SOC 111.3 - Centre for Continuing and Distance Education

Please Note: This Class Syllabus is an important step in updating the format of our distance courses. If for any reason the Class Syllabus does
not match the print Course Guide or online course information, the Class Syllabus shall be taken as correct.
Foundations in Sociology: Society, Structure, Process
SOC 111.3
Spring/Summer 2015
Independent Studies
May 6, 2015
August 11, 2015
Course Description
One part of a two-part introduction to the discipline of sociology, the study of society. It
examines theories and methods for studying changes to the nature and organization of society
from pre-modern, to modern and post-modern. Students will be introduced to core sociological
concepts used to understand social inequality, social order, social change, and globalization.
Formerly: Part of SOC 110.6.
Note: Students who have taken SOC 110.6 may not take this course for credit.
Course Objectives
As students proceed through the course, they should be able to:
1. Understand sociology as a discipline concerned with the systematic study of
relationships between individual and society.
2. Develop a “sociological imagination” that enables you to view social phenomena critically
by understanding social structure and processes.
3. Recognize the primary ways in which sociologists define, research, and analyze
sociological problems.
4. Identify and investigate the nature of major sociological features of Canadian society and
other societies, including historical patterns, institutional structures, and structured
5. Pose and analyze problems for sociological investigation.
March 19, 2015 gm ck pk np
SOC 111.3 – Foundations in Sociology Society Structure Process
Course Overview
SOC 111.3 Foundations in Sociology: Society, Structure, Process is an opportunity for you to
discover a new discipline and, hopefully, to begin to see the world in a new way. Sociology
deals with the familiar, although often in unfamiliar ways. It is concerned with aspects of our
everyday lives as well as with hidden structures and historical processes that are both known
and unknown to us. As you work through the course, you will encounter much that appears to
be common sense. However, you will also be sensitized to new ways of asking questions and
gathering information to supplement what you already know about the social world. In the
process, you may reach some surprising conclusions. You will be confronted with new
concepts, theories, and facts to be learned. Most importantly, however, you should concern
yourself with the various tools that sociology offers you to explore and answer questions about
our social world.
Your Instructor
Nancy Poon
Contact Information
306.384.3584 (leave msg)
306.260.8004 (leave msg or text)
258 Arts and Sciences
Preferred method of contact:
• Via email or text for inquiries and announcements; please have the identifier “SOC 111”
somewhere in your message
• Telephone for discussion
The best time to telephone me is in the evenings.
For in-person visits, please make an appointment.
I am currently a sessional lecturer with both the Department of Sociology at the University of
Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Polytechnic. I currently teach Introductory Sociology;
Sociology of the Family and Sociology of Health, Culture and Values for Saskatchewan
Polytechnic. For the University of Saskatchewan I currently teach Introductory Sociology
Courses as well as Penology and Corrections. I have taught Criminology, Women and Law, the
Sociology of Law, and Youth, Justice and Social Control.
I completed my Ph.D. in 2009. My areas of interest include criminology, penology and
corrections, women and law, women, race and the justice system, and finally social theory and
knowledge mobilisation as they contribute to democratic processes.
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SOC 111.3 – Foundations in Sociology Society Structure Process
I am also in the process of writing up results of a national survey of the housing situations of
women prior and post incarceration in Canada.
Required Resources
Pearson Custom Sociology: Foundations in Sociology: Society, Structure, Process
with MySocLab Student Access Code Card. (2013). Tiemann, K., et. al. (eds.) Toronto:
Pearson Learning Solutions. ISBN-13: 978-1-256-82938-6
Textbooks are available from the University of Saskatchewan Bookstore:
Other Required Materials
1. Print Course Materials package sent from CCDE.
Recommended Resources (Optional)
Use Online Source – MySocLab
MySocLab delivers proven results in helping individual students succeed. It provides engaging
experiences that personalize, stimulate, and measure learning for each student. MySocLab can
be used by itself or linked to any learning management system. You can download the Pearson
eText on your iPad. To learn more about how MySocLab combines proven learning applications
with powerful assessment, visit
Register online
Go to
Follow the instructions to register as a student.
After you register you can sign in any time at
The access code is printed underneath the flap to the right of your access code card (packaged
with the textbook you purchased).
For help, go to our 24-hour Customer Technical Support site at
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SOC 111.3 – Foundations in Sociology Society Structure Process
Class Schedule
May 6-27,
Module 1 – Sociological Imagination:
Classical and Modern Theories
Chapters 1, 2, 3
May 28-29
May 30June 3
Module 2 – Scientific Study of the
Social World: Research Methods
June 4-25
June 4-25
Evaluation Due
No Evaluations
Chapter 4
Assignment 1
Due Date:
June 3, 2015
Chapter 5 & 6
Module 3 – Social Inequality and
Political Economy
Assignment 2
Due Date:
June 29, 2015
No Evalautions
June 26July 15
Module 4 – Mass Media, Social
Change, and Social Movements
Chapters 7 & 8
July 16August 6
Module 5 – Globalization and
Environmental Issues
Chapters 9 & 10
July 17-20
Assignment 3
Due Date:
July 29, 2015
No Evlautions
August 14, 2015
(9:00 a.m.)
Note: If for any reason the Class Syllabus Reading List does not match the Module Reading
List, the Class Syllabus shall be taken as correct.
Grading Scheme
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Final Exam
Information on literal descriptors for grading at the University of Saskatchewan can be found at:
Please note: There are different literal descriptors for undergraduate and graduate students.
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SOC 111.3 – Foundations in Sociology Society Structure Process
More information on the Academic Courses Policy on course delivery, examinations and
assessment of student learning can be found at:
The University of Saskatchewan Learning Charter is intended to define aspirations about the
learning experience that the University aims to provide, and the roles to be played in realizing
these aspirations by students, instructors and the institution. A copy of the Learning Charter can
be found at:
Evaluation Components
CCDE Writing Centre - Quality writing help for free! Anyone taking a distance class (online, independent studies, televised, or multi–mode delivery)
administered by the CCDE can use this free service. The Writing Centre provides tools and
support to help you write effective essays, reports, or reviews. Simply submit a project draft, and
a qualified tutor will assess your work and offer advice to improve your project. Contact the
CCDE Writing Centre at To fulfill course requirements, you must submit three assignments and write a final examination.
Assignment 1: SOC 111.3 (X01) Assignment 1
20% of final grade
Due Date:
See Class Schedule
To understand the relationship between society and the individual and how social
theories attempt to explain this relationship.
Description: Answer the following questions in essay form. Use 12-point font, Times New
Roman, and double-spaced. Write 2-3 pages for each question.
1. What is sociological imagination? Discuss how the sociological perspective can be
applied to an understanding of the individual as well as the collective.
2. Compare and contrast the functionalist and conflict theories of society, giving special
attention to the assumptions and emphases that distinguish these two approaches.
Provide your own comments or arguments.
Assignment 2: SOC 111.3 (X01) Assignment 2
20% of final grade
Due Date:
See Class Schedule
To understand the concept of social inequality and to examine the explanations
as to why inequality persists in a modern liberal democratic society such as our own.
Description: Answer the following questions in essay form. Use 12-point font, Times New
Roman, and double-spaced. Write 2-3 pages for each question.
Compare and contrast any two of the theoretical explanations for social stratification.
Which do you prefer? Why?
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SOC 111.3 – Foundations in Sociology Society Structure Process
Many commentators argue that job selection and working conditions are matters of
individual choice and free markets. Using your own experience or empirical evidence,
indicate whether or not this is a valid argument.
Assignment 3: SOC 111.3 (X01) Assignment 3
30% of final grade
Due Date:
See Class Schedule
To examine a social problem or phenomenon using the knowledge you’ve gained
in this course as well as other insights you may have gained through your own personal
Description: Write an analytical paper on a specific social issue under one of the following
general topics:
• Mass media and society
• Social movements or collective behaviour
• Social change
• Globalization
If you are uncertain about how to organize your essay, feel free to e-mail me an outline of
your proposal and I will give you some feedback.
Your paper should be 8-10 pages (12-point font; Times New Roman; and double-spaced) in
length. You must provide a bibliography, including references to all sources of information that you
draw upon in your paper.
The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience in defining a sociological problem and
providing a systematic answer or response to that question based upon your own experience and
investigation. It is to be an analytical paper in the sense that you will be providing information that
not only describes the issue with which you are dealing, but in addition, you will be working towards
an explanation of the problem.
The process that you should follow in developing your analysis can be outlined as follows:
1. Develop a specific title for your paper. Define your problem or research question: What are
you trying to find out, and why?
2. Indicate the possible ways of answering the question: Which theories, approaches or
explanations can be used, or have been used by others, to answer the question of a similar
nature? Identify, briefly, the strengths and limitations of each approach.
3. Identify your argument: Indicate how you are going to answer the question (i.e., which
approach will you take or which set of factors will you conclude are most important to
explain your problem), and justify why.
4. Provide your empirical evidence (your own experience/observation or secondary data) and
analysis: Organize and present your information. Your findings must be set up in such a
way as to show how and why you have answered your question in the way that you have.
You may use your textbook as a source of information, but you should also incorporate
other books and articles.
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SOC 111.3 – Foundations in Sociology Society Structure Process
5. Conclude your analysis: Provide a brief concluding section to summarize your analysis and
to indicate its importance.
Final Examination
30% of final grade
See Class Schedule
3 hours
A comprehensive, invigilated examination on all of the material covered in all
Description: The final examination will be composed of a series of essay questions. The
essay questions will offer you some choices. Questions will be based on the following topics:
1. Social stratification and social inequality
2. Social change and social movements
3. Collective behaviour
4. Work and political economy in the capitalist society
5. Relationship between individual and society
6. Micro sociology and macro sociology
7. Globalization and environmental issues.
You should understand the different sociological theories on these issues. Read and review
your textbook and Course Guide. The best preparation for the exam consists of reviewing the
content of each module.
The location listed in PAWS for your exam is the Saskatoon location. If you want to write your
final exam outside Saskatoon, you must complete an Application for Final Examination form,
available at: This will let us know where you would like to write
your exam.
Students writing in Saskatoon do not need to complete this form.
Submitting Assignments
Submission forms and pre-addressed envelopes are included in your course materials package.
Assignments may be submitted by mail, fax, or in person. Some instructors may also accept
assignments submitted electronically. Check with your instructor on the preferred mode.
Options for Submitting Assignments:
Electronically to your instructor by e-mail or the Blackboard Learn system (check with
your instructor on preferred electronic mode).
By fax (with completed submission form) to CCDE at (306) 966-5245.
In person (with completed submission form) to the Main Office at the Centre for
Continuing and Distance Education (address below) Monday through Friday between
8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. After Hours: Via the drop slot located at the top of the central
stairwell, on the Fourth Floor of the Williams Building (address below).
By mail (with completed submission form) to:
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SOC 111.3 – Foundations in Sociology Society Structure Process
The Centre for Continuing and Distance Education (CCDE)
Room 464, Williams Building
University of Saskatchewan
221 Cumberland Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7N 1M3
Please note that assignments sent by mail should be postmarked no later than the due date,
and faxes should be sent prior to 4:30 p.m. Saskatchewan time on the due date.
You should keep a personal copy of all assignments submitted.
Additional Information
Course Requirements
To fulfill course requirements, you must submit three assignments and write a final
The schedule of assignment due dates and the date of the final examination is listed in your
Course Schedule. Please adhere to these dates as they will help you pace your learning. If you
think that an assignment will be late, contact your instructor immediately.
Students with Disabilities
If you have a diagnosed disability (learning, medical, physical, or mental health), you are strongly
encouraged to register with Disability Services for Students (DSS). In order to access DSS
programs and supports, you must follow DSS policy and procedures. If you suspect you may
have a disability, contact DSS for advice and referrals. For more information,
see or contact DSS at 306-966-7273 or
Integrity Defined
“Integrity is expected of all students in their academic work – class participation, examinations,
assignments, research, practica – and in their non-academic interactions and activities as well.”
(Office of the University Secretary)
It is your responsibility to be familiar with the University of Saskatchewan Guidelines for
Academic Conduct. More information is available at
Module Objectives
Module 1: Sociological Imagination: Classical and Modern Theories
1. Understand that Sociology is a scientific study of the relationship between individuals
and society.
2. Describe what sociological imagination is and how sociologists investigate social
phenomena in different ways.
3. Know the linkages and differences between macro and micro approaches to sociology
and between classical and modern sociological theories.
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Module 2: Scientific Study of Social World: Research Methods
Understand the rules and procedures that guide sociological research.
Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative approaches to sociology.
Know different research methods used in sociological research.
Appreciate the importance of ethics in sociological research and explore the influence of
feminist theory on sociological methods.
Module 3: Social Inequality and Political Economy
1. Understand different sociological theories of social inequality.
2. Describe how social inequality produced within the class structure affects people’s life
chances and experiences.
3. Explain the ways in which work, as a fundamental social activity, is related to the labour
process in the capitalist society.
4. Understand the nature and significance of the Canadian political and economic
Module 4: Mass Media, Social Change, and Social Movements
1. See how mass media, social change, and social movements are studied sociologically.
2. Know different sociological theories on mass media, social change, and social
3. Examine how the internet reflects long-standing issues in the sociology of mass media.
4. Understand why social movements have historical importance in the process of social
Module 5: Globalization and Environmental Issues
1. Distinguish between globalization effects in rich and poor countries.
2. Explore the major contributions of sociology to issues of globalization and environment.
3. Outline the major ecological changes and indicators of environmental destruction that
have occurred in Canada.
Course Author
Li Zong, Ph. D., (Department of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan)
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