Get certified American council on exercise ®

Get certified
A Guide to Becoming an ACE-Certified Professional
American Council on Exercise
A Message from Our Chief Executive Officer..................................... 1
Accreditation........................................................................................ 2
Certification: Personal Trainer............................................................. 4
Certification: Group Fitness Instructor................................................ 6
Certification: Lifestyle + Weight Management Coach....................... 8
Certification: Advanced Health + Fitness Specialist......................... 10
Specialty Certification: Peer Fitness Trainer ..................................... 12
The Exam: Getting Prepared............................................................. 14
Professional Benefits.......................................................................... 18
Continuing Education........................................................................ 20
Public Outreach.................................................................................. 22
Our Commitment to Customer Service + ACE Affiliations............... 24
The ACE Advantage…A Message From Our CEO
I hope you join the many fitness professionals who have selected the American Council on Exercise
(ACE) as their path to a successful and rewarding career in health and fitness. An ACE®
certification solidifies your commitment to reach an industry-recognized standard, providing
enhanced credibility and the opportunity to educate, motivate, inspire and train others to live
healthier, happier lives.
Because ACE-certified individuals have taken their professional development and personal
credibility a step further, they are among the most sought-after professionals in the fitness
industry among employers and clients alike. With careful preparation, and successful passing of
our NCCA-accredited certification exams, you will be well on your way to launching a promising
career and feel secure knowing you’re backed by an industry leader!
As the world’s largest non-profit certification, education and training organization, we
provide the tools you need to build and sustain a strong future and enjoy the benefits of being a
certified, qualified and successful fitness professional. Plus, because we are a nonprofit, you
can feel confident knowing that our revenue goes back into programs to better serve you. Our
knowledgeable staff of practicing fitness professionals is here to serve and guide you from the
beginning of your career through being a seasoned pro.
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Did You Know…
ACE has earned the reputation
of consumer advocate through
university-based research
which targets fitness products
and trends. Some ACE sponsored studies have prompted
the Federal Trade Commission
to take action against
companies making false claims.
I personally invite you to join our more than 50,000 fitness professionals worldwide who have
taken the initiative and given themselves a significant competitive advantage by becoming ACE
certified. We look forward to working with you throughout your career and arming you with
the unparalleled education, knowledge, professional skills and public outreach opportunities to
enrich the lives of millions of individuals through fitness.
Yours in health & fitness,
Scott Goudeseune
Chief Executive Officer
American Council on Exercise (ACE)
American Council on Exercise | The ACE Advantage…A Message From Our Chief Executive Officer | | 800.825.3636
Accreditation = Credibility + Excellence + Reputation
In 2003, ACE’s four core certifications were accredited by the National Commission for Certifying
Agencies (NCCA). This serves as a benchmark for how organizations should conduct certification
programs and clearly distinguishes the excellence and value of an ACE® certification.
The NCCA is an independent non-governmental agency that offers accreditation to certifications
in a variety of professions, including nursing, dietetics, occupational therapy and athletic
training. The NCCA reviews a certification organization’s procedures, protocols and operations,
and determines if its certification properly discriminates between those who are qualified and
those who are not qualified to be awarded the respective credential.
What does the NCCA accreditation standard mean to you
as a fitness professional?
The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) and Medical Fitness
Association (MFA) recommend that club owners and medical fitness facility operators hire fitness
professionals with certifications from agencies accredited through the NCCA or an equivalent
accrediting body. By upholding this standard, your ACE certification will give you a competitive
advantage when being considered as a candidate for employment with a company or organization
that belongs to IHRSA or MFA.
ACE upholds the highest education, training and testing criteria and is in compliance with all
21 NCCA standards. Accreditation of a credentialing organization by the NCCA is the standard for
a large majority of well-respected allied healthcare professionals and other professions.
Fitness professionals who have earned an NCCA-accredited certification demonstrate they
hold a legitimate role in the healthcare continuum within their defined scope of practice.
This accredited certification is critical for an appropriate level of professional recognition and
respect, which will also positively impact compensation levels for fitness professionals.
Did You Know…
Holding an NCCA-accredited
certification communicates
to employers and clients
that you have achieved
a recognized professional level
of competency in your career.
For additional and detailed information on accreditation and NCCA, please visit our Web site
American Council on Exercise | Accreditation | | 800.825.3636
Personal Training. Reinvented™
We’ve put the personal into personal training.
The American Council on Exercise’s acclaimed Personal Trainer Certification (ACE-CPT) is designed for
trainers providing one-on-one or small-group fitness instruction.
The decision to pursue a professional certification is an important step in being recognized as a
competent practitioner in one’s discipline. By becoming ACE certified, you will have access to leading
technology plus the best available education, training, personal support and tools you need to not
Exam Stats
only launch and advance your career in personal training, but to empower, motivate and produce
long-lasting results for your clients. In addition, an ACE certification can help enhance your cred®
ibility and marketability by demonstrating you have earned a gold standard fitness credential.
As an industry thought-leader for more than 26 years, ACE has revolutionized personal training with
the Integrated Fitness Training™ (ACE IFT™) Model. How is this revolutionary approach to client training different from the standard one-size-fits-all training models? The ACE IFT™ Model combines the
latest in behavioral and exercise sciences and teaches personal trainers how to apply this information to
deliver personalized, results-oriented training programs for any individual at any level.
Once you have successfully passed the ACE Personal Trainer Certification Exam, you will have
demonstrated your knowledge of risk factor screening, fitness assessment, nutrition, exercise
science, exercise programming and appropriate progressions, instructional and spotting
The Personal Trainer Certification
Exam is divided into the following content areas:
32% Client Interview
+ Assessment
33% Program Design
+ Implementation
27% Program Progression,
Modification +
techniques, lifestyle modification and professional scope of practice. To learn more about how
ACE has reinvented personal training, or for detailed information about exam study materials and
tools to help you study, please visit our Web site at
Professional Role
+ Responsibilities
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Did You Know…
The influence of ACE-certified
professionals cannot be underestimated. Personal Trainers are
asked for advice 4 to 9 times
per week by active consumers.
American Council on Exercise | Certification: Personal Trainer | | 800.825.3636
Personal Trainer
Exercising in a group setting adds an unparalleled level
of enthusiasm and motivation for all participants.
The ACE® Group Fitness Instructor Certification (ACE-GFI) is designed for fitness professionals
teaching any form of exercise in a group setting. Passing the ACE Group Fitness Instructor
Certification Exam demonstrates you possess the foundation of knowledge and skills necessary
to teach safe and effective group fitness classes, no matter what type of format. You also bring
your personal passion and enthusiasm for group exercise to everyone you help in their quest
to reach their personal health and fitness goals.
ACE-certified group fitness instructors are known to possess the highest standards of excellence
in today’s vast spectrum of professionalism in this category. More is expected of today’s group
fitness professional than ever before. As the fitness industry has evolved, traditional aerobics
has expanded to include an array of diverse group fitness programs. Understanding effective
communication, teaching techniques and motivational skills enables ACE-certified group fitness
instructors to successfully develop and implement safe and effective group exercise programs,
and engage their participants.
Group fitness instructors are in the perfect position to inspire and motivate others to change
their health and fitness-related behaviors through classes designed to deliver a spirit of creativity
and uniqueness. This certification demonstrates your understanding of anatomy, kinesiology,
exercise physiology and instructional techniques including class design, group leadership, motivation, cueing and injury prevention.
For detailed information about ACE’s many courses and study preparation tools, please visit our
Web site at
Exam Stats
The Group Fitness Instructor
Certification Exam is divided
into the following content areas:
19% Exercise Programming
+ Class Design
37% Group Instructional
29% Group Leadership +
Class Management
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Did You Know…
ACE was the first organization
to earn NCCA-accreditation
for a group fitness certification.
American Council on Exercise | Certification: Group Fitness Instructor | | 800.825.3636
Group Fitness
Lifestyle + Weight
Join the wellness revolution.
Your clients want to lose weight. They come to you for help. The ACE® Lifestyle & Weight
Management Coach Certification (ACE-LWMC) demonstrates to your clients that you have the
knowledge to develop sound, balanced weight-management programs that bring together the
three critical components of long-term weight management success: nutrition, exercise and lifestyle change.
Many of your clients have health, lifestyle and fitness barriers to overcome. As an ACE-certified
Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach, you will be able to help identify those barriers and design
plans to overcome them. You will learn to assess your clients’ body composition and unique training needs. By recognizing what motivates them, you can identify how to effectively communicate
your advice and determine the best way to help them safely achieve their goals.
The rate of obesity in the United States has increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 30 percent in 2005.
Today, nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population is considered overweight or obese. This puts many
Americans at increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis.
It’s not all bad news — an estimated 10 to 15 million Americans are taking action to live longer,
healthier and more energetic lives. Some have labeled it a wellness revolution. After all, these
health-conscious Americans spend billions of dollars each year on supplements, weight-loss
products, health club memberships and personal training sessions, all in the pursuit of better
health and fitness. They need expert guidance to help them make sound decisions about diet
and exercise, and adopt new habits to ensure long-term success. ACE plays a vital role in
this overall approach by offering its exceptional Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach
Certification Program.
Developed by leading industry experts, the ACE Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach
Certification highlights the essential relationship between physical activity and nutrition,
and illustrates how permanent weight loss is most effectively brought about through a change
in lifestyle. Topics range from the psychological aspects of weight management, behavioral
change, the physiology of obesity, techniques for lifestyle coaching and the interaction between
exercise and nutrition in weight control.
For detailed information about ACE’s many courses and study preparation tools, please visit our
Web site at
American Council on Exercise | Certification: Lifestyle + Weight Management Coach | | 800.825.3636
Exam Stats
The ACE Lifestyle & Weight
Management Coach
Certification Exam is
divided into the following
content areas:
26%Building Rapport +
Facilitating Behavior
27% Program Design
+ Implementation
32% Program Progressions
+ Adjustments
15%Professional Conduct +
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Did You Know…
Many organizations now
offer lifestyle and weight
management benefits and
assistance to their employees
through corporate wellness
programs. When you become
an ACE-certified Lifestyle &
Weight Management Coach,
you will dramatically enhance
your qualifications
and increase your appeal to
employers offering this
invaluable employee benefit.
Health + Fitness
ACE advanced health & fitness specialists provide
in-depth preventative and post-rehabilitative fitness
programming that addresses common diseases and
disorders seen on a daily basis.
Exam Stats
The number of overweight and obese individuals in the U.S. continues to increase at a time
when our population is also getting older. Coupled with inactivity, poor dietary choices
and related health factors, the result is an ever-increasing number of individuals who are at risk
for or recovering from cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and a variety
of orthopedic issues. The advanced fitness professional plays a crucial role in the allied healthcare continuum by helping these individuals decrease risk factors and improve health and fitness
following rehabilitation.
The ACE® Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist Certification (ACE-AHFS) provides fitness professionals with the opportunity to earn an advanced fitness certification that is unparalleled in the
industry. It’s the only accredited fitness certification with extensive programming for the most
common diseases and disorders seen on a daily basis by fitness professionals. According to recent
ACE studies and research, these frequently encountered health issues fall into one of the following
categories: cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic and musculoskeletal – all of which are the focus
of this certification. In addition, this credential addresses advanced programming for older adults,
youth and pre- and post-natal women; nutrition and business communication and strategy.
ACE introduced the Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist Certification to meet the growing
demands of clients and the advanced fitness professionals providing preventative and postrehabilitative fitness programs. Becoming an ACE-certified Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist
will give you the credentials to work with special populations, taking a leadership role in helping
them to improve their fitness and overall health. You can market your services directly
to fitness clubs, community health clinics, hospitals and senior facilities. This is an incredible
opportunity that has been largely ignored. The possibility for growth and professional recognition
are virtually untapped.
For detailed information about ACE’s many courses and study preparation tools, please visit our
Web site at
American Council on Exercise | Advanced Health + Fitness Specialist | | 800.825.3636
The Advanced Health & Fitness
Specialist Certification Exam
is divided into the following
content areas:
26% Program Design
40% Program Implementation
+ Management
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Did You Know…
Osteoarthritis is the most
common form of arthritis or
joint inflammation. By age
65 as many as 75% of the
population has some x-ray
evidence of osteoarthritis. ACE
advanced health & fitness
specialists have the knowledge
to provide safe and effective
fitness programming for individuals suffering from this and
other disorders.
Improving the wellness and fitness of fire fighters
is critical to keeping them safe.
The job of fighting fires and responding to emergency situations is one of the most dangerous and
physically demanding professions. To help improve the safety, performance and quality of life of
uniformed personnel in the fire service, the ACE® Peer Fitness Trainer (PFT) Certification was
developed by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), International Association of
Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the American Council on Exercise.
Throughout the United States and Canada, the PFT Certification identifies fire fighters that have
demonstrated a certain level of knowledge and skill required to design and implement fitness
programs, improve the wellness and fitness of their departments and assist with the physical
training of recruits during the physically challenging entry tests. The role of a Peer Fitness Trainer
differs from a Personal Trainer since fire service personnel have very specific needs and an extreme
work environment well beyond what the average exerciser will ever face.
As a Peer Fitness Trainer, you are responsible for knowing and applying a significant amount
of information. Your challenge is to use this to safely and effectively train your fellow fire fighters
and help them achieve the results they need for a long and healthy career in the fire service.
To sit for the exam, you must be a fire fighter, Emergency Medical Service (EMS) provider
or employed by a fire department and involved in a fitness trainer program. In addition,
cand­idates must possess a valid CPR certificate by the day of the exam.
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Did You Know…
When registering for the Peer
Fitness Trainer Exam, you will
receive both the ACE Personal
Trainer Manual, 3rd Edition and
Peer Fitness Trainer Reference
Manual. For additional training in
exercise science and to help prepare for the exam, a workshop is
also offered by the International
Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).
For full details on the Peer Fitness Trainer Certification including available study materials and
instructions on how to register for the exam, visit
American Council on Exercise | Specialty Certification: Peer Fitness Trainer | | 800.825.3636
Peer Fitness
The Exam:
Get Prepared
Preparation is key. ACE recommends that you allocate
3 to 6 months to study for your exam.
We recommend that you allocate approximately three to six months to study for the exam,
depending on your professional background, education and experience. With candidates coming
from a broad range of backgrounds, it’s important to plan out a study strategy that can increase
your chances of success on the certification exam.
To assist you in finding available study materials and tailoring an exam-preparation program
to your learning style, we provide a convenient tool on the ACE® Web site. For more information,
6-month Personal Trainer Certification Timeline
Weeks 1–15
Weeks 16-17
Weeks 18-20
Weeks 21-24
Weeks 24+
Sign-up for FREE
Study Coach Program
Schedule & take
ACE Exam Review
Take Online
Practice Test
Schedule & take
ACE Certification
Register for the ACE
Integrated Fitness
Training Workshop:
Effective Tools and
Self-Study Program
American Council on Exercise | The Exam: Getting Prepared | | 800.825.3636
?? ?
Did You Know…
You can now get study tips
and gain insight, motivation
and confidence from ACE’s
Exam Preparation Blog.
Updated weekly by ACE staff,
to learn from others currently
studying for the ACE certification
exam and take advantage of
opportunities to get answers
and share your own thoughts
and experiences.
To help candidates prepare for the exam, ACE offers
personal support from our staff of certified trainers,
plus many study assistance programs and materials.
To access these tools, visit, choose your certification and click on the
Study Assistance tab.
Study Coach Program
The free Study Coach Program keeps you on track with your studies for the ACE® Certification Exam
through a convenient weekly email guiding you through the ACE certification manuals and our recommended approach to exam preparation. Offered in 12- and 20-week formats, you’ll find one that easily
fits into your study timeline. Each weekly Study Coach email includes an overview, what you will learn,
next steps and helpful hints.
Exam Candidate Discussion Board
Interact with other exam candidates in an online open forum created just for you. Post questions or
concerns, get study tips, reply to others, and read feedback from currently certified professionals. Gain
access to the discussion boards through ACE’s Community page found at
Did You Know…
You can find ACE on Facebook.
Join the thousands of ACE fans at
This community is strong and
growing and there are daily
discussions between individuals
preparing for the ACE exam,
and those who recently earned
an ACE certification.
Exam Review Course
This course has long been a popular and effective way to study for the ACE certification exams. The Exam
Review Course can be taken in the comfort of your own home as an online course that offers a self-paced
approach. We recommend taking this approximately one month prior to sitting for the ACE exam.
Online Diagnostic Practice Tests
Offered in multiple versions, these online practice tests use questions that are similar to those found on
the actual exam, giving you an idea of the testing format and what you can expect come exam day. The
online-only format provides immediate feedback through annotated explanations. In addition, it gives
you reference pages in the study materials to reinforce your learning. We recommend taking this approximately two weeks prior to sitting for the ACE exam.
Fitness Math Course
We developed this course after recognizing the great need to help exam candidates with the critical
math skills and formulae needed to pass the ACE Personal Trainer Certification Exam. Since you are not
allowed to bring a calculator into exams, this has been a challenge for many. Learn how to perform essential calculations for effective goal setting and exercise program design.
Educational Services Team
ACE’s team of qualified, credentialed staff are available to assist you with questions about becoming
certified, choosing study materials that are right for you or what to expect on the ACE exam. Available
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5 p.m., PST, simply call 800.825-3636, Ext. 782, or email
American Council on Exercise | The Exam: Getting Prepared | | 800.825.3636
Exam Day: What to Expect
The certification exam is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to make safe and effective
decisions within the professional scope of practice for the certification. Your performance will
be influenced by your preparation, education, knowledge and experience, as well as your ability
to take a multiple choice exam.
ACE offers Computer-based Testing (CBT) at more than 500 testing facilities worldwide. CBT has
become the most popular way to take the ACE® fitness certification exam due to the convenience it provides. You can take the exam at one of numerous testing centers throughout the year
offering flexible scheduling options, dates and locations. Please note, all CBT exams are proctored
and cannot be taken on personal computers.
For more information on what to expect including exam content areas, testing format and scoring
Exam Requirements
For all ACE Exams:
• You must be at least 18 years of age.
ou must hold an adult CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (Automated External
Defibrillator) certificate
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Did You Know…
The ACE Resource Center staff
is available to answer your personal questions regarding exam
preparation. Available MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Pacific Time, send an email to to get
the answers you are looking for.
To sit for the ACE Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach Certification Exam, in addition
to the above requirements, you must hold a current ACE Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor
or Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist Certification; or an NCCA-accredited fitness certification;
or earned a four-year (bachelor’s) degree in exercise science or a related field. Registrants holding
degrees in nutrition or nursing may be required to submit documentation supporting completion
of exercise science-related coursework at the time of registration.
To sit for the ACE Advanced Health & Specialist Certification Exam, in addition to the above
requirements you must have completed 300-hours of work experience designing and
implementing exercise programs for apparently healthy individuals and/or high-risk individuals,
as documented by a qualified professional. You must also have a four-year (bachelor’s) degree
in an exercise science or related field; or a current ACE Personal Trainer or Lifestyle & Weight
Management Coach Certification; or an NCCA-accredited fitness certification. Registrants must
submit documentation that they meet the pre-requisites at the time of registration.
American Council on Exercise | The Exam: Getting Prepared | | 800.825.3636
ACE-certified professionals have access to a variety of
valuable benefits as well as career-long support rivaled by
no other fitness certification organization in the industry.
ACE Resource Center
Your personal reference desk and library. Get answers on industry trends from highly qualified
fitness professionals with access to 90 journals, 1,500 books and several databases of information.
Insurance Center
Exclusive access to discounted liability and studio insurance. Your one-stop shop!
More than 400 full text exercise science and sports medicine journals dating back to 1985.
Business Basics
A series of printable step-by-step, easy-to-understand templates, instructional guides and tools
developed to increase your business skills.
Professional Discount Program
Discounts and special offers on educational programs, fitness products and more.
ACE® Apparel + Business Cards
Sport a professional and polished appearance with the official ACE-certified Professional logo.
The health, fitness, recreation and sports industries’ premier Web site for a diverse array
of employment opportunities. Use it to launch your next career move.
Find an ACE Pro
Our searchable online database puts you in front of thousands of consumers each month.
Client Outreach Programs
ACE is committed to creating opportunities and developing marketing tools to connect you with
potential clients in your community. Programs include the AARP Fitness & Wellness Program, Joining
Forces and Moderation Nation.
ACE Fit Facts®
Did You Know…
ACE has an entire section on
its web site exclusively geared
to keeping practicing fitness
professionals on the forfront
of fitness with the latest
research, tools and education.
To learn more, visit:
Fit Facts are concise, one-page health and fitness information sheets that contain valuable how-to
information and tips and are ideal for sharing with clients.
ACE Certified News
ACE is excited to deliver a wealth of information geared to practicing fitness professionals and Continuing Education Credit (CEC) opportunities in this interactive, monthly online publication, which includes
videos that accompany articles and commenting tools which enable you to take part in discussions.
IDEA Fitness Journal
Through a recent collaboration with IDEA Health & Fitness Association, an ACE-IDEA co-branded
edition of the award-winning IDEA Fitness Journal is distributed 10 times each year to all
ACE-certified professionals and provides opportunities to earn CECs.
American Council on Exercise | Professional Benefits | | 800.825.3636
In the age of competition, how will you stand out?
With so many fellow fitness professionals in the industry and the increasing unemployment rate
across the U.S., how will you differentiate yourself from the competition? Oftentimes, fitness
professionals are so busy helping their clients live healthier that they forget about their own
professional development. Regardless of whether you are a group fitness instructor who is new
to the field, or a seasoned personal trainer, you must invest in your future. Making the time
for continuing education will give you the fresh insight, training and specialized knowledge to
attract new clients and make you more appealing to employers. It also ensures that you stay
current with the latest exercise science research and guidelines and provides the competitive edge
you will need to increase your job stability and work with today’s savvy consumer.
The ACE ConEd Center, available at, offers more than 3,000 continuing
education courses available in a variety of formats to meet the ever-changing needs of fitness professionals. From at-home learning you can take in the comfort of your own home and at your own
pace, to in-class workshops that provide a hands-on and interactive learning experience, you’ll
find numerous exciting opportunities at your fingertips via this online portal. Search by topic, format, provider and/or CEC value as well as by instructor-led/live courses to locate education opportunities that are tailored to your needs, career interests and learning style. Save up to 25% on CECs
by purchasing continuing education in convenient course bundles grouped by key topic areas, or
use ACE eCredits to pre-pay for your education at a discount and redeem for courses at anytime.
Choose from either 1.0 or 2.0 CEC packages and stay on track for your certification renewal.
Course topics in the ACE ConEd Center include:
Behavior Change
CPR, AED & First Aid
Group Fitness
Personal & Small Group Training
Special Groups & Conditions
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Did You Know…
Every two years you will
need to earn 2.0 continuing
education credits (CECs) to
renew your certification.
You can earn your CECs in
numerous ways to include
successfully completing
ACE-approved courses, passing
another ACE certification exam,
completing college coursework, performing community
outreach, renewing your adult
CPR/AED certificate and getting published.
Wondering what ACE continuing education has to offer your career? Browse the ConEd Center
today at to begin the best investment you may ever make — an
investment in you.
American Council on Exercise | Continuing Education | | 800.825.3636
The influence of the American Council on Exercise
expands well beyond the fitness industry.
With adult and childhood obesity being a major crisis affecting Americans in the 21st century, ACE is deeply committed to serving as the bridge-builder between organizations in both
the private and public sector, fitness professionals and individuals at the community level to
eliminate the nation’s obesity epidemic. Through its many collaborative relationships and
public outreach campaigns, ACE promotes the benefits of an active, healthy lifestyle. These
relationships and campaigns include:
Select ACE?
AARP is the leading nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over
in the United States. With shared missions, both ACE and AARP were interested in providing a
service to this population that has been greatly underserved by the fitness industry and who have
the means, motivation and desire to enhance their quality of life through physical activity. As a
result, ACE teamed with AARP as the provider of personal and small group training services as well
as group and mind-body classes under a fitness program for AARP members.
ACE and the American Heart Association (AHA)
As fitness professionals never know when they may be called upon to step in during a lifethreatening event, ACE joined with the American Heart Association to design the Heartsaver First
Aid with CPR and AED Workshop, which teaches fitness professionals to effectively recognize and
treat adult emergencies in the critical first minutes until emergency medical services personnel
arrive, and how to properly and effectively use an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Did You Know…
ACE is deeply committed to
finding ways for ACE-certified
fitness professionals to grow
their careers and, at the same
time, get involved in their local
communities to help people live
healthier, longer lives.
ACE and Joining Forces
ACE is honored to support Joining Forces, a national initiative that gives back to our service
members and their families. We are committing to provide 1 million fitness services hours to
activated reservists and National Guard members and their immediate families. We are rallying
fitness professionals, businesses and organizations from coast-to-coast to help us achieve this goal.
ACE and the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA)
The ICAA is dedicated to changing the way people age by uniting professionals in the retirement,
assisted living, fitness, rehabilitation and wellness fields to dispel society’s myths about aging.
The ICAA helps these professionals to empower aging Baby Boomers and older adults to improve
their quality of life and maintain their dignity. In 2008, ACE joined with the ICAA on a collaborative
initiative to help educate fitness and wellness staff working in older adult communities with the
latest information and training to develop appropriate exercise programming for this special
American Council on Exercise | Public Outreach | | 800.825.3636
ACE and the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity (NCPPA)
ACE is a lead organization of the NCPPA, the preeminent force in the country promoting physical
activity and fitness initiatives, and holds a seat on its Board of Directors. ACE joins this alliance
of exemplary national affiliations, including the American Heart Association (AHA) and
President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, which independently addresses a host of issues
pertaining to physical activity including health/science, education, environments, population-specific
outreach and activity behavior. ACE is committed to advancing the NCPPA’s mission to unite the
strengths of public, private and industry efforts into collaborative partnerships that inspire and
empower all Americans to lead more physically active lifestyles.
Workout Watchdog™
Committed to promoting safe, effective exercise to consumers of all ages, ACE has proudly
earned the reputation of consumer advocate and “workout watchdog” through university-based
research and testing that targets fitness products and trends. ACE educates on the benefits of
physical activity and protects the public against unqualified fitness professionals, as well as unsafe
and ineffective products, programs and instruction. ACE offers free, unbiased health and fitness
information to consumers through a variety of accessible channels, including America’s online
trusted resource for fitness, ACE GetFit. Visit
Youth Outreach
With childhood obesity rates on the rise, ACE offers the Operation FitKids® curriculum to get
kids moving. Designed for educators, fitness professionals, health professionals and parents
looking to integrate health and fitness activities into a classroom setting, this free program
provides downloadable lessons, youth fitness facts and other free resources on youth fitness. ACE
is also a proud supporter of the Let’s Move Campaign — America’s move to raise a healthier
generation of kids. Let’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated
to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up
healthier and able to pursue their dreams. Combining comprehensive strategies with common
sense, Let’s Move! is about putting children on the path to a healthy future, ensuring families
have access to healthy, affordable food and helping kids become more physically active.
National Physical Activity Plan (The Plan)
The National Physical Activity Plan is a comprehensive initiative to improve public health — an
effort to motivate people in every community to become and stay physically active, and to remove
the barriers that may stand in their way. ACE is actively involved in this initiative serving as the
business industry co-sector leader with AHA and the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub
Association (IHRSA). The NCPPA is working closely with organizations serving as leaders in eight
sectors to develop a national implementation plan for immediate action. ACE and other partner
organizations implement the plan strategies at the national, regional and grassroots levels. As
a co-sector leader, ACE facilitates and coordinates plan implementation to set forth changes in
policies and practices that will influence physical-activity behaviors.
Did You Know…
About 15% of children and
adolescents ages 6-19 years
are seriously overweight, and
the percentage of children and
adolescents who are defined as
overweight has nearly doubled
over the last 25 years.
Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA)
The President’s Council on Fitness Sports and Nutrition offers the President’s Active Lifestyle Award.
This program encourages people to add activity to their lives, asking all children and adults to
commit to daily physical activity for 6 out of 8 weeks and provides tools to track progress and
rewards upon program completion. It’s a great chance for friends, family and clients to take part
in an enjoyable and rewarding program that can set them on the path to better health and fitness.
American Council on Exercise | Public Outreach | | 800.825.3636
Our Commitment to Customer Service
We are here for you! Contact ACE by visiting our Web site, calling our Educational Services
department or visiting us in person.
Educational Services
4851 Paramount Drive, San Diego, CA 92123
800.825.3636 Ext. 782. Hours of Operation are M-F from 7am to 5pm, PST
Visit ACE in person between the hours of 2pm to 4pm, PST
Can’t find what you’re looking for, or need assistance in determining what educational track
is best for you? Please visit us at or contact our Educational Services team
at or by calling 800.825.3636 Ext. 782.
ACE Affiliations
ACE is proud to be affiliated with the following organizations and initiatives with which we share
a joint vision to increase the awareness and need to promote a life of optimal health and fitness:
American Council on Exercise | Our Commitment to Customer Service + ACE Affiliations | | 800.825.3636
ACE Code of Ethics
As an ACE-certified Professional, I am guided by the American Council on Exercise’s principles
of professional conduct whether I am working with clients, the public or other health and fitness
professionals. I promise to:
• Provide safe and effective instruction.
• Provide equal and fair treatment to all clients.
• Stay up-to-date on the latest health and fitness research and understand its practical application.
• Maintain a current CPR and AED certificate and knowledge of first-aid services.
• Comply with all applicable business, employment and intellectual property laws.
• Uphold and enhance public appreciation and trust for the health and fitness industry.
• Maintain the confidentiality of all client information.
• Refer clients to more qualified health or medical professionals when appropriate.
• Establish and maintain clear professional boundaries.
Our Mission
The American Council on Exercise is a nonprofit organization committed to enriching the quality of life through safe and effective physical activity. As your authority on fitness, ACE protects
all segments of society against ineffective fitness products, programs and trends through its ongoing public education, outreach and research. ACE further protects the public by setting certification and continuing education standards for fitness professionals.
America’s Authority on Fitness®
4851 Paramount Drive, San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: 858.576.6500 | Toll Free: 800.825.3636 | Fax: 858.576.6564
Get Certified | M11-087