AIM HIGH 6th May 2015 Phone: 5541 6111 Fax: 5541 6100 Email: PRINCIPAL’S PEN Parent/Teacher Interviews Thank you to all our parents who have scheduled times for a Parent/Teacher Interview. It’s so important for us to work together. Many teachers have communicated that their interviews have been well attended, extremely productive and that parents are enthusiastic to support their child’s learning however they can. This support enables our school efforts to be maximised and increases the likelihood of success at school for the child. It’s obvious that many of our parents understand and appreciate this investment. We truly appreciate your effort and commitment in partnering with us. Canungra State School’s Green Team featuring on ‘The Great South East’ Tomorrow we will be visited by the film crew of the Channel 7 program ‘The Great South East’. They are coming to film and interview members of our Green Team for a brief segment that will be aired sometime in 2015. They are interested in the work that The Green Team undertake and the story around how they went about winning the Healthy Waterways ‘Water Warrior’ Award in 2014. This is a wonderful opportunity for The Green Team and Canungra State School. Congratulations ‘Green Team’! (members past and present) Your effort and commitment deserves recognition and celebration. I feel totally privileged to work alongside such amazingly wise, caring and dedicated people. Canungra State School is so very fortunate to have you. P&C Mothers’ Day Stall On Thursday and Friday this week all students will get the opportunity to visit the P&C’s Mothers’ Day Stall. Gifts will range in price from $1.50 to approx. $11.20. I’d like to thank the P&C for their work coordinating the stall. We are very blessed to have a handful of very generous and kind people who volunteer their time and effort to organise these events. Thank you P&C! I’d also like to wish all Canungra SS mums a very Happy Mothers’ Day for Sunday. NAPLAN testing time again Next week, Tuesday 12.05.15, Wednesday 13.05.15 and Thursday 14.05.15 our Year 3 and Year 5 students will participate in the annual National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests will be conducted in all state and non-state schools across the country from 12–14 May. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests -1- are just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can. We would request that you ensure your child arrives before 8:50am so they can commence the tests on time and avoid that flustered feeling when running late. Further NAPLAN information for parents and carers is available online. Please contact the school if you have any questions about your child participating in NAPLAN testing. Sheree Maksoud Principal STUDENT OF THE WEEK Emma (6B) for being a hardworking and conscientious student who strives to do her best at all times. Emma’s a pleasure to teach. Thank you Shelby from inStyle Hairdressing for donating a “free haircut” to our “Student of the Week”. STUDENT ABSENTEE LINE PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If your child is going to be absent please leave a detailed message on our direct Absentee line to the Administration Office on: 5541 6166. Thankyou. CLASS AWARDS Charlotte (5A) for working extremely well in reading group for Mrs Campbell. Ben (6A) for consistent effort and solid progress. Well done. Dylan (6A) for being a consistently enthusiastic class member. Connor (5A) working extremely well in reading group for Mrs Campbell. Kaylia (4B) for great improvements in maths mentals. Samuel (1B) for also trying hard in class. Saraya (5B) for working efficiently in class. Well done. Tahlia (6A) for trying hard to stay focused and on task. Zack (2A) for improved work habitsstaying focussed completing tasks. Maddison (4A) for always trying her best at all tasks. Saje (1A) for fluent and expressive oral reading. Kailee (6B) for being a keen and conscientious student. -2- Zane (2B) for his fantastic effort and attitude towards learning. Eamon (Prep A) for hard work on his sight words. Tessa (Prep B) for her interesting and informative talk about her dog Diesel. Brock (3A) being a polite and courteous class member. Charlee (3B) for homework that is neat, tidy and very well presented. Jett (5A) for making a great start at his new school. Well done Jett. Sala & Alyssa (6B) for being amazing Playground Leaders and entertaining the Preps during a wet lunch. PARADE CLASS AWARD: 3B PLAYGROUND AWARD Miranda (Prep A) for being helpful and co-operative play. NUDE FOOD AWARDS This week’s NUDE FOOD Awards were given to the following students. Mother’s Day Stall NUDE FOOD NINJAS • • • • • • • The P & C holds a Mother’s Day Stall every year for the children to purchase Mum, Grandparent or Carer, a gift for Mother’s Day. Amber (1B) Luke (2A) Regan (1A) Daisy (PA) Alex (PA) Nixon (PA) James D (PB) The P & C does not make much profit on this occasion and it is offered as a service for the children to have an opportunity to buy something for the important person in their life. NEWSPAPER DRAW NO. 13 Mistake/s: __________________________ The children look forward to this event with great enthusiasm for the chance to be able to get something for their mum or carer, to show they care. Gift prices range from $1.50 to $12.00. ________________________ Page: ____ Name: Yr Level _________________________ _______ _________________________ _______ _________________________ _______ _________________________ _______ The Mother’s Day stall is on this Thursday 7th May. Helpers are urgently needed please contact Ken Wakefield on 0407691852. Parent’s Signature: _______________________ OVERDUE FEES For those people that are on a payment plan, camp fees are now due. Find the mistake/s in the newsletter and drop entry into the box in office foyer before next Tuesday 12th May to be in the draw for a $5 tuckshop voucher family/frog pencil. Congratulations: Holly & Jordan (3A) for winning our tuckshop voucher & Jayden (3A) for winning the pencil for finding the mistake Gardening Club next week SARABAH -3- Several people have not paid for swimming please pay fees as soon as possible. Unpaid accounts places unexpected stress on our budget for the year. We would appreciate your immediate attention to paying these outstanding accounts. opportunity to learn and have fun at the same time. Each week there will be a quiz and activity for students to complete. Students can then write their name, class and the answer to the quiz on a piece of paper and put that in the box provided in the office. Then on parade each week one lucky winner’s name will be pulled from the box and receive a prize. GREEN TEAM Red Team will be selling fresh vegetables before/after parade every week. SENIOR SHIRTS We have 1 extra Senior Shirt available to purchase - $42. Instrumental Music Junior Band (Yr 4& 5) – Students in Junior Band will commence before school band rehearsals tomorrow. This will be in the hall from 8.00am till 8.40am. It is best if students are here by about 7.50 so they are ready to start at 8.00am. Family Reading Month is here! If you haven’t already started recording your family’s reading times for May it is not too late! Start today! If you don’t have the form that was included in last week’s newsletter come and see us at the library for another one. There will be two prizes for reading: • one for the most time read by a family and • one for a draw of all those who families participated in the month of reading. Congratulations to our Reading Super Hero for this week, Will 6B. Happy Reading to all of you! Kathy Hodges, Trish O’Connell and Donna Morgan. DEPUTY’S DEN Sensei’s Corner Thanks again to our wonderful LOTE teacher, Mrs Jo Fullerton, for organising Sensei’s Corner, a newsletter competition which provides all students with the -4- Senior Band (Yr 6) – Senior Band will still have band rehearsals at 8.00am before school even though the parade time has changed. Uniform Policy As stated in our Parent Handbook, Canungra State School, has a Dress Code which has been created in consultation with the P & C. Please see below: Headwear: * Bottle green hat with yellow school emblem. Footwear: * Enclosed shoes and socks. (Colour of shoes and socks is not prescribed). Uniform: * School dress, or * School shirt – must have a school or school sport’s house emblem and bottle green shorts/culottes/track pants * School jerseys (must have the school emblem) * School jumpers (must have the school * emblem) School jackets (must have the school emblem) Interhouse Sport Uniform: GIRLS: BOYS: Bottle green culottes or shorts with the appropriate coloured house T-shirt with Sport’s house emblem. Bottle green shorts with the appropriate coloured house t-shirt. Parents, we ask that you ensure your children are wearing the school uniform at all times. If there are valid reasons as to why they are not (e.g. ripped/torn clothes) please ensure the school is notified. If there are financial constraints, please don’t hesitate to contact either myself or Mrs Maksoud. Uniform Shop hours Friday: 8am – 8.50am. Bike Safety to and from school Parents if your child rides a bike/scooter to and from school can you please do a little reminder talk with them about being safe. This could include wearing a helmet, slowing down, being aware of pedestrians and road safety. 2 Minute Parking Area at Front of School We have three allocated 2 Minute drop off/pick up car spaces at the front of the school. Parents can you please try and keep this in mind when dropping off and picking up your child/ren. If everybody follows this then the spaces can be utilised effectively. Say g’day to Jay South Queensland concert tour East -5- Children’s entertainer Jay Laga’aia will be performing free family shows throughout South East Queensland to promote the importance of kindergarten. The Say g’day to Jay Kindy Concerts will visit the Gold Coast, Logan, Kingaroy, Toowoomba, Caboolture and South Bank Parklands in Brisbane from 16 to 23 May. Tickets are free but you have to secure a spot online. Visit for details. Senseis Corner Winner Kayla 3A. Have a great week! Ms Dare CHANGE OF DETAILS FORM We still have lots of students who HAVE NOT RETURNED THE CHANGE OF DETAILS FORM and we still have many incorrect phone numbers on our system Every family must return the form. Please do so as soon as possible. If you have misplaced the form you can obtain one from the administration office. Monday 4/5 – 8/5 * Parent Teacher interviews Thursday 7/5 * * 6B Bunnings Visit Mother’s Day Stall Friday 7/5 * Mother’s Day Stall Tuesday 12/5 * NAPLAN Testing Yr3 & 5 (Language Conventions & Writing) Wednesday 13/5 * NAPLAN Testing Yr3 & 5 (Reading) Thursday 14/5 * NAPLAN Testing Yr3 & 5 (Numeracy) Friday 15/5 * Moriarty Park Disco –PYJAMA PARTY Monday 18/5 * 1-3pm Terry Cornish (Assistant Regional Director) Meeting with Mrs Maksoud Wednesday 20/5 * * * * Broadwater District Cross Country Trials (Runaway Bay) 9.30am Pirate Secret Treasure Show – Prep 3-4.30pm Canungra SS Teachers attending Nerang Alliance Meeting (Worongary SS) 3.30-7pm Nerang State High School Open Night Tuesday 26/5 * 3pm P & C Meeting (Library) Wednesday 27/5 * State of Origin – Game 1 (GO THE MAROONS!) Friday 5/6 * First Friday Mass Church visit Saturday 6/6 * Queensland Day SENSEI’S CORNER – TERM 2 2015 Wk Sensei’s questions Hint Activity of the week 13 What is the currency for Japan? Hint: http://japan m/japanes e-money Have you seen Japanese money before? If not have a look at this site: -6- Learn how to ask the price of something in Japanese through this song: panese.htm Important Messages from the Coordinator: YMCA is having a renovation make over, with new equipment and furniture. I hope that all of the children and families that attend YMCA OSHC will be impressed with our new environment. All suggestions and feedback will be appreciated as we aim to set up a safe, secure and supportive environment for our children. Please note, any cancellations to bookings must be made by Friday the week prior to avoid charges. What we’ve been doing: The children at YMCA participated in many activities such as; cooking, clay sculptures, poems and painting. YMCA Canungra OSHC P: 07 5543 5619 M: 0427 489 862 Inspired by our country of the month, the children have created Papua New Guinea flags and have made yellow savoury muffins to represent the Bird of Paradise on the nation’s flag. Email: Be Quick, Book in your Children to experience the excitement and Fun filled afternoon YMCA has every day. Join us next week for: Are you interested in attending a 1 hour sports coaching session at YMCA on every Tuesday afternoon? Cost is only $40 for a 6 week program. Or you can opt for $7.50 per session. This term the sports will be all about AFL and NRL ball sports as this is what the children have chosen. Please book in your children ASAP as numbers are filling fast. We have also started our new Country of The Month for May. Welcome to Papua New Guinea. Suggested by Lawrence and inspired by our ANZAC commemorations. Come and join us while we explore the culture and foods that Papua New Guinea has to offer. -7-
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