SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS Held under the 2015 General Competition Rules (GCR) and as amended by “FasTrack” #IDC-15-S Online Registration at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Entries Competitor Eligibility Registration and Credentials Paddock Parking On-track Sessions Grid Start/Finish Timing and Scoring 9. Pre-race Tech Inspection 10. Impound & Post Race 11. Decals/Patches 12. Penalties/Protest/Appeals 13. Race Results 14. General Information 15. Driver Information 16. DIS Recycle Rules The Chief Steward, in conjunction with the Club Racing Board, may alter the Supplemental Regulations and the schedule prior to September 4, 2015. 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 2. 2.1. ENTRIES Eligibility: A competitor must be a Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) member in good standing, hold a valid Full Competition (GCR Appendix C. 2.8.D) or SCCA Pro License, and meet all eligibility requirements listed under section 2 in order to submit a request for entry. A request for entry will not be accepted from a competitor who does not meet the requirements of GCR Section 3.7.3. Multiple Classes: Competitors may apply to enter as many classes as they may wish and drive any car eligible for that class, provided the competitor meets all eligibility requirements for each class entered. Separate entry forms and fees are required for each class entered. One Vehicle, Multiple Classes: Competitors may enter one vehicle in more than one class. Competitors shall have qualified for each class entered per the GCR and these Supplemental Regulations, and the vehicle shall meet all requirements and specifications for the class entered. A separate request for entry and fee is required for each class entered. Registration: Available online at Paper entry forms and fees (under same cover) shall be faxed to (785) 232-7214 or mailed to: SCCA Attention: Club Racing 6620 SE Dwight St. Topeka, KS 66619 All fields of the entry form must be completed to be valid; the driver bio is optional. The entry fee must accompany the request for entry. Registration Dates: Worker Registration Opens: July 22, 2015 9:00 am CDT Competitor Registration Opens: July 22, 2015 9:00 am CDT No entry will be accepted before 9:00 am CDT, July 22, 2015. Any entry received prior to July 22, 2015 will be returned. Competitors seeking to enter the 2015 Runoffs through the Majors Path or the Divisional Path are strongly encouraged to submit their entry no later than September 9, 2015 in order to minimize the risk of rejection of entry for reason of field size limitations. Competitors seeking to enter the 2015 Runoffs through the 50 percent option (Southeast Division drivers only, Supplementary Regulation 2.1.b.iii) must submit their entry no later than midnight CDT, September 9, 2015. Competitors will be notified by September 14, 2015 if their entry is accepted. Competitors whose entry is not accepted will receive an explanation for rejection and a full refund of the entry fee. Entry Fee: The fee for each online entry made before midnight CDT, August 21, 2015 is $775, payable with a major credit card. The fee for each online entry made after midnight CDT, August 21, 2015 is $975. The fee for each paper entry postmarked or dated by an express delivery service before midnight CDT, August 21, 2015 is $785, payable by check or money order to SCCA, Inc.; cash will not accepted. The fee for each paper entry not postmarked or dated by an express delivery service before midnight CDT, August 21, 2015 is $985. The paper entry fee includes a $10 handling charge. A $25 fee will be charged for checks returned for insufficient funds. The entry fee does not include the test days sponsored by Central Florida Region, SCCA, that precede the event, although registrations may be done at the same time. Cancellation and Refund: Cancellation of an entry received or postmarked or dated by an express delivery service before midnight CDT, September 9, 2015 will be refunded in full. Cancellation of an entry received or postmarked or dated by an express mail delivery service after September 10, 2015 will be refunded the entry fee less a $200 cancellation fee. Competitors/entrants may cancel through the on-line registration system, by fax to (785) 232-7214, by mail or express delivery to the address in Section 1.4, or by email to Entries not accepted due to failure to meet eligibility requirements will be refunded in full. Only competitors with a Full Competition or SCCA Pro License will be permitted on track. No refund will be issued to accepted competitors who are not permitted on-track for failure to have a Full Competition or SCCA Pro License. Car Numbers: 2014 Runoffs Competitors participating in the 2015 Runoffs may select their 2014 car number in the same class in 2015. Eligible competitors must register no later than 9:00 am CDT July 29, 2015, in order to secure the 2014 number for the 2015 Runoffs. All 2014 numbers not claimed by a 2015 competitor will be released and available after that date. The number “1” is reserved solely for the 2014 defending National Champions. In the case of groups with combined qualifying sessions, if two competitors request the same number, the requested number will be assigned to the first competitor to register. Cars with duplicate numbers will not be allowed on-track. The paper entry form provides space to select up to three (3) alternative numbers. The online entry form enables number selection from the remaining available numbers. Permitted numbers range from “0” through “199”. Three digit numbers must begin with “1”. Changes to assigned numbers must be made through the on-line registration system before 9 am CDT, September 14, 2015. After this date, changes can be made on-site at Registration or Tech at Daytona International Speedway. Car numbers shall be in strict adherence with the GCR and are subject to approval by the Chief of Timing and Scoring. Illegible numbers may not be timed or scored. Winged Formula cars are encouraged to display numbers at locations in addition to the end plates. COMPETITOR ELIGIBILITY Eligibility Paths: In order to be considered for entry to the 2015 Runoffs, a competitor must satisfy one of the following Eligibility Paths for each class entered: 1 2.2. 2.3. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 5. 5.1. 5.2. A. Majors Path: The competitor shall have participated on-track in a minimum of three (3) separate 2015 Majors Series Event weekends (regardless of Majors Conference) in the same class in the 2015 race season, and have been classified as a finisher in no less than three (3) 2015 Majors Races in the class the competitor seeks to enter. (GCR 3.7.3.A.1.a.) In addition, the competitor must satisfy at least one of the following (GCR 3.7.3.A.1.b.): i. Finish in the top ten of a Majors Conference point standing in their class; ii. Finish in the top half of the coast-to-coast, National Point Standings within their class; or iii. Reach or exceed a minimum number of points for a given class in the National Point Standings. B. Divisional Path: The competitor shall have participated on-track in no less than four (4) Divisional Championship Point Weekends in the same class in the 2015 racing season (GCR 3.7.3.A.2.a). In addition, the competitor must satisfy at least one of the following (GCR 3.7.3.A.2.b.,c.,d.): i. Finish in the top three (3) (top five (5) for SM and SRF) in the divisional points standings in a 2015 Divisional Championship; ii. Finish in the top three (3) (top five (5) for SM and SRF) in the divisional points standing in a 2015 Divisional Championship after those otherwise eligible via the Majors Path or Past Champion slot are discounted; or iii. Competitors in the Southeast Division finishing in the top half of their Divisional Championship (but not in the top three (3) or five (5) as noted in i. and ii., above) MAY be eligible to participate IF they register by September 9, 2015, and space is available. This path is available only to Southeast Division competitors who do not qualify for Runoffs eligibility under this Section 2. Space availability will be determined no later than September 11, 2015 and will be assigned in order of date of registration. Competitors seeking to participate through this Section 2.1.B.iii. shall be notified of their eligibility status promptly thereafter. A full refund of entry fees will be made to any competitor who is denied entry for reason of lack of available space. C. Defending National Champion Path: See GCR 3.7.3.A.3 for requirements. Oversubscription will be handled per GCR 6.3. Competitors holding a Full Competition or SCCA Pro License but who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria in this Section 2 are encouraged to submit an entry. Entry fees will be refunded in full if entry is denied. REGISTRATION AND CREDENTIALS Registration Hours (All times EDT) September 16 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm September 17-20 7:00 am - 6:00 pm September 21-25 7:00 am - 5:00 pm September 26 7:00 am - 4:00 pm September 27 7:00 am - 12:00 noon Hot-Pit Access: Only SCCA members will be permitted hot-pit access. Crewmembers requesting hot-pit access must be identified as crew on the competitor’s entry form. SCCA shall provide a maximum of six gate passes per entry. Only the competitor or entrant may add/change free or paid-for crew names. WEEKEND SCCA MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THE RUNOFFS. Additional passes can be purchased at Registration for $40.00 each. Tampering or altering credentials in any way is prohibited. Anyone believed to have tampered or altered credentials shall be reported to the Chief Steward and is subject to penalty. Commemorative Photos IDs will be available at the track for $10.00 each. PADDOCK PARKING Parking for trailers, RVs, and race cars will be available on September 16, 2015 from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm and on September 17 through 27, 2015 from 7:00 am until 30 minutes after Registration closes. Teams arriving after Registration closes may park their rig overnight in the designated area inside the DIS Gate 40 rig staging area. Teams with self-contained RVs or similar rigs may either leave their rigs or sleep overnight in their RVs in the staging area. Competitors, entrants, crew, and volunteers without transport vehicles or RVs may enter DIS after registration hours by showing a current SCCA membership card and signing the DIS waiver. Participants shall report to Registration the following day to sign in and receive event credentials. Competitors entered in Central Florida Region test days will be parked in their pre-reserved Runoffs paddock space, if one was reserved. Competitors/entrants may reserve paddock space, for a fee, during online registration. Some paddock spaces have additional amenities, such as electricity, water, and cable hookups. A limited number of grass paddock spaces may be available without reservation at no cost on a first-come, firstserved basis, and at the direction of the Paddock Marshal. Participants shall park only in their reserved or assigned space, as directed by the Paddock Marshal. Garage Rental: There are a limited number of rental garage spaces available. Competitors/entrants may select and reserve garage space using the online registration system. Garage rentals include a paddock space across the fire lane for rigs and tools. Prep Shops and multiple car teams may be handled in advance upon application to and at the discretion of Deanna Flanagan ( Vehicles must be parked within the competitor’s designated paddock space. Vehicles that do not fit within the designated paddock space must be parked in designated overflow parking areas. Each entry will be issued one parking pass for use in the participant’s designated paddock space. Additional parking passes may be provided by SCCA Registration, contingent on all vehicles fitting into the designated paddock space. Personal vehicles parked in “no parking areas” or that do not have the proper parking pass for a paddock space may be towed. Motorhomes/Enclosed Trailers Motorhomes with enclosed trailers may park in the paddock space if all vehicles fit within the assigned paddock space. There are designated parking areas for motorhomes and trailers that do not fit within the assigned paddock space. Overnight staying is allowed in paddock-parked RVs with proper camping passes. This pass must be requested when registering for the event. The Paddock Marshal has the right to inspect enclosed trailers and other vehicles. Motorhome services such as dump and fill will be available on designated days for an additional fee. Information will be available at Driver Information. Team motorhomes/trailers shall not be moved once parked in their assigned paddock space, unless directed by the Paddock Marshal. ON-TRACK SESSIONS Schedule Modification: The Chief Steward may alter the schedule prior to September 4, 2015 at his sole discretion. Qualifying: Grid positions for the first qualifying session for each class will be by finishing position from the Nationwide Points, with the competitor with the greatest number of Nationwide Points on pole. Ties will be resolved based on the number of first place finishes, then second place, then third and 2 Supplemental Regulations 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9 6. 6.1. 6.2. 7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.8. 8. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. beyond as needed. The remaining grid positions will be filled by those entering the Runoffs from the Divisional Path or Defending National Champion Path based on Runoffs registration date. Grid Positions for the first qualifying session will be posted at Driver Information on Sunday, September 20, 2015. Grid positions for qualifying sessions 2, 3 and 4 will be determined by the cumulative fastest times from the previous session(s). This process is NON-PROTESTABLE. Combined Sessions: For combined groupings on the first day of qualifying, the group will be sorted by class with the group with the fastest track record going first. Positions within each class will be determined by the process described in the preceding bullet. For the second and third qualifying sessions, the group will be split by class by times from the previous session (s) with the class with the fastest qualifier going first. This process is NON-PROTESTABLE. A white flag will be shown on the first lap of each group’s first qualifying session at each staffed corner station, per GCR 6.1.1.E. This is informational only. Cars not on the grid at the one-minute signal shall relinquish their qualifying grid position and start the qualifying session from the rear of their class, if the second group has not yet been released, or from the rear of the second group if it has. Eligibility for a Race Start: Competitors must qualify within 115 percent of the fastest qualifying time in the competitor’s class in order to be eligible to start the race (“eligibility window”). The Chief Steward may issue a waiver to any competitor qualifying outside of the eligibility window at his sole discretion. Competitors with a waiver shall start at the rear of the grid in order of their qualifying time. Requests for a waiver must be presented to the Chief Steward within 30 minutes after the posting of the grid. Competitors permitted to start with a waiver may be black-flagged if they are lapped or fail to maintain a safe race pace. Sound Control will be in effect for this event. GCR 5.7.3. The black flag station is located at Turn 6, Driver’s Left. Chicane: Competitors unable to safely negotiate the turn into the chicane MUST bring their car to a complete stop at the exit of the chicane before reentering the course. Competitors MUST NOT gain an advantage by cutting the chicane; a penalty may apply. Pit Lane: Competitors must stay within the marked lane that starts at NASCAR Turn 4, paralleling the apron until the turn off to pit lane, when exiting the track by the pit lane. Competitors must keep to the far right (NASCAR Fast Lane) when traversing pit lane. Lights on Banking: Yellow lights are located at Start/Finish and at NASCAR Turns 1,2,3 and 4. When flashing, the lights have the same meaning as a double yellow (full course yellow) condition; the flashing lights may also indicate a black flag all condition. Due to the long distance after turn 7, competitors are urged to pay careful attention for flag conditions when approaching Start/Finish. If a red flag needs to be displayed, lighting on the banking may not change, but the red flag ALWAYS has precedent over any other flag or light. Cars running in evening sessions under the lights must run with their stock headlights and running lights on at all times. Additional forward-facing driving lights may be added, but may not substitute any stock lighting. GRID Cars shall enter the race track through the grid area located on the East end of the infield, adjacent to NASCAR Turn 4. Crew members in the grid area must park their support vehicles at the direction of the grid officials. Cars shall be in position and the grid cleared of crew at the one-minute warning. Cars late to the grid shall enter the course from the grid through the pit lane. The next scheduled group shall not proceed to the grid until the previous group has cleared the grid. The grid area is a Hot Area for purposes of event credentials. With the permission of the Chief Steward, multiple-class competitors who have back-to-back qualifying sessions may have their second car staged in the pit lane at the rear of the grid. The competitor shall forfeit his/her qualifying grid position, and shall be released from the pit lane at the back of the field. START/FINISH THE START/FINISH LINE FOR ALL STARTS AND RESTARTS IS AT THE START LINE LOCATED AT THE TRI-OVAL AREA. At the start of each race, through the completion of the first lap, no vehicle shall pass below the yellow line in the tri-oval area. Pace laps: There will be one (1) pace lap at the start of each race. This lap does NOT count as a race lap. Wave Off: In the event of a wave off, the field will continue at the established pace car speed until the green flag is displayed by the Starter. Should the Chief Steward determine that a false start has occurred, the competitor(s) deemed to be at fault may be black-flagged and held up to one (1) minute in pit lane. Other penalties may also be imposed per GCR 7.2. Length of Race: Official track length is 3.56 miles. All races will be fourteen (14) laps (49.84 miles) or 40 minutes, whichever comes first. The 40minute clock starts when the first car crosses the Start/Finish line at the end of the scheduled pace lap. The 40-minute clock will not stop for any situation prior to race end. Finishers are defined according to GCR 5.10.4.B.3. The posted race times reflect the time of the first car on course. One Lap to Go: A waving white flag may be displayed at Start/Finish indicating the last lap if possible. This flag is informational only; failure to display it is NON-PROTESTABLE. Victory Lap: Each class winner may take a victory lap, GCR 6.11.7. Trophies and medals: Medals will be awarded to first through third place finishers, and trophies will be awarded to first through sixth place finishers. Presentation-only trophies will be used for Victory Circle ceremonies; trophies will be mailed after the event. TIMING AND SCORING All corrections, i.e., name and/or sponsor changes/additions, must be submitted to Timing and Scoring before 5:00 pm EDT September 24, 2015. MyLaps (formerly called AMB TRANX 260) Car Transponders are required for all on-track sessions. All cars shall be equipped with a working transponder. If your transponder fails, you will not receive lap times and may not be scored. Membership numbers may not be shown on official results. PRE-RACE TECH INSPECTION Tech Inspection Location and Hours: Tech Inspection will be conducted on a first-come, first-served basis, in the Tech Area during the following days and times: September 16 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm September 17-27 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Note: Tech Areas will close by 8:00 PM EDT each day. Any inspections not completed by closing will be carried over to the next day. For Friday night races, Tech will close after all impounded cars are weighed and sealed; impound inspections will begin the following morning. Rules of Tech: The following shall be adhered to without exception: No engines will be run in the Tech garages at any time, unless directed to do so by a Tech official. Cars are to be pushed in and out of the area. Smoking is prohibited at all times in the Tech area. Express Tech (Check In): If the car does not need an Annual Tech and its logbook has no unresolved notations, a competitor need not present the car for technical inspection. If a competitor’s driver’s safety equipment has been inspected and found to be in compliance as demonstrated by a 2015 3 Supplemental Regulations 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. 9.8. 9.9. 9.10. 9.11. 9.12. 9.13. 9.14. 10. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. helmet sticker (GCR 9.3.20), a competitor need not bring safety equipment to Express Tech. After registering, the competitor must bring the vehicle’s logbook to Express Tech to receive their Tech Stickers. Driver’s suits worn during competition must have official SCCA Club Racing patches as prescribed by the GCR; patches or other identifying marks from non-SCCA sanctioning bodies must be removed or covered. This will be checked at Tech. The first violation will result in a $50 fine; a second violation will result in a $100 fine. All fines for violation of this section will be donated to the SCCA Foundation. Vehicle Full Tech: A full technical inspection is required if unresolved notations exist in the logbook or the car needs an Annual Tech. Gear and helmet shall be presented for a full inspection. All new cars requiring the issuance of a logbook shall be brought to Tech. Cars needing homologation shall have this accomplished by September 9, 2015. Tech staffing may be limited during some of the test days. Therefore, competitors intending to enter a car[s] for the test days are STRONGLY ADVISED to have logbooks issued and Annual Techs completed prior to arriving at the Test Days. Normal logbook issuance and Annual Tech procedures will commence on September 19. Tech Stickers: The Runoffs® decals are the Tech Inspection Stickers. Tech Stickers shall be placed on both sides of the car, lower front quarter panel on fullfendered cars and on the engine cover on formula cars. Competitors registered for the Test Days will receive a Test Day Tech Sticker from Central Florida Region authorizing participation in the Test Days. This Test Day Tech Sticker must be placed next to a Runoffs Tech Inspection Sticker before going on track for any test day(s). All classes must run the configuration in accordance with the declared minimum weight. Competitors will need a new Tech Sticker if the declared weight is changed. Qualifying times before the change in declared weight will be lost unless the competitor returns to the original declared weight, at which point the prior qualifying times will be restored. Competitors must race at the weight that corresponds to their qualification time. No vehicle shall be permitted on-track in this event without the Runoffs® decals, the SafeRacer SCCA Club Racing Decals, and the car number and class properly placed. Two-way Radios: Competitors may employ two-way radios. Competitors may be required to change frequencies if interference occurs with event officials and/or track communications. Back-up Car Procedures: Additional cars and/or chassis that may be used at any time during the event shall be presented at Tech for inspection. The competitor/entrant must inform the Chief Scrutineer of any substitution at least 90 minutes before the start of the car’s next session. The Chief Scrutineer shall inform the Chief Steward or ACS-Tech and Chief of Timing and Scoring of the substitution. The competitor shall be instructed that all qualifying times and/or positions recorded by the original competitor/car combination will be removed. The substitute competitor/car combination shall re-qualify, if another qualifying session is available, or be gridded at the rear of the grid if another qualifying session is not available. The competitor may return to the original competitor/car combination, in which case the competitor may request the Chief Steward to reinstate the qualifying position and/or times posted by the original combination. Tire Rules: Formula Mazda Tire Rule 9.1.1.E.14. (A, B, C), Enterprises Sports Racer Tire Rule 9.1.8.F.13. (a,b,c), and FE Tire Rule 9.1.1.I.13 (a,b,c) are not in effect at this event. Sections of the Tire Rules not specifically referenced herein remain in effect. Scales: The official scales will be available to competitors/entrants for the purpose of weighing cars according to the schedule posted at Tech, except on a not-to-interfere basis during a class impound. A separate official scale operated by a Tech Official may be used to weigh drivers at Victory Circle to determine weight compliance as the cars come off the track. This official scale will also be available to competitors during posted scale hours on qualifying days. Scale weights performed in Victory Lane are official and NON-PROTESTABLE. Grid and Pit Lane Tech: Visual inspection of race cars may be conducted on the Grid and in Pit Lane. These inspections will be non-intrusive. Items not in compliance will be noted and the competitor will be directed to Tech at the end of the session for further inspection. Competitors so instructed must report directly to Tech at the end of their session. Stock OEM Components: Tech may exchange stock OEM components with parts supplied by SCCA. Fuel: All cars shall use Sunoco Race Fuel purchased from Southern Racing Fuels at the 2015 Runoffs. Available fuel includes: 93 R+M/2 Octane Unleaded Premium; Sunoco 260 GTX Unleaded Race Fuel 98 R+M/2 Octane; Sunoco 260 GT Unleaded Race Fuel 100 R+M/2 Octane; Sunoco Standard Leaded Race Fuel 110 R+M/2 Octane; Sunoco Supreme Leaded Race Fuel 112 R+M/2 Octane; and Sunoco Maximal Leaded Race Fuel 116 R+M/2 Octane. SM and B-Spec classes are restricted to 93 octane unleaded gasoline; SRF and SRF3 classes are restricted to 100 octane unleaded; T1, T2, T3 and T4 classes are restricted to 93, 98 or 100 octane unleaded. All other classes, except those required to use diesel fuel, may choose to run any of the available gasolines, including 93, 98 or 100 octane unleaded and 110, 112, or 116 octane leaded. The 93 and 100 octane unleaded fuels contain ethanol. Fuel will be available from Sunday, September 20, 2015 through September 26, 2015 from 8:00 am – 5:30 pm, and on September 27, 2015 from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Maximal 116 octane gasoline and diesel fuel is available only in 55 gallon drums and must be pre-ordered through Rick Williams, Southern Racing Fuels ( or (877) 240-3278)) before September 11, 2015. No other fuel will be sold in drums. Competitors shall declare which fuel they are using. • Mixing fuels of different octanes is prohibited. • These fuels shall be purchased from temporary tanks and will be tested in accordance with the official Runoffs® fuel testing procedures, which include physical properties, dielectric constant, ISO Tag content, and specific gravity. These procedures will be available in Tech. • Competitors are strongly urged, at a MINIMUM, before the first session or when changing fuel brands or grades, to drain the fuel tank/cell, then add a few gallons of the chosen fuel, run the car, and drain the remaining fuel. Adding Runoffs-compliant fuel to a fuel tank/cell containing even insignificant quantities of other fuel is likely to result in test failure. Cleaning the tank/cell is strongly advised. • Fuel testing will be available to all competitors on a voluntary basis subject to the workload in Tech. Priority will be given to competitors who have not previously had their fuel tested. The scheduled times for voluntary fuel testing will be posted at Tech. • Fuel testing for compliance with the Supplemental Regulations may be implemented during qualifying and post-race inspection. • Shipment of fuel samples to Chempro for analysis will not be possible during the Runoffs since all activities must be resolved during the event. Data Acquisition: SCCA Technical Staff and/or Club Racing Board members and their delegates may install data acquisition equipment in a competitor’s car. This program is to assist the CRB in competition adjustments. The data collected will not be used for compliance purposes at the 2015 Runoffs. Participation is mandatory, not optional, and is NON-PROTESTABLE. Nitrogen is available from AirGas South, call (386) 274-2962 before September 18 to order. Nitrogen cylinders will be delivered to the shipping and receiving location identified in 15.3 of these Supplemental Regulations for pick up. All cylinders must be returned to the pick-up area at the end of the event or AirGas may charge an additional fee. Billing arrangements must be made at time of order. IMPOUND AND POST RACE INSPECTION The first six (6) finishing cars in each class shall proceed directly to impound at the conclusion of their race. Impound passes will be issued to the driver and up to three (3) crew members of the impounded car. Additional cars may be ordered to impound at the discretion of the Chief Steward. Cars shall remain in impound with at least the competitor or a designated crew member until released. Crew members may leave impound with the consent of the category supervisor. At the conclusion of each qualifying session, all or some of the cars in each class may be directed to impound for inspection at the Chief Steward’s discretion. Cars directed to impound after the qualifying sessions must go directly to Impound. Post Qualifying Compliance Verification: Scrutineers may employ non-intrusive measuring devices (P&G gauge, Whistler, etc.) throughout the week. These devices are used as a quick estimate of the measurement and readings may not be identical to those done during a detailed inspection, which 4 Supplemental Regulations may occur at a later time. Scrutineers will note any non-compliant items observed during this inspection on an “Official Report” and process it with ACS - Tech. Tech will remove the Runoffs® Decals from cars found to be non-compliant. The car must be presented to Tech in a compliant configuration before replacement Runoffs® Decals will be issued. 10.4. Eligibility and Preparation Resolution: Matters of eligibility and preparation will be resolved as soon as possible after the final qualifying session for each group. Cars impounded after their qualifying session that have a Tech card showing uncorrected notations will be reported to the Chief Steward. 10.5. Admission to the Tech areas during post-race impound is restricted to competitors, officials, and crew members with proper credentials. 10.6. Competitors are responsible for performing required disassembly and/or reassembly of their car, as well as for bearing any expenses incurred. Competitors shall be prepared to conduct disassembly in an expeditious manner and may be penalized for failure to do so. Competitors shall be under the control of Tech officials during post-race impound and shall promptly comply with all directives. 10.7. Any part found to be non-compliant per the GCR specification book and/or Supplemental Regulations will be retained by and shall become the property of SCCA, Inc. Confiscated parts will be transported to SCCA National headquarters and disposed of at SCCA’s sole discretion. 10.8. The first place car in each class, and others at the Chief Steward's discretion, will receive at least the following post-race inspection: Removal of cylinder head for measurement of bore, stroke and valve size, where restricted by the rules for the class and category. A P&G gauge or other measuring device may be used in place of cylinder head removal at the option of the Chief Steward. Teardown will begin within 45 minutes following the conclusion of post-race ceremonies, with the exception of the night races Friday night. For those races, cars impounded will be weighed and sealed and teardowns will commence when Tech reopens on Saturday morning. Teardowns shall be completed within four (4) hours, except for Spec Miata, Touring, Super Touring, and AS. The Chief Steward may modify these procedures at his sole discretion. 10.9. Disabled Race Car Parking: Disabled cars will be parked in the designated boneyard. No vehicle shall be removed from the boneyard without the prior approval of ACS-Tech. 10.10. Competitors are responsible for transporting their car to and from Tech following on-track sessions. 11. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. DECALS AND PATCHES All GCR-required decals and patches, as well as vehicle logbooks, are available in Tech. All decals and patches required for Contingency programs are available during Tech’s posted hours. GCR-required driver’s suit patches will be checked during pre-race Tech inspection. Non-SCCA sanctioning body decals and patches on the competitor’s driver’s suit and racecar must be removed or covered. NO COMPETITOR WILL BE PERMITTED ON THE PODIUM WITHOUT GCRREQUIRED PATCHES OR WITH VISIBLE NON-SCCA SANCTIONING BODY INSIGNIA ON THEIR DRIVER’S SUIT. 12. 12.1. PENALTIES / PROTESTS / APPEALS Penalties shall be as stated in GCR 7.2., except as follows: Protest fee is $100. A competitor may be excluded from competing in the following year's Interdivisional Championship Event. Position penalties for Pass Under Yellow infractions will be applied to the final qualifying grid. Protests: All protests shall be lodged at the Competitor Services Center. Driver advisors will be available to provide assistance between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:30 pm from September 21 through and including September 27, 2015. Protests shall be filed and will be heard in accordance with the provisions of GCR 8.3 except as follows: Anyone who may be involved in a protest and fails to be available for the SOM hearing waives their right to be heard and/or to call witnesses, as all protests shall be resolved at the event. Protests against the validity of an entry or the eligibility of a competitor or entrant, must be received by the Competitor Service Center no later than ninety (90) minutes after the final qualifying session for the class of car being protested. All decisions rendered or penalties imposed by the Stewards of the Meeting may be appealed. Appeals: The Court of Appeals is identified under "Officials" and has been assigned to bring final resolution of all event disputes. As all appeals shall be resolved at the event, anyone who may be involved in an appeal and fails to be available for the Court of Appeals hearing waives their right to be heard and/or to call witnesses. Appeals will be handled in accordance with GCR 8.4., with the following exceptions: Appeal fees shall be $200, of which $100 will be retained by the SCCA. Appeals shall be submitted to the Competitor Services Center. The time limit for receipt of an appeal is 60 minutes after the announcement of the First Court's decision. A decision on whether an appeal will be heard and disposition of the fee will be fully resolved at this event. In an “Errors and Omissions” situation, the Chief Steward may seek a Rule Interpretation by filing an appeal directly with the Court of Appeals. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 13. 13.1. RACE RESULTS Results will normally be posted at Driver Information within 30 minutes of the conclusion of each race. Results will also be available in the 2015 Runoffs section of the SCCA website. 14. 14.1. 14.2. GENERAL INFORMATION SMOKING IS PROHIBITED INDOORS, as well as at TECH, GRID, PIT LANE, and WITHIN 20 FEET OF any building. Camping: Overnight camping in the paddock or track-side must be in a legitimate, self-contained motor home. Overnight tent/non-self-contained vehicle camping is available only in designated areas. Cooking fires and campfires shall be built only in a device designed to elevate the fire off the ground – such as a grill or portable fire pit. Illegal drugs, fireworks, firearms, or any type of explosive are not permitted at any time on DIS property. Please leave the grounds as you found them. Commercial and Private Unmanned Aircraft Systems (aka “Drones”) may not be operated on or over DIS property. Medical: The infield care center will be open from September 21 through September 27, from 8:00 am until 30 minutes after thecheckered flag at the end of the day. The infield care center may be reached at (386) 681-6753. If medical or emergency services are needed when the care center is closed, contact speedway emergency dispatch at (386) 681-3333 or Dial 911. 14.3. 14.4. 15. 15.1. 15.2. DRIVER INFORMATION CENTER The Driver Information Center is located at the entrance of the Fan Zone, in the middle of the paddock and will have the following information posted: Qualifying times Race results Sound control reports Protest and appeal results All requests for public address announcements must be made at Driver Information. Please go to Driver Information with questions before going to DIS or race officials. 5 Supplemental Regulations 15.3. Shipping and Receiving All packages must have the following mailing address: Daytona International Speedway Attn: {NAME/TEAM NAME} - SCCA Runoffs 1801 West International Speedway Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114 PACKAGE PICK-UP IS LOCATED OFF PROPERTY ON DUNN AVE IT IS ON THE BACKSIDE OF THE DIS CREDENTIAL OFFICE/SANCTIONING BODY REGISTRATION OFFICES. REFER TO THE MAP FOR THE LOCATION. Packages MUST include name of recipient or team name and an onsite contact number. Shipping/Receiving Building Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm No COD packages will be accepted. Packages not picked up will be returned to the sender at the end of the event. At the end of the event, outgoing packages must include paid shipping label and bill of landing if applicable. Failure to provide this will result in delay of outgoing packages. For more information, contact DIS at (386) 254-2700 16. 16.1 16.2 DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY RULES Carts, roller-blades, motorized skateboards are prohibited on DIS property. Pets: All pets must stay within your assigned camping spot, pets, are not permitted in garages, do not walk pets along roadways. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after pets and must dispose of the waste properly. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times. Excessive barking or aggressiveness is not permitted. 16.3 Recycle Rules: It is a Violation of State and Federal Laws to improperly dispose of toxic or hazardous wastes in used oil. Daytona International Speedway (DIS) provides sites for the proper disposal of wastes generated at its events at the locations indicated on the map near #402 and #515. Please Contact Race Control for HazMat Spill Assistance. All cleaning fluids (ONLY NON CHLORINATED BRAKE AND CARB CLEANERS ARE PERMITTED), oil, antifreeze or other fluids that are brought on to Speedway grounds by teams must be removed by teams upon their departure or disposed of as provided below. ANY INTENTIONAL OR IMPROPER DISPOSAL OF ANY WASTE PRODUCTS ON THE PROPERTY OF DIS WILL BE DEALT WITH SUMMARILY BY SCCA, DIS AND THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. DIS separates waste fluids into the following categories for disposal: 1. Used oil & oil filters 2. Anti-Freeze 3. Waste fuel and used fuel filters (used fuel filters are not comingled with used oil filters) 4. Brake fluid 5. Sorbent Waste (speedy dry) A Safety-Kleen representative or track employee is provided at the Recycle Center locations as indicated on the map located near #402 and #515 to assist any team member in selecting the proper disposal container for any wastes which may be generated. Failure by any team member to follow the directions of any of these representatives or to otherwise comply with these rules will be reported to your sanctioning authority for disciplinary action. Please use the disposal area that is closest to your work area. USED OIL: (Motor Oil, Transmission Fluid, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil) Collection containers are provided in the locations indicated on the map near #402 and #515. They are marked “Used Oil”. Only used oil may be placed in these containers. Used oil accidentally contaminated with solvents, brake fluid, antifreeze or other fluids must be delivered to the Recycle Stations for alternate disposal. An inspector will be stationed at the disposal sites to insure that contaminated oil is not placed in the used oil barrels. ANTI-FREEZE: Disposal barrels marked for anti-freeze are provided at the disposal sites located on the map near #402 and #515. Only used antifreeze may be placed in these barrels. Anti-freeze contaminated with solvents, used oil or other liquids must be delivered to the Safety Kleen stations for proper disposal. WASTE GASOLINE: Containers of unused gasoline or other fluids contaminated with gasoline products must be taken to the disposal area located on the map near #402 and #515. No gasoline products may be poured into any other waste fluids container, especially the USED OIL disposal containers. The waste fuel container for the Sprint Garage is located in the blue lock up in front of the Recycle Center. CLEANING FLUIDS: ONLY NON CHLORINATED BRAKE AND CARB CLEANERS ARE PERMITTED for use at the DIS facility. All parts cleaning must be done by race team members at the Safety Kleen cleaning stations indicated on the maps located on the map near #402 and #515. Safety Kleen has provided cleaning stations and environmentally approved solvents for use by all teams at no charge. USED BATTERIES: Waste auto and motorcycle batteries may be dropped off at the Recycle Centers. There are labeled containment trays for used batteries. SORBENT WASTE: The Yellow and Blue garage recycle centers have proper drums to collect used Sorbent Waste (used Speedy Dry) for oil related spills. There is also a separate drum for fuel related used sorbent waste. 6 Supplemental Regulations 7 Supplemental Regulations
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