CBS NEWS POLL For release Sunday, March 29, 2015 10:30 AM EDT CBS NEWS POLL 2016: A Wide Open Republican Field, While Clinton Leads the Pack for the Democrats March 21-24, 2015 Q15. Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the US? (They should be allowed to stay in the US and eventually apply for citizenship), they should be allowed to stay in the US legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship or (they should be required to leave the US). Stay and apply for citizenship Stay in the US legally, but not apply Required to leave the US Don't know/No answer ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 56 41 73 53 11 9 9 14 29 44 16 29 5 7 2 5 Jan15b % 54 15 27 4 Q16. Which of these comes closest to your view? 1. Abortion should be generally available to those who want it. 2. Abortion should be available but under stricter limits than it is now. 3. Abortion should not be permitted. Generally available Available but limits Should not be permitted Don't know/No answer 38 34 25 3 22 39 36 3 54 28 18 1 37 35 25 4 Oct14f 39 34 25 3 Q17. As you may know, Common Core refers to new education standards for teaching reading, writing and math in grades K through 12. From what you know, do you think Common Core is a good idea, a bad idea, or don’t you know enough to say? Good idea Bad idea Don't know enough to say Don't know/No answer 19 27 54 1 10 38 50 2 27 19 54 1 18 25 55 1 Q19. How much attention have you been able to pay to the 2016 Presidential campaign--a lot, some, not much, or no attention so far? A lot Some Not much No attention so far Don't know/No answer 22 35 24 18 1 26 43 20 11 1 24 31 27 19 - 19 34 25 21 1 Feb15b 15 30 26 28 1 Q24. Thinking about your vote for president in 2016, how important is it that a candidate shares your religious beliefs--is it very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not at all important? Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don't know/No answer ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 22 27 19 22 23 38 16 20 21 17 24 20 33 18 40 37 1 * 1 1 Q100a. I’m going to read you a list of names. For each, please tell me if you would consider voting for this candidate if he or she ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2016, would you not consider voting for this candidate, or don’t you know enough to say? a. Jeb Bush Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused Rep % 51 27 21 1 Ind % 24 44 30 2 REPS Feb15b % 49 26 25 * b. Ben Carson Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 26 15 58 1 13 22 63 2 34 10 56 * c. Chris Christie Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 27 42 30 1 20 41 37 2 28 43 29 * 37 22 41 1 17 33 48 2 23 21 56 * 42 25 31 1 20 38 40 2 46 24 30 * d. Ted Cruz Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused e. Mike Huckabee Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 2 Q100a. I’m going to read you a list of names. For each, please tell me if you would consider voting for this candidate if he or she ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2016, would you not consider voting for this candidate, or don’t you know enough to say? f. Bobby Jindal Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Rep Ind % % 21 13 17 25 62 60 1 2 REPS Feb15b % 18 15 67 * h. Rand Paul Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 39 23 36 2 26 30 41 2 30 31 38 * i. Rick Perry Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 30 26 43 1 16 36 46 2 34 26 40 * k. Marco Rubio Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 39 14 46 1 19 28 51 2 37 19 43 2 l. Rick Santorum Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 28 26 46 1 13 35 50 2 28 25 46 2 35 8 56 1 16 23 59 2 30 10 59 * 10 33 57 1 8 31 59 2 m. Scott Walker Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused n. Lindsey Graham Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 3 Q50. Do you think the Tea Party movement has too much influence, too little influence, or the right amount of influence in the Republican Party? Too much Too little Right amount Don't know/No answer ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Rep Ind % % 20 34 29 20 39 25 11 20 REPS Jun14d % 17 34 32 17 Q100b. I’m going to read you a list of names. For each, please tell me if you would consider voting for this candidate if he or she ran for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, would you not consider voting for this candidate, or don’t you know enough to say? a. Joe Biden Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused Dem % 48 26 24 1 Ind % 21 52 26 2 DEMS Feb15b % 47 35 16 1 c. Hillary Clinton Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 81 10 7 1 39 41 17 2 81 12 7 1 d. Martin O'Malley Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 12 15 73 1 6 18 75 2 3 16 80 2 e. Bernie Sanders Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 14 18 68 1 8 24 66 1 14 17 68 1 f. Jim Webb Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused 9 12 77 2 6 20 72 2 7 15 76 2 4 Q100b. I’m going to read you a list of names. For each, please tell me if you would consider voting for this candidate if he or she ran for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, would you not consider voting for this candidate, or don’t you know enough to say? g. Elizabeth Warren Would consider voting for Would NOT consider voting for Don't know enough to say Refused ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Dem Ind % % 31 20 16 27 53 51 1 2 DEMS Feb15b % 32 14 53 1 Q51. Which of these possibilities would you prefer to see next year: 1. Hillary Clinton running for the Democratic presidential nomination along with strong competition from other Democrats, OR 2. Hillary Clinton running for the Democratic nomination without much competition from other Democrats; OR 3. Hillary Clinton not running for the Democratic nomination at all. Clinton running with competition Clinton running without competition Hillary not running at all Don't know/No answer 66 21 3 49 13 11 10 28 Q42. For each of the following, please tell me if it is possible you would ever vote for a candidate for the Republican nomination for president who does NOT share you views on that issue or if the issue is so important that you could not vote for a candidate who disagrees with you on it. a. Dealing with the militant group ISIS? Rep % Yes, would vote No, would not vote Depends Don't know/No answer 61 2 3 c. Dealing with illegal immigration Yes, would vote No, would not vote Depends Don't know/No answer 47 2 3 d. Education policy? Yes, would vote No, would not vote Depends Don't know/No answer Ind % 34 37 52 3 8 47 41 51 3 5 56 37 3 4 44 49 2 5 5 e. The federal budget? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Rep Ind % % 48 46 48 3 3 3 5 Yes, would vote No, would not vote Depends Don't know/No answer f. Abortion? Yes, would vote No, would not vote Depends Don't know/No answer 45 51 3 2 44 38 53 4 4 Q49. Is it possible you would ever vote for a candidate for the Republican nomination for president who is willing to compromise with Democrats to pass legislation, or do you feel so strongly that you would not vote for a candidate who is willing to compromise with Democrats? Yes, would vote No, would not vote Depends Don't know/No answer 77 17 3 3 74 18 3 5 Weighted Total Respondents Unweighted 1023 Total Republicans Total Democrats Total independents 270 293 460 240 297 486 (23%) (29%) (48%) 6
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