The Sandpiper Newsletter Sandbridge Community Chapel UMC 3041 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Office : (757) 721-3105 Fax (757) 721-5198 E-mail: or Web: March/April 2015 WORSHIP SCHEDULE: 8:30am Traditional Service with Communion 10:00am Sunday School for all ages 11:00am Contemporary Service A Word From Pastor Clyde March & April 2015 PASTOR’S WORD We are coming to the holiest time of the year in the Christian calendar—Lent and the glorious day of Easter resurrection. There are many things happening around the church for Easter. I hope that you will take the time to look through the newsletter and put them on your calendar. I especially love the sunrise services here on the beach. Last year was freezing! But we still had a great turnout and the wonderful breakfast along with the warm fellowship more than made up for the cold. Easter means one basic thing to me and that is Jesus is alive! As Paul put it, if Jesus be not raised then our faith is vain and we of all people are most to be pitied. But Paul went on to shout out that Jesus was raised and he is alive. Easter is our opportunity once again to reacquaint ourselves with all that means to us and to our daily lives. One thing it means is that Jesus is Lord. The confession that Jesus is Lord was part of the Christian church from the very beginning. Today I believe that we say it much too flippantly. It comes from the basic Jewish confession that “the Lord our God is one God.” When Christians said that Jesus was Lord, they were, in effect, saying that Jesus was God. So they were not only saying that they would obey Jesus in all things as they would their boss (or lord as they were called back then) but they were also saying that Jesus was Lord as God was Lord. Because the early Christians were proclaiming Jesus as Lord and God, they were willing to go to their deaths before they would bow down to emperors who asked them to call them Lord. So what does that mean to us today? Do we really mean that Jesus is Lord of our lives? I know that I fail pretty miserably most of the time. I have a terrible habit of going off on my own and then trying to square it with what I think that Jesus, maybe, possibly, might allow. That is a long way from looking to Jesus first. I believe that Lent is a great time to examine how we might put Jesus first. How might our lives be different if we made Jesus total Lord of all that we do? Are there priorities that we might change? Would our spending and giving patterns be different? What about the movies and TV that we watch? As Easter approaches, let’s take the time to at least consider what it means to make Jesus Lord of our lives. Pastor Clyde PAGE 2 MINUTES OF ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETING SANDBRIDGE COMMUNITY CHAPEL UMC Administrative Council Name Chairperson Don Ashby Vice Chairperson Frank Gupton Recording Secretary Ben Lane Lay Leader Marybeth Grambo Lay Member @ Annual Conference Gerald Phelps Finance Chairperson Doreen Roadman Church Treasurer Fred Jenkins Stewardship David Whitley Youth and Children’s Ministry Steve Joyner Missions Jen Eliason Membership Margie Dowe Disaster Coordinator Ben Lane Historian Charles Learned Worship Margie Dowe IT Coordinator/Communications Andrew Roper Youth Representative Ben Hilliard Member-At-Large Joan Kennedy Trustees Chairperson Fred Greene Staff/Pastor Parish RC Chairperson Joan Davis Day School Director Beth Comerford Pastor Clyde DeLoach Secretary Tina Ciccone Youth Ministries Steve Joyner Music Director Bryan Harrell Staff PAGE 3 E-Mail In Attendance: Pastor Clyde DeLoach Tina Ciccone Andrew Roper Don Ashby Ben Hilliard Beth Comerford Fred Greene Doreen Roadman Margie Dowe Charles Learned Ben Lane Call to Order: Don Ashby called the meeting to order at 7:01pm with Pastor Clyde giving the opening prayer. Previous Minutes: Last month’s minutes (15 January 2015) were approved by the Council. Lay Leader Report (Marybeth absent; Report provided): District News Imagine No Malaria – Display to be set up in the Narthex during Lent. Propose having the April 25 th Lemonade stand that Bishop Cho has asked all Virginia Churches to do to bring awareness to the UMC continuing mission: Imagine No Malaria – Our Faith in Action Service Opportunities JCOC servings – Disciple 1 and 4 Classes will be serving JCOC on 14 February 2015. GROUPS or Individuals are encouraged to sign up for the remaining serving dates March 17 (Tuesday) May 19 (Tuesday) July 30 (Thursday) Sept 3 (Thursday of Labor Day weekend) Nov 24 ( Tuesday before Thanksgiving) Contact Marybeth Grambo at to sign up. Bible Studies, Men’s Group, Youth Group, Girl Scouts are all encouraged to sign up in advance for one of these dates. All are encouraged to donate items to this ongoing local mission. Menu will remain the same except for the Breakfast Red Beans/ rice/ Corn Bread/ Roasted Vegetables/ Fruit/ Dessert/ Lemonade/Tea Outreach Events Day School Bulletin Board for SCC – The SCC Day School Bulletin Board has it’s February display. Pictures of Youth Group, LIO and JCOC servings are posted. Listing of sermons, Youth Group Activities and contacts to get plugged in are also listed. Board with pictures will change each month. ANY ideas for Church promotion are welcome. Contact Marybeth Grambo Children’s Ministries Living Inside Out Children’s Ministries: LIO has moved to the classroom in the Sanctuary. Many hours were spent getting the room put together and the craft supply cabinet organized. Had two Sunday classes there already and the kids enjoy it! We will be moving into the Lent LIO program on February 22nd. LIO Bulletin Board: The bulletin board across the hall from the LIO classroom will also have monthly displays. Pictures, projects and upcoming events will be posted. VBS: DATES: June 22-26; VBS meeting to be announced soon!! ANYONE who is interested in being a part of the VBS leadership team, please contact Marybeth Grambo- as soon as possible. PAGE 4 Lay Delegate for Annual Conference (Gerald Phelps absent): No Report. Financial Chair Report (Doreen Roadman): SCC Finance Committee Meeting; 6:30 p.m. February 5, 2015. Present: Pastor Clyde DeLoach; Doreen Roadman, Finance Chairperson; Fred Jenkins, Treasurer; David Whitley, Stewardship; Fred Greene, Trustees; David Whitley, At-Large 1. We opened with discussion of the 2014 income and expenses. The pattern continues to reflect a moderate deficit of monthly cash flow. Doreen presented a report for the past 4 years, highlighting annual income deficits ranging from $7500 to $15,000, with the exception for 2012 the year the church experienced a pastoral change. On average the church is falling short approximately $1200-$1500 per month to cover the budgetary needs. 2. A discussion ensued regarding the need for stewardship training/education. There hasn't been any form of stewardship campaign or education in a number of years. Also, there is a shift in the methods of giving. Suggestions included researching internet and phone methods of giving. The committee also agreed to pursue more information on organized stewardship campaigns. David Whitley will follow through on this area. 3. Trustees are looking to replace the windows in the sanctuary building as well as replace the front door. The combined costs will be approximately $23,000. Perhaps donations from UMM and UMW will help defray some cost. In addition, a possible capital campaign to raise funds for the windows may ensue. In the meantime, a suggestion was made to proceed with obtaining bids for windows and use the equity line of credit as a means to pay for the project if need be. Everyone agreed to proceed accordingly. 4. It is time to review the church liability policies as well. Fred Greene will contact the Church Mutual agent and schedule an appointment to review the policies. 5. Doreen brought up the need to conduct an audit on the Day School's debt. Before the official consolidation of the day school with the church the school charged expenses to a personal credit card. Those expenses have to be audited to validate before steps are taken to implement a financial plan to pay the debt off. Fred Jenkins and Dave Grambo volunteered to serve. Will ask one more member to join this team. 6. Endowment Committee Meeting will be scheduled in March. Treasurer’s Report (Fred Jenkins absent, Report provided): General Fund Income for January 2015 .........….……. $18,100.00 Expenses …………………………………………………………….... $20,300.00 Expenses exceeded Income …….…….……….……..……… ($2,200.00) Stewardship Report (David Whitley absent): No Report. Youth Leader Report (Steve Joyner absent; Report provided by Ben Hilliard) 1. This month the youth are going to a Newsboys concert at London Bridge Baptist Church. 2. Michael Lindsey from Waves of Love will be in town the 19th to the 22nd. He will be at Youth Group speaking and he will be at church that Sunday. 3. We are in the middle of confirmation classes with the youth as well. Students are coming to large group sessions and meeting with their mentors. 4. The Nicaragua Mission group continues to fund raise and plan behind the scenes. Membership Report (Margie Dowe): No Report. Disaster Coordinator Report (Ben Lane): 1. The Revised Disaster Response Plan (dated 12 February 2015) was presented to Council. Ben went over the format and briefly discussed portions of the plan. 2. Once the revised plan is posted to the website, all may access the Disaster Response Plan and the related articles. Missions Report (Jen Eliason absent): No Report. Communications Report (Andrew Roper) Andrew led the discussion on the continuing need for a digital music control system. A motion was made to purchase the digital system but after “budget and priority spending discussion” led by Fred Greene, the motion was pulled from the floor. The Trustees and the Financial Committee will discuss and provide recommendations at the next council meeting. PAGE 5 Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Report (Joan Davis absent): No Report. Trustee’s Report (Fred Greene): The February meeting of the Sandbridge Community Chapel Trustee Committee was cancelled awaiting the CY15 priorities from the Administration and Finance Committees. January Projects: - The painting of the Narthex continued with the brown trim being painted white. - Excess Narthex furniture was removed and wall hangings were positioned. February Projects: Complete 2014 Projects Finish painting Narthex trim Install plaques on Sanctuary walls Continue cleaning up the ceiling access closet Replace lights bulbs in the outdoor sign CC sign Replace or Glue floor tiles Replace ceiling tiles 4. Additional 2015 Projects will be prioritized by availability of funds and need. Current projects are: Replace windows: Seven 1st floor windows and two on the second floor are in need of replacement. The remaining five 2"d floor windows are serviceable. Front Entrance Door - Getting estimates now (The Methodist men may fund the purchase of the door - estimated at $3,000). - North Exterior Entrance Door - Getting estimates - Construct a small playground for younger children (estimated at $250). - If the church has Cox TV cable, a small TV will be purchased (Est. at $185). Construct a vestibule for the entrance. (Cost unknown) Purchase a digital mixer for the Sanctuary sound system (estimated at $2,900) 4. Christmas Home Tour: The Christmas home tour has been revised (5 December) and the committee would like the Church to participate as we have in the past; i.e. the youth group prepared and sold lunch to those on the tour; a bake sale was organized by the Methodist Women; and a crafts sale was held at the Day Care Center. Profit from this activities all went to the church. 5. Future Challenges: - Annual inventory of everything. - Parsonage Annual review - NLT 1 June 2015. - Clean up the shed in the spring. Pastor’s Report (Pastor Clyde DeLoach): 1. The Sandbridge Chapel Day School will have an Open House this Sunday (February 15). Beth Comerford will have more information in her report. The kids will sing at the 11:00 am service. 2. Lent will begin with Ash Wednesday on February 18. We will have a Self-Denial Meal in the Narthex at 6 pm and an Imposition of Ashes Service at 7 pm. 3. The Cluster’s Lenten Services start on February 22 and I encourage you to see what other churches are doing. There will be meals at each service. PAGE 6 4. We are working diligently as Doreen told you to close the gap in our finances. It is important to understand that we are in better shape than most churches. At the same time, we must be good stewards and be proactive in our approach to our shortfall. One thing that we will try is that I will attend a week-long seminar on Philanthropy this summer at the University of Richmond. It will teach me about getting grants and setting up giving campaigns. It will also address handling estate planning. We have people who will certainly remember Virginia Tech in their wills; why not the church? We simply have to show them what a great job we are doing changing lives for the better here in the church. 5. I am very pleased with the response to the Youth mission to Nicaragua. We have had great support from the community. Jimmy Reeves from the Baja gave $1,000 and the golf tournament will donate some of their money to trip and other people have stepped forward. I believe this will be an ongoing ministry and a way to bring the community together. 2015 CLUSTER LENTEN SERVICES DATE HOST CHURCH PREACHER Feb 22 Tabernacle UMC Rev. Barbara St. Jean (Bethel UMC) March 1 Bethel UMC Rev. Jack Davis (Tabernacle UMC) March 8 St. Luke’s UMC Rev. Fred Brockhausen (CCUMC) March 15 Back Bay Christian Rev. Diana Johnson (KIUMC) March 22 Nimmo UMC Rev. Chuck Moseley (Oak Grove Baptist) March 29 Charity UMC Rev. Clyde DeLoach (SCCUMC) THEME: New Life TIMES: Fellowship begins at 5:00pm Worship begins at 6:00pm OFFERING: Knott’s Island UMC Food Pantry SCC Music Report (Bryan Harrell absent): See Communications Report. SCC Day School Report (Beth Comerford) See Pastor’s Report. Church Historian (Charles Learned): General discussion on identifying those who will provide Sir Charles with annual church committee/activity history reports for 2014. Meeting Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm, with a closing prayer from the Pastor. Next Meeting: 12 March 2015 at 7pm. Respectfully, Ben Lane, Recording Secretary PAGE 7 Living Inside Out – SCC Children’s Ministry **March/ April LIO News** Marybeth Grambo – LIO coordinator Please join us at 10 am every Sunday in the classroom next to the Library Ages K-5 Snacks, Games, Crafts and the WORD!! – Look for our Display across from our room We’re starting our LENT SERIES March 8th: I BELIEVE A fun interactive 4-week series on why we believe in Jesus’ resurrection and how we keep growing in our faith no matter how old we are We’re finishing up our series on Jesus’ Miracles and why he used them We talked about fasting ….and how we learn to rely on God when we fast from the things of the world we give a lot of power to! During the Lent Season we’ll be making bread like Jesus ate and talking about the foods He ate for the Passover. After Easter (April 5th) we’ll be talking about the SUPERHEROES of the Bible! There is so much fun and so much to learn! Please contact me if you would like your young people to attend! Vacation Bible School ….Just around the CORNER!! JUNE 22-26 2015 As we shake off the cold and snow it’s time to start thinking about summer! What is one of the GREATEST local outreach opportunities our church does? Vacation Bible School! You can be a part of something extraordinary as SCC steps out of the box for this year’s VBS!! We need you to be a volunteer! No experience necessary! Please email Marybeth at if you would like to help in the following areas: ART AND CRAFTS KITCHEN TEAM LEADERS STORYTELLING GAMES REGISTRATION PROMOTION We’ll have an organizational meeting / training in March/April…….we’ll keep you posted on exact dates/times! Youth News The youth are busy this spring with fundraising for Nicaragua. Confirmation is coming to a close and Confirmation Sunday is Palm Sunday at the 11am service. Regular youth meetings are still happening Friday's 6:45-8:45pm in the community center. PAGE 8 LENTEN SERMON SERIES 2015 March 1, 2015 “The Word Made Flesh” Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; John 1:1-5, 10-14, 16-18 March 8, 2015 “The Miraculous Signs of Jesus” Exodus 20:1-17; John 2:1-5; 9:1-3 March 15, 2015 “The ‘I Am’ Sayings of Jesus” Exodus 3:13-14; John 8:56-58 March 22, 2015 “The Farewell Discourse” Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 15:8-10 March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday “The Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion of a King” Isaiah 50: 4-9a; John 19:14b-20 April 2, 2015 Maundy Thursday “A Last Fellowship” Exodus 12:1-14; I Corinthians 11:23-26 April 5, 2015 Easter “Eternal Life” Acts 10:34-43; John 19:41-42; 20:1, 11-16, 18 April 12, 2015 “The Long Shot” Acts 4:32-35; John 21:15-17 PAGE 9 JCOC- Judeo Christian Outreach Center – Local Missions! Our January serving is quickly approaching on January 22nd ! We have two families lined up to serve the amazing folks at JCOC! Now, we just need our meal!! Would you like to make food for JCOC? We will be serving our famous Red Beans and Rice with cornbread, roasted broccoli, peaches and dessert. If you want to purchase some fresh broccoli or canned peaches, let us know! Sign ups for the meal are in the Narthex or call the church office. February 14th is our Next JCOC serving- We’ll be serving BREAKFAST at 7am!!!! Please let me know if you or your small group would like to serve. We’ll come up with our menu when we have the servers. What a way to show love on Valentine’s Day ….to serve those who have nothing. Better than any box of chocolates for sure!! JCOC SERVING DATES FOR 2015: Tuesday, May 19th - Dinner Thursday, Jul 30th - Dinner Thursday, Sep 3rd - Dinner Tuesday, Nov 24th - Dinner If you would like to volunteer for one of the above dates, please contact Marybeth Grambo at PAGE 12 EASTER SUNRISE BREAKFAST PLEASE JOIN US! DATE: Sunday, April 5th TIME: 7:00 a.m. (Immediately following the Sunrise Service) PLACE: Sandbridge Community Chapel Across the street at the Community Center Our menu includes the following: Breakfast casseroles, fruit, pastries, bagels & cream cheese, coffee and juice. We need a few helpers on Saturday, April 4th from 4:00pm—6:00pm to help with set-up! Also, we are planning a “Love Offering” to help with the cost of this wonderful breakfast! Please contact Nicole Roper at #724-4200 or the Chapel office if you have any questions! Sandbridge Chapel Day School W is for Winter Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but our school is so delightful! Senses Week – Something smells good! Day Of Kindness – SB Fire Station Dinosaur Week – Excavating is hard work Dental Health Week – Future Dentists “Souper” Bowl Day – Go Team Day School Sandbridge Chapel Day School Con’t Groundhog Day – Super Shadows President’s Day – God Bless America Valentine Week – Love One Another Read Across America – Read By: Mr. John Sandbridge Chapel Day School Con’t HaPPy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Newsletter Articles are Due by the 15th of the month—so please make sure you have your information in to the church office by that date. Also, so much is happening at Sandbridge Community Chapel and most of it does not get recognized—If you know of a note worthy activity or a positive story about SCCUMC members, please send it along to the church office (our email is: so we can share God’s blessings with everyone!! SCCUMC Counters! Thanks for all your help! March: 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Tina Ciccone Judy Gellasch Tina Ciccone Robbie Mitchell Ben Lane Nicole Roper Andy Kennedy Alice Watson Donna Mack Charles Learned SCCUMC Greeters! March: 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Brenda Lane Sherry Haines Tina Ciccone Pat Barton Kim Lister Kim Lister Cindy Hilliard Kim Lister Brenda Lane Sherry Haines
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