapecchia)
Chair: John Robert Holmes
Aaron Rosenberg (Cornell University), ‘Hardy’s Economies of Scale’
Nancy Barta-Smith and Danette DiMarco (Slippery Rock University), ‘Scale and the Ecological
Imagination: The Scale of Deliverance in Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood and
Wendell Berry’s Long-Legged House and Unsettling of America’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (Castille)
* Panel: ‘Bios, Geos, Cosmos at the Limits of [Im]perceptibility’
* [Panel carries over into the succeeding session]
Chair: Manuela Rossini
Rebecca Ellis (Lancaster University), ‘The (Im)Possibilities of the Multiverse: Holding a Space
between Testimony and Ontology’
Astrid Schrader (University of Exeter), ‘Unsettling Life/Death in the Anthropocene with Marine
Elizabeth Johnson (University of Exeter), ‘Jellyfish and Indeterminacy: Imagining a Common Life
beyond Knowability’
João Florĕncio, (University of Exeter), ‘From Evidence to Testimony: Performance, Forensics,
and Translation after Charles Reznikoff’
10.00-11.00: Parallel Sessions IX
Stream: Mapping, Modelling, Imaging (Provence)
Chair: Emmanuel Sinagra
David C. Magri (University of Malta), ‘Logic-Based Computations with Molecules’
Roberto Caruana Gauci and Joseph Grima (University of Malta), ‘Scale-Transcending Anomalous
Mechanical Properties’
Stream: Quanta and Cosmologies (Carapecchia)
Chairs: Maria Theuma and Irene Scicluna
Haseeb Ahmed (Zurich University of the Arts) and Martin Burr (Zurich University of the
Arts’ [Installation and Presentation]: ‘Size Matters: On Scale and Size of Models’
Stream: Scale, Literature and the Imagination (Aragon)
Chair: Martin Willis
Tatjana Jukić (University of Zagreb), ‘A Victorian Deconstruction of Scale’
Erik Strobl (Washington University in St Louis), ‘J.G. Ballard, Ian Watt, and the Rise of the
Absolute Individual’ (Washington University in St Louis)
Scaling the Inconceivable (Castille)
* Panel: ‘Bios, Geos, Cosmos at the Limits of [Im]perceptibility’
* [Session proposed as a panel, continues from the preceding session]
Chair: Manuela Rossini
Rebecca Ellis (Lancaster University), ‘The (Im)Possibilities of the Multiverse: Holding a Space
between Testimony and Ontology’
Astrid Schrader (University of Exeter), ‘Unsettling Life/Death in the Anthropocene with Marine
Elizabeth Johnson (University of Exeter), ‘Jellyfish and Indeterminacy: Imagining a Common Life
beyond Knowability’
João Florĕncio (University of Exeter), ‘From Evidence to Testimony: Performance, Forensics,
and Translation after Charles Reznikoff’
Stream: Politics of Scale (De Mondion)
Chair: Maria Frendo
Peter Vassallo (University of Malta), ‘Satan’s Space Odyssey and the Clash of Two Galactic
Sally Shuttleworth (St Anne’s College, University of Oxford), ‘Excessive Fear: The Emergence of
Agoraphobia and other Forms of Phobia in Late Nineteenth-Century Culture’
11.00-11.30: Coffee (Level 7 Foyer)
11.30-12.45 (Ballroom)
Keynote Address 6
Gaetana Marrone-Puglia (Princeton University), ‘The Daring of Cavani’s Galileo: The
Architecture of Power’
Chair: Gloria Lauri-Lucente
12.45-13.45: Buffet Lunch (Admiral’s Landing)
13.45-15.15 Parallel Sessions X
Stream: Mapping, Modelling, Imaging (Aragon)
Chair: Joseph Cacciottolo
Joseph Muscat (University of Malta), ‘Mathematical Scales’
Irene Sciriha-Aquilina (University of Malta), ‘The New Age of Carbon’
Maria Temmes (Central European University), ‘Complexity Thinking in Systems Medicine as a
Feminist Question: Examination of Different Levels of Modelling’
Stream: Measurement and Systems (De Mondion)
Chair: Bruce Clarke
Elspeth van Veeren (University of Bristol), ‘A Scalography of Forensic Security: DNA and the
Problem of the “Missing”’
Bill Leeming (OCAD University, Toronto), ‘Scaling the Heights of Relative Lifetime Genetic Risk
Bryn Skibo-Birney (University of Geneva), ‘Animals, the Arts, and the “Other”: Revising the Scala
Naturae in Posthuman Narratives’
Stream: Scale, Between Science and the Arts (Carapecchia)
Chair: Elizabeth Johnson
Rozmeri Basic (University of Oklahoma), ‘The Scale Does Matter: A Case Study of Human
Figures in Gobekli Tepe and the Eastern Islands’
Nora Vaage (University of Bergen), ‘Grow Your Own Views on Knowledge: Visions and
Narratives in the Dissemination of Synthetic Biology’
Stream: Scaling the Inconceivable (Castille)
Chair: Gaetana Marrone-Puglia
Gloria Lauri-Lucente (University of Malta), ‘Scaling the Pre-Technological: The Case Study of
Francesco Rosi’s Salvatore Giuliano’
John Bruni (Grand Valley State University), ‘“Fifty to One”: Radical Scale and Difference in the
Films of John Cassavetes
Fabrizio Foni (University of Malta), ‘Death within a Liminal Frame: Capturing the Myth of Life’s
Last Images on the Retina in French and Italian Popular Culture’
Stream: Politics of Scale (Provence)
Panel: ‘Scale and Indifference’
Chair: James Corby
Aaron Aquilina (Lancaster University), ‘“Earth might not seem of any particular interest”:
Indifference to Scale’
James Farrugia (University of Malta), ‘Sovereign Indifference: Jünger’s Anarch and the Appeal of
the Small’
15.15-15.45 (Ballroom)
Close of Conference
15.45-16.00: (Level 7 Foyer)
15.45-16.45: (Castille)
SLSAeu Annual General Meeting (for SLSAeu members)
17.00-18.30 (Subject to demand. Departure and Return: Excelsior)
Boat Trip around Grand Harbour.
SLSAeu and HUMS would like to acknowledge the help of the following:
Shadow Services
Malta Institute of Medical Education
Ministry for Education and Employment
Organising Committee
Ivan Callus (Conference Chair)
Joseph Cacciottolo
James Corby
Victor Grech
Stefan Herbrechter
Manuela Rossini
Charles Savona-Ventura
Emmanuel Sinagra
Clare Vassallo