SPRING SCENIC SHORES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (SSCA) 2015 DIRECTORY: ASSOCIATION: PO Box 1775 Yelm, WA 98597 Contact us on our Website: Www.scenicshorescommunity.com Tel: 360-742-9348 Fax: 360-894-8322 President's Corner WATER COMPANY: PO Box 260 Rainier, WA 98576 Information: 360-878-2204 Emergencies: 360-878-2104 Billing: 360-878-0375 Email: service@ scenicshoreswater.com I want to thank everyone who participated in the January membership meeting. We were able to get a lot done. With out you nothing could be done. As you will notice, Trash Daze, Easter Egg Hunt, Boat Races and security for the 4th of July have all been renewed for another year. The membership voted to invest in several improvements to the Well Field/Park, so look for them in the Spring. With the Easter Egg Hunt just around the corner, we could use some help to hide all those colorful eggs. If you can lend a hand, show up at 8am on the 4th. This is always a fun time for the little ones. If you have a few minutes each month to invest, come on down and lend a hand and watch our community grow. Scenic Shores has a couple of new neighbors, the Gibson’s and the Masons, so if you see them out and about, give them a hearty ‘welcome’. Over the winter someone has taken it upon themselves to discharge their fire arms in the park killing our beaver friend and wounding a deer. This has to STOP! I can go into many ways why this is wrong. It’s just… well… sad that some people endanger the rest of us for their cheep thrill. Please, whomever your are, think of the shot that misses, it could be a child next time. And yes we have reported it to the proper authorities. What happened to winter? With the mild winter the park has sustained little damage so we save on clean-up costs. Great! We will get the bathrooms online soon. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: PRESIDENT’S CORNER 1 HAPPENINGS IN SSCA 2 INSIDE NEWS 3 WATER DOINGS 4 Lastly, again I want to thank everyone who showed up for the membership meeting. You make all the difference. — Phil Gothro PAGE 2 What’s Happening, What’s about to Happen and What Has Happened! Trash Daze This years Trash Daze is set for May 16-17, to avoid Mother’s Day Weekend. It will, as always, be a great chance to clean up your yard from the winter and/or get rid of any accumulated trash/junk. As always, the first load is free per household, there will be a $5 charge for subsequent loads. There are no restrictions on Wood and Yard Waste or metals for the Recycling Guy. Please bring proof of residency such as a garbage bill and your Key Card. If you need assistance please call the Customer Service at (360) 7429348. And volunteers!! We always appreciate help, especially since we have neighbors who may need assistance getting t r as h t o t h e park. Easter Egg Hunt The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is coming up FAST! On April 4th at 10 am in the park rain or shine, bring your egg hunting/tossing skills and prepare to have fun! Any volunteers for the preparation ahead of time would be greatly appreciated (email us at help@scenicshorescommunity.com ) or if you would like to help hide the eggs, please show up at 8am for setup. We will have an area up top for the younger children and will have more difficult hiding places further afield for the older children. We will also split up the egg toss into older/younger categories to make it more fun/challenging for everyone. And of course, there will be some great prizes for the winners of the egg toss as well as some “special” eggs with fun contents. See you there! SIRA Boat Races The SIRA boat races will be held on April 25th & 26th. Come on down and bring your excitement with you. Remember to leave your four legged friends at home as they can jeopardize our water supply. Also please remember to bring your SSCA park entrance key with you; there is no entry fee for SSCA residents who show a gate card but SIRA will be manning the gate and collecting a fee for all non-SSCA members so to minimize confusion, please remember your card. Also, SIRA will be requesting spectators to sign a waiver, this is for insurance purposes should an accident/injury occur. Please be cooperative with SIRA and help make this an enjoyable event for everyone! As discussed at the semiannual meeting in January, this year we will be charging a refundable damage deposit to SIRA to cover any incidental damages to the park, as well as increasing the rental fee of the park to $1,500. This can be a fun event for all, please follow the rules and enjoy! SCENIC SHORES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (SSCA) WWW.SCENICSHORESCOMMUNITY.COM Park Improvements PAGE 3 . For those of you who attended the semi-annual meeting in January, you may remember that association members approved the purchase of two more picnic tables and an additional barbecue to further enhance improvements made last year. In addition, association members also voted to authorize the Board to select and purchase some new playground equipment to update/upgrade the play area for younger children. All equipment has been purchased at this time and we look forward to seeing the results, once the equipment arrives. We purchased a Playworld Cosmic Warp, a Playworld Tetherball, and a Playworld Toss-up. We hope these new items will bring lots of fun times for all the Scenic Shores children. In addition, we have not forgotten that some maintenance to existing park equipment needs to be done and we anticipate having the necessary work done before we open the park this year to ensure safety for all. Another item that has been lingering as necessary maintenance are the repairs to the docks. After considerable research and effort, the castors that will allow the docks to slide and shift as water levels rise/lower have been ordered and are expected to be installed soon. This should aid in the longevity of the docks and minimize damage. You Can Make a Difference? As always we are looking for a few good neighbors to lend us a helping hand. The board has several openings that need filling. The board meets once a month, usually on the third Saturday of each month at 8 AM. This is a great way to meet some of your neighbors and support your community at the same time. We have a great future but we need new members to get involved. Most of the Board members have dedicated countless hours and years into the improvement of our community; we would love to get some additional SSCA members to join to provide new ideas and energy. You do not have to have prior experience, just be willing to put in some time and learn. JOIN US! Architectural Business With good weather on its way, home improvement projects begin anew. Springtime is when our association begins to see new building improvements and home projects throughout the neighborhood. Just a reminder, all new projects need prior written approval before work can begin. You can download the Architectural Change form at http://www.scenicshorescommunity.com/Architectural_Committee.html. Don’t forget to submit your plans early as any change request may take up to thirty (30) days in the review process before approval. Park Rental As spring and summer come, you may want to reserve the park so here is a reminder of the guidelines: for 1-50 people there will be a $25 non-refundable fee (with a $50 refundable cleaning deposit); 50-100 people is $50 with a $100 cleaning deposit; and 101+ people is $300 with a $200 cleaning deposit. We have a beautiful park and we want everyone to enjoy it and utilize it for special occasions or just everyday fun. Please be mindful of others and remember that when you reserve the park, you are reserving the covered area up above, and not blocking other people from utilizing the boat launch or the area below. If you do want to reserve the park, you can fill out the form located at http://scenicshorescommunity.com/Forms.html and submit it ahead of time. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson SCENIC SHORES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SSCA WWW.SCENICSHORESCOMMUNITY.COM Primary Business Address PO Box 1775 Yelm WA 98597 (360) 742-9348 PAGE 4 Water Company PO Box 260 Rainier WA 98576 Phone: 360-878-2240 Fax: 360-894-8332 E-mail: service@scenicshoreswater.com Water Works With the arrival of Spring you know what that means. Blow-offs! Watch for Bob and I to be preforming blow-offs and valve exercising next month. This simple act saves money by assuring our equipment operates as designed and cleans away any unwanted debris and scale from the water mains. Don’t forget to dial 811 for those projects involving holes. This free service has saved hundreds in repairs by informing the homeowner where the water lines are in relation to building projects. No grass clippings covering the meters, particularly in division I. Some folks think it is ok to dump grass clippings in the easements. No this is not good. With the trees down now, Ken will be maintaining the area with the tractor. Additionally, our meters are not able to transmit the water reading on meter read day if the meter box is covered with grass clippings. Bob will be inspecting and cleaning ‘all’ meters/transmitters this spring-summer for optimum reads and box height and needed maintenance. Last year Bob and I tested your water system for The Third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 3) as required by the US EPA. The results are in and if you would like a copy give us a call or email us at techhelp@scenicshoreswater.com . If you want to read more about this program I have added a link on the water website with the EPA outline for this program. Watch for results which impact us in our annual CCR coming out this spring. Remember, if you decide to install a water system for your yard, you must contact us with your plan. A sad parting— Kevin Ray is moving to Montana. So it is up to the homeowners to find a back-flow tester when your device needs testing. I will try and have a couple of companies on hand for your information.
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