2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers ENGLISH Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Persuasive Advertisement Analysing and Creating a Persuasive Text. As part of the Term theme of “Where in the World am I?” students explore persuasive language by examining texts used to promote products ( such as media and television advertisements). They identify persuasive, generic structures, techniques, such as rhetorical questions, and vocabulary. They also engage with the 7 Steps Persuasive Writing program. Students then plan and present a 90 second television advertisement for Cannonvale or Airlie Beach. GEOGRAPHY Home And Away Students explore similarities and differences in places near and far. They ccorrectly label the Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! Stolen Generation Indigenous Australia Book study Exploring Imaginative Texts through different perspectives. Students study the text ‘Stolen Girl’ by Trina Soffioti. They investigate the use of text and illustrations to create meaning. Students study language choices in the text. They make connections to the text, create their own illustrations and complete comprehension questions from the text. http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! I Dream Of Daydream Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! Let’s Cook Exploring and Creating Informative texts Exploring And Creating Procedural Texts. Students explore the elements of informative texts including purpose, generic structure, language choices and publication layout. Following an excursion to Daydream Island they create and publish an information brochure about the island and what it offers to visitors. Students investigate various procedural texts to determine their purpose, generic structure, language choices, subject matter and mode of presentation. They create a play script and PowerPoint presentation to be used in their presentation of the Ready, Steady Cooking Show. Students study a series of four pictures and use the series of pictures to create a sequential narrative incorporating dialogue. The narrative incorporates an indigenous perspective and employs the ‘7 Steps to Writing Success’ in its constructions. This piece is published using ICTs. Dreaming of Daydream Student enjoy an excursion to Daydream Island. They identify geographical features of the (this is linked with Health, Arts and Technology) 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! main features on a map of Australia. They also label Australia’s neighbouring countries. Students construct an infographic using ICTs. They cconstruct a map which shows the different climates in Australia. They must also identify and label one place in each type of climate. Next they write a paragraph about what it would be like to live in a climate unlike their own. As a class students create inquiry questions to use while Investigating 2 countries. They interpret a climate graph and a map of the Asia Pacific region to answer these questions. Finally students create a Venn diagram and a table to represent the similarities and differences between countries. HISTORY http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! island and the purposes of these features. As a class they develop and answer inquiry questions about the island. Students gather and record geographical data and use it to create a map of Daydream conforming to cartographic conventions, including legend, title and north point. Celebrate And Remember Students investigate celebrations, commemorations and community diversity. As a class they develop inquiry questions such as: • How and why do people choose to remember Continuity & Change In Our Local Community Following their excursion to Daydream Island, students plan and conduct a guided inquiry about the history of the island. Questions include: • Who lived here first and how Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! significant events of the past? • What does ANZAC day mean to Australians? • What symbolism is associated with it? They discuss the significance of ANZAC day, exploring different aspects of it. Students read about Jack Simpson Kirkpatrick and pose questions about his background and his involvement at Gallipoli in WW1. They construct a timeline of Jack Simpson Kirkpatrick’s life with a focus on the Gallipoli campaign. Finally students create an invitation to someone to attend the school’s ANZAC commemoration ceremony. DRAFT – NOT INTRODUCED IN 2015. Civics and Citizenship http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! do we know? How has the island changed? What features have been lost and what have stayed the same. Students identify sources, gather data and present their findings in a digital graphic organiser. • By the end of Year 3, students explain how decisions can be made democratically. They recognise the importance of rules. They describe how people participate in their community as active citizens. Students pose questions about the society in which they live. They share their views on an issue. They present their ideas and opinions using civics and citizenship terms. My World of Maths Growing in Mastery Reading the Signs Nutritional Numbers 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers MATHS Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Focus concepts: Number names and concepts, counting, decimal numbers, negative numbers, ordering, addition and subtraction including partitioning, joining and separating, 2D and 3D shapes PROFICIENCY STRANDS Through the completion of novel/unfamiliar problems and investigations, students work mathematically in the proficiency strands of Understanding, Problem-Solving, Fluency, and Reasoning TECHNOLOGY Climate Info-graphic (This unit links to Geography) DIGITAL In this unit students learn how to develop basic computer skills: • Construct a list, table or infographic (mind / bubble map) Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! Focus concepts: Counting patterns, Money, Fractions, Multiplication and Division including arrays and sharing, Time, Length and Volume PROFICIENCY STRANDS Through the completion of novel/unfamiliar problems and investigations, students work mathematically in the proficiency strands of Understanding, Problem-Solving, Fluency, and Reasoning Birdlife Graph (This unit links to Science) In this unit students learn how to develop basic computer skills: • Collect data • Represent this data as a column graph This requires students to: This requires students to: • Explore how people safely use common information systems to meet information • Recognise and explore patterns in data and represent data as pictures, symbols and http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! Focus concepts: Larger numbers, regrouping, formal operations, fractions, chance and data, position and direction Focus concepts: Number concepts, Transformations, Area, Mass, Patterns and Functions, Geometry PROFICIENCY STRANDS Through the completion of novel/unfamiliar problems and investigations, students work mathematically in the proficiency strands of Understanding, Problem-Solving, Fluency, and Reasoning PROFICIENCY STRANDS Through the completion of novel/unfamiliar problems and investigations, students work mathematically in the proficiency strands of Understanding, Problem-Solving, Fluency, and Reasoning 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? communication and recreation needs • Explore and use a range of digital systems with peripheral devices for different purposes and transmit different types of data. • Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways. • Explain how developed solutions and existing information systems meet common personal, school or community needs; and envisage new ways of using them http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! diagrams • Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways. They use this learning to: • Collect and collate birdlife data • Create a column graph of this data. . They use this learning to: • Construct a list, table or infographic (mind / bubble map) to represent data about Australia’s climate TECHNOLOGY DESIGN Design A Clay Sea Creature (This unit is linked to Visual Arts) In this unit students: • Explore the characteristics Design an advertisement (This unit is linked to English and Visual/ MediaArts) In this unit students: • Explore the characteristics and properties of materials 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! and properties of materials and components that are used to produce designed solutions. • Design a clay sea creature which will be made as a visual arts project These activities require students to: • Identify how people design and produce familiar products, services and environments and consider sustainability to meet personal and local community needs. • Explore needs or opportunities for designing and the technologies needed to realise designed solutions. • Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing and modelling. Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! and components that are used to produce designed solutions. • Design and create a media advertisement for a cooking show. These activities require students to: • Identify how people design and produce familiar products, services and environments and consider sustainability to meet personal and local community needs. • Explore needs or opportunities for designing and the technologies needed to realise designed solutions. • Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing and modelling. 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! • Use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to safely make designed solutions. • Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design ideas, processes and solutions including their care for environment. Sequence steps for making designed solutions and working collaboratively SCIENCE It’s a Small, Small World! What do living things need? Students explore a variety of resources and representations to investigate the relative size of Earth, the sun and the moon, the rotation, orbit and tile of the Earth and how shadows are formed and changed. Students study the diversity of living things and observe different types of animals and different habitats in which they live. They revise the needs of living things and the difference between living, non-living and dead. Students complete a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting 2 animals previously learned about. Students investigate local bird life using inquiry skills. They In this unit students work collaboratively to observe, record and explain how the position of the sun and shadows change No Science in this term. History and Geography both taught in this unit due to the nature of the concepts and how they link together around the cohort’s excursion. Term 4 has a double load of Science due to the nature of the concepts in KLAs of Science, History and Geography. No History and Geography are taught in Term 4. See Year Overview for clarification. Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! • Use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to safely make designed solutions. • Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design ideas, processes and solutions including their care for environment. Sequence steps for making designed solutions and working collaboratively How Do I Keep Food At The Right Temperature? Students explore the ways in which substances change, including the effects of heating and cooling substances. They are provided with a scenario in which 2 children are conducting an investigation into melting ice. The students are asked to decide what the investigable question would have been and to predict what would happen when the children put the ice-cube on a saucer and left it near a heater. 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers THE ARTS MEDIA (CLASS TEACHER) Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! throughout the day. Students explore different representations of the movement of the Earth in relation to the sun, including interactive animations and role playing. They participate in discussion about how day and night occur on Earth and explore the effects of being in different locations on Earth. Students complete an annotated diagram to explain day and night. They develop and apply key vocabulary to be used in this diagram. Students consider how being in a different location affects the time of day the sun rises and sets. They consider the implications of different time zones. conduct research into common birds and make predictions (based on their experiences e.g. birds they have seen themselves) about the number of each bird they will see as they investigate the school grounds and surrounding areas. Students then complete a walk through the bush to gather data. As a class they share data and represent it on a graph. Students also observe feathers, using comparisons of the 2 organisms and draw a conclusion about features common to living things, measurements to represent the size of the feathers and make predictions about which bird the feather might have come from. They research their predicted bird and present their findings. http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! The students are told that when the children returned 2 hours later, the saucers were empty. The students then develop a story board to explain what has happened to the ice cube. Students explore the ways in which heat moves within and between objects. They discuss hot objects around the home and the materials they are made of. The language of ‘conductors’ and ‘insulators’ is introduced. With teacher guidance and in small groups, students complete an investigation and record their findings on a worksheet. VISUAL ARTS and MEDIA NAIDOC Celebrations Students: • Identify intended purposes and meanings of media artworks using media arts key concepts, starting with media artworks in Australia, Students: • Use media technologies to create time and space through the manipulation of images, sounds and text to tell stories. • Investigate and devise representations of people in 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! including media artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. (These activities are linked to English and NAIDOC week celebrations) Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! • their community, including themselves, through settings, ideas and story structure in images, sounds and text. Plan, create and present media artworks for specific purposes with awareness of responsible media practice. Students create an advertisement for their cooking show. Students are required to: • Investigate the elements and techniques used in advertisements • Create their own advertisement for their cooking show created in their English unit. • Reflect on the success of their advertisement ( Descriptor- ACAVAM112) This unit is linked to English and Technology Design THE ARTS MUSIC MY WORLD OF MUSIC Students develop aural skills by MUSIC FROM OTHER CULTURES Students respond to music and BE THE ENTERTAINER Students sing and play instruments COOK ME UP A TUNE Students create compositions and 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers (Specialist teacher) THE ARTS VISUAL ARTS (CLASS TEACHER) Visual Arts to be offered weekly as one of the activities on Friday afternoons while musical practice is on. http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! exploring and imitating sounds, pitch and rhythm patterns using voice, movement and body percussion. They listen to and perform a variety of songs. Students study the Year 3 Text Vivace during which they develop understanding of beat, dynamics and pitch. They also begin their study of recorder through the Recorder Karate Program. This is a differentiated program in which students progress through a variety of levels by correctly performing increasingly difficult songs consider where and why people make music, starting with Australian music, including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They listen to and perform a variety of songs including those with an indigenous perspective Students study the Year 3 Text Vivace during which they develop understanding of beat, dynamics and pitch. They continue their study of recorder through the Recorder Karate Program. This is a differentiated program in which students progress through a variety of levels by correctly performing increasingly difficult songs. to improvise, practise a repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including songs used by cultural groups in the community. They participate in group, individual and unaccompanied singing Students study the Year 3 Text Vivace during which they develop understanding of beat, dynamics and pitch. They continue their study of recorder through the Recorder Karate Program. This is a differentiated program in which students progress through a variety of levels by correctly performing increasingly difficult songs. perform music to communicate ideas to an audience. They continue their study of simple beat and sing and perform and songs. Students study the Year 3 Text Vivace during which they develop understanding of beat, dynamics and pitch. They continue their study of recorder through the Recorder Karate Program. This is a differentiated program in which students progress through a variety of levels by correctly performing increasingly difficult songs. SELF PORTTRAIT FOLIO Students: Create an Art Portfolio of selfportraits accompanied by a reflection Students are required to: • • • • Discuss portraits View portraits to examine features Investigate and view digital and other techniques Produce their own portfolio of NAIDOC CELEBRATIONS During NAIDOC celebrations students: • Explore ideas and artworks from different cultures and times, including artwork by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to use as inspiration for their own representations. • Identify purposes and meanings of artworks using visual arts terminology to CLAY SEA CREATURE Students learn basic songs, strumming patterns and playing techniques on ukulele. VISUAL ARTS and MEDIA (Visual Arts is the secondary Students: focus in this unit) Create a clay sea creature Students: Students are required to: • View and develop the technique and skills required to work with clay. • Choose and design the sea creature they will create • Create the sea creature. • Contribute to the class Create an advertisement for their cooking show. Students are required to: • Investigate the elements and techniques used in advertisements 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? • • self portraits Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks Present artworks and describe how they have used visual conventions to represent their ideas Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! compare artworks, starting with visual artworks from Australia, including visual artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. (These activities are linked to English. They are taught but not assessed) Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! • • display Use materials, techniques and processes to explore visual conventions when making artworks Present artworks and describe how they have used visual conventions to represent their ideas (This unit is linked to English, History, Geography &Technology) (This unit is linked to Health ) THE ARTS DRAMA (class teacher) http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Students create and perform a self-scripted role play based on their book study of ‘Stolen Girl’ by Trina Saffioti Students are required to: • Develop and apply the skills necessary to write a script in a small group • Develop skills of movement, use of space, voice expression and projection, facial expression, taking on a character. • Develop confidence to perform for a peer audience. • Explore ideas and narrative structures through roles and situations and use empathy in their own improvisations and devised drama. Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! • • Create their own advertisement for their cooking show created in their English unit. Reflect on the success of their advertisement ( Descriptor- ACAVAM112) (This unit is linked to English and Technology Design). 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers THE ARTS DANCE (Specialist) Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? RAW ENERGY DANCE EDUCATION Students participate in the REDed Raw Energy Dance Education program Students are required to: • Complete simple movement sequences that show an understanding of dynamics, spatial awareness, relationships, timing and rhythm Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! • Use voice, body, movement and language to sustain role and relationships and create dramatic action with a sense of time and place. • Shape and perform dramatic action using narrative structures and tension in devised and scripted drama, including exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander drama. • Identify intended purposes and meaning of drama, starting with Australian drama, including drama of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, using the elements of drama to make comparisons. RAW ENERGY DANCE EDUCATION Students participate in the REDed Raw Energy Dance Education program Students are required to: • Complete simple movement sequences that show an understanding of dynamics, spatial awareness, relationships, timing and rhythm http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! RAW ENERGY DANCE EDUCATION Students participate in the REDed Raw Energy Dance Education program Students apply movement skills in dance, gymnastics, games and sports, and practise manipulative skills in a range of minor games. • Students are required to: Perform movement sequences Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! RAW ENERGY DANCE EDUCATION Students participate in the REDed Raw Energy Dance Education program Students apply movement skills in dance, gymnastics, games and sports, and practise manipulative skills in a range of minor games. • Students are required to: Perform movement sequences 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! of movement. • Demonstrate fair play and cooperation in small groups. • They participate in physical activities that promote enjoyment and recognise the importance of these for health and lifestyle balance. of movement. • Demonstrate fair play and cooperation in small groups. • They participate in physical activities that promote enjoyment and recognise the importance of these for health and lifestyle balance. Creative Arts Students perform dances with some understanding of body movement and expression, exploring a range of movements to make choices in order to convey ideas, feelings and moods. They describe the ideas, feelings and moods conveyed by dances. Creative Arts Students perform dances with some understanding of body movement and expression, exploring a range of movements to make choices in order to convey ideas, feelings and moods. They describe the ideas, feelings and moods conveyed by dances. In this term students also: Perform dances using expressive skills to communicate ideas, including telling cultural or community stories. Identify how the elements of dance and production elements express ideas in dance they make, perform and experience as audience, including exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dance. http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! • with consistency and control and demonstrate cooperation, effort and practice in physical activity. They participate in physical activity and investigate how it contributes to a healthy and active lifestyle. Creative Arts Students perform dances demonstrating a range of performance qualities and increasingly complex movement skills. They explore the elements of dance in their own works and how these can be selected and combined to convey meaning. Students discuss the meaning and purpose of dance works and the roles of the creator and performer Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! • with consistency and control and demonstrate cooperation, effort and practice in physical activity. They participate in physical activity and investigate how it contributes to a healthy and active lifestyle. Creative Arts Students perform dances demonstrating a range of performance qualities and increasingly complex movement skills. They explore the elements of dance in their own works and how these can be selected and combined to convey meaning. Students discuss the meaning and purpose of dance works and the roles of the creator and performer 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? HPE HEALTH Fun Friends Safe and Happy Personal Plan Healthy Lifestyle Plan Self-identity and beliefs. Making Safe Choices Rest and Relaxation Healthy Eating & Physical Activity In this unit students: • Explore self-identity - what makes us who we are • Reflect on and develop their own self-identity • Develop respect for the identity and beliefs of others • Examine how success, failure and challenge develop identity. In this unit students: • Discuss safe and unsafe behaviours • Consider the consequences of these choices • Develop problem solving skills • Reflect on emotions and what makes students feel happy, sad, safe and unsafe. In this unit students: • Identify what rest and relaxation are. • Consider the part they play in a healthy lifestyle. • List benefits of them • Play for them in theirs or their family’s lives. This unit requires students to: • Participate in discussions • Complete written work including text and diagrams • Participate in small groups • Self-reflect and share these reflections • By the end of Year 3, students recognise strategies for managing change. They examine influences that strengthen identities. This unit requires students to: Students demonstrate their learning by: Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home • • • • • • Participate in discussions Complete written work including a role play script Participate in small groups Perform in front of peers Investigate how emotional responses vary and understand how to interact positively with others in different situations Interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! This unit requires students to: • Participate in discussions • Complete written work • Participate in small groups • Reflect on family lifestyle • Plan for themselves or their family • Describe the connections they have to their community and identify resources available locally to support their health, safety and physical activity. Students demonstrate their learning by: Developing a Healthy Lifestyle Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! In this unit students: • learn the functions of the body and the actions required to keep them working well • Identify factors that influence the function of the body systems such as exercise and drugs. • Identify healthy food choices. • Learn about second hand smoke This unite requires students to: • Visit the Life Education Van • Complete written activities • Participate in discussions • Participate in role plays • Reflect on theirs and others eating and physical activity choices • Understand the benefits of being fit and physically active • 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? Create a shield/coat of arms to represent themselves. Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! • Describe the connections they have to their community and identify resources available locally to support their health, safety and physical activity. • Apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules fairly. They use decisionmaking and problem-solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! Plan for rest and relaxation. This unit is tied in with an excursion to Students demonstrate their learning by: Daydream Island. • Completing a collection of work which includes Life Education booklet and a Healthy Lifestyle Plan for eating and exercise. Students demonstrate their learning by: Writing and performing in a role play demonstrating strategies that students could use to deal with an unsafe or uncomfortable situation. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sport to be offered weekly as one of the activities on Friday afternoons while musical practice is WATER AWARENESS & LIFESAVING In this unit students: • Complete a series of swimming/lifesaving activities. • Apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules fairly. • They understand the benefits SWIMMING AND LIFESAVING TAKE YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO In this unit students: • Complete develop the fundamental movement skills of running, jumping and throwing. • Apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules CRICKET In this unit students: apply a range of movements and tactics, skilfully communicate and coordinate with others and reflect on and evaluate gameplay, skills and teamwork In this unit students: complete a series of swimming/lifesaving activities. This unit requires students to: demonstrate skills learnt through physical demonstration. • They understand the benefits 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE Whole School Drivers Term 1 - Where In The World Am I? on. of being fit and physically active • Refine fundamental movement skills and movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities and to solve movement challenges. • Create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement. Students demonstrate their learning by performing physical demonstrations of : • A Slide entry in deep water • A Float on front and back unassisted • Sculling head first on back • Swimming 15 m freestyle with coordinated breathing • Swimming 10m survival backstroke • Swimming 5 m correct breaststroke • Treading water in vertical position head above water for 30 secs A Surface dive and recover object from chest deep water Term 2 - From Little Things Big Things Grow! • • • fairly. They understand the benefits of being fit and physically active Refine fundamental movement skills and movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities and to solve movement challenges. Create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement. This unit requires students to: refine these skills in individual based activities. Students demonstrate their learning by: physical demonstration through simple games and group challenges by refining movement concepts and strategies http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home Term 3 - Oh The Places You Can Go When You Read! Term 4 - Food Glorious Food! This unit requires students to: work as a team to improve their own and others understanding and skills. of being fit and physically active • Refine fundamental movement skills and movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities and to solve movement challenges. • Create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement. Students demonstrate their learning by: physical demonstration • Perform as step entry • Demonstrate sculling head first • Swim 50 metres with actions that resemble two or more strokes • Survival skills • Underwater swimming – recovering objects • Reach rescue and answer question about dangers in the aquatic environment. Extension tasks – butterfly (dolphin kick) Students demonstrate their learning by: physical demonstration and participating in team activities. 2015 CANNONVALE STATE SCHOOL CURRICULUM – Year 3 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM LINK CLICK HERE http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/home
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