C O n n e C T i C U T C O n n e C T i C U T Leadership Leadership Academy Academy 2015 2012 aCadeMY Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders... Today 2012 aCadeMY Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders... Today Join a diverse group of individuals from across the Connecticut continuum of aging services for aacross year of Join group of ofindividuals individuals from the Joinaa diverse diverse group from across the exceptional leadership development. Connecticut and Rhode Islandofcontinuums of aging services Connecticut continuum aging services for a year of for a year of exceptional exceptionalleadership leadershipdevelopment. development. d bY: SORe SPOn d bY: SORe SPOn Announcing the LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy The Board of Directors of LeadingAge Connecticut has established the LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy as a state based leadership program that will foster and encourage leadership development within LeadingAge Connecticut member organizations. LeadingAge Connecticut has made the commitment to this forward thinking leadership program to ensure that we are developing leaders that will carry on the mission of expanding the possibilities for aging. Modeled after the national LeadingAge Leadership Academy program, LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy provides a year‐long transformational leadership development experience that is accessible and affordable to our Connecticut members. Transformational leadership is an inspiring and visionary leadership approach that creates significant change in the lives of people and organizations through strong relationships. Participants enrolled in the academy will be considered “fellows” and they will engage in a year‐long leadership program that will include four two‐day learning experiences scheduled throughout 2015. Mission: The LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy provides not‐for‐profit aging services professionals with leadership development experiences that will transform them, the organizations they serve and the field of aging. Vision: The LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy will be a premier and accessible regional resource for developing leaders who will inspire innovative practices in the field of aging. Values: Authenticity: Exploring our own leadership voices, based on personal values and self‐discovery. Stewardship: Expecting that each of us will share our time and talent to move the field forward in a progressive and ethical direction. Person‐Centeredness: Honoring the unique gifts of ourselves and others. Integrity: Holding ourselves, our colleagues and our organizations to a high standard of honesty, excellence and accountability. Respect: Demonstrating a willingness to hear all perspectives and consider opposing viewpoints. Engagement: Cultivating a passion for life‐long learning, collaboration and being fully present. “The Leadership Academy has been the single most inspiring and motivational program that I have had the privilege of participating in. I have met such amazing people and look forward to continuing the relationships for years to come.” ~ Debra Samorajczyk, Administrator, Wesley Village—Bishop Wicke Health Center, Connecticut Leadership Academy Fellow (2013) “The Leadership Academy provides the tools for a lifetime of personal growth.” ~ Thomas Hayden, Music Therapist, Alzheimer’s Resource Center, Connecticut Leadership Academy Fellow (2014) LEADINGAGE CONNECTICUT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY “Strong leadership cannot exist only at the very top. A hallmark of high impact not‐for‐profit organizations is a commitment to empower others, extending leadership development throughout the entire organization. I myself have participated in the National Leadership Academy and have supported three other alums from our organization. The skills that this program emphasizes are perfectly matched for not‐for‐profits who hope to increase the impact they will have in this field of aging services. As a direct result of participating in the Leadership Academy, our organization has improved the lives of people affected by dementia, the delivery of our services, our connectivity on a national level as a resource, and our commitment to create evidence based practices. “ ~ Michael J. Smith, President and CEO of Alzheimer’s Resource Center of Connecticut, Leadership Academy Alumni Fellow (2009) and Organizational Sponsor LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy Schedule and Themes: Participants will engage in four small face‐to‐face customized learning experiences that will include visits to LeadingAge Connecticut member communities, conversations with aging services leaders and self exploration of leadership styles through exercises and readings. All sessions will be held in state and will encompass one overnight stay during session two. The selected dates and themes for the 2015 LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy are as follows: Session 1: Discovering Authentic Leadership January 15 and 16, 2015 This session will focus on the exploration of personal values; developing our moral compass and self‐reflective leadership practices; understanding social styles and crucibles of leadership; finding our leadership voice and the confidence to transform our organizations. Session 2: Empowering and Inspiring Teams March 5 and March 6, 2015 This session will focus on creating environments which encourage others, fostering collective visions for the future, developing trust, and building strong, committed teams within our organizations. Session 3: Becoming Organizational Change Agents June 4 and June 5, 2015 This session will focus on creating learning organizations, understanding the principles of person‐centeredness with residents and staff, adopting the concept of adaptive leadership, encouraging balance and renewal, fostering creativity and innovation, and changing organizational cultures. Session 4: Building Relationships and Partnerships September 10 and 11, 2015 This session will underscore the importance of relationship development, using our emotional intelligence, advocating for our organizations and the people they serve, forging partnerships outside the walls of our communities, and learning the best practices of other organizations. LEADINGAGE CONNECTICUT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Are You the Right Candidate for the Leadership Academy? The program is available to anyone who works for a LeadingAge Connecticut member, a LeadingAge Rhode Island member, or who is a LeadingAge Connecticut education member. It is far more important for a candidate to demonstrate leadership potential within their organization than it is for them to carry specific job titles. Are You the Right Candidate for the Leadership Academy? Once enrolled in the program, you must commit to attending all four two‐day sessions and should plan on spending The program is available to anyone who works for a LeadingAge Connecticut member, a LeadingAge Rhode Island member, or who is a LeadingAge Connecticut education member. It is far more important for a candidate to between ten to fifteen hours a month working on LeadingAge Leadership academy program activities and readings. demonstrate leadership potential within their organization than it is for them to carry specific job titles. You will need access to a personal computer for regular e‐mail contacts and to participate in the on‐line community forum. Once enrolled in the program, you must commit to attending all four two‐day sessions and should plan on spending between ten to fifteen hours a month working on LeadingAge Leadership academy program activities and readings. If at any time a fellow’s employment status changes, they are no longer employed by the supporting organization or You will need access to a personal computer for regular e‐mail contacts and to participate in the on‐line community they fail to meet any of the program’s eligibility criteria, continued participation in the Leadership Academy is subject forum. to review by LeadingAge Connecticut. If at any time a fellow’s employment status changes, they are no longer employed by the supporting organization or they fail to meet any of the program’s eligibility criteria, continued participation in the Leadership Academy is subject Tuition and Expenses to review by LeadingAge Connecticut. Each fellow’s employer is responsible for a $2,500 non‐refundable tuition payment and any related expenses including Tuition and Expenses travel to the in‐state face‐to‐face sessions. Please plan on attending one overnight stay for session two. The overnight accommodations expense is included in the tuition. Each fellow’s employer is responsible for a $2,500 non‐refundable tuition payment and any related expenses including travel to the in‐state face‐to‐face sessions. Please plan on attending one overnight stay for session two. The overnight LeadingAge Connecticut will provide each fellow with all required reading materials as well as complimentary accommodations expense is included in the tuition. registration to the 2015 LeadingAge Connecticut EXPO and 2015 LeadingAge Connecticut Annual Meeting. These dates are May 13, 2015 and October 13, 2015 at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville, CT. LeadingAge Connecticut Fellows should LeadingAge Connecticut will provide each fellow with all required reading materials as well as complimentary plan to attend both events. registration to the 2015 LeadingAge Connecticut EXPO and 2015 LeadingAge Connecticut Annual Meeting. These dates are May 13, 2015 and October 13, 2015 at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville, CT. LeadingAge Connecticut Fellows should plan to attend both events. Application Timeline Application Timeline Completed applications must be submitted no later than November 14, 2014. Applications that fail to meet all guidelines or are incomplete will not be considered for review. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance into Completed applications must be submitted no later than November 14, 2014. Applications that fail to meet all the program by mid‐December. guidelines or are incomplete will not be considered for review. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance into the program by mid‐December. The Application Evaluation Process The Application Evaluation Process All application submissions will be carefully reviewed to ultimately assemble a diverse class of fellows, including life experience, leadership roles, work experience, geography, type of organization, as well as other unique characteristics. All application submissions will be carefully reviewed to ultimately assemble a diverse class of fellows, including life experience, leadership roles, work experience, geography, type of organization, as well as other unique characteristics. An application review will evaluate applications using the following criteria: An application review will evaluate applications using the following criteria: How well defined, insightful and introspective are the leadership essays? How well defined, insightful and introspective are the leadership essays? How well does the applicant demonstrate a personal commitment to the field of aging services? How well does the applicant demonstrate a personal commitment to the field of aging services? How well does the applicant demonstrate a dedication to life‐long learning? How well does the applicant demonstrate a dedication to life‐long learning? The LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy is Endorsed by The LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy is Endorsed by LEADINGAGE CONNECTICUT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY LEADINGAGE CONNECTICUT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Application General Contact Information Name : __________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer : _______________________________________________________________________________________ Position / Title : ___________________________________________________________________________________ Business Mailing Address : __________________________________________________________________________ City : _____________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ________________________ Home Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _______________________ Business Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Email for Communication: __________________________________________________________________ Food Allergies: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsoring Organization’s Commitment If selected, the fellow’s community agrees to: Provide tuition and travel costs associated with the program. Allow adequate time for the completion of assignments that will enhance the understanding and application of the content areas of each session. Allow the fellow time to connect with his or her coach and actively participate in learning activities, including the four two‐day learning sessions. Sponsor’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Sponsor’s name and title: _____________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Commitment If selected, the fellow agrees to: Attend and actively participate in each of the four two‐day learning sessions. Complete assignments to enhance the understanding and application of the content areas. Actively participate in the on‐line community forum and monthly conference calls with your team and assigned coach. Connect monthly with your coach to discuss assignments and additional professional development opportunities. Applicant’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________ Printed Applicant’s name: ___________________________________________________________________________ LEADINGAGE CONNECTICUT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Application Requirements Please submit the following information along with your completed application. We are not able to review incomplete applications. A resume or brief description of your work experience, educational background and other pertinent information. (Please limit you submission to no more than two pages.) A brief description of your experience in the field of aging services and the responsibilities associated with your current position. (Please limit your submission to no more than one page.) Two brief essays on the following topics: Please make sure you provide enough information to give the selection committee insight into your experience and desire to be part of this program. One or two sentence answers are not recommended. 1. Describe your personal commitment to the field of aging services, share your journey into the field and illustrate your vision for the future of aging services. Feel free to refer to a significant personal or professional achievement, your specific role in attaining that achievement and/or the impact it had on you or your organization. (Please limit your essay to no more than 750 words.) 2. Describe the perspective and knowledge that you hope to acquire as a result of your participation in this leadership program. Feel free to express how this program might enhance the leadership qualities and/or abilities you already possess. (Please limit your essay to no more than 500 words.) Two professional letters of reference. We suggest approaching selected references early in the process to ensure they are completed prior to the application deadline. Questions and Additional Information For additional information regarding LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy or for questions regarding the application process, please contact Andrea Bellofiore at LeadingAge Connecticut, 203‐678‐4477 or abellofiore@leadingagect.org. Please return completed applications by November 14, 2014 to: Andrea Bellofiore LeadingAge Connecticut Leadership Academy 110 Barnes Road Wallingford, CT 06492 “The Leadership Academy has offered me the inspiration and support of an industry full of potential for growth. I have found my voice and I intend to use that voice to make everyday better for my community.” ~ Connecticut Leadership Academy Fellow (2014) LEADINGAGE CONNECTICUT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Past fellows describe the Leadership Academy as... Empowering Inspiring Challenging Energizing Unforgettable 2013 Leadership Academy Introspective Interactive Supportive Motivational Fun Transformative Informative Enlightening Affirming Eye opening 2014 Leadership Academy “The program provided an opportunity to learn through traditional learning tools like books, self reflection, and through site visits to meet and observe leaders and other aging service provides. In addition I learned from my peers in the class. One of the biggest surprises for me was what I had to offer to other leaders in the program. We all benefited from each others experiences and knowledge. I walked away from every session overflowing with energy and desire to grow as a leader and to do more for my community and my seniors. There are not enough words to express my feelings of gratitude for having had the honor to attend, or for the leadership growth I gained during my time in Leadership Academy.” ~ Kathy Mon, Vice President and COO, Hebrew Health Care, Leadership Academy Alumni Fellow (2007) “I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to participate in LeadingAge. I am inspired by our coaches and the other fellows to continue my personal growth and encourage innovation and development to my workspace and the larger community. The resources and networking opportunities are opening doors and possibilities that I am so excited to explore and foster. Thank you for this unique and enriching opportunity!” ~ Vanessa Falzarano, Therapeutic Recreation Director, Alzheimer’s Resource Center, Connecticut Leadership Academy Fellow (2013) LEADINGAGE CONNECTICUT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY 1340Barnes Worthington Ridge, berlin, 06037 110 Road, Wallingford, CTCT 06492 www.leadingagect.com L e a d i n g a g e C O n n e C T i C U T L e a d e R S H i P a C a d e M Y
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