Office of the Dean 110 Calvin Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-0506 Colbert Hills Golf Course Manhattan, Kansas ___________________________ CARD NUMBER SIGNATURE 0691004 6 G25601 EXP. DATE _____________________ Required for credit card gifts F0486 Please return this card to: KSU Foundation, P.O. Box 9200, Shawnee Mission, KS 66201-1800. Thank you for your generous support! If you or someone in your household works for a matching gift company, contact your human resources department to see if your gift qualifies for a company match. For more information, contact our matching gift coordinator by calling 800-432-1578 or visit Matching gift information NOTE: If you play in the tournament, a portion of your contribution is not tax-deductible. Your tax receipt will reflect that amount as benefits received. If you purchase entry to the event and elect not to play and/or sponsor a student to attend, your entire contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. NO REFUNDS. ❏ I will not participate in the tournament. Please receipt me for the full amount. Register online at PHONE As an added benefit to our donors, the foundation absorbs the fee charged by your credit card company. Please make check payable to Kansas State University Foundation Credit card payment: ____________________________________ If this is a business credit card, business name: Saturday, April 25, 2015 College of Business Administration JOHN R. GRAHAM MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE JOHN GRAHAM BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FUND Here is my check or credit card authorization for: 4 embroidered shirts ($800 benefits received) ❏ $5,000 Awards Dinner Sponsor Includes 4 tournament registrations and $________ Total = $________ ____ @ $50 each = $________ ❏ $1,000 Proximity Prize/Gift Bag Sponsor* ❏ $500 Hole Sponsor* ❏ $250 Green Sponsor* ❏ Gift bag donation (150 items) Describe items ______________________ ❏ Golf tournament registration ____ @ $150 each = $________ ❏ Awards dinner only ____ @ $40 each = $________ ❏ Embroidered Golf Classic shirt Men’s sizes: __ S __ M __ L __ XL __ XXL __ XXXL ❏ Donation to the John Graham Business Administration Fund* *No benefits received. Amount is fully tax deductible. Registration deadline: Thursday, April 16, 2015 Please complete additional information on reverse JOHN R. GRAHAM MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC SECOND ANNUAL For more information, contact: Ryan Kenney, Development Officer, College of Business Administration, 785-532-7515, 785-477-7316 or REGISTRATION DEADLINE: THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 Please complete and return the attached entry form, or register online at: Registration deadline: Thursday, April 16, 2015 Please complete additional information on reverse One sponsor sign placed at one green, sponsor logo on all printed and promotional materials. Email _______________________________________________________ Green Sponsor: $250 Phone ______________________________________________________ One sponsor sign placed at one tee box, sponsor logo on all printed and promotional materials. Player 4 ____________________________________________________ Collared shirts and soft cleats are required to be worn by all golfers. Hole Sponsor: $500 City _______________________ State_______ ZIP_________________ Includes green fees and cart rental, range balls, awards dinner, two drink tickets, gift bag, awards to top-placing teams, four proximity prize opportunities. Company name and/or logo on one of the following: Gift bags for each player, longest drive prize, longest putt prize, closest-to-the-pin prize (two holes), “hole-in-one” hole; recognition on proximity prize/gift bag and sponsor banner, sponsor logo on all printed materials and website, showcase product/promotional materials. Player 3 ____________________________________________________ Registration fee: $150 per player Proximity Prize/Gift Bag Sponsor: $1,000 Address _____________________________________________________ Reservations are limited to 144 golfers and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The day includes 18 holes of golf, plenty of fun competitions and an awards dinner at Colbert Hills immediately following the tournament. Sponsor banner at the awards dinner, four golf registrations, four golf shirts imprinted with tournament logos, sponsor logo on napkins and souvenir cups, sponsor logo on all printed materials and website, showcase product/promotional materials. Player 2 ____________________________________________________ The Graham Memorial Golf Classic is a fourperson scramble open to golfers of all skill levels. If entering as a foursome, please indicate all four players on your entry form. Single entries will be placed in a foursome. Awards Dinner Sponsor: $5,000 Contact name ________________________________________________ The second annual John R. Graham Memorial Golf Classic honors beloved K-State College of Business Administration alumnus and professor John R. Graham. This event celebrates John’s life and John R. Graham love of golf. Proceeds will go to the John Graham Business Administration Fund in support of K-State CBA student scholarships. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES JOHN R. GRAHAM MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC 8 a.m. registration 9 a.m. shotgun start Colbert Hills Golf Course Manhattan, Kansas PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE JOHN GRAHAM BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FUND Saturday, April 25, 2015 Player 1 ____________________________________________________ JOHN R. GRAHAM MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC Sponsor name (print) __________________________________________ SECOND ANNUAL
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