CASCADE --- TOWNSHIP --- 202575THST. NE Rochester,MN 55906 March10.2015 2015AnnualMeetinsMinutes The annualmeetingof cascade lgwnship, olmsted county, Stateof Minnesota,washeld at the cascadeTownshipHall,2}2s 75frst. NE Rochester, MN i5906 on March to,iots.64 Township residentswerein attendance. Clerk Brown calledthe meetingto order at 8:15 andinvited the attendeesto recitethe pledge of Allegiance.The following Town Boardmemberswereintroduced:ChairmanLenny Laures, Supervisor Arlen Heathman,Supervisorcorky Atkinson, and clerk/TreasurerMichael Brown. The clerk requestedthe electorsto select a moderator for the meeting. Ms. Teresa Walters volunteered and was approved by the electorate. The moderatorstatedthe orderof blsinessfor the eveningasdocumentedin the distributed agenda.The moderatorcalledfor any modificationsto the agenda.Therewerenonerequested. Gryy Sieckmovedto approvethe minutesof the 2014 annualmeetingaspreparedanddistributed. F' Secondby Mr. PeteStreit Motion approved. The Clerk readthe report of the a:rnualBoard of Audit held February9, 2015.All fundswerefbund to be in order.The official financial audit of cascadeTownshipfor zoi+ witt be performedby the accormtingfirm of Smith SchaefferandAssociatesandpresentedat the June2bt S rown gbard meeting. TreasurerMichael Brown presentedthe town frrnd summaryfor 2014.The beginningbalance was $396"18845,thetotalreceiptswere$760,345.62 aadthetotal Oisbursements i,ere ST619SS.SZ. fh. endingbalanceon 72/3I/2014wre 5394,574.30.Mr. pete Streit movedto approvethe Treasurer,s report. Secondby Mr. Gary Sieck.Motion approved. The next electionandannualmeetingwifl be held on Tuesday,March g, 2016 at the cascade Town Hall. Mr. Gary Sieckmovedto setthe time of electionsat 5rtioPMto 8:00pM with the annual meeting to follow at 8:15PM. Secondby Mr. ChuckWallace.Motion approved. Mr. Gary Sieckmovedto recommendthe town boardsetthe gopherbountyat 1.50per pair $ of feet for townshipresidentsonly. Secondby Ms. CharBrown. Motion approved. The supervisorsofthe cascadeTownshipBoardpresentedupdateson the following items: Page1 of4 Supervisor Laures reviewed the fire protection contract cost. Costa are increasing due to increasingproperty values. The maximum annual increaseis capped at 4%.A new ten year contract to extend the existing terms is in progress.The board is attempting to get the town hall detachedfrom the city of Elgin fire protection district and addedto the city of Rochesterdistrict. Supervisor Laures provided an update on the upcoming capital equipment purchaseof a new plow truck. The supervisorsnoted a desireto add a PA ryrt"* to the town hall to better accommodatelarge meetings. Deputy Chad Miller introduced himself and provided an update on key crime statistics and activities during the past yeat. Deputy Millei invites unyor. with a concern to call the Sheriff s office immediately. The supervisorsreminded the assembledaudienceof the need to obtain building permits through TCPA. Permits to install driveways are also required. Fire permits may be obtafid from the fire warden or any town board member.The DNR websitemay also be used.Everyoneis requested to notify local fire dispatch before burning. A reminder was given that there is a township dog ordinance requiring dogs to be licensed and on a lead or under the owner's control when off the owner's property.-Thetownship doesnot handle stray dogs. If spaceis available at the city pound u r,rp*ruisoi may authorize a resident to take a stray dog to the pound. The costs are billed to the township. Danglrous dogs should be brought to the attention of the sheriff s office immediately. Clerk Brown reminded the audienceof the township website and invited suggestionsto make the site more beneficial. Supervisor Laures reviewed the parking and accessordinancesand requestedthe public,s help in keeping cars off the street during snowfall periods to allow the plow diivers a chanceto clear the snow. Supervisor Laures also noted the requirement to keep trash containersoff the road so as to not impede traffic and interfere with snow removar. SupervisorHeathmanreviewed the township's storm water regulatory requirementsand compliance efforts. The residentswere askedto help keep the ditches clean. SupervisorLaurespresentedthe proposedbudgetfor 2016.The major componentsof eachfund were reviewedanddiscussed.The supervisorsaddressedquestionsfrom the audi-ence regardingthe cost of asphaltandthe basisusedfor calculatingfire protectioncosts. SupervisorHeathmt notJdthe authority of the town boardsupervisorsto enterprivatepropertyfor the purposeof weedinspectionandthe authorityofthe supervisorsto eradicateweedswithout being subjict to any otherlraw. Mr. JohnFrederichmovedto approvethe budgetaspresented.Secondby Ms. PauliaeVarley. Mr. Chris Grenzaskedto amendthe budgetto removethe funding for the road connectingRiver Highlandsto |aaje-stijMeadowsasno propertyownerswant the road andhavepreviouslysdted tSis to t1" to*o board.Discussionensuedaboutthe needfor this road andthe rationale.Mr. PeteStreit askedhow it would be possibleto sotthe budgetwithout knowing the resultsof the electionandthe questionto add two supervisorpositions.Mr. ChuckWallacesuggestedreducingthe fi:nding for the suiervisorsasthere will not be a linear increasein work necessitatinga linear increaiein pay. By a handcorm! the motion to approvethe budgetfailed with 2t ws ana 3l No. (9:45 ptvf) Mr. ChuckWallacemovedto takea five minuterecess.Secondbv Ms. Varlev. The moderatorreadthe resuftsofthe annualelection: For the Supervisor:Judy Otrly 191votes,Lenny Laures356 Pase2 of 4 For Ballot Question1 to adopta 5 memberboard:340 \'ES, 195NO For Ballot Question2 to allow the boardof supervisorsto appointthe clerk/treasurer:280 \'pS, 253 NO Mr. Chris Grenzmovedto reducethe road andbridge budgetby $25,000asthe River Highlands to Majestic Meadowsroad is not desiredby the propertyowrers. Secontlby Mr. Troy Dickixon. Motion failedon a voicevote.(10:00pM) Mr. Tim Molkj movedto approvethe budgetaspresented.Secondby Mr. Gary Sieck.Motion canied with oneNAY vote (Mr. Wallace)(10:04pM Old Business theoknsted CountyBoard of Commissionersansweredaa audiencequestionregarding H .t:,1_9..il1:f the5)" streetextensionandpropertyacquisition. New Business None ]v|r. lete Streit movedto adjoumthe 2015 cascadeTown Annual Meeting. Secondby Mr. Gary Sieck. Motion approved.Meetingadjoumedat 10:17pM Mmch 10.2015. Michael Brown, Walters,Moderator Tomship, Cascade Okn$dCa, Notarial Oillcer(erofficionotarypublic) Mybrmls lndobrn{nah Page3 of 4 2016 Budget as approvedby the electorate. CASCADETOrYTS}IIPB UDGETIHFORHATTOTI agproved 2fi14 Actual DATED2t09n015{latestversion} 1OOGENERALFUND TOTALREVENULFUNDDISBURSEMENTS 2OOROADAHD BRIDGEFUND TOTALROAD& BRIDGEFUNDDISSURSEMENTS 3OOTOTALFIREFUI.IDDISBURSEIIENTS TOTALFIREFUNLDISBUR$EMENTS 320 PUBLICSAFETY IqTAL pUBLtCSAFETYFUNDDTSBURSEMENTS I+OOCAPITAL PROJECTSFUND 76.704 $ prryosed 2015 Budget S4 150 20f6 Budget 79.425 $ 468,714 $ 46?,016 S 472,986 $ 160,712S 155,468$ 161 $ 23,610 $ 24,32fi $ 25,0m 5,000 $ 5,000 TOTALCAPITALFUNDDISBURSEMENTS 8OORESERVEFUND IOTAL RESERVEFUNDDISBURSEMENTS 9OODEBTSERVICE FUI{D TOTALDEBTSERVICE FUNDDISBURS. TOTALEXPENSES 32.394 743-349 ESTREVEHUEFORYEAR GASTAX ANNEXATION PAYMENTS MARKETVALUECREDIT BANKINTEREST StateAid REIMBURSEMENT FOREXPENSES TOWNHALLFEE& DEPOSIT MISCINCOME ToTALESTIIIATEDIM s28,291 $25,00s $2,965 $1,800 $1,030 $s00 $2,216 s2,000 $127 $0 $15,9CI9 $1,000 $2,550 $300 s4 $300 1,300 ,089 $28,000 $1,800 $1,0m $2,2m $0 $3_000 $1"0m $0 ,0$0 TOTALEXPENSES FORYEAR REVENUEFORYE,A,R LESSFROTdI RESERVES $761,960 $743,348 $777"999 s53,089 $31,3{10 $37,000 $1,614 $0 $0 TN( LEVYFORYEAR $707,256 $712,048 $?40.989 2015 $18,438 2.6S% 3f f 7/2015 Page4 of 4 34.192 7TT 2016 $28,941 4-0s% Cascae Sudger20tG VZ as propoeedby bm boild
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