SCOTTSDALE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PROCLAIMING THE WORD OF GOD WITHOUT APOLOGY! 4/3-6 EASTER BREAK 4/7 Elementary Olympics, Grades 1-3, 8:15-10:30 AM 4/8 Elementary Olympics, Grades 4-5, 11:30 AM-2:30 PM 4/9 STO Workshop, Academy Conference Room, 8:00 AM & 6:00 PM 4/9 ACSI Band Festival 4/13-17 TerraNova Testing, Grades 1-5 4/17 Kindergarten Elegant Day, Rooms 402, 506, 405 9:00-10:00 AM 4/20-24 TerraNova Makeups 4/22 FUNd Run, PK-Grade 5, 8:15-11:15 AM 4/22 Early Dismissal, 11:30 AM 4/28 4th/5th Spring Choir Musical, Fine Arts Courtyard, 7:00 PM Dear Parents of 5th Graders, We are so excited to have you become a part of the SCA Middle School next year. With this in mind, we would like to invite you to take part in an opportunity to learn more about the Middle School including the Middle School philosophy, 6th grade courses, extra-curricular opportunities, and much more. Rather than our traditional one evening event, we are now offering four different time slots to create a more personalized environment for questions and to better meet your scheduling needs. The event dates are as follows: April 1 6:30 PM April 7 6:30 PM April 8 2:00 PM April 10 8:15 AM Please register online at: 4/9-10 Phoenix Zoo Sleepover Grade 3 4/10 4/23 Discover Southern Arizona Grade 4 6:15 AM-10:00 PM Butterfly Wonderland Grade 1 10:00-11:30 AM We look forward to meeting and partnering with you and your student! Mr. Jeremy Richards, MS Principal/Dean of Students Mrs. Nichole Jones, Director of Student Services Miss Jeannine Graden, Academic and College Advisor Each month my desire is to share with you some of the things God is teaching me about Himself and what that means to us at SCA. As a school “family”, we wrestle with many of the same things you wrestle with in your own family. We have high expectations for one another, we spend a considerable amount of time together, and we share limited space. Consequently, we rub up against each other. Whether that rub is sandpaper or velvet can largely be determined by how deeply we commit to “keep the unity” as Paul teaches in Ephesians 4. When questions or concerns come up (and they will), there is a right way to handle them. Whether the problems relate to the classroom, playground, parking lot, or other concerns, following the Matthew 18 principle is God’s way to air concerns and solve problems. Conflict can result in wonderful blessings. It is certainly acceptable to question things and make suggestions. At the same time, it is vital you support the school as indicated in the SCA Parental Support Commitment Form you sign each year. It will help if you can remember these things: uccess (academic and spiritual) for your child is our #1 objective. nderstand you don’t always have the “big picture”. A huge thanks goes to Mrs. Moy who always donates a book to the library in honor of anyone who reads 1,000,000 words. Logan Evans just made it into the 1,000,000 Word Club. He chose Riley Mack by Chris Grabenstein. Shelby Seger has read over 2,000,000 words this year! She chose Spirit Fighter by Jarel Law. Jacob Taves has read over 4.000,000 words this year! He chose the book Public School Superhero by James Patterson. Congratulations to our superstar readers! Does your child have a birthday coming soon, or a special occasion you want to celebrate? Please consider purchasing a Celebration Book for our library. For more information stop by the library or call Gayle Grant at X1030. ray for a new perspective...God’s perspective. atiently wait because changes are not instantaneous. nly God is perfect 100% of the time — we all fall short and need to extend forgiveness to one another. espect authority and share concerns in an appropriate manner. rust God and thank Him for the results no matter what! Serving Him, Sheri Moy Accreditation Update As a school, we are nearing the end of the accreditation process. We are creating goals for our school improvement plan, and gathering the last of our data for the self -study. Although the external team will not be making the official visit until next October, we recently met with the team chair and received a stellar report on our progress to date. We are on schedule to finish the process by the end of this school year. This will allow us time before the external team visits to check over the report, make any changes necessary, and prepare for their visit. Overall, this has been a great and healthy process for SCA. The newest members of the Million Word Club are (left to right): Shelby Seger Logan Evans Jacob Taves 2 Million Words 1 Million Words 4 Million Words Elementary students in Grades K-5 meet in the gym on Thursdays, 9:35-10:25 AM. Parents are welcome to attend! The following schedule indicates who will be leading the chapel. April 2 All School Easter Chapel, 1:30 PM April 8 Mrs. McArthur (Wednesday instead of Thursday) April 16 NO CHAPEL April 23 Mr. Goldsmith April 30 Bible Buddies (in classrooms) Spring is here and things are really moving! Thank you to everyone for all the help and donations, you have really helped to make our program special for the children. It so hard to believe spring is here and we only have a couple months left! Our last early-release day is on April 22. Please keep an eye out for that form as there will be some info on there you will want to know (Water Day!). Thank you again to those generous donations. We are always still on the lookout for a couple things: ·Nintendo Wii games (Rated E or Ec) ·Newer children’s G-rated movies (We already have all the classics. Disney, Pixar, etc. are great.) God Bless, Aftercare Director 602-992-5100 Ext. 31206 Author of the book Pete and His Gigantic Feet, Carrie Von Steeg, visited SCA on March 16. She shared with our students the experience of getting her book published and talked to them about the writing process. On April 29th from 1:30-2:45 PM, our 5th grade students will get to enjoy the SCA Middle School experience. Current 6th graders along with key members of the Middle School team will welcome the 5th graders and give them a “taste” of what Middle School next year will be like. There will also be a social time with fun games and snacks. TerraNova, Third Edition TerraNova Tests will be administered to students in Grades 1-5 April 13-17, 2015. Make -up tests for students who were ill during testing will be April 20-24. We want our students to do their very best. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s rest each night. Also, it is very important that students arrive on time! Testing will begin right after teachers take their attendance and lunch count. If your child arrives after testing has begun, he/she will sit in the office until the class finishes that test. Each child also needs to bring two #2 sharpened pencils to school. No homework will be given during the week of testing. Please send a nutritious snack each day for your child to eat during break time. Fruit is always a good choice. Studies show a healthy breakfast can also give students an advantage in testing. “Christian School Educator” states: “We need to remember that an achievement test is a snapshot of achievement in any given year. It has been said that an achievement test is a mile wide and an inch deep. Although many of the items effectively test critical thinking skills, we are also measuring a sampling of the entire range of material that is taught in a school year.” Situations in and outside the school setting can affect the way a student performs on a test. Whether it is fatigue, family issues, or the world crises, students are influenced by numerous factors. Please send your students to school in a happy frame of mind, and we will do all we can to provide the right environment for them to feel successful. Let’s try to limit classroom interruptions (dental appointments, forgotten lunches, etc.) We’re looking forward to a great couple of weeks. We anticipate being able to mail results to you in June. The ACSI Art Fair was held at Redeemer Christian School on March 6. As you can see, SCA students did an outstanding job! Kindergarten Superior Grey Zwarg Olivia Hanson Nola Bynum Grade 1 Superior Emma Whitfill Sadie Olson Giovanna Gage Hannah Lopez Ayden Simedru Excellent Kaiya Wesley Grade 2 Best of Show Madison Osuch Superior Gracie Butt Andrew Nutting Gianna Kordylas Joanna Llusco Excellent Connor Callaway Excellent Madison Osuch Elsie Braumberger Grade 3 Superior Sofia Lopez Jaeden Brucklier Rachel Herd Excellent Nolan Dickerson Maya Camas Good Oliva Rukas Grade 5 Best of Show Kyrene Lee Superior Molly Ahrenholtz Annabelle Kemberling Lily Richardson Annie Drye Kyrene Lee Grade 4 Superior London Roe Amaya Wood Alexis Simedru Excellent Isabella Anderson Christiana Wamsley Excellent Ethan Bush Danny Lewis Carsen Culiver After competing with 1,183 students from 45 schools across the region in the ACSI Math by Mail Competition, thirteen of our elementary students qualified to participate in the ACSI Math Olympics on March 6. All thirteen students placed in the competition. 3rd Grade Computation Stas Jergensen Jonathan Kenders Astor Stave 2nd Place 5th Place (tie) 5th Place (tie) 3rd Grade Reasoning Luke Richardson Rachel Herd Isabelle Miller 1st Place (tie) 3rd Place 4th Place 4th Grade Computation Charlie Gerut 4th Place 4th Grade Reasoning Anthony Zwarg Elyse LaVallee 1st Place 2nd Place 5th Grade Computation Marley Dickerson Matthew Buresh 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Grade Reasoning Landry Dyer Jack Montgomery 1st Place 2nd Place We are so proud of these students for using the gifts God has blessed them with to glorify Him! Back Row: Jonathan Kenders, Luke Richardson, Marley Dickerson, Jack Montgomery, Matthew Buresh Center Row: Anthony Zwarg, Charlie Gerut Front Row: Stas Jergensen, Astor Stave, Rachel Herd, Isabelle Miller, Landry Dyer, Elyse LaVallee Mr. Aaron Bynum The eight classes will be on June 1-5 and June 8-10 7:00-10:30 AM For Students Entering Grades 5-8 Learn about sports, improve skills, and have fun! Cost: $150 per student Registration Forms are available in Elementary Office. The elementary cheerleaders competed on Saturday, February 28, at the JAMfest cheer competition. The 1st and 2nd grade team as well as the 3rd-5th grade team both took first place in their individual categories. The 3rd-5th grade team received the honor of being named the "Grand Champions" of all of the school teams. Way to go!! DINNER with the ( ) Saturday April 11th Fine Arts Courtyard Dinner 5:15 PM Show 7:00 PM Tickets $45 For tickets contact Karin Suter Marketing Dept. 602-992/5100 ext. 1094 Honor students just finished the second WordMasters Challenge. One fifth grader, Nathan Yee, received a perfect score of 20. Charlie Gerut, a fourth grader, got a score of 18. Four third grade students also earned high scores. Rachel Herd and Noah Robertson got scores of 18, and Stas Jergensen and Nicholas Taves got scores of 19. Now the students are “gearing up” for the last WordMasters Challenge which will be at the end of April. They will have a total of 75 words for this last analogysolving competition. Honor students had fun on our Game Day in March. They were able to apply their thinking skills to some fun activities. Jacqueline Adelmann Annie Drye Milla Gideon Brooke Hancock Nathaniel Kalos Kent Kirchner Aidan McCormick Sedona Nuessle Emma Nutting Reese Okland Namaan Ortega Michael Quartermain Gabby Rushin Molly Ahrenholtz Marley Dickerson Landry Dyer Josiah Hearn Brad Kahla Allyson Lund Andrew Mings Christian Quartermain McKenzie Randall Ntal Richards Lily Richardson Sophia Ross Sophia Smith Baylee Tobin Matthew Buresh Ethan Bush Grace Cernak Carsen Culiver Rana De Chavez Eli Erickson Paris Fransway Corwin Hemmingsen Evan Hopeck GAME DAY FUN! Calli Jackson Taylor Jackson Makenzie Jordan Jack Montgomery Alessia Ramirez Emory Sia Jacob Taves Cole Woods Nathan Yee The AR Party will be Friday, May 15. Any student who has met his/her AR goal all four quarters will be invited to go! Qualifying students will need to meet their fourth quarter AR goals by Wednesday, May 13, to allow time to make last minute arrangements for the party. This year we will have some water fun that includes games, a slip-n-slide, and an obstacle course out on the baseball field. You won’t want to miss it! The following students were the high point achievers in each grade during the second quarter: Grade 2 Bella Jones 24.3 points Grade 3 Logan Evans 73.4 points Grade 4 Sierra Barrett 74.5 points Grade 5 Eli Erickson 101.6 points The following classes had every student meet his/her AR goal in the first quarter: Mrs. Evans’ 2nd Grade Class Mrs. Consalvo’s 3rd Grade Class Mrs. Olson’s 3rd Grade Class Mrs. Sia’s 3rd Grade Class Mrs. MacDowell’s 4th Grade Class 2E: Audrey Buresh, Gracie Butt, James Danz, Ethan Dickerson, Angelo Diedalis, Kendall Fortini, Weston Fundner, Talia Gebran, Doug Hesseltine, Luke Jemmett, Bella Jones, Gianna Kordylas, Lawson LaVallee, Giavella Leto, Robert Nutting, Madison Osuch, Brandon Pearce, Parker Smith, Keira Spina, Tyler Stevenson, Finley Vander Ark 2M: Car son Ander son, Bethany Ando, J onah Battock, Nick Cappelletti, J aden Dufek, Tr evor Gr een, Ber lin Hall, Rober t Hall, Sydney Helton, Nolan Killingsworth, Joanna Llusco, Dominic Lombardo, Jessica Lynne, Preston McCormick, Andrew Nutting, William Nutting, Taylor O’Meara, Naomi Shultz, Joel Simpson, Faith Stultz, Joshua Wistort 3C: Par ker Andr egg, Maya Camas, Nathan Comeaux, Ranielle De Chavez, Chesea Dr ye, Savannah Hill, Savannah Katz, Zander Kemberling, Taylor Lach, Keyah Lee, Sofia Lopez, Seth McClue, Matthew Reimers, Noah Robertson, Olivia Rukas, Greylin Sia, Sophia Sucato-Fuller, Edward Thompson, Breeann Tobin, Katie White 3O: Jovanni Cenerini, Izzy Dafnis, Nolan Dickerson, Avery Erickson, Hope Hand, Maritess Helgeson, Kaylee Henthorn, Jonathan Kenders, Audrey Kurtz, Daulton Lappe, Dylan McIntosh, Zane Mertel, Isabelle Miller, Grant Montgomery, Ana Pahnke, Luke Richardson, Shelby Seger, Hadassah Simedru, Astor Stave, Nick Taves, Owen Watkins, Mackenzie Weston 3S: Kayden Braumber ger , J aeden Br ucklier , Elijah Budiac, Aspen Doust, Logan Evans, Reagan Gage, Matea Gar be, Cole Gassen, Reece Gibson, Briana Haymaker, Rachel Herd, Stas Jergensen, Karis Kirkpatrick, Abi Lund, Alice Martin, Audrey Mings, Avery Okland, RJ Ortiz, Alex Piette, Gabriel Reschreiter, Andrew Trapp, Jacob Trapp 4G: Isabella Ander son, Connor Bynum, Edwar d Chamber s, Nico Djar ir i, Char lie Ger ut, J uliana Hopeck, Ali Kr endick, Max Krendick, Sophia Lane, Elyse LaVallee, Luc Lonsdale, Avery Ostash, London Roe, Brenna Rowland, Hunter Sakowicz, Natalie Scherzer, Alexis Simedru, Sonja Stave, Amaya Wood, Anthony Zwarg 4M: J osh Bailey, Sier r a Bar r ett, Ana Faustinos, Caleb Fielder , Kaitlyn For tini, J onathan Hawks, Collyn J ago, Sophia J ones, Juan Kalemera, Noah McDonald, Ryann McIntosh, Catalina Robison, Will Sandberg, Sophia Simpson, Ella Steffen, Lauren Suru, Coby Tabet, Sarah Wadsworth, Christiana Wamsley, Isabella Woods 5B: J acqueline Adelmann, Ava Andr egg, J ake Br ugman, Annie Dr ye, Aidan Flynn, Milla Gideon, Br ooke Hancock, Annabelle Kemberling, Kent Kirchner, Daniel Lewis, Lauren Markus, Meredyth McClue, Aidan McCormick, Cody Nelson, Sedona Nuessle, Emma Nutting, Reese Okland, Michael Quartermain, Dominik Reschreiter, Joshua Steffen 5D: Molly Ahr enholtz, J oshua Bogosian, Mar ley Dicker son, Landr y Dyer , J osiah Hear n, Br ad Kahla, Allyson Lund, Isabelle Mahoubi, Andrew Mings, Ashley Pearce, Christian Quartermain, McKenzie Randall, Ntal Richards, Lily Richardson, Sophia Ross, Garrison Sherman, Sophia Smith, Nicole Swetonic, Baylee Tobin, Jack Verbarg 5M: Matthew Bur esh, Ethan Bush, Gr ace Cer nak, Car sen Culiver , Rana De Chavez, Eli Er ickson, Par is Fr answay, J ackson Hall, Corwin Hemmingsen, Evan Hopeck, Calli Jackson, Taylor Jackson, Mikayla Jemmett, Makenzie Jordan, Kyrene Lee, Analiese Levinson, Grant Miskovsky, Jack Montgomery, Alessia Ramirez, Emory Sia, Jacob Taves, Cole Woods, Nathan Yee Wednesday, April 22nd, is our annual FUNd Run! Each year, this event helps support the annual fund making the SCA difference possible. The FUNd Run gives ALL elementary students the opportunity to get personally involved in helping their classroom. Our goal is to raise $30,000! Parents…Your child will benefit! Please return the Address Donor Sheet(s) with your oldest elementary student by Monday, April 20, 2015. The support for this project comes from our SCA families, relatives and close friends. We would like to send these special people a personal letter from your student that shares what was accomplished during the walk. We need your help to determine who these key people are! Please provide names and addresses of key people on the blank Address Donor Sheet. Prizes while you walk! With each address submitted, your student’s name will be entered into a drawing for fun prizes at the FUNd Run. Please use the same Address Donor Sheet(s) per family. Each elementary child’s name will be entered into the drawing. Each family who turns in the completed Donor Sheet before the deadline will be eligible to win prizes in a drawing during the FUNd Run! Spirit Shirt Day will be every Friday. Students may wear any official SCA spirit shirts or red, white or blue standard attire shirts. Eagle Shoppe hours are: Monday, Thursday, Friday 7:30 AM—3:30 PM Chase Day – Saturday April 4th Tickets on sale now in the Eagle Shoppe. Come cheer on your SCA Eagles and our Arizona Diamondbacks. It will be a fun family event! Once a month we will have a “Jeans/Athletic Pants Pass Day” to benefit some charitable organization. Students will be able to purchase passes for $3.00 the morning of Jeans Pass Day. In March our donation of $471.80 was sent to Wings of Life. The next Jeans/Athletic Pants Pass Day will be on April 24. Money collected will be donated to Living Streams missionaries to Belize, David and Brittany Stockton. Please note that elementary students are only allowed in The Eagle Shoppe when accompanied by a parent. Attention Moms! are: ► Respectful ► Responsible ► Ready “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!” 1 Corinthians 10:31 Do you worry about your children? Replace your anxiety and fear with peace and hope by praying with other moms. Moms in Prayer International ( brings moms together to pray specifically and scripturally for our children and our school. Won't you join us in prayer for this next generation? When: Thursday mornings from 8:00-9:00 AM Where: Room 1001 (next to The Eagle Shoppe) Contact: Stephanie Meyer for more information 602.485.3517 or "Pour out your hearts like water before the face of the Lord....lift up your hands toward Him for the lives of your children." Lamentations 2:19 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23 The mission of Scottsdale Christian Academy is to maximize the God-given potential of each student, preparing them to live lives of distinction, by impacting the world for Jesus Christ. Core Values guide both the internal and external conduct of the school. They are the nonnegotiable qualities that differentiate the institution as they identify, inspire, galvanize, and determine the school’s highest priorities. CHRISTIAN MATURITY Preparing our students with Christ-centered experiences that by God’s grace lead to spiritual transformation, which enable them to develop a maturing relationship with Jesus Christ. EXCELLENCE Providing a Biblically based accredited curriculum that prepares the student for the challenges of higher education and life-long learning. We seek to serve the developmental needs of the whole student, endeavoring to maximize the student’s God-given potential, which stimulates and cultivates critical thinking and the pursuit of creative expression, in the academics, arts, and athletics. COMMUNITY Cultivating a community of believers, founded on the basis of shared commitment, common union, fellowship and Christ’s love. We value the importance of relationships, as modeled by Christ and his love for others. As we partner together to unify our body of students, parents, faculty and staff, we extend Christ’s love and grace to each other, celebrate each member’s unique God-given abilities, and glorify Jesus Christ. SERVICE Loving our neighbor as ourselves is reflected in an academic community that models and encourages Christ-like character, conduct, accountability, and service to our community and the world. We seek to conduct ourselves with deep care and compassion for all, reflecting faith in action, by being doers of God’s word. Pre-Kindergarten April has arrived, and with it we are beginning to be more like “Big Kids” in many ways. We are almost finished with our individual “Letter of the Week” and will soon be starting to make words and short sentences in our small group time. What a blessing to be in God’s presence with your children every day! In Bible we will be celebrating Jesus’ death and resurrection in many ways! From our “Jumping Up and Down” song with palm branches to our Resurrection Celebration with Easter Story cookies, the joy of Life in Christ was seen throughout our classrooms! After Easter, we will learn about the Bible truths of Joshua and Caleb. Our Science focus brings us to God’s creation and His plan for new life around us. Caterpillars, butterflies, seeds and flowers, all have a part in His plan and our day in Pre-K. We will continue to discuss the season of spring and have a few opportunities to explore worms and plant some seeds to see what happens when we tend to our gardens correctly. In Math, we are learning about one to one correspondence (1-20) and simple addition. We are also investigating similarities and differences in things around us as well as small, medium and large size differences. We are sorting, drawing, counting and graphing every day! In our small group reading time, we will venture into BOB book #2 and see what great adventures we can read about as we learn to read and write some new words! The children are having such a great time putting letters together and discovering how it all works together! We are amazed at God’s wonderful process each and every day! Kindergarten The Kindergartners are on the “MOOOOOVE! We rolled our sleeves up and went down on the farm in March! It was “egg-cellent”! Now it’s time to “spring” forward! We will honor our Savior with a Resurrection Celebration on April 2nd. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross for us! April will bring one of our most exciting events…our very special Elegant Event on the 17th. We will come to school in our finest attire for this event. Classrooms will be transformed into beautiful ballrooms with all the trimmings. Parents are invited to dress up and join us for this fun event, where we introduce our partners, set the table, practice our best manners and a little “waltzing” might be in order! First Grade April Showers bring lovely flowers and butterflies to gather nectar and beautify our world. First graders are learning about God’s plan and purpose for butterflies. We will have the pleasure of observing our own caterpillars develop into adult Painted Lady Butterflies. This is another example of metamorphosis that we learned about earlier this year when we studied insects. We will take a trip to the Butterfly Museum and view the large variety of butterflies and other creatures. In Bible, we will prepare for Easter by studying the week leading up to the crucifixion and the resurrection on Easter Sunday and the events after Jesus rose from the dead and ascended up to Heaven. We will learn the names of the New Testament Books and so much more. April 13-17 we will have a week of testing and know that we are ready for Second Grade. Our Reading and Writing efforts will be in the genre of fairy tales and make believe stories. We will have the pleasure of creating stories to present to our families. In Math we will learn how to measure with a variety of tools using standard and non-standard units of measurement. We will enlarge our vocabulary with many new measurement terms, comparing capacities, weights, distance and the circumference of objects. We are progressing very well in Mad Dog Math. We continue to learn how to classify sentences and write interesting complete sentences. We can recognize sentence fragments and can correct a fragment to make a complete sentence. And, we can identify a topic, paragraph, and supporting sentences. We will identify possessive pronouns, contractions, and irregular verbs. We are so smart! Yes, First Grade is a happy and busy place of learning. Ask your child, “What did you learn today?” The answer should be interesting! Second Grade Second graders continue to BLOOM in writing this Spring as we begin working on our StudenTreasures project. The students will practice each step of the writing process from brainstorming, revising, editing to real life PUBLISHING! The creative stories and illustrations will be combined to form a class book which will be published by Student Treasures into a hardback book. Science is all about light and color. What a wonderful opportunity they will have looking at all the aspects of light and remembering how Jesus is the Light of the World. The children will discuss how important natural light is in darkness and how each of them can be a light for Jesus in this dark, lost world. They will also be reminded of the colors of the rainbow and how God has given this beautiful promise to each of us. With Easter on our minds, students have been preparing their hearts for the gift of Jesus Christ. We’re exploring Jesus’ power as He was fully God and learning about His important role as a man on earth. In Math we will be working with numbers to 1,000 as we use two-digit addition and subtraction. Students are eager to use their new knowledge in their everyday lives. They are progressing in speed and accuracy with math facts in the Mad Dog Math program. Many students are mastering the quizzes in one minute and even 30 seconds! We are eager to begin multiplication Mad Dog Math in the 4th Quarter. Additionally, students are steadily working on learning all the lower case letters of cursive so they can learn to write their own names by the end of second grade. April Accounts from Third Grade To further enhance the animal kingdom unit in our Science curriculum, we will be doing an in-depth analysis of animal habitats. The third grade classrooms will be researching the following habitats: Mrs. Consalvo’s class will be learning about the coral reef, Mrs. Olson’s class will be investigating the prairie, and Mrs. Sia’s class will be researching the rain forest. Also, the third grade classes will be visiting the Phoenix Zoo this month. However, this particular zoo visit will be very unique. In addition to camping overnight at the zoo, we will have the opportunity to observe animal behavior at night and also witness behind the scenes zoo operations that the general public never gets to see. In Social Studies, we are continuing to learn the differences between goods and services. Through Junior Achievement, we will have an opportunity to further investigate and delve deeper into our lessons on economics and budgeting. May your hearts rejoice in the promise of eternal life this Easter. He is risen! Fourth Grade On March 25th 4th graders experienced an array of fun and educational "pioneer" activities. They dressed in western wear or as pioneers for the day and had the opportunity to learn about how the pioneers lived during the early days of our history. They were able to visit different learning stations with historical hands-on activities, which included crafting pioneer items such as tin lanterns, leather pouches, and candle making. Playing pioneer games and events like tug of war, jump rope, drop the handkerchief, and wheelbarrow racing was great fun for everyone. Students had the opportunity to taste Johnnycakes, beef jerky, and salt water taffy….um, um, good. Fifth Grade Fifth graders will have a busy month of April. April is when fifth graders complete the signature research project for the year, the State Report. Students have been designated a state to research and they will construct a report based on the findings from their research. In addition to writing a five paragraph essay on the designated state, students will complete other activities. Students will prepare a 3-5 minute presentation, they will bring in a food item that is popular in the state they are researching, and they will choose from an extensive list of other activities to complete. This is a fun project that also gives the students a strong foundation of research skills. While the research project will be the signature assignment for the month, fifth graders are still working hard in all of their other subjects. In Science, students are working on various life cycles. Students will have the opportunity to create a video demonstrating their knowledge of one of the cycles they are studying. In Bible, students are currently studying Parables. Students are learning why Jesus taught in parables and studying the meanings of various parables. Hands on Technology Kindergarten students learned how to type their name in Microsoft Word. We discussed how God makes us all unique. This concept was tied in by changing their font style, font size, and font color. First graders typed about their spring break in Microsoft Word. They added a picture and border to complete their project. Second graders have been flying around the world using Google Earth. They are learning about different types of technology around them. Ask them what they learned! Third graders have been working on their keyboarding and geography skills in preparation for testing week. I have been encouraging them to practice their keyboarding skills outside of our lab time. Fourth graders have been using computer microscopes to explore objects. They are able to magnify their objects up to 200 times. They have discovered some interesting things! Fifth graders created a post card from a destination or activity that they did over spring break. It seems like they had a wonderful week off! THE ARTIST’S PALETTE Spring is definitely here. Not only is the art room alive with color, but so is our campus. Kudos goes to our many talented Art Club members for contributing their talents to beautifying the library with a collection of Cherry Blossom Lanterns and across from Mrs. Smith’s 1st grade classroom with a few mosaic birdhouses. We are so blessed! All our amazing artists are diligently creating works of art for our annual Starry Night Art Fair, which is coming up on the evening of May 7, 2015. Wait until you see all the beautiful masterpieces. Kindergarten is creating a composition of flowers and butterflies...perfect for our Spring Show. 1st Grade has studied Wayne Thiebaud and are creating a delicious collection of artistic layer cakes. Oh no!!! Looks like someone already took a slice. 2nd Grade has been creating art like crazy. They finished a floral scratch art, a watercolor featuring trees reflecting in a pool of water, a rich watercolor bird in a cage and now a pastel drawing of either a colorful frog or rooster. Wow! Their enthusiasm is contagious. 3rd Graders are also being busy little creative bees. First is a lovely selection of songbirds that look like they were drawn by a professional. Amazing!! Next are their camouflaged chameleons in watercolor and also a colorful, cultural, metallic mask. 4th Grade is immersed in the middle ages, working with encaustics to create an amazing Georgia O’Keefe floral on metal. So cool!! Then they travelled to the Orient and are creating a watercolor Ming Vase complimented with a lovely spring bouquet of Cherry Blossoms. And as if that wasn’t enough, they are presently working on a recycled materials abstract mask. 5th Grade finished a whirl wind of landscapes using four different medias. Then there was a short lesson on the joints of our body, and with that they made a wire armature in action. Love them all!!!! The project for the art show is an acrylic Van Gogh replication. They will blow you away! With our Starry Night Art Show just around the corner, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping load the art to the frames, setting up the day before, and taking down the night of the show. Just email me if you are available ( Art Masterpiece volunteers, if you have your ideas for your class silent art auction item, I would so appreciate an email letting me know what your idea is. I have plenty of supplies and can help if the idea is slow in coming. Thank you everyone for all your support of the art department. Crystal Cruse Español La Vista ¡Buenos días! It is such a blessing to be teaching your students! I never cease to be amazed by how God has made children to learn and grow in such amazing ways! I praise the Lord for the chance to know each student and contribute all that I can to their developing into who God has made them to be. These final two months will be filled with both new material and review material. Kindergarten will be learning to count all the way to 50 in Spanish as well as learning some vocabulary for wild animals in Spanish. First Grade will be learning to count and write the Spanish numbers all the way to 100 Second Grade will be learning the numbers up to 1,000,000 in Spanish. The students will also begin studying the vocabulary for wild animals in Spanish. Third Grade will be studying the vocabulary for the school in Spanish, including learning the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. Fourth Grade will continue with the verbs in Spanish, learning to conjugate in future tense. The students will also learn the vocabulary for the food and the home, as well as learning to tell time in Spanish. Fifth Grade will be continuing with the vocabulary of Chapter 6: food, the home, and telling time in Spanish. There will be a quiz in the middle of April, then the students will begin studying the vocabulary for places and spaces in Chapter 7. CULTURA During March, the students will be investigating the South American neighboring countries of Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Chile. LIBRARY Every week SCA students learn a new “Word of the Week” during their library class. We read the word, define the word and use it in sentences. Ask your student about these words, and they will “WOW” you with their growing vocabulary! The words of the week for March were: Kindergarten: Dr. Seuss, St. Patrick’s Day, lost 1st – 5th Grade: discretion, flummox, rejuvenate Pre-Kindergarten: We started the month by celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday! The students enjoyed listening to There’s A Wocket In My Pocket. Then they made their own Wocket to go in a pocket. They learned about what tricksters leprechauns can be in That’s What Leprechauns Do. They made their own leprechaun hats, but, hopefully, none of them played tricks on each other. The students have been learning about insects and butterflies. They listened to the Crunching, Munching, Caterpillar and decorated their own butterflies. Kindergarten: In honor of Dr. Seuss birthday students listened to Hop on Pop and watched a biography video about his life. To help celebrate St. Patrick’s Day they listened to an old Irish tale called Jamie O’Rourke and the Big Potato. Since the kindergartener have been learning about the farm they enjoyed the book Who Took the Farmer’s Hat then put on their creative thinking caps by taking a hat shape and turning it into something other than a hat. These are currently displayed in the library. The kindergarteners are very clever! First Grade: The first graders helped celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday by listening to And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, which happens to be the first book that Dr. Seuss wrote. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day the students enjoyed listening to The Luckiest Leprechaun. The first graders have been busy taking AR tests. They have been choosing AR books from a cart and are starting to choose books in their range from the shelf! They are encouraged to take at least one test per week but may take more if they would like. They are great readers! Second Grade: The second graders listened to Berlioz, which is a fiction book about a bear, and compared it to The Wonder of Black Bears, which is a nonfiction book. The students have been learning how to identify nonfiction books from fiction books by looking at the library call number. They played a sorting game and sorted books by nonfiction and fiction. Third Grade: The students listened to the Irish tale, Tim O’Toole and the Wee Folk. They also listened to the very creative story Exclamation Mark. Several students participated in voting for their favorite book from the Grand Canyon Reader Award nominees. Exclamation Mark happens to be one of them. Fourth Grade: The fourth graders reviewed what a biography is by learning about the life of St Patrick by listening to Patrick the Patron St. of Ireland. The students have started Christian hero reports. They learned what a Christian hero is by listening to some facts about David Livingstone and started choosing books for their reports. Fifth Grade: The fifth grade students started working on their state reports. They chose books and used The World Almanac to find facts about the states they are researching. Physical Education Hello Friends, It’s hard to believe that we’re less than two months from the end of the school year. Things seem to be winding down all over campus. The great news in P.E., however, is that we’re just starting to hit our stride. As we enter April, the year-long anticipation is finally fulfilled. It’s time for the Olympics!! We have been training in a variety of different track and field events and are excited to compete for individual and class awards. I would like to invite you to come out and join your children as they try to glorify God by using their bodies to the best of their abilities. Olympics for Grades 1-3 will take place on Tuesday morning, April 7, and Grades 4-5 will compete on Wednesday afternoon, April 8. We could still use parent volunteers to help “herd” and encourage students. I hope to see you there. A quick reminder that the weather is starting to heat up, so please make sure that your child is adequately hydrated. Sunscreen would also be a good idea. Thanks for the investment that you make in your children and in SCA. God is always good!! Coach Z Mr. Carmody’s 4th and 5th Grade Band Classes Welcome to Spring! The Band Room has been abuzz with great and improving sounds. It is incredible to see the progress that the band students have made within just a few months. I’d like to take a few seconds to write about practicing. As one who hears loud sounds throughout the day in my classroom, I can easily understand that bringing those sounds into the home is not always desirable. However… practicing as an individual is the only true way to reinforce what we might be learning in class. The requirement for band students is to practice 45 minutes a week. However your student might divide this time, it should be intentional and build on what we have been learning in class. I encourage you to ask your student what we have been doing in band and to demonstrate what he/she has learned and how he/she might do it better. By having a structured and productive practice time, I guarantee those sounds in your house will become more pleasant! Here’s another friendly reminder about practice records! They are due the first rehearsal of each week to receive full credit. They can be turned in the second rehearsal of the week for a potential half credit. The new sectional schedule seems to be working quite well. Remember that students are required to attend two sectionals a month, and, for the most part, have four weeks from which to choose. Be on the lookout for information concerning our final concert in May. It will be coming soon! Mr. Carmody Mrs. Reed’s Elementary Music Classes Pre-Kindergarten: Students enjoy learning new songs every music class. A “music master” is picked to sit in the hand chair and be the special helper. Our puppet friend, “HP” (“Hallelujah Praise”) taught us our March monthly song, “God So Loved.” This past month we sang songs about transportation and travelled around the room with a giant bus as we sang “Wheels on the Bus.” Students listened to Chopin’s “12 Etudes in G-Flat Minor” (Butterflies) as they acted out caterpillars turning into butterflies. The room was full of color as they flew like butterflies with scarves! Students played rhythm sticks, tambourines, and hand drums as they kept the steady beat. We love to sing in Pre-K. Kindergarten: Students begin each morning with their song “So Glad to See You.” They enjoyed a unit on rhythm using “ta” and “ti-ti, as they practice by using the drums, walking or running, and other fun activities. They compared the difference between “ta” and “ti-ti” with a singing game “Little Sally Walker.” Students also played rhythm instruments as they acted out the story, “The King Who Heard Music”. In this lesson, we learned that music is all around us! 1st and 2nd Grades: Students sang and played a game song from the 1800’s, “A Tisket A Tasket”, while comparing two different versions of the same song. This concluded their unit on jazz, highlighting two musicians: Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. Unfortunately, I had to tell every class who asked that Ella Fitzgerald was not Larry Fitzgerald’s niece! We definitely have some Cardinal fans in this school! We played instruments to a song from Tanzania entitled “Kouri lengay” which went along with a tale from Africa called, “The Animals Find Water.” The month concluded with a review of ‘legato” and “staccato” with a lesson on worms. We talked about how worms work underground and how important they are. We even sang a song called, “Disco Worm”, as we imagined what the worms might be doing underground. (Yes, a disco ball made its appearance in the music room for this one!) 3rd Grade: Recorder students did a great job with their spring concert (March 31) using the five notes. B, A, G, C, and D. Songs included: “B A Super Hero”, “Big Round Bag”, and “Finale Maestoso”. In April and May, students will continue to learn new songs on the recorder, as well as play various pitched and un-pitched instruments. Students are able to go on-line at to interact in a fun way with songs from their Recorder Express book. 4th & 5th Grade Choirs: Students are continuing to work on their music for the Spring Musical to be held on Tuesday, April 28, at 7:00 PM. This year’s musical will be the Scottsdale Christian ACADEMY AWARDS with scenes and songs from “Sound of Music”, “Annie”, “Peter Pan”, and “Annie Get Your Gun”. All 4th and 5th grade choir students learn the music for the musical during class time. In class every day, a “Music Maestro” is picked to sit in the hand chair. Their responsibilities include playing the step bells, watching for “expressive singers” and handing out “Bach Bucks.” The rehearsal days for scenes and musical numbers are: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10:30 10:30 3:00-4:15 3:00-4:15 3:00-4:15 3:00-4:30 10:30 Ballerinas and D Dancers Narrators Peter Pan Sound of Music Annie Get Your Gun Annie The Champion NEWS FROM THE ACCOUNTING OFFICE Reenrollment applications were due in February, 2015. New applications are being processed, so please do not delay in returning your reenrollment registration including the late enrollment fee. 2015-2016 REENROLLMENT REGISTRATION Complete reenrollment forms as outlined in packet or online. Nonrefundable reenrollment fee is required with reenrollment forms. You will be notified via letter that reenrollment has been accepted and space is being held. This notification is sent out by the Admissions department without knowledge of account status. Student’s tuition account MUST be current for your reenrollment to be processed for next year. We will accept the reenrollment registration; however, it will remain as a pending file in the applicant pool until account becomes current. At that time, if space is available, your registration will be processed. It is necessary to indicate your method of payment when returning this form. If this area is incomplete, your entire reenrollment registration will be returned. If payment monthly, the ACH form and fees must also be included with reenrollment packet. The ACH withdrawal is scheduled to pull from accounts on the 5th of each month. Please make sure you sign the ACH form when returning with the reenrollment packet. Because of incomplete reporting from STOs at this time, we are unable to provide any type of invoicing for the 2015-16 school year at this time. Your invoices will be calculated and sent in May, 2015. Financial assistance is available. For information and application forms, contact Dori Richards at Ext. 1101. We strongly urge you to apply for scholarships through Student Tuition Organizations (STOs). You may wish to visit the Arizona State Department of Revenue’s web site, sto_list.htm, for a list of all organizations. ALL 2014-15 (CURRENT YEAR) TUITION IS DUE IN FULL BY APRIL 5, 2015. Please make sure your account has been paid in full by this date. Any delinquent accounts (tuition, aftercare or fees) may be affected in the following ways: Reenrollment eligibility (space reserved) for the upcoming school year will be dependent on tuition accounts and aftercare accounts being paid in full. Late charges. Enrollment in summer classes or sports camps will be cleared only if tuition, aftercare accounts and all fees are paid in full. Students wishing to run for office or try out for cheer, choir, etc.: *Must have 2014-15 tuition paid in full. *Be currently reenrolled for the 2015-16 school year. If you are expecting disbursement of STO funds for your child/ren, please be aware SCA can only acknowledge what we receive, when we receive the distribution. Please help us be good stewards of our financial obligations by taking care of your financial commitment to us in a timely manner as agreed per your commitment form.
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