The 155th Anniversary of 1860, “The Rebellion Begins” Schedule of Events Southern California Civil War Association Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 & Prado Regional Park Welcomes you to the 155th anniversary battles of 1860 “The Rebellion Begins” April 2nd & 3rd, 2016 Federal Forces representing the US Army vs. Rebel Alliance of the Kansas and Missouri Border States Official Program $12.00 In support of the Troop 201 Eagle Scout Scholarship Foundation, Troop 201, Boy Scouts of America The Southern California Civil War Association is a non-profit educational re-enactment organization, dedicated to the preservation of this nation’s rich military heritage and the memory of those American’s who fought and gave their lives so we may have and continue to cherish the freedom and liberty of a free country, united with honor. 6:00am 7:00am Reveille - Pickets out Colors posted by Boy Scout Troop 201 (Flag Pole Area) 7:00am - 8:00am 7:30am Breakfast call (Food Vendors & Encampment Areas) Park is open to General Public, (Re-enactor’s vehicles out of camps by 9:00 am) 8:00am - 9:00am 9:00am Company Level Drill (U.S. & C.S. Battlefield Area) Event is open to Public, (All vehicles out of camps & non period items out of site) 9:00am 9:00 am - 11:00am Scout Cross –Cut Saw Competition & Signal Tower Construction begins Re-enactor Swap Meet (Meeting Hall Building) - Open to Scouts & General Public 9:30am - 10:00am 10:00am - 11:00am Officer’s Call. (U.S. & C.S. All Staff through Company Level Commanders U.S. Division Headquarters) Speeches from U.S. & C.S. Generals, Presidents Lincoln & Davis (Battlefield area) 10:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 11:00am 1st Sergeant’s & Musician’s Call, (U.S. & C.S. Respective Branch Headquarters) Branch Level Drill, (U.S. & C.S. Battlefield Area) 11:00am 11:00am - 12:00pm All Civilian/General Public out of Encampment & Battlefield Areas Opening Ceremony, hosted by Boy Scout Troop 201, San Bernardino 12:00am - 12:30am County & The City of Chino (VIP Tent, Battlefield Area) Division Formation & Weapons Inspection, (U.S. & C.S Encampment Area’s) 12:30am - 1:00pm 1:00pm - 2:00pm (Re-enactor Registration tickets inspected) Division Formation & March to Battlefield Show Battle #1, Confederate Victory 2:00pm - 3:00pm 3:00pm - 3:30pm Mid 1800’s Fashion Show (Sutler Row Area) U.S. Infantry Living History Demonstration, (U.S. Army Encampment Area) 3:00pm - 4:00 pm 3:30pm - 4:00 pm Scout Battle #1 & Tug - O - War Competition, (Battlefield Area) All Scouts/Kids U.S. Field Hospital Living History Demonstration, (U.S. Army Encampment Area) 4 00pm - 4:30pm 4:30pm - 5:00pm U.S. Cavalry Living History Demonstration, (Battlefield Area) U.S. Artillery Living History Demonstration, (Battlefield Area) 5:00pm 4:30pm - 5:00pm 5:00pm - 6:00pm All Civilian/General Public out of Encampment & Battlefield Areas Division Formation & March to Battlefield, (U.S. & C.S. Encampment Area) Show Battle #2, Union Victory 6:00pm 6:00pm - 7:00pm Colors retired by Boy Scout Troop 201 (Flag Pole Area) Supper call (Food Vendors & Encampment Areas) 7:00pm 7:00pm - 10:00pm Park is closed to General Public Period Dance (Meeting Hall Building) 7:00pm - 9:00pm National Colors Retirement Ceremony, performed by Boy Scout Troop 201 All Scouts/Leaders & Military Veteran’s welcome (Flag Pole Area) 11:00pm Taps, all quiet in encampment Areas (No Re-enactor’s vehicles allowed in camps overnight) 2 155th Anniversary of 1860, “The Rebellion Begins” Sutler Raffle Donations Schedule of Events Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 6:00am Reveille - Pickets out 7:00am 7:00am - 8:00am Colors posted by Boy Scout Troop 201 (Flag Pole area) Breakfast call (Food Vendors & Encampment Areas) 7:30am Park is open to General Public, (No Re-enactor’s vehicles in camps) 8:00am - 9:00am Church Call (Flag Pole Area) All Scouts, Leaders & Re-enactors welcome 9:00am 9:30am - 10:00am Event is open to Public (All non period items out of site) Officers Call, All U.S.& C.S. Staff, Branch & Brigade Level Officers C.S. Division Headquarters) 10:00am - 11:00am 10:00am Speeches from The Presidents & Generals (Battlefield Area) All Civilian/Public out of Encampment & Battlefield Areas 10:00am - 11:00am Women’s Tea, Social & Raffle (Meeting Hall Building) 10:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 11:00am C.S. Infantry Living History Demonstration, C.S. Army Encampment Area) C.S. Field Hospital Living History Demonstration, (C.S. Army Encampment Area) 10:30am - 11:00am Division Formation & March to Battlefield, (U.S. & C.S. Encampment Areas) Blockade Runner (931) 389-6294 Civil War News (800) 777-1862 Coon River Mercantile (515) 287-8315 Blue & Gray Magazine (614) 870-1861 Daughters of Eve (626) 333-3020 Camp Chase Gazette (800) 624-0281 Fall Creek Sutlery (765) 482-1861 (Registration Tickets Inspected & Commemorative Patches Issued to Re-enactors) 11:00am - 12:00pm 12:30pm - 1:00pm Show Battle #3, Confederate Victory C.S. Cavalry Living History Demonstration, (Battlefield Area) 1:00pm - 1:30pm C.S. Artillery Living History Demonstration, (Battlefield Area) 2:00pm 2:00pm Scout Battle #2, (Battlefield Area) All Scouts/Kids welcome All Civilian/Public out of Encampment & Battlefield Areas 3:000pm 2:30pm - 3:00pm Division Formation & March to Battlefield, (U.S. & C.S. Encampment Areas) 3:00pm - 4:00pm Show Battle #4, Union Victory 4 :00pm 4:00pm - 4:30pm Colors retired by Boy Scout Troop 201 (Flag Pole Area) Closing ceremony, Retirement of the Colors, Free Re-enactor Raffle & Cigars International (888) 244-2790 Flag Emporium (707) 996-8140 Citizens’ Companion (800) 624-0281 Fugawee Corporation (800) 605-8280 Musket Raffle. Awards for best camp U.S., C. S., & Civilian presented 4:30pm 4:30pm Cross Cut Saw Competition results will be presented Artillery reimbursement, presented by SCCWA ,(Battlefield Area) 4:30pm (Re-enactor’s vehicles may re-enter Encampment Areas to break camp) 7:00pm Park is closed to Public 3 Civil War Courier (800) 624-0281 James Country Mercantile (816) 781-9473 4 Sutler Raffle Donations (cont.) KYR Music (909) 597-0750 KYR Smoke & Fire News (800) 766-5334 Miller’s Millinery (717) 285-3373 Southern California Civil War Association (909) 590-5797 Panther Primitives (800) 487-2684 S & S Firearms (718) 497-1100 The Lady in White (419) 244-8843 Period Impressions (859) 366-0312 Uniforms of Antiquity (918) 478-8512 Prado Equestrian Center (909) 597-5757 4G (Guns of Old) (479) 696-4139 Ragged Soldier Sutlery (703) 978-3925 Event Sponsors American Red Cross (909) 628-1234 Haughey Insurance Tom Haughey (909) 627-4161 Southern California Civil War Assn. Event Coordination (909) 590-5797 Chino Airport Staff Mitch Kinser (909) 597-3910 Hay Connection (951) 280-9016 Cold Star Ice (909) 628-2105 Ken Kadell Hay-(909) 238-8482 Chino Hills Ford (909) 393-9331 Kiwanis Club of Chino President Richard Rowe SCCWA Event Staff: Gary Fradella: Event Coordinator Deirdre McFarland: Event Assistant Kim Fradella: Programs Garrison Fradella: Security and VIP Teddy Parker: Parking Steve Pavich: Civilian Coordinator Keith Harriott: CS Army Coordinator John Maurais: US Army Coordinator City of Chino Dennis Yates Mayor Eunice Ulloa Mayor Pro Tem Tom Haughey Council Member Glenn Duncan Council Member Earl Elrod Council Member Matt Ballentyne City Manager Brent Arnold City Planner (Retired) Chino Valley Equine Center (909) 628-5545 San Bernardino County Curt Hagman, County Supervisor Ed Graham, District Director Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Chino (909) 590-3774 SoCal Sanitation Industries (800) 850-8871-Grace Franco Costco Stores Chino Hills (909)464-2900 Staples Stores Chino * Chino Hills * Carlsbad (909) 464-1749 (909) 613-0322 (760) 4761476 Troop 201 Event Staff: Advertising Maria Mariano, Becky Garcia, Jeovani Stoute, Jennifer Footman, Leonore Riggara, Bea Vargas Announcer Mark Cox Park Clean-up Jeovani Stoute Cross-Cut Saw Competition Tim Everman, John McKenzie Flag Retirement Bill Bradley Troop 201 Food Booth Sharon Mitchell, Rosetta Ramirez, Christy Bradley, Mitzi Orlanes, Kim Webber, Bea Vargas, Ace Marquez Parking Eric Orlanes, Darrin Rose Photography Anelle Veiga, John Hayes Registration Booth Maria Mariano Troop 201 Scholarship Foundation Kate Li, John Anderson, Chris Li Troop 201 Senior Patrol Leader Jeovani Stoute Signal Tower and Tug-O-War Bill Bradley, Pete Garcia Sound System Bill Bradley Vons Stores Chino Hills (909) 548-2828 Ladies Tea & Combatant Raffles SCCWA Waste Management (909) 306-8048 Glenda Chavez Signs SCCWA Wholesale Hay (951) 681-1824 Regional Scout Camp Out SCCWA Chino Valley Independent Fire Dept. All Personnel for onsite support Ryan Dacko-Fire Prevention Officer City of Chino Police Dept. Chief Karen Comstock Lt. Jeff Allison-Mounted Posse City of Chino Police Management Association-President John Monroe Chino Rotary Club President Steve Bremer El Prado Golf Course (909)597-1753 Regimental Quartermaster, Inc. (717) 338-1864 Food 4 Less Stores Chino (909)465-9978 Gordon Hay (909) 393-4408 Graphic Details (909)465-9978 5 Lennar Homes Larry Liebel Harkins Theaters Lewis Development Corp Cameron Andreasen M & M Sports and Apparel (909) 548-3371 Majestic Trophy (909) 986-4017 Prado Equestrian Center (909) 597-5757 Rancho Del Chino Rotary Club President Mark Kinsey San Bernardino Co. Regional Parks Maureen Snelgrove Dir. of Parks Bob Fontaine Supervisor -Prado Park Kid Battle & Tug-O-War SCCWA SCCWA On Site Sutlers On Site Food Vendors Baja Grill G & M Mercantile Mexican Food (951) 415-1380 (909) 229-5108 Ms. Christine’s Funnel Cakes (909) 917-8357 Kansas Mercantile (951) 928-9601 Troop 201 Beverage Booth Soda’s & Water Knots And Nails (805) 587-9927 Troop 201 Food Booth Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Hamburgers, Hot Dogs & more Thyme Traveller (714) 777-2652 Kona Ice Shaved Ice & Novelty pre-packaged Ice Cream Women’s Raffle At the Tea & Social (Green Raffle Ticket) Sunday 10:00am - 11:00am 1861 Springfield Musket Raffle Sunday 4:00 pm (Red Raffle Ticket) (Open to the General Public) Combatant Raffle After Show Battle #4 (Blue & Gray Tickets) Sunday 4:00pm Most Authentic Camp Impression Awards For U.S., C.S. & Civilian Camps Sunday 4:00 pm 951-852-5668 The Yankee Reb (503) 263-4943 Enola’s Kettle Corn Variety Pop Corn 951.852.5668 Parris Blacksmithing (951) 442-5731 Ali Baba’s BBQ Teriyaki BBQ 951-733-7343 7 Cross-Cut Saw Competition 1st Place Awards Cub, Boy & Girl Scouts Sunday 4:00 pm
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