Please pray for: Southern Coastal Deanery Bishop Kelvin & Clemency, Ministry Educator – Alec Clark, Under 40’s educator – Benjamin Brock Smith. The Diocesan office staff and Diocesan Council. Give thanks for the life of Rosemary White and pray for her family. Those who are sick: Anna, Ashley, Betty, Bill, Bridget, Cruz and Mason, Deborah, Dorothy H, Faye, Frank, Kerry, Jean V, Jesse Bessant, Gillian Peters, Heather, Marilyn, Nick and Shirley, Ngaio, Nonie & Bp George, Sarah, Stewart, Russell, Rhianwyn, Claire J. Yvonne. Worship Schedule Brighton 9am (1st & 3rd Sundays) Green Island 11a.m. Mornington 9.30a.m. St Kilda 11a.m. (Morning tea served from 10.15a.m.) Easter Services 2015 Good Friday: St Mary’s, Mornington Good Friday walk with the other Mornington Parishes. Start at 9.30am at St Frances Xavier’s Roman Catholic Church and proceed to Presbyterian Church, then Anglican Church and finish at the Methodist Church. Holy Cross, St Kilda: 10am Good Friday reflection. St Mark’s, Green Island: 10am Good Friday reflection. Midweek service 1p.m. Holy Cross Eucharist Southern Coastal Deanery St Margaret’s 4 Seaview Tce, Brighton - St Mark’s 27 Shand St, GI St Mary’s 3 Whitby St, Mornington Holy Cross 17 Ajax St. St Kilda Southern Coastal Deanery web page: Regional Dean: Jan Clark 455-6032 or 027 3515171 Easter Sunday: Services of Easter Eucharist with renewal of baptismal vows at St Mary’s, Mornington: 9.30am Holy Cross, St Kilda: 11.00am St Margaret’s, Brighton: 11.00am St Mark’s, Green Island: 11.00am Administrator: Maureen Harley 4880020 Green Island Warden: Pam Brown 488-1909 Mornington Warden: Barrie Peake 453-3151 St. Kilda Warden: Gerald Harley 456-0573 Please note there will be a Chrism Eucharist at the Cathedral on Maundy Thursday at 12.10pm. This will include a renewal of ordination vows Green Island - Brighton, Mornington, St Kilda An invitation: to all to come together to celebrate Maundy Thursday Southern Coastal Deanery and Hahi shared Seder Meal at St Mark’s Green Island at 6.00pm on Thursday 2nd April. We are asked to contribute one of the following recipes to the meal. Queries to Heather Thomson 0279127218 or 488 0163 or Maureen. Items of food needed are: 7 Cinnamon Meringues: not with cream. Cup chopped walnuts 2 egg whites 2/3 cup sugar 2 Tablespoons cinnamon Method: Beat egg whites until stiff. Gradually add sugar and cinnamon. Mix in walnuts. Spoon onto lightly greased tray and bake in slow oven 100-150⁰ C until dried out (1-2 hours) Notices: Hassle-backed potatoes Method: Scrub potatoes and dry. Cut potatoes across 2/3 way through and microwave for 10 mins until just cooked. On night bring to St Mark’s brushed with oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper ready to be baked in a hot oven for 10minutes. see front page for Good Friday and Easter service times. 2 Vegetable Salads: Make your favourite. No cheese or dairy, bacon or ham. Wednesday 2st April: 1pm Eucharist at Holy Cross Bradford Manor Worship at 2pm. 3 Pasta Salad: Make your favourite. No cheese or dairy, bacon or ham. Thursday 2nd April: 6pm Southern Coastal Deanery and Hahi shared Seder Meal at St Mark’s Green Island. Phone Gerald if need ride. 4 Chicken or Beef Casseroles – bring in slow-cooker if possible. (no Pork!) No cheese or dairy, bacon or ham. Donations to the Anglican Mission Board’s ‘Cyclone Pam Emergency Appeal’ to assist with relief efforts in the Pacific region, particularly in Vanuatu may be placed in an envelope marked For Vanuatu appeal and placed in the offertory plate. 1 Desserts – may not contain dairy or milk. 5 6 Fruit Salad – Chocolate or Citrus Slices. May contain margarine. Thanks to those who laboured long and hard to prepare and paint the Brighton church hall. It is looking great. Please note Lenten Studies at Holy Cross on Tuesdays at 5pm have ceased until Tuesday April 28th. Diocesan Ministry Conference 26 – 28 May 2015 at Holy Cross Conference Centre in Mosgiel. The theme is Engage, Explore, Experiment – Preparing for a Decade of Mission. Designed to assist people with their planning for the future. Costs: $210 live in or $130 live out – some funding may be available. We have some preparation to complete prior to the conference if you are planning to attend please speak to Jan asap. Or large packets After Dinner Mints Thank-you to all who accepted nomination to positions in the recent AGM’s. Please pray for these people in these important roles.
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