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Welcome to
Leading the Way as a Landowner
Collaborating for a Healthy Ecoregion
Carolinian Canada Coalition
 Established in 1984.
 Not for profit organization with representatives from
government, private and business sectors.
 Mission: To protect and restore natural heritage in the
Carolinian Life Zone for healthy, sustainable
landscapes through stewardship, cooperation and
 Vision: The Big Picture
Our Work at Carolinian Canada Coalition
Ecosystem Recovery Program
Landowner Leaders Program
Ecosystem Recovery Program
Conservation Action Planning
 CAPs serve to strengthen
and coordinate the
greening efforts of existing agencies, organizations and
local groups
 Each CAP is tailored to the area in which it is
developed by the CAP team
Ecosystem Recovery Program
Conservation Action Planning
 Nearly 100 organizations have contributed to the
development and implementation of CAPs in
Carolinian Canada
 Partners:
NGOs (land trusts, field naturalists, woodlot owners,
stewardship groups, etc.)
Conservation Authorities
Governments and Municipalities
First Nations
Agricultural community
Business and industry
Local communities and landowners
Ecosystem Recovery Program
Conservation Action Planning
Ecosystem Recovery Program
Conservation Action Planning
 Carolinian Canada’s role:
To facilitate the development of CAPs
To help coordinate and find resources for CAP implementation
To monitor and evaluate CAP implementation
 Carolinian Canada’s approach:
Build good relationships between sectors and groups
Encourage community participation
Work together toward common goals
Landowner Leaders
The Landowner Leaders Program provides opportunities to learn more
about becoming a good steward, setting goals for habitat projects, and help
in developing and implementing a Carolinian Habitat Action Plan for your
Landowner Leaders Program
 Build a broad network of Landowner Leaders across
the Carolinian Life Zone who:
Contribute to ecosystem recovery based on good science
Have access to the best available resources and tools
Are leading the way for others
 Landowner Leaders can be:
Rural landowners
Urban Landowners
Landowner Leaders Program
How will CCC help landowners?
 Carolinian Canada Coalition can help
landowners by:
Assessing the habitat that’s important to steward and restore
on their property, based on CAP objectives;
Being a “one-stop-shop” linking landowners to our extensive
network of experts, agencies and funding sources to support
priority habitat actions;
Providing the tools and resources to lead, mentor and inspire
other interested landowners in their communities;
Monitoring the progress of the stewardship and restoration
Landowner Leaders Program
Attend a workshop
Identify objectives
Expression of Interest
Property Inventory
Significant Species Self Evaluation
Carolinian Habitat Action Plan & Review
Implementation of CHAP
Monitoring of CHAP
Program Representation
Landowner Leaders Program
Carolinian Habitat Action Plan
 Laying out a path for how
you want to preserve, create,
improve and/or manage natural habitat on your land
 3 key actions to help habitat:
SAVE = Habitat Protection
Steward = Habitat Improvement
Save existing habitat and species
Includes practices like controlling invasive plants, providing
nesting boxes for birds and bats, and building a snake
Seed = Habitat Creation
Includes practices like planting trees, establishing a grassland
or tallgrass prairie, or constructing a wetland
Landowner Leaders Program
CHAP Review
 Approval based on the use of best
practices for the habitats and species on your land
 Ambassador
vs. Participant
Landowner Leaders Program
CHAP Implementation
 CCC connects you with experts in your area
Landowner Leaders Program
CHAP Monitoring
 Monitoring of your plan’s progress
 Annual update
Actions in CHAP are still appropriate?
Actions are helping you to meet your objectives?
Further assistance needed from CCC or partners?
Highlight successes and challenges of the program
Provide information about achievements
Assess representation of program
Landowner Leaders Program
Program Representation
Sharing stories can help to empower and build awareness
Brings attention to the positive impacts landowners are having on
the landscape
We will work with you to:
Identify opportunities where you can
share your story
 Online profile
 Article in local newspaper
 One-on-one talks with landowners
 Speaking at a workshop
 Hosting tours
Ambassadors of the program
Landowner Leaders Program
Current Landowner Leaders
Partners in Conservation
How does the LL Program help our partners?
 Recruitment for stewardship
 Assistance in planning projects
 Funding securement
 Sharing “Good News” stories
Thank You!
Visit us at:
Carolinian Canada Coalition