Stroke Recovery - Summit Professional Education

 Check the Workshop You Will Attend:
 Maumee, OH - April 10, 2015
 Troy, MI - April 11, 2015
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ATTENTION: Copy as needed for each attendee or print
additional forms at
Profession/Job Title* ______________________________________________
$219 | Single Person
$209 | 2-4 People
$189 | 5+ People
*Early registration must be received 14 days prior to workshop.
GROUPS: Registrations and payment must be received together
via fax or mail. You may also register online if payment is with a
single credit card.
Billing Address*___________________________________________________
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2. Phone: (800) 433-9570
3. Fax: (615) 376-8233
4. Mail: Summit Professional Education
PO Box 908 | Franklin, TN 37065
Summit Professional Education
PO Box 908
Franklin, TN 37065
CE Renewal Date _________
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Evidence-Based Assessment
and Treatment for
Easy Registration!
All prices are per person
$199 | Single Person
$189 | 2-4 People
$169 | 5+ People
High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education
 Romulus, MI - April 12, 2015
Payment Required For Registration
Check, credit card or company purchase order (PO#) MUST accompany
this registration form.
Interventions to Improve Functional Mobility
in the Upper and Lower Extremities
Price ____________ X Quantity ___________ = Total __________________
 Check enclosed, payable to Summit Professional Education
 PO#: __________________
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 Amex
Card #:__________________________________________________________
Exp. Date: _______________________ 3 Digit CSC/CVC: _________________
• Develop your own personal Neurological Activities “Bag of Tricks”
Troy, MI
• Manage the edematous upper extremity in 4 treatment sessions or less
High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education
Evidence-Based Assessment
and Treatment for
Maumee, OH
• Stroke Simulation Labs: Experience the physical effects of stroke,
movement and tone inhibition on the upper and lower extremities
• Extensive hands-on lab instruction in techniques you can use
• Build balance and core strength for functional improvement of the
upper and lower extremities
Interventions to Improve Functional Mobility
in the Upper and Lower Extremities
Workshop Dates
Maumee, OH
April 10, 2015
Troy, MI
April 11, 2015
Romulus, MI
April 12, 2015
-John, PT
Ron has great teaching skills! The handson lab time was very effective and made
learning so much easier.
-Alicia, OTR
The best upper extremity neuro course yet.
-Cherry, PTA
Ron was knowledgeable, entertaining, and
presented practical information I could use
Ron Sheppard, OTD, OTR/L, C/NDT, FABDA is a clinician, university/fieldwork educator, speaker
and consultant with over 24 years of clinical experience focusing on UE rehab of the geriatric and
neurologically impaired populations. Dr. Sheppard is an experienced occupational therapist who has
specialized in stroke rehab with an emphasis on Neurological Developmental Treatment.
Benefits to Attending
• Extensive hands-on lab instruction in techniques
you can use immediately
• Develop your own personal Neurological Activities
“Bag of Tricks”
• Build balance and core strength for functional
improvement of the upper and lower extremities
• Stroke Simulation Labs: Experience the physical
effects of stroke, movement and tone inhibition on
the upper and lower extremities
• Manage the edematous upper extremity in 4
treatment sessions or less
• Immediately improve your client’s functional fine
motor coordination using practical treatment
 or call 800-433-9570
Workshop Dates
Benefits to Attending
 Discover
Cardholder’s Name: ______________________________________________
• Immediately improve your client’s functional fine motor coordination
using practical treatment techniques
Who Should Attend
• Occupational Therapists
• Home Health Professionals
• Occupational Therapy Assistants
• Acute Care & Nursing Professionals
• Physical Therapists
• Long-Term Care Administrators
• Physical Therapist Assistants
• Disability Workers
• Restorative Professionals
• Activities Directors & Personnel
• Rehab Directors
• Athletic Trainers
• Assisted Living Professionals
• SLPs
REGISTER or call 800-433-9570
April 10, 2015
April 11, 2015
Romulus, MI
April 12, 2015
Evidence-Based Assessment and
Treatment for Stroke Recovery
Dates & Locations
Maumee, OH
April 10, 2015
Holiday Inn Toledo-Maumee
1705 Toll Gate Drive
Maumee, OH 43537
(419) 482-7777
Troy, MI
April 11, 2015
Embassy Suites North
850 Tower Dr
Troy, MI 48098
(248) 879-7500
Romulus, MI
April 12, 2015
Sheraton Metro Airport
8000 Merriman Rd
Romulus, MI 48174
(734) 729-2600
Some facilities may charge
for parking, which is at
your own expense.
Interventions to Improve Functional Mobility in the Upper
and Lower Extremities
By the year 2050, one in every 5 people living in the United States will be in the age category of 65 or older thus
resulting in a surge of musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. These trends will necessitate effective, noninvasive treatment strategies to address impairments associated with conditions such as hemiplegia, edema, and
changes in muscle tone. Stroke related physical disabilities include but are not limited to edema, hypertonicity,
hypotonicity, lack of coordination, contractures, and skin breakdown.
This hands-on one day workshop is designed to guide participants through effective, non-invasive treatment
techniques for tone inhibition, edema reduction, increasing mobility of the upper extremity, realignment of the
capitate bone, improving fine motor coordination of the hemiplegic hand, personalized Neurological Fine Motor
Coordination (FMC) Activities “bag of tricks”, and movement strategies for imbalance of the antagonist and agonist
muscles toward flexion/extension of the upper extremity. Participants will focus on the fundamentals and techniques
of Neurological FMC as well as specific applications appropriate for persons with stroke to improve independence
with ADLs, IADLs, and Leisure Performance. This workshop will provide participants with functional reimbursable
techniques they can immediately integrate into their treatments that can be used in virtually any environment with
few contraindications.
About Your Program Instructor
Ron Sheppard, OTD, OTR/L, C/NDT, FABDA is a clinician, university/fieldwork educator, speaker and consultant
with over 24 years of clinical experience focusing on UE rehab of the geriatric and neurologically impaired
populations. Dr. Sheppard is an experienced occupational therapist who has specialized in stroke rehab with an
emphasis on Neurological Developmental Treatment. He was instrumental in the establishment of three outpatient
OT clinics and is currently seeing a full caseload in the home health setting. Dr. Sheppard was an adjunct
professor at Milligan College’s MSOT Program and currently supervises OTD candidates for their final capstones
from the University of St Augustine. Dr. Sheppard received his Bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy from
East Carolina University of Greeneville, North Carolina and his Post Professional Doctorate (OTD) degree from
University of St. Augustine in St. Augustine, Florida. Dr. Sheppard is a Fellow with the American Board of Disability
Analysts (ABDA) and certified in Neuro Developmental Treatment (C/NDT). Dr. Sheppard developed and taught the
Geriatrics class at Milligan and presented neuro labs. He was invited to be the key note speaker for Milligan’s OT
graduating classes on two occasions and was a key note speaker for South West Virginia Community College for
their COTA graduating class. Dr. Sheppard is currently serving a three year term on the Mid Atlantic Clinical Ladder
Committee for Gentiva Health Services reviewing candidates for employee compensation for excellence in their
Learning Objectives
1. Apply treatment techniques to manage the edematous upper extremity in 4 treatment sessions or less.
2. Utilize simulated opportunities to illustrate the physical effects of stroke to enhance empathy and “walk in your
client’s shoes.”
Workshop Outline
Introduction to the Treatment of the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity
»» When evaluation begins
III. Assessment of the Hemiplegic Upper/Lower Extremities
»» Color
»» Edema
»» Skin integrity/breakdown
»» Pain
»» ROM/contractures
IV. Hand Assessment Lab
»» Capitate bone
»» Disuse atrophy
»» “Flat hand”
»» Return the arch
V. Upper Extremity Edema Lab
»» Management of the edematous hand
»» Pillow technique and reasoning
»» Edema pumping
»» Wrist mobility
»» Body on upper extremity
»» Surface on upper extremity
»» Body/surface on upper extremity
VI. Movement Strategies of the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity
»» Movement Lab
»» Hand over hand taping
»» Functional grasp and pinch
VII. Tone Inhibition of the Hemiplegic Upper/Lower Extremities
»» Inhibit the imbalance of the antagonist and agonist muscles
toward flexion of the upper extremity
»» Tone Inhibition Lab
»» Opening/hygiene of hand
»» Ball technique of vibration
»» Weight bearing techniques
VIII.Fine Motor Coordination of the Hemiplegic Hand
»» Fine Motor Lab
»» Transposing/transcending
»» Grading of grasp/pinch
»» Bilateral UE re-education
»» Paper towel wading
»» “Around the Bases”
Please bring a standard sized bed
pillow for lab use
Occupational Therapists - Summit Professional Education is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing
education, provider #5873. This course is offered for 0.6 AOTA CEUs (6.0 contact hours). The assignment
of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by
Long-Term Care Administrators - Summit Professional Education is a Certified Sponsor of professional
continuing education with the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and has
approved this program for 6.0 clock hours, approval # 2132014-6.00-12466-in. State licensure boards
have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses.
Physical Therapists - IN: As per Indiana regulation 844 IAC 6-8-5(1 and 9) continuing education courses
approved by an affiliated chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) meets the state’s
approval criteria. This course has the current approval of the Kentucky Physical Therapy Association for 6.0
contact hours. MI: This workshop meets accepted standards for continuing competence activities. Save
your certificate of completion for the relicensing process and/or your employer, 6.0 hours. OH: This course
has been reviewed and approved by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association for 6.0 continuing education
hours, approval #14S1100.
Athletic Trainers - Summit Professional Education is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer
continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. This program has been approved for a maximum of 6.0
hours of category A continuing education. Certified Athletic trainers are responsible for claiming only those
hours actually spent participating in the continuing education activity. BOC Approved Provider Number:
Activities Directors - This program has been approved by the National Certification Council for Activities
Professionals (NCCAP) for 6.0 clock hours of continuing education, approval # NCCAP31337-15.
Rehabilitation, Home Care and Other Professionals - This seminar qualifies for 6.0 continuing education
hours as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations. Save
your course outline and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific
filing requirements.
Nurses - 6.0 contact hours
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Tennessee Nurses Association, an
accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
These events contain intermediate level content.
Participants must pay tuition fee, sign in, attend the entire seminar, complete an evaluation and sign out in
order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants not fulfilling these requirements will not receive a
certificate. Failure to sign in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire workshop. No exceptions
will be made. Partial credit is not available.
Included with your registration you will receive a comprehensive manual compiled by the instructor.
DISCLOSURES: Guidelines exist whereby all speakers must disclose any relevant relationships. Ron
Sheppard is compensated by Summit as an instructor. He has a non-financial relationship with Gentiva
Health Services as a member of the mid Atlantic Clinical Ladder Committee.
SCOPE OF PRACTICE: Workshop content is not intended for use by participants outside of the regulatory
scope of practice of their license(s). You are responsible for knowing what lies within and without your
professional scope of practice.
4. Perform a comprehensive assessment of the hemiplegic upper extremity.
Workshop Schedule
5. Incorporate treatment techniques to improve fine motor coordination of the hemiplegic upper extremity in any
treatment setting.
6. Describe treatment techniques to inhibit the imbalance of the antagonist and agonist muscles toward flexion of
the upper extremity.
7:30am – Registration & Coffee
8:00am – Workshop Begins
11:30am - 12:30pm – Lunch On Your Own
3:30pm – Workshop Adjourns
7. Perform treatment techniques for movement strategies of the hemiplegic upper extremity.
Your instructor will break for 15 minutes in the
morning and afternoon at appropriate times.
Confirmations of registration will be sent via email. A copy of your registration confirmation will serve as
Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists - This program is offered for 0.6 CEUs (Intermediate level,
Related Area). OH: Email your OH license prefix and number to AFTER you
have completed the workshop and Summit will post your credits to CE Broker.
II. Fabrication of Neurological FMC Activities “Bag of Tricks”
»» Supplies
»» Stroke simulation of the upper and lower extremities
3. Identify items to fabricate your own personal Neurological FMC Activities “Bag of Tricks.”
Summit Professional Education is a national leader in high-quality educational products and services for
today’s professional. Our seminars and training programs are designed to help professionals achieve
improved performance and results in all areas. Our faculty is the “best of the best” in their fields of expertise,
providing programs that really make a difference to participants. If for any reason you are not satisfied with
the program, simply notify the registrar of your intent to withdraw from the program prior to the first morning
break, turn in your workshop materials and receive a 100% refund or credit on a future program.
Continuing Education Credit
your receipt for fees paid at the time of registration. Walk-ins are welcome but must register onsite. Please notify
us at least thirty (30) days in advance if you have special needs or require assistance. Certificates are mailed
to the seminar location 5 business days in advance. If your certificate is not available the day of the seminar,
please complete a certificate request onsite and a copy will be sent to you. Hotel locations must occasionally be
adjusted. Please provide an email address and phone number to receive any important updates.
attendee. If the cancellation is made within ten days or less, refunds will not be granted for any reason. A credit
voucher will be issued that may be used toward a future seminar. Credit vouchers are transferable and do not
expire. In cases of inclement weather where the seminar is conducted as scheduled, you may request a credit
voucher toward a future seminar. If we must cancel or change the seminar for any reason, our liability is limited
to the cost of tuition. If you register and do not attend, you are still responsible for payment.
Substitutions may be made at any time. Requests for cancellation must be received in writing by fax or mail
ten (10) days prior to the seminar in order to receive a refund less a $20.00 administrative charge per canceled
W-9: To download a copy, logon to
FEID Number: 47-1189590
Have continuing education credit questions? Please email our CE Department at for the latest approval status. Join Our Faculty
Summit Professional Education is currently seeking qualified
professionals to develop and teach workshops nationally. Visit for more information.
800-433-9570 |