Service, Support and Satisfaction – Second to None Pro-Tech 2015 Recipient of the Pro-Tech Service Award for 2015 Through Dedication to Service Excellence Meridian Imaging Solutions, Inc. - Alexandria The Pro-Tech Promise. Service, Support and Satisfaction – Second to None. The Pro-Tech Service Award recognizes those Konica Minolta dealers who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to customer support and satisfaction. The Pro-Tech Service standard is challenging – and the evaluation procedure is rigorous and far-reaching. The Pro-Tech Standard Technical Expertise Inventory Control Dispatch Systems Management Skills Customer Satisfaction Every element of the service operation is scrutinized, including technical expertise, inventory control, dispatch systems, management skills and customer satisfaction. This rigid standard is the reason our Pro-Tech Award has become such a powerful symbol of dedication and proficiency. Attaining Pro-Tech certification and becoming a member of the elite Pro-Tech group is indeed an honor. Excellence You can count on your Pro-Tech dealer to give you their best effort, every day of the year – offering every Konica Minolta customer the benefit of a broad range of enhanced technical and management skills, including: •Professional, customer-oriented service department management and administration policies •Service response times significantly better than the industry average •Preventive maintenance programs that ensure maximum uptime and superior performance •Inventory control systems that provide immediate access to replacement parts and components •Comprehensive training programs and performance reviews to maintain the highest level of expertise •Skilled technical specialists and service personnel trained on your specific products Commitment As your Konica Minolta Pro-Tech dealer, we are committed to your satisfaction – and Konica Minolta reflects this commitment through its organization. Of all major manufacturers in our industry, Konica Minolta was the first to offer a program of this kind and continues its leadership role by setting the highest standards of performance, service and support. The nationwide network of Konica Minolta dealers offers a state-of-the-art product lineup that is unsurpassed. Confidence The Pro-Tech award gives every Konica Minolta customer a distinct advantage: the assurance of knowing that your Konica Minolta dealers have the skills, the training and the dedication to keep your equipment operating at the peak of productivity. If you’re choosing a technology partner, that’s an advantage worth considering. Alan Nielsen Executive Vice President Direct Sales Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U.S.A. Jim Ingrassia Vice President Solutions Support Division Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U.S.A. Why Meridian? Let us show you why thousands of organizations have already chosen to work with us— The Meridian Difference. W e re a lly ca re . A s a n e m p lo y e e -o w n e d c o m p a n y , e a c h M e rid ia n e m p lo y e e h a s a g e n u in e , v e s te d in te re s t in th e s u c c e s s o f o u r c o m p a n y , w h ic h is c o n tin g e n t u p o n th e c o n tin u e d s a tis fa c tio n o f o u r c lie n ts . W e ’re e xp e rie n ce d . M e rid ia n is q u a lifie d to h a n d le m a jo r a c c o u n ts , s m a ll b u s in e s s e s a n d e m e rg in g o rg a n iz a tio n s . O u r p o rtfo lio in c lu d e s a ll v e rtic a ls a s w e ll a s s ta te , lo c a l a n d fe d e ra l g o v e rn m e n t a g e n c ie s a n d e d u c a tio n a l in s titu tio n s . O u r p ro fe s s io n a lly c e rtifie d tra in e rs , C D IA + c re d e n tia le d e n g in e e rs , a n d s tra te g ic p a rtn e rs h ip s w ith b e s t-in -c la s s e q u ip m e n t m a n u fa c tu re rs a n d s o ftw a re v e n d o rs p o s itio n u s to d e liv e r a c o m b in a tio n o f th e b e s t s o lu tio n s a n d s u p e rio r s e rv ic e . W e ’re rig h t h e re . W e ca n h a n d le im p le m e n ta tio n a n d o n g o in g m a in te n a n c e fo r la rg e fle e ts o f e q u ip m e n t, y e t a re a g ile e n o u g h to p ro v id e c u s to m s o lu tio n s a n d p e rs o n a l a tte n tio n . S in c e w e a re lo c a lly o w n e d a n d o p e ra te d , e ffic ie n t d e c is io n s c a n b e m a d e in th e b e s t in te re s t o f o u r c lie n ts , w ith o u t la y e rs o f c o rp o ra te re d ta p e . Contact Us Today! T o ll-fre e : (8 8 8 ) 2 8 9 -2 7 7 6 E m a il: in fo @ w h y m e rid ia n .c o m O n lin e : w w w .w h y m e rid ia n .c o m
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