Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff and Students Tuesday 5th May – Term 2 Week 3 Cawarral Attendance 100% 98% 96% 94% 92% 97% 95.3% 95.40% 93.80% 94.90% 90% 88% Hello all, Welcome to week three at Cawarral State School. As you can see in our attendance graph, we are not on track to “pie the principal,” but we are also not too far away. With this being said, there has been some confusion/questions around this initiative. I should clear up that our most important focus is on a collective 97% attendance. Some students have been caught up on trying to achieve 100% and are wanting to come to school while they are unwell. This is not what we are wanting from this initiative. As such, I have made an amendment - “pie the principal” is still going to happen but only if we achieve 97% attendance as a whole school. Our 100% attendees for the term will still receive a prize and something fun (to be decided) for their great work. I apologise for misleading you all, however it is important that we all consider our students health and the spreading of sickness. Our student council met last week. One outcome of the meeting will be a behaviour reward, pizza party at the end of this term. Every student is invited to the pizza party, however actual attendance at the party must be earned. The conditions of the party are – each week, class teachers will nominate students who have shown excellent behaviour, attendance, uniforms and have remembered their library borrowing day, to attend the party. Nominated students will be notified on parade and their name placed on the Pizza Party board, meaning they are attending the pizza party. A student who receives a “consequence” for poor behaviour cannot be nominated that week. Likewise, a student who is on the board, will be removed from the board if they receive a consequence and will have to try and reearn their place at the party. The purpose of this party, is to reward good behaviour and acknowledge consistent effort. The responsibility is placed on the student to earn/keep their place at the party. I must stress that unfortunately, some students may miss out on the party if they do not make the right choices. Attendance at the party is not a guarantee. It is a privilege which is earned. May I thank the parents who attended the workshop on Friday. I will be happy to hold another later in the year (circumstances permitting). Lastly, NAPLAN is next week. I am expecting big things from Cawarral this year. This is the start of a big improvement journey for our school and I am confident that we will soon be a “green” results school! Principal DATES TO REMEMBER MAY TOMORROW Anderson Bus Meeting 9am Weds 6th Fri 8th Cawarral SS FUN RUN from 2 to 3pm Mon 11th P&C Meeting from 3.15pm in Admin building th Weds 13 Paper Plane competition – lunch break Tues 12th to NAPLAN Testing for Yrs. 3 and 5 Thurs 14th students th Sat 16 Trivia Night from 7pm (see below) nd Fri 22 Romp in the Park at Rockhampton Botanic Gardens (invitations/information will be sent home by class teachers) Weds 27th Wear Origin colours – bring a gold coin donation JUNE th Mon 8 Queen’s Birthday Holiday Thurs 11th Rocky Show Holiday (no school) th Fri 26 Last day of Term 2 JULY th Mon 13 First day of Term 3 Fri 31st Dress in Yellow Day and show a little kindness (bring along a gold coin donation) CAWARRAL ROAD/ANDERSON BUS SERVICE AGM The Annual General Meeting of the above Committee will be held TOMORROW Wednesday, 6TH May at 9.00am in the Cawarral State School Staffroom. All parents of children using this bus service are invited and encouraged to attend. The Department of Transport and Main Roads continued support of this service relies on your attendance and support of this conveyance committee meeting. If you are unable to attend please phone your apologies through to the Steve Anderson on 0428 420 222 or 49344473 CAWARRAL SS FUN RUN IS THIS FRIDAY 8TH MAY FROM 2 TO 3PM. STUDENTS WILL HAVE GREAT FUN PARTICIPATING IN AN ASSORTMENT OF ACTIVITIES RUN BY THE YEAR 6 STUDENTS. SPONSORSHIP FORMS AND MONEY DUE BACK TO SCHOOL BY TOMORROW. There are some great incentives for raising funds towards reducing the cost of swimming in Term 4 P&C MEETING – NEXT MONDAY 11TH MAY FROM 3:15PM. All welcome to come along to share ideas and contribute. TRIVIA TRIVIA TRIVIA Don’t forget our first Trivia Night for 2015 in on Saturday 16 May in the Cawarral School of Arts Hall. The night commences at 7.00pm with an entry fee of $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for school age children. Teams of up to eight (8) people – present and past student teams are strongly encouraged. There is a bar operating on the night and BYO nibblies. Trivia nights are a fun way of raising funds and a great way to catch up with other people from the community. To register your team please ring the school office on 49209333 or email Merilyn Donavon at Get your family and friends together, come up with a quirky name for your team and come along for a great night of fun. Looking forward to seeing you there. ALUMINIUIM CANS ONLY RECYCLING THIS SERVICE IS FOR ALUMINIUM CANS ONLY – NOTHING ELSE!!! PLEASE EMPTY YOUR BAGS OF CANS INTO THE CAGES COMMUNITY & SPORTING NEWS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Check out the community noticeboard at for lots of great information on what’s going on in your community. Yummy recipes, and fun things to do in your local area MARKET DAY - Keppel Anglican Parish. Saturday May 9th from 7 am - 11 am. Plants & Produce * Cakes * Tea & Coffee * Trash & Treasure * Crafts * Raffle. Come and grab a bargain. Keppel Anglican Church 18 Housden Place Taranganba ************************************************************ Kids’ Skills is a cooperative method for helping children overcome behavioural and emotional problems based on solution-focused psychology. The fifteen-step method will focus on skills development to help children and adolescents overcome problem behaviours. Presented by Strengthening Family Connections and funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. This training will be held as part of National Families Week recognising that Stronger Families make Stronger Communities. When: Thursday 21 May 2015 Where: Strengthening Family Connections 35 William St, Yeppoon (behind the Yeppoon Library) Time: 9.30am – 2.30pm (morning tea and lunch provided) RSVP: by Thursday 14 May 2015 4913 3830 | ************************************************************ 1-2-3 MAGIC & EMOTION COACHING PARENTING COURSE Anglicare CQ will be presenting a three-session program for parents and carers to help manage difficult behaviour in children aged 2-12 years Venue: Yeppoon Hospital Training Rooms Date: THREE Tuesday Evening Sessions 12th, 19th, & 26th May 2015 Time: 5.30 – 8.00pm Registration: Places are limited so register NOW by contacting Anglicare CQ on 49301500 There is no charge for attending the program ************************************************************ A Cuppa for Cancer afternoon will be held on Saturday May 23rd at Cawarral Hall 2-4 pm. Games, raffles, entertainment by the Emu Park Variety Group. Bring your favourite milk or cream jug and enter the competition. Admission $5. Bookings preferred for catering purposes. Contact 49344293. Hosted by the Mt. Chalmers History Centre. Lifeline Rockhampton Bookfest Where: Rockhampton Showgrounds, Walter Pierce Pavilion When: 22-24 May 2015 Time: Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm | Saturday 08:30am to 4:00pm | Sunday 09:00am to 12:00pm Prices: Our books are categorised and prices range from 20c to $5, with the exclusion of our collectable books these books are priced accordingly There will be lots and lots of books from romance to action, hard cover and paperback novels, cookbooks, fiction, non-fiction, educational, children's books and more. You'll just never know what you may find, unless you visit on the day! We will also continue to sell our quality clothing for $2 an item - this is always a hit with the community. Catering facilities will also be available at the event, selling burgers, hotdogs, cold drinks, tea and coffee for when you need a break from bargain hunting. For those with book shelves bursting at the seams, donate to the Lifeline Bookfest and give your unwanted books a new home. It's a fantastic way to recycle books that are no longer needed and to make way for some new and exciting chapters for you also. All funds raised at the Bookfest help support Lifeline's free counselling and support services including the Community Recovery program that send counsellors out into disaster affected areas to support the emotional wellbeing of those affected. CAWARRAL STATE SCHOOL P & C ASSOC. President: Lynda Hogg 49344 145 Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Tuckshop: Uniform Shop John Williams 49344 330 Julie Humphreys Joanne Aaron 49 209 333 Lynda Hogg 49344 145 Heidi Porter 0423002667 Katrina Small 49 136 080 Uniform sales every THURSDAY 8.30am – 9.30am in Tuckshop CONTACT DETAILS: Office Phone: 07 49209 333 Fax 07 49354 202 Email: Web Site: Postal Address: 125 Annie Drive CAWARRAL Q 4702 Weekly Newsletter: If you wish to receive a copy of the newsletter via email each week, please send an email to Students’ Personal Details Have you changed any of your personal details – eg address or phone number lately? Please notify the school by phone, or in writing, of any changes ASAP. This ensures that all correspondence is sent to your current address and that we have up-to-date contact information in case of an emergency. Also if any of your Emergency Contacts have changed, please inform the office.
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