Principal: Ms Corrine McMillan Deputy Principal: Ms Meryl Johnston Deputy Principal: Mrs Wendy Amy Deputy Principal: Mr Matthew Morgan Website: Email: Phone: (07) 3394 0777 Fax: (07) 3394 0700 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! Further we congratulate Mr Phil Gyemore, Director of our Touch Football Academy for his impressive achievements of late: 20 March 2015 THE PRINCIPAL’S REPORT "Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire." --William Yeats Much has happened at Cavendish Road State High School since the publication of our last newsletter. I trust you will be impressed by the opportunities on offer and the wonderful achievements and hard work of our staff and students. Year 7 and 8 Welcome Night for Parents and Carers Special thanks to all families who made the Year 7 and 8 parent nights a great success. We received many emails and phone calls of thanks from parents after the events. Should you have any further questions the following staff are key people who can support you: Year 7 Coordinator – Mr Ian Mitcham Year 8 Coordinator – Ms Rena Rusit Head of Department Junior Secondary – Mr Adam Kuss Deputy Principal – Mr Matthew Morgan Year 7 and 8 Camps Our Year 7 and 8 students have reported that their respective camp experience was a great success helping them to settle in to their new school. It was a time of developing new friendships, getting to know their teachers and the opportunity for students to set personal challenges and redefine their goals for 2015. We thank our teaching staff for giving up time with their families to support our students. Teacher Successes Congratulations to Dr Brendan Suesee who recently had a book chapter published in a book called “Myths in Education”. See link below. If you scroll down to “Table of Contents” and click on it, then look at chapter 5. Myths in Education, Learning and Teaching - Marcus K. Harmes - Palgrave Macmillan We wish Mr Adam Kuss our very best wishes as he makes his conference debut on Friday as a guest speaker at the Queensland Gifted and Talented Conference, visit for more details. • Qld U'18 Boys coach (National Champions) • Australian U'20 Boys Coach (Trans Tasman Series winners) • Indigenous All Stars Touch Coach (Winners) • Australian Womens Open Assistant Coach for the 2015 World Cup • Director (no.1 ranked Touch Football school in Qld) Well done Mr Gyemore! Australian Council of Educational Leaders Presentation at Cav Our Cav Community had the pleasure of hosting the Australian Council of Educational Leaders Summit on 24 February. The summit focussed on the proposed changes to Senior Secondary Schooling and the OP system in Queensland. Dr Gabrielle Matters and Professor Merrilyn Goos from the University of Queensland provided some insightful information and critique of this important agenda. All Heads of Department, Deputy Principals and Guidance Officers at Cav were privileged to share this experience. SEP Meet and Greet It was great to meet so many parents and students on 5th March at the SEP Meet and Greet evening, thanks to the SEP staff for this important initiative. The Director General Visits Cav The Director General of the Department of Education, Training and Employment, Dr Jim Watterston visited us on 9 March. Dr Watterston spent the morning visiting Year 7 classrooms, chatting to teachers and students. The staff also celebrated International Women’s Day with Dr Watterston. QCS Information Evening Thank you to the leaders of our Senior Schooling team for the informative Queensland Core Skills Test, OP and Queensland Certificate of Education Information Evening which was held 10 March. Feedback from parents and students was very positive. Football Team off To Japan Best of luck to Mr Dale Zimmerlie, Mr Joel Smith and our boys Football team who left for Japan Sunday to play in the Sanix 1 Cup in Fukuoka. Our boys were invited to attend and are the only Australian team competing. Best of luck boys. Uniform Sub-Group Update Special thanks to all parents and staff for their continued support in renewing and reflecting on the presentation of our uniform. The following provides a brief update of advice that we request be accepted and ratified by the March meeting of our P and C: • A cost is being sought for the school crest to be embroidered on girl’s ties, rather than wearing the metal badge; • A sample and quote for the sports cap will be presented; of this year’s forum highlighted the progress that has been made in this area in the last two decades and what still needs to be done. We were addressed by guest speakers including journalist Catherine Fox and our Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. Members of the panel were Mele Maualaivao, who is the Country Program Coordinator for UN Women in Samoa, Elizabeth Shaw, President of UN Women Australia, and Irene M Santiago, who was the Executive Director of the 1995 Beijing Women’s Conference and has experience as a formal peace negotiator. They discussed a broad range of issues related to gender equality including domestic violence, the role of women in peace negotiations, economic security and the continued lack of leadership opportunities for women in our society. International Women's Day aims to raise awareness of our need for gender equality and promotes the empowerment of women and we were inspired to not only take action ourselves to evoke change but encourage others to do so. The central message conveyed throughout the morning was that we must all work together to achieve gender equality. Personally, I feel that by spreading relevant information and supporting the empowerment of women we are making inroads towards these goals and hope that the true meaning of the term gender quality does indeed become a reality before 2035. Anabelle Cooper Cultural/International Prefect 2015 • The Cav Road Sports socks be made compulsory to be worn with the sports uniform for boys and girls and as formal socks for girls; • To continue with the bucket hat at this point in time with this decision to be reviewed in July 2015, prior to the completion of an order for 2016; The Sub-group will further discuss the following issues before advising the P and C in the future: • The material and design of the sports shirt; • The design and cost of a formal hat; and • Boys tie across Years 7-12. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island students have approached me about wearing their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island badge pinned to their uniform shirt. I have approved this and believe that any form of affirmative action that we can take to support our students is so important. Corrine McMillan Principal International Women's Day International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th, and this year the female prefects and Mrs Potter attended the UN Women's International Women's Day Breakfast at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event commemorated 20 years since the Beijing Platform for Action was signed. This was a key document which set the agenda for realising women's rights around the world. The theme for this year's breakfast was "Let's not wait another 20 Years for Gender Equality to become a reality.” The focus 2 Cavendish Road SHS Football Academy off to the Sanix Cup in Japan On Monday the 16th of March the Cav Road Football Academy Senior Boys Squad will be travelling to Japan to play in an invitation only Football Tournament in Fukuoka called the Sanix Cup from the 18th to the 25th of March. This tournament is a prestigious youth football tournament that is played every 2 years. The Cav Road Football Academy was invited to participate in this tournament at the end of last year when Sydney FC’s youth team pulled out of the competition. On the back of our success last year when the U15 boys won the Bill Turner National title for the first time, we were invited to fill their spot. Just so you have an idea of the calibre of the tournament, not only were an A league youth team going to participate in the competition, teams that participate frequently in the cup are J League youth sides, Chinese Super league youth sides and U17 international teams such as Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. We are excited to announce that our Senior Boys have been drawn in the group with the U17 Japan nation team, the U17 South Korean national team and Hangzhou Green Town (Chinese Super League youth team). This is going to be one heck of a challenge for the boys, but we firmly believe that we will do Cav Road and Australia proud. This is the ultimate test for our young aspiring professional footballers. We would like to thank our sponsors Red Lion Agencies for their continued support of our Football Academy and for donating a personalised set of playing jerseys for the squad specially made for the Sanix Cup. for arranging time away from their families for this very valuable experience. I hope you all enjoyed the week as much as I did. Ian Mitcham Year 7 Coordinator The squad is: Ben Merkel, Caleb Ackland, Tyson Walpole, Alex Alcock, Matthew Melville, Daniel Callaghan, Preston Hugo, Jack Sharples, Jordan Dozzi, Sam Ball, Dallas Dack, William Eaton, Isaac Louwrens, Daniel Leck, Corey McKay, Dylan Moore, Feli Sheriff, Riley Swindells, Ryan Pallmer (C), Matthew Gordon and Harry McDonald. Joel Smith Director Football Academy Year 7 Camp Cav Road’s first ever Year 7 Camp was held in Week 5 of this term, and I’m delighted to report that 267 students were able to take part this year. Thanks to the hard work of Rena Rusit and her team of Year 8 Camp helpers, Cav Road already had a well-established relationship with the staff from Camp Goodenough at Bilambil in northern New South Wales. It was wonderful to see those ties being further strengthened over the course of the week. By the end of their three days, our students had proven that they were capable of displaying the 5 C’s of Cav Road, even when they were asked to step out of their comfort zones. Students pushed themselves in a number of different ways over their three days at camp. While fear of heights was worrying for some students during the daytime activities, others found that being away from home, working effectively in teams, or just sneaking past the big spider in the toilet block could present even greater challenges. Those challenges that go along with school camp were the perfect backdrop for our main objective for the week, which was to learn about resilience. During camp, students were introduced to a range of techniques that they could use to help them bounce back when times are tough. During the climbing activities, in the dining hall, and in our night time group sessions, students were asked to reflect on how ACOPS (the skills of autonomy, coping skills, optimism, problem solving and social competence) could help them to make the most of difficult situations that they were likely to face on camp, and also in everyday life. As well as being a fun three days and a chance for students to bond with their new teachers and classmates, it is the introduction to those resilience skills that we hope will benefit students the most in their journey through Year 7 and high school. As we are all aware, life does not always go as planned, and while we hope that high school will be a happy and positive experience for our students, there will always be hard times and challenges to be overcome. Now that students and teachers have a common language with which to discuss resilience, we hope that we can work together back at school to address those challenges as they arise. I’d like to that this opportunity to thank our Year 7 parents and students for their enthusiastic support of camp this year. A special thanks also to our teachers and other support staff “Ms Joseph braves the 12m platform at the Leap of Faith” Yuchen Han Wins Science Award Yuchen (Harry) Han of year 12 has been award the Griffith University ‘Jock and Beverly McIlwain’ prize for achievement and involvement in science. Yuchen is one of our international students from China and has a great passion for science and has intentions of going into a science or engineering career after school. Year 12 Biology Camp As part of their course work, the Year 12 Biology classes conducted their field studies at Hastings Point. During the camp, the students had the opportunity to observe and collect data from two different ecosystems – the Rocky Shore and the Wallum Heathland. On the Rocky Shore, students observed a diverse range of organisms and noted their adaptations which allow them to survive and thrive within different zones of this environment. Unfortunately we were unable to snorkel to see the sub-littoral zone due to cyclone Marcia. The Wallum Heathland provided another opportunity to observe a different set of organisms that have also adapted to the challenges provided by their environment. Students also enjoyed a tutorial on mangroves whilst kayaking along the river. Rhett and Ted Brambleby, organisers of “Adventure Education”, shared their wealth of knowledge with the students in two interesting and entertaining lectures. They discussed the ecology of the local area and addressed the 3 issues around the impact humans are having on our ecosystems. For more information about Adventure Education at Hastings Point go to: Stacey Hollis, Steve Griffiths, Ross Bowles BiologyTeachers Back to Business Welcome back to the Business Department for 2015. We are excited to be back and look forward to working with our students this year. Griffith BUSINESS Nuclear Science Experience Cavendish Road SHS welcomed Dr Andrew Janke of the Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) to talk to our year 9 science students on Wednesday 25th February. Dr Janke is our resident ‘Scientist in Schools’ scientist- an initiative of the CSIRO, partnering schools with professional scientists. Dr Janke’s work at CAI (based at University of Queensland) is in the field of medical imaging. Much of his role is working to develop technologies for PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanners, which are used extensively in medical imaging. Our year 9 students are currently undertaking studies in Chemistry and have been learning about the structure of atoms and radioactivity. PET scanners take advantage of radioactivity to give images of cancerous growths in the body. Dr Janke’s laboratory synthesises the radioisotopes used in PET scans and supplies them to multiple PET scanners in Brisbane. Dr Janke’s presentation took students through the process of creating a radioactive isotope, embedding it into a glucose molecule, delivering it to a patient and then running a PET scan. It is an absolutely fascinating process involving some enormously powerful magnets and colliding Hydrogen ions into water molecules! Students were able to ask some insightful questions into the processes that Dr Janke’s lab goes through in their daily work, and about the exciting possibilities in a career in science. Last month twenty-nine Year 12 students participated in the Griffith Business School Outreach Program. The Program aims to help students make the transition from school to tertiary studies. Students will experience life on campus and participate in a blended program of QCCA and Griffith University curriculum. Students have selected from three strands of study: Business Management, Commerce or Tourism, Hotel Event and Sport Management. If students meet the necessary achievement levels for the Griffith BUSINESS Year 12 Program, they will have the option to apply for a guaranteed offer of entry into the Griffith Business School degree or double degree of their choice. We wish them all the best with their studies this year. Certificate II Business and Tourism This year we welcome a new course which combines Certificate II Business and Certificate II Tourism. Students will focus on completing the Certificate II Business in Year 11 and continue to complete Certificate II Tourism in Year 12. Students are working in a model office environment under the employment of Mrs Nugent. The Year 11 students are settling well into their new role as Office Administrators for Oz Travel. They are excited about working in the office environment and are looking forward to their training this year. Thanks to Dr Janke for taking time out of his busy schedule to inspire our students, and to Mr Steve Griffiths, our year nine science coordinator for organising the event. Michael Denner A/Head of Department Science Students in photo – Jacob Peet and Emily Watts Rule of Law Institute of Australia Workshop Recently the Year 11 Legal Studies students attended a workshop run by Jackie Charles from the Rule of Law Institute of Australia. Students were presented information on the legal 4 system and investigated the case studies. The presentation was very insightful and entertaining. We thank Jackie Charles for taking the time to present to our students. I encourage you to flick through each email as you will never know what may be there and relevant to you. Most posts will have links to websites. I encourage you to visit these sites so you can read details on the subject. Start university while still at school The following universities in Queensland offer programs that enable high achieving students in Years 11 and/or 12 to have a university experience through studying a university subject. The subjects may be free and may provide credit towards a university degree and/or guarantee entry to a degree at the end of Year 12. Successful completion of a university subject will contribute credit towards your Queensland Certificate of Education and may give you bonus points towards your university application when you apply through QTAC. Entry to these programs must have the support of your school. Stay tuned for more fantastic business events this year. Belinda Grech Business Coordinator Guidance Officer News During last Tuesday’s Information evening I discussed QTAC (QLD Tertiary Admission Centre). QTAC is an independent body that is responsible for the administration of University and TAFE applications of institutions in Queensland and Northern NSW. Students who would like to be considered for TAFE/University in 2016 need to apply via QTAC. Students will receive more information about QTAC as registration opens in June 2015. In the meantime the following sites may assist you and your son/ daughter decide what programs may be attractive to study. Resources regarding tertiary application procedures: courses, institutions and QTAC Guide to Tertiary Courses • QTAC website – • - information about Commonwealth loans and scholarships and higher education providers • - tertiary institution profiles • Institution websites and publications Tertiary Advice and Career Planning: • - career information service. Select ‘Year 12 – What Next?’ • - an in-depth look at a range of occupations and their education and training pathways The school has recently subscribed to a fortnightly careers update package. Throughout the terms I will be posting information to you that will provide information on:• TAFE, • University Updates, • Apprenticeships, • ADF, • Scholarships & • Employment opportunities and all things post year 12. Bond University has a Student for a Semester program for academically capable students in Years 11 and 12 who live on the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Northern New South Wales. Applications for the May Semester (18 May – 22 August) open on 20 March and close on 10 April 2015. Visit for details of the program and an online application. CQUniversity has a Start Uni Now (SUN) program for students in Years 11 and 12. Applications for Term two (13 July – 9 October) will close on 29 June 2015. See work-and-study-preparation/sun for more information. The Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Study (GUESTS) program is offered to students in Year 12. Applications for Semester two (commencing in July) close on 30 May 2015. See for more information James Cook University (JCU) offers an ‘Exceptional or Gifted’ program for secondary school students. Through this program students can enrol for study in the School of Creative Arts at JCU, Townsville Campus as part of their senior studies. See for more information. Also contact your school guidance officer/ counsellor The Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) Start QUT Program is offered to students in Year 12. The application due date for Semester two (13 July – 23 October) is 16 May 2015. See start-qut for more information. The University of Queensland offers an Enhanced Studies Program (ESP) for Year 12 students. Applications close in the year previous to commencing the program (usually in October). See for more information. The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) has a Head Start Program for students in Years 11 and 12. This program is offered on-campus at USQ’s Toowoomba, Springfield and Fraser Coast Campuses, or via distance education. Applications for Semester two (commencing on 20 July) close on 29 June 2015. See for more information. 5 The University of the Sunshine Coast has a Headstart Program for students in Years 11 and 12. Applications for Semester two (27 July – 20 November) close on 29 May 2015. See headstart-program-year-11-and-12-students for more information. Universities often hold information sessions to inform students and their parents about these programs. Find out about these sessions on the websites listed above. Stay connected with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) School students can receive personalised email updates from QUT about courses, scholarships, events and other key information to help them make study decisions by signing up to QUT Stay Connected at stay-connected . Parents can also stay connected with QUT using the resources for parents available at . Updates from the University of Queensland (UQ) FEAST registrations now open - FEAST is a five-day residential program held at the UQ Gatton Campus for students in Years 10 – 12 who are interested in agriculture, animals, vet science, food and/or the environment. It will be held from 28 June – 2 July 2015 (during the school holidays). This is a popular program, so register early at feast . Geography and Environment Day – This event will be held on 24 July 2015 for students in Years 10 - 12 to experience the relevance of geography, planning and environmental management in today’s world and to see how studying these subjects can lead to an interesting career. Talk to your geography teacher if you are interested in attending as registrations are made through your school. Find out more at InspireU Law Camp for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students - This free five-day residential camp to be held 12 – 17 April 2015 is an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years 11 and 12 to experience life on campus at UQ and find out more about law and the different disciplines and opportunities within this field. Applications close Wednesday 25 March 2015. Visit for details and to apply. Go on a UQ campus tour – You don’t have to wait till you get into a course to visit UQ. You can book a campus tour during your school holidays. See how at schools/campus-tours . UMAT cut-offs for 2015 entry – Sitting for UMAT is one of the prerequisites for entry to the dentistry and provisional entry medicine courses at UQ. Because entry is competitive, the UMAT result required for entry can change from year to year. The UMAT scaled score aggregates for entry in 2015 were: • 174:69 for B Dental Science (Honours) • 179:69 for Doctor of Medicine (MD) (Provisional Entry for School leavers). 6 Interested in studying a B Arts at UQ? - The website at provides information about all the study areas available in UQ’s B Arts. The information for each study area includes related careers. What’s up at the Australian Catholic University (ACU)? University Experience Day - This event provides future students with an opportunity to sample a degree they are interested in and to check out the ACU staff and campus. It will be held on 9 July 2015 at the ACU Brisbane campus. For more information, visit undergraduate/experience_uni_before_you_start/events/ university_experience. 2015 Open Day - This year ACU Brisbane campus will hold its open day on 25 July. Open days are opportunities to explore courses and to meet current students. Visit 2015 Open Day for more information. Information for future students - Visit undergraduate for information that can assist you in making decisions for your future study. Find out if you are eligible for bonus points to help you gain entry and check out ACU’s Early Achievers’ Program. GAP YEAR INFORMATION AFS Gap Program The AFS Gap Program provides opportunities for young people to live for a few months or a whole year in another country, where they can study a new language, attend a local school or participate in volunteer projects. Find out more at . Be a ski instructor in Canada Educating Adventures offers ski and snowboard instructor courses and internships. The internships may provide an opportunity to obtain paid employment at a ski resort and complete an internationally recognised ski or snowboard instructing qualification. See for more information. Gap year program information sessions in March 3 – Projects Abroad Information Evening in Brisbane 4 – Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Information Session in Caloundra, Sunshine Coast programs/information-sessions/ 10 - Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Information Session in Brisbane 11 - Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Information Session in Toowoomba 17 - Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Information Session in Leichhardt sessions/ 23 - Antipodeans Abroad will hold a GapBreak Information Night in Brisbane 24 - Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Information Session in Brisbane If you have any queries regarding the mentoring process, please do not hesitate to contact me. Remember…No matter what pathway your student is pursuing, their level of engagement and attendance at school is vital. ‘Every day counts’. Liz van Genderen A/Head of Department of Senior Schooling \ High School Volunteer Projects Projects Abroad have recently announced their High School Projects for Summer 2015/16. These projects are designed for Year 10 and 11 students and consist of two-week group trips to locations such as Cambodia, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the Philippines. They mix volunteer work with cultural activities. Visit to find out more. Kate Niland Guidance Officer What’s happening in Senior Schooling? Thank you to those families who attended our OP/QCS information evening on Tuesday 10th March. In essence, the evening provided an overview of the following: • Senior Statements/QCE/Tertiary Entrance Statements • The QCS Test and Common Curriculum Elements • How students can prepare for the QCS test • Support mechanisms offered by the school • QTAC • Surviving year 12 If you would like further information regarding the evening, please do not hesitate to email me On Wednesday 25th August, our Year 12 OP eligible students will be developing their writing task strategies in preparation for the QCS tests to be held on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd September. Lindsay Williams from Word Smart Consulting will be conducting a Writing Task Immersion Day. Consolidation of this day will result in a full Writing Task practice in week 10. These papers will be marked with feedback being provided during Term 2. All of our year 11 and 12 students should now have their homework and study routines in place. For those students who are struggling with their subjects and finding it hard to engage with learning I would strongly encourage you to speak with myself or one of the Guidance Officers. All Year 12 OP eligible students have been advised to ask a teacher to be their mentor. The role of the mentor is to provide: • Emotional and scholastic support • Guidance (reality check) • Encouragement for the student to maintain a work/ life balance as they progress through their year 12 studies. SPORT REPORT Inter-School Sport This year the format for sport in our district is slightly different than in previous years. Sport is now timetabled on Tuesdays for Years 7, 8 & 9 junior students and Wednesdays for Year 10, 11 & 12 senior students. We have 40 teams with 38 staff representing our school across both days, which is fantastic reflection on the students and the staff that give up their time every week. Year 7s that are turning twelve this year participate in our weekly inter-school sport competition, however they are part of the Mount Gravatt Primary Schools District for representative sport trials. Students aged 13-18 years have the opportunity to trial for South District representative sport at various stages throughout the year. All students need to listen to the student notices in morning peer support and check the sport noticeboard for the details of these trials. Inter-school District Swimming Trials On Thursday 12th February the younger Year 7s had their first opportunity to represent Cavendish Road State High, by participating in the Mount Gravatt Primary District Swimming Trials at Hibiscus Swimming Centre. With eleven swimmers participating throughout the day, these young ones flew the Cav Road flag exceptionally high and very proudly. Well done to all. On Tuesday 17th February the 13-18 year old Cavendish Road Swim Team participated in the South District Secondary Swimming Trials, held at Chandler Swimming Centre. I was so proud to work with these students throughout the day, as they went about their business taking on that dreaded black line like professionals. Year 10 student, Mia McChlery had an outstanding competition finishing as Age Champion for the entire South District for her age-group, earning selection in the South District team to attend the Metropolitan East Regional Trials. Hats off must also go to Tahlia Hickie, Camilo Velasquez Hurtado and Abby Mills on their South District selection. Cavendish Road High finished a hard earned 3rd place overall, as a result of some outstanding team and individual performances. Sport Trials and Student Achievement Since early February we have had more than 350 secondary students trial for South District School Sport and over 50 twelve year old Year 7 students trial for Mount Gravatt Primary District School Sport. What a fabulous representation of our school across these districts. Thank you to those 15 Cav Road teachers that continue to work tirelessly as coaches, managers and convenors throughout these district and regional trials to support these opportunities for students. 7 Congratulations to these students on their Metropolitan East selection; • Mac Butler (Baseball) • Sam Trnka (Baseball) • Luca Rostagno (Baseball) • Mia McChlery (Swimming) • Camilo Velasquez-Hurtado (Swimming) • Tyrone Faulkner (Rugby Union) • Manon Jones (Waterpolo) to conduct higher order thinking activities as well as re-enacting the battle of Thermopylae. As the term draws to a close many parents can expect a letter inviting their student into our Academy of Ideas as well as an invitation to our parent information and opening night. Details will be on the letter which will outline the exciting opportunities we will offer to our gifted and talented students in 2015. Strac Kosanovic A/HOD Humanities State Diving Championships “Karneval” Aimee Hammond (Year 9) competed in the Queensland State Age Diving Championships at the Chandler Aquatic Centre. She finished 1st in her age group for the 1 metre event and 3rd for the 3 metre event. In Week 5, our Year 8 German students enjoyed an introduction to Karneval. This is one of Germany’s most widespread celebrations as every town erupts with colour and music to celebrate the end of winter. It is also the last chance to drink and be merry before the start of Lent. In addition to these fantastic results, Aimee also met qualification to represent Queensland at the 2015 Australian Age Championships in April this year. Well done Aimee. Winter Interschool Sport Trials Trials for the various interschool sports will occur in the first few weeks of Term 2, after the Easter holidays. Students will need to listen to the promotion of these trials throughout the school. Such sports that may be on offer, depending on student numbers will be – netball, AFL, basketball, tennis, rugby league, volleyball, football (soccer), and ultimate disk. Summer Interschool Sport With less than 2 weeks remaining in our summer interschool sport season, there are many Cavendish Road teams across junior and senior groups that are representing the green machine very proudly. These teams will compete in district and metropolitan finals structure in the first 2 – 3 weeks of Term 2. Keep up the good work. Go Cav! Ms Nikki Bairstow Sports Coordinator Our students attempted their hand at creating their own masks and elected their Prince and Princess of Fools. We enjoyed a range of activities as well as a “Krapfen” (jam-filled donut). It was a great week of colours and fun. Karneval is also celebrated at the German Club with an annual costume ball. Jinnie Pettersen German Coordinator QParents Cavendish Road SHS is proud to be one the first schools in Queensland to offer QParents, as part of a pilot program in Term 2, 2015. The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians of Queensland state school students to interact with their child’s school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer. QParents allows parents to connect instantly with their child’s school to access and manage their child’s student information, including: Australasian Philosothon • Behaviour details I`m thrilled to announce that Cav Road has been selected and invited to attend the Australasian Philosothon that will take place later this year in Melbourne. This is a credit to the hard work of Mr Adam Kuss and the stunning success of the teams and individuals at our school over the last two years. It is a very highly regarded competition and speaks volumes about the quality critical thinking programs on offer through the Humanities faculty. • Academic report cards Please don`t be alarmed if your student comes home saying they have more than 1 or even 3 teachers in the room! As a department we are exploring team teaching as a strategy to engage with students as well as tap into expert subject knowledge. The year 10 History course currently has a combined class with Miss Hundt and Mr K investigating different strategies to deliver and test knowledge while the year 7 teachers have been working together as well as with myself 8 • Class timetables • Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online • Viewing and updating personal student details, including medical conditions and address • Enrolment details QParents will assist both staff and parents in sharing and responding to information in an efficient and effective way. It won’t replace the traditional ways you communicate with our school, but it will provide another way to communicate with us. The benefits of QParents Convenience and time savings for parents • Parents can view or update their child’s details without having to contact the school Also, please note there will be no Parents and Citizens Meeting held in April. Anne Ockenfels P & C - Operations Manager • Secure 24/7 online access. Parents and Citizens Uniform Shop • Available anytime, anywhere — access QParents on your smart phone, tablet or computer. It is time to think about stocking up on your winter uniform items. We already have stocks of jumpers, jackets and pants so it is best to get in early to ensure that you can get the sizes you require. New stock has been ordered but we do not expect that in until next month. It is best to be early to ensure that you don’t miss out. Greater transparency of information • Improves accountability between parents and schools by providing parents with timely access to their child’s information online. • Allows parents to engage more deeply in their child’s schooling QParents will be trialled to parents of Year 9 students only in Term 2 and if successful rolled out to the parents of students in other year levels by the end of the year. In order for the trial to be successful, please ensure you have your email address with the school up to date. More information will be sent home with year 9 students. David Thomson Business Development Manager Department of Education and Training Welcome to our new Chaplain Our new chaplain, Margita Downey is available on Monday, Tuesday and Friday each week for pastoral care, social and emotional support and spiritual support for students, staff and families. Her email is Parents and Citizens Association Canteen Volunteers Needed! If you’ve ever thought of helping out at school, now’s the perfect time. We are seeking volunteers to help out in the Canteen. If you can spare a few hours each month or even just every now and then we’d love to hear from you. The canteen is open for breakfast from 8.00am and help is needed anytime from then until 2pm. The canteen team are a friendly bunch looking to welcome you with open arms. Of course we understand that things come up unexpectedly – no problem – just let us know as soon as you can if you are unable to make it on your rostered day. Remember - the more volunteers we have, the more funds we can give back to the school for facility and resource upgrades – so please – consider putting your hand up. You can contact us via email: phone 07 3394 0723 or come on in and say hi. We look forward to meeting you soon. Daily streams of good quality second-hand items are coming into the shop for sale. So if you are looking for second-hand items, please come in and check them out. Also, if you have any good second-hand items for sale, don’t hesitate to bring them in. We operate on 70% to Seller and 30% to the P&C. HELP NEEDED - If you can spare one hour or two, we would love to hear from you. To register your help please contact Madonna – Uniform Shop Convenor Direct Shop Line - (07) 3394 0724 HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS REQUIREMENTS • Caring English speaking family • Individual furnished bedroom • All meals and access to internet • Easy transport access to school • Eligibility for Blue Card from Public Safety Business Agency Payment of $263 per week to cover expenses. For further information, please contact The Homestay Co-ordinator – Lesley Huxley Cavendish Road State High School 3394 0797 (school hours) Email: Lesley Huxley International Homestay Co-ordinator Kokoda Challenge 2015 Kokoda Challenge training is gaining momentum. Students are training every Wednesday during sport and after school from 3-4.30pm around White’s Hill Reserve. Generally we do around 5km during sport and around 8km after school. Students also need to be doing their own training on weekends and during the week. Students need to ensure that their training is regular, progressive exercise that is specific to the conditions they will encounter on the Kokoda Challenge course. The first Practice Hike is on Sunday March 29th 2015 through Mt Coot-tha, starting at Hoop Pine Picnic area at 7am. All Kokoda participants are expected to attend. Information sheets 9 have been given to students and additional copies are available from the Science foyer or through the Kokoda edStudio using access key S353160103. language-based difficulties, more focused speech-language therapy support can be requested using the school’s usual SLP referral processes. We had a very successful sausage sizzle on March 14th at Bunnings Mt Gravatt that raised just on $1000 towards our team T-shirts. Throughout the year there will be updates in the school newsletter to keep parents informed about how the additional speech-language therapy time at school is being used. As parents are often interested to know what they can do to support their children’s language and learning abilities at home, future newsletter articles will also contain information about ways to support language in the home. The main thing to remember is the more you can talk about and reflect upon words and language, the more it will benefit your children’s ongoing language development. Each team must also commit to raising a minimum amount for the associated charity, The Kokoda Foundation. Each Stan Bisset 96km team must raise a minimum of $650, and each Jim Stillman 48km team must raise a minimum of $350. All students need to contribute time and effort to fundraising so that their team will be able to compete. You can also help them by making a tax-deductible donation to a team: Go to Click on the ‘Donate’ button, Scroll down, Enter your donation details. A receipt will be sent to the email address provided. Meredith Lane-Richardson & Steve Griffiths Cav Road Kokoda Challenge Coordinators Exciting Speech–Language Therapy Initiative This year, Cavendish Road SHS is running an exciting new speech-language therapy initiative funded through the Great Results Guaranteed (GRG) resourcing. The school has purchased two additional days of speech-language therapy time, boosting the total speech-language therapy time at the school to three days a week. In all subject areas, students use their language skills to process, understand and learn curriculum material. They also use their language skills to think about, plan and compose written work. The high language demands of the high school curriculum can present challenges for some students. These students are at risk for disengaging from learning at school. Through the additional speech-language therapy time, the school’s speech-language pathologist (SLP) will work with staff to support the use of language-based learning strategies in the classroom. The Year 7 students are the initial focus of the additional time. This will be of particular benefit to students who may require support to meet the learning requirements of their new academic environment, but will also benefit the learning of all Year 7 students. The school’s SLP will work closely with class teachers and teacher aides across the Year 7 classes to focus on: • explicit vocabulary instruction to promote understanding of subject specific material, • using specific strategies to break down complex information to promote student understanding and engagement, • using specific visual supports to assist understanding and to help students plan their written work, • embedding these supports into everyday teaching and learning in the classroom. If class teachers identify that a student is experiencing significant difficulties in the classroom as a result of severe 10 Leonie Douyere Speech-Language Pathologist HALL FOR HIRE – CAVENDISH ROAD SHS Our hall is available to hire to organisations who have Public Liability Insurance of at least $20 million. Please phone the Business Manager on 3394 0710 or email for further information, costs and additional facilities available. Lyn Lee Business Services Manager
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