Harper Adams University Accommodation Office

Harper Adams University
Accommodation Office
Information about applying for
on-campus accommodation
Firstly, may I congratulate you on your offer of a place at Harper Adams University.
Please read all the accommodation information carefully and if you have any queries, do not hesitate
to contact us at the Accommodation Office (01952 815176 or accommodationoffice@harperadams.ac.uk).
We will contact you again around the beginning of May to remind you of the launch of the
accommodation application system and provide you with a set-by-step guide of what you will need to
do on the day.
Due to feedback from previous years, we will be launching it at 7.30am on Wednesday 27th May so that
you are able to do it before setting off for your exams, classes or work and don't have to take time off.
Best wishes
Accommodation Team - Student Services
Harper Adams University
Our application process for 1st
phase applicants with firm offers
Things to think about and do
before making your application
1. look at all the different types of accommodation.
2. put them all in order of preference ready for the
online application.
3. are you sure about the order? you won't be able
to change it once you have submitted it...
4. think about your budget? can you afford it?
which is the most cost effective?
5. what can I live with / what can't I live without?
6. Is the en-suite really that important to you?
7. are you a fabulous cook and disciplined to eat
regular meals or will you be eating plain past with
cheese every day if you are left to your own
devices? Catered option could mean an easy life at
least for the first year.
8. if you are going self-catered, have you thought of
a realistic weekly shopping budget and added it on
top of your accommodation cost?
Different types of on-campus accommodation
(don't forget to put them all in order of preference)
How to apply:
We only invite students to apply for accommodation who
hold Harper Adams as their first choice and a firm offer.
•To make your application, from Wednesday 27th May 2015,
please visit:
(link to create account will be made live on this date after
•Remember to have your student application number ready
(included in all admissions correspondence) and your list of
accommodation preferences. If you don’t know yours,
contact the admissions team in advance.
If for any reason yo
change email addres u decide to
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Admissions departmntact our
s.ac.uk )
and they will update
cord in
advance of mak ing an
otherwise you will no application,
t be
receive emails from able to
•You will need to create an account before you can make
an application.
•After you have registered for an account, you will receive a
verification code via email - please be patient whilst this
comes through to your email account.
•Once this has been received you will be able to log back in
and make your application.
Should you not be available to complete your application
after the launch, please ask a friend or family to complete it
on your behalf but you will need to ensure that they have
access to your email account so that they can access the
verification email.
ou a reminder
We w ill send y tuff and send
w ith all of this s tep-by-step
you detailed s ow to make
information on h ation around
your online app May.
Please note that after the online application system is
launched on 27th May, we expect a high volume of
applications – usually several hundred applications are
received in the couple of days. This means prospective
students who complete their accommodation applications at
a later date may need to be placed on a waiting list for oncampus accommodation or approached to consider offcampus accommodation. For more information on the
application and allocation process please visit our webpages.
Off campus accommodation information:
If you would like to consider off-campus alternatives, we will
be able to assist you with your enquiries as we have a
comprehensive list of properties available and are also
compiling a list of students who are looking to form a group
to share with each other. If you are planning to relocate to
the area and have specific requirements not usually met by
shared student housing, please get in touch with us as soon
as you can.
If you would like more information or would like to register
your interest, please contact the Accommodation Office
on accommodationoffice@harper-adams.ac.uk . We will be
able to assist with any queries regarding potential offcampus accommodation. Please do not panic! We will do
our best to assist in securing off-campus accommodation if
that is what you decide to do. There is plenty of off-campus
accommodation usually available and plenty of time to get
it sorted!
How to get in touch with the Accommodation Office:
01952 815176 / 01952 815396
Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB
Useful student accommodation websites:
Where you live is a big part of being at university or
college, which is why Harper Adams University is one
of a number of universities and further education
colleges that is signed up to The Student
Accommodation Code. The Code protects our
students’ rights to safe, good quality
accommodation, to make sure our students get the
best out of their time living in our residences. It
outlines everything students can expect from our
accommodation as well as their responsibilities as
The Code has already raised standards of
accommodation at Harper Adams University, since
we first adopted it, and underpins our ongoing
dedication to our students. We are fully committed to
providing a safe, comfortable living environment
which will help support our students in leading a
successful and enjoyable student life.