Dr Kenza Abdulhadi Mansoor

Dr Kenza Abdulhadi Mansoor
BSc Pharm, PhD
Amman - Jordan
Email: kenza.mansoor@yahoo.com
: High School (Islamic Educational Collage, Average= 93%)
: BSc in Pharmacy (University of Petra, Rated Very Good)
: PhD in Pharmacognosy & Phytotherapy (School of Pharmacy
& Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, UK)
Title of Thesis
: Formulation, Stability Testing and Phytochemical Analysis of
Herbal Cosmeceuticals
Professional & Administrative Experience
: Chief Pharmacist, Al-Hikma Modern Hospital, Zarqa, Jordan
: Teaching Assistant, School of Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, UK
: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy & Medical
Sciences, AAU, Amman, Jordan
: Dean's Assistant for Quality Assurance Affairs, Faculty of
Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, AAU, Amman, Jordan
: Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, AAU, Amman, Jordan
Teaching Experience
: Phytotherapy for 4th & 5th year students, Faculty of Pharmacy
& Medical Sciences, AAU, Amman, Jordan
: Phytochemistry (practical) for 3rd year students, Faculty of
Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, AAU, Amman, Jordan
: Pharmacognosy (Theoretical & practical) for 3rd year students,
Faculty of Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, AAU, Amman, Jordan
: Medicinal chemistry for 3rd year students, School of Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, UK
: Forensic sciences for 3rd year students, School of Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, UK
Curriculum Vitae: Dr. K. A. Mansoor -1-
- Proanthocyanidins from Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and their radical scavenging activity,
Pharmaceutical Biology, 2011 49(5):471-6
- Polyphenols from Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, Scientica Pharmaceutica, 2010 28;78(4):897907
- Gas Chromatography: Terpinoids ,Encyclopaedia of Separation Science, Elsevier, Academic
Press, 2007, volume 1, pages 1-10
- Antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidins from Cistus salvifolius, Natural Product Research,
2006 20 (13):1216-24
- Stability of Australian tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) individually and in combination with
topical O/W emulsions, 36th International Symposium of Essential Oils, Budapest,2005
- Antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidins from Cistus salvifolius, 54th Annual Congress on
Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki, 2006 (Delivered)
- Stability of curcuminoids in Javanese turmeric (C. xanthorrhiza) extract formulated into O/W
emulsions ,The Jordanian International Pharmaceutical Conference, Al-Zaytoonah Private
University of Jordan, 2006 (Delivered)
- Stability of salicin and proanthocyanidins in willow bark (Salix alba) extract formulated into
O/W emulsions, The First Regional Scientific Conference on Traditional Arabic and Islamic
Medicine, Amman, Jordan, 2007 (Delivered)
- Microbiological Determination of Pure and Formulated Tea Tree Oil and α-Terpineol, Arab
Pharmacists Conference, Amman, Jordan, 2008 (Delivered)
- A review of phyto-therapeutic hypoglycaemic agents, First Scientific Day for the Faculty of
Nursing "Advanced Care in Diabetic Management", Amman, Jordan, 2009 (Delivered)
- Self Assessment & Continuous improvement, Implementation of Quality Assurance (QA) in
AAU Workshop, Amman, Jordan, 2010 (Delivered)
- Contraindications of natural drugs during pregnancy, 2nd Scientific day of Pharmaceutical
Association "Pharmacy is a pivotal profession in community health", Zarqa, Jordan 2011
- Jordan International Pharmaceutical Conference, Al-Zaytoonah University, 2008 (Attended)
- SRTD Final Conference & Exhibition, Amman, Jordan, 2010 (Attended)
- Internationalisation and QA: Connecting European and Global experiences, Brussels, 2011
- Radiation Safety Awareness Course, Manchester, UK, 2005
- Accreditation & Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Amman, Jordan, 2008
- Self- Evaluation Study Procedures, Amman, Jordan, 2009
- Initial Liaison Officer Training, Amman, Jordan, 2009
Curriculum Vitae: Dr. K. A. Mansoor -2-
- Framework Programme 7 Advisor, Amman, Jordan, 2009
- FP7 Proposal Evaluation/ How to Become an Evaluator, Amman, Jordan, 2009
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education, Amman, Jordan, 2010
- Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers in Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 2011
Tempus grant, which is one of a number of European Community programmes designed to help th
process of social and economic reform and/or development in the partner countries, 2004
- University of Manchester Alumni, UK
- Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), Germany
- Society of Cosmetic Chemists, USA
- Phytochemical Society of Europe, UK
- Jordanian Pharmaceutical Association, Amman, Jordan
- Jordan Manufacturer Association, Amman, Jordan
- Liaison Officer, The Higher council for Science & Technology, Al-Hassan Science City,
Amman, Jordan
- Jordan Society for Scientific Research (JSSR), Amman, Jordan
- Jordan Society for Quality Assurance, Amman, Jordan
Al-Ahliyya Amman University Memberships\ Committees
- Quality Assurance Council, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- Inspection & Auditing Unit, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- Faculty Council, Faculty of Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- E-learning Committee, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- Scientific Committee, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- Library Committee, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- Social Work Committee, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- Teaching Evaluation Program Committee, AAU, Amman, Jordan
- Steering Comittee of the 5th Scientific Day: Good Practice in Medical Proffessions, Al-Ahliyya
Amman University, Amman, Jordan, 4th, May 2010
- Steering Comittee of the 4th International Conference on Health Care: Towards Excellence in
Health Care, Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Amman, Jordan, 4th-5th May 2011
- Toxic & side effects of natural drugs
- Stability of essential oils and plant extracts (crude & formulated)
- Essential oil-containing natural drugs
Curriculum Vitae: Dr. K. A. Mansoor -3-
- Phytochemical analysis of natural drugs and their biological activities
- Professor George Brian Lockwood
Email: brian.lockwood@manchester.ac.uk
-Professor Maher Saleem
Email: president.office@meu.edu.jo
Curriculum Vitae: Dr. K. A. Mansoor -4-