Class-I ENGLISH Month Book April Activity Module English Book-1 Class Readiness Programme English Book-1 May June July August Topic /Subject Matter All three skills with awareness and activities No. of Teaching Periods 11 Know Me Thank You God My Toothbrush Greetings Trace over the dotted lines (L/S)Listening Speaking with self introduction L/S and recitation with action and gesture L/S and recitation with action, awareness about oral hygiene L/S and recitation with action and greetings Eye hand coordination 2 2 2 2 2 1 Two Little Hands To Clap, Clap, Clap One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Colour The Pictures This Is My Doll ABC Song Trace Over The Dotted Lines L/S and recitation with action and gesture L/S and recitation with action, gesture and counting awareness Eye hand coordination with colour awareness L/S and recitation with action and enrich vocabulary L/S and recitation with action, gesture and melody Eye hand coordination Monthly Assessment at the end of month Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 L/S and recitation with action and gesture L/S and reading with recognition of common birds L/S/R with recognition of common animals L/S/R with recognition of wild animals Monthly Assessment at the end of month L/S/R with recognition of common fruits L/S/R with recognition of common vegetables L/S/R with recognition of different relation Monthly Assessment at the end of month 4 4 2 2 5 3 3 English Book-1 Johny, Johny Birds Around Us Animals Around Us Wild Animals English Book-1 Fruits Vegetables My Family Competency 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 Periods for Revision 4 3 Sept. English Book-1 Let’s Listen And Speak Home Articles My School Bag My Body Parts L/S/R with recognition of common animals L/S/R with recognition of Home Articles L/S/R with recognition of school bag items L/S/R with recognition of Body Parts 4 4 4 4 3 5 3 5 4 3 16 3 7 10 3 6 6 2 8 8 5 Half yearly Assessment at the end of month Oct. English Book-1 Head And Shoulders Trace And Speak Sing The Rhyme Aloud Colours We See Nov. English Book-1 Shapes And Sounds(A to T) Dec. English Book-1 Shapes And Sounds(U to Z) Let’s Read Aloud And Match Jan. English Book-1 Let’s Write Match The Following Alphabets Feb. English Book-1 Numbers 1-10 Let Us Count March English Book-1 Encircle L/S/R with recitation and action Eye hand coordination L/S/R with recitation and action L/S/R with recognition of colours Monthly Assessment at the end of month L/S/R with recognition of alphabets Shapes and sounds (A to T) Monthly Assessment at the end of month L/S/R with recognition of alphabets Shapes and sounds L/S/R with recognition of alphabets Eye hand coordination recognition of alphabets Shapes Monthly Assessment in the third week of month recognition of counting and numbers recognition of counting and numbers Monthly Assessment in the third week of month recognition of alphabets Shapes Revision and Final Assessment The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. 6 Revision Class-II ENGLISH Month Book April Activity Module English Book-II May English Book-II Topic /Subject Matter Competency Class Readiness Programme All skills with awareness and activities Know about me Daily Routine (poem) Rain (poem) Let’s colour the L/S with self introduction L/S and recitation with action and gesture L/S and recitation with action and gesture On My Blackboard I can Draw Let’s Say Aloud Let’s get ready for school Let’s practice (Two pages) No. of Periods Teaching for Periods Revision 11 1 Eye –hand coordination 1 3 3 3 L/S and recitation with action and gesture L/S with sound words L/S with pictorial reading and recognition L/S/R and eye-hand coordination 5 3 4 8 3 Monthly Assessment at the end of month June July Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 English Book-II Let’s practice (Two pages) Let’s learn ‘a’& ‘e’ sound words Let’s learn ‘i’, ‘o’& ‘u’ sound words L/S/R and eye-hand coordination L/S/R and practice of a and e sound words 7 7 L/S/R and practice of i, o, and u sound words 7 3 Monthly Assessment at the end of month August English Book-II Look at the pictures and write their names Let’s learn this and that Let’s read and write Let’s learn this and these L/S/R/ with pictorial study and writing missing alphabet 5 L/S/R/ with pictorial study and practice of this and that L/S/R/W with pictorial study and practice of this and that L/S/R/ with pictorial study and practice of this and these 4 4 5 3 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Sept. English Book-II Let’s learn these and those Let’s learn that is/those are Let’s use this, these, that and those Let’s learn the colours L/S/R/W with pictorial study and practice of these and those L/S/R/ W with pictorial study and practice of that is and those are L/S/R/W with pictorial study and practice of this these, that and those L/S/R/W with pictorial study 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 Half yearly Assessment at the end of month Oct. English Book-II Let’s learn his and her, my and your Let’s learn use of her and his Let’s learn action words L/S/R with pictorial study L/S/R/W with pictorial study L/S/R with pictorial study 5 6 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Nov. English Book-II Let’s learn no, it is not Let’s learn the people who help us L/S/R/W with pictorial study and use of no or it is not L/S/R with pictorial study 8 8 3 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Dec. English Book-II Let’s read them aloud and write Let’s learn days in a week Let’s serve our loving grandfather L/S/R/W with eye hand coordination L/S/R/W with eye hand coordination L/S/R with pictorial study 8 5 5 2 Jan. English Book-II Let’s visit a village Let’s learn the places we visit L/S/R with pictorial study L/S/R with pictorial study 6 6 2 5 5 5 6 6 Revision Feb. March English Book-II English Book-II Our mango tree Let us know the bee Word Fun Story of Dove Monthly Assessment in the third week of month L/S/R/W with pictorial study and comprehension L/S/R/W with eye hand coordination L/S/R/W with pictorial study Monthly Assessment in the third week of month Listening, Speaking and Reading practice. Revision and Final Assessment The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Class-III ENGLISH Competency Month Book April Activity Module Class Readiness Programme All skills with awareness and activities English Book-III Prayer Know about me L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and gesture. L/S/R/W skills with different profession and working 3 6 Activities around us Poem : The Sun and the Moon Use of Has and Have L/S/R/W with action words L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and gesture. L/S/R/W with use of has and have. 8 4 8 3 10 10 4 9 9 3 4 7 4 3 9 9 2 May English Book-III Topic /Subject Matter No. of Teachin g Periods 11 Periods for Revision 2 Monthly Assessment at the end of month June July Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 English Book-III L/S/R/W with use of had. L/S/R/W with use of a and an. Use of Had Play with ‘A’ and ‘An’ Monthly Assessment at the end of month August English Book-III L/S/R/W with use of it and there L/S/R/W with use of preposition. Use of It and There Fun with Preposition Monthly Assessment at the end of month Sept. English Book-III Poem : Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star The Noble Boy Mohinder found a Pen L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and gesture. L/S/R/W with forms of verb. L/S/R/W with use of verbs form. Half yearly Assessment at the end of month Oct. English Book-III L/S/R/W with use of will, shall my, our, its, their, his, her and your. Monthly Assessment at the end of month Nov. English Book-III Poem : A Happy Child Let us compare L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and gesture. L/S/R/W with the use of comparative words. 6 10 3 9 9 2 10 4 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Dec. English Book-III Ravi and the Puppy The Shepherd Boy Jan. English Book-III Two Friends and the Bear Feb. English Book-III A Foolish Friend L/S/R/W with comprehension and conversation L/S/R/W with familiarization of comparative words and comprehension. L/S/R/W with comprehension Monthly Assessment in the third week of month L/S/R/W with comprehension Monthly Assessment in the third week of month March Revision and Final Assessment The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. 11 10 Class-IV ENGLISH Month Book April Activity Module Class Readiness Programme English Book-IV Our National Flag (Poem) May English Book-IV Topic /Subject Matter Competency All skills with activities and enhances vocabulary No. of Teaching Periods 11 Periods for Revision Grandpa’s Glasses L/S/R/W national integrity with recitation rhythm and gesture. L/S/R/W with preposition and use of is, am and are 5 My House Let Us Be Good L/S/R/W with number, gender and use of is, am and are L/S/R/W with common etiquettes words. 10 10 3 8 12 4 4 2 Monthly Assessment at the end of month June July Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 English Book-IV Do You Want to Be...(Poem) Two Friends L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and describing words. L/S/R/W with practice of pronouns and negative sentences. English Book-IV The Busy Bee (Poem) A Farmer L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and rhyming words. L/S/R/W with enhance vocabulary and composition. Monthly Assessment at the end of month August 8 10 3 7 3 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Sept. English Book-IV One Thing At A Time (Poem) Two Wise Goats L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and enhance vocabulary L/S/R/W with enhance vocabulary and composition. 8 Half yearly Assessment at the end of month Oct. English Book-IV A Rainy Day Anu’s village L/S/R/W with sentence formation and composition. L/S/R/W with preposition and composition skill. 9 9 2 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Nov. English Book-IV Be Healthy (Poem) Let Us Plant A Tree L/S/R/W health hygiene with recitation and rhythm. L/S/R/W with practice of past tense and adjectives. 8 8 3 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Dec. English Book-IV The Little Plant (Poem) Dussehra L/S/R/W with word building, recitation and rhythm L/S/R/W with practice of antonyms, homophones, communicative skills and describing words. 8 10 Jan. English Book-IV Harmful Effects of Poly-bags Let Us Be Postman(Poem) L/S/R/W awareness about environment composition L/S/R/W recitation with rhythm and gesture. Monthly Assessment in the third week of month L/S/R/W practice of naming words and composition. L/S/R/W with practice of number and gender L/S/R/W with practice of letter writing Enhance vocabulary Monthly Assessment in the third week of month 6 5 3 5 5 5 2 4 Feb. March English Book-IV A Bus-Stand Ashoka The Great How To Write An Application Let us Learn to use Dictionary Revision and Final Assessment The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. 2 Class-V ENGLISH Book April Activity Module Class Readiness Programme All skills with activities and enhances vocabulary English Book-V Wise (Poem) Practice-The Key to Success L/S/R/W with recitation rhythm and gesture. L/S/R/W with practice of gender, noun, pronoun, punctuation and adverb. L/S/R/W with describing words verbs and opposites. L/S/R/W with rhyming words, recitation rhythm and gesture. May English Book-V Topic /Subject Matter Competency Month Independence Day A Nation’s Strength (Poem) No. of Periods Teaching for Periods Revision 11 4 6 1 15 5 3 10 10 4 10 8 3 14 4 15 5 Monthly Assessment at the end of month June July Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 English Book-V An Act of Bravery The Festival of Teej L/S/R/W with sentence formation and present tense. L/S/R/W with sentence formation, present tense and enrich vocabulary. Monthly Assessment at the end of month August English Book-V A wise Friend If Mice Could roar (Poem) L/S/R/W with prepositions and enrich vocabulary. L/S/R/W with rhyming words recitation rhythm and gesture. Monthly Assessment at the end of month Sept. English Book-V The Boy Narendra L/S/R/W with composition, punctuation and comprehension. Half yearly Assessment at the end of month Oct. English Book-V A day at Pinjore L/S/R/W with diary writing and past tense. Monthly Assessment at the end of month Nov. English Book-V Quiz Hour Food and Our Health L/S/R/W with practice on ‘wh’ frame questions preposition sentence formation and opposite words. L/S/R/W with practice on phrases, modals, to infinitive and conversational skill. 7 8 4 Monthly Assessment at the end of month Dec. Jan. Feb. March April Showers (poem) Let’s Help One Another L/S/R/W with rhyming words recitation rhythm and gesture. L/S/R/W with sentence formation and direct indirect speech. 8 10 2 English Book-V Know Your Computer L/S/R/W with practice on homophones and communication. 12 2 English Book-V Let’s Learn to Write a Letter Let’s Learn to Use Dictionary Monthly Assessment in the third week of month L/S/R/W with practice of letter writing. Enhance vocabulary Monthly Assessment in the third week of month 9 9 3 English Book-V Revision and Final Assessment The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. d{kk&1 fgUnh ekl iqLrd dk uke vizSy ,fDVfoVh ekWM;wy fo”k;oLrq vf/kxe ;ksX;rk,¡ d{kk RkRijrk lq>kbZ xbZ xfrfof/k;ksa dks djus ds dk;ZØe mijkar lHkh Hkk”kk;h ¼lquuk] cksyuk] i<+uk o fy[kuk½ dkS’kyksa dk fodkl djukA esjh iqLrd&1 esjk ifjp; vkns'k&funsZ’k dks /;ku iwoZd lqudj mudh ikyuk djrs gq, viuk ifjp; nsukA esjh iqLrd&1 ifjos’k dh fp= dks ns[kdj i'kq&i{kh] xk¡o ‘kgj] tkudkjh ;krk;kr ds lk/ku] edku] [ksr&[kfygku] ?kj&ifjokj ,oa ikB’kkyk vkfn ds ckjs esa tkudkjh izkIr djukA f’k{k.k ds nksgjkbZ ihfj;M ds ihfj;M 10 10 2 10 3 7 3 fp= dh igpku djrs gq, O;atu /ofu;ksa dh igpku djds cksyuk o v{kjksa ij isafly ?kqekrs gq, fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu lHkh Loj o O;atuksa dks lqudj le>uk o ‘;keiV~V ij fy[ks gq, dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, o.kZekyk dks fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA 17 7 8 3 o.kksZa dk esy nks o.kkZsa dks tksM+dj i<+uk o fy[kukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu flrEcj esjh iqLrd&1 veu o.kkZsa dks tksM+dj i<+uk o nks&rhu o pkj v{kjksa dks tksM+dj u, ‘kCn cukdj fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA vfUre lIrkg esa v)Zokf”kZd vkdyu vDrwcj esjh iqLrd&1 ek=k Kku fp= dks ns[kdj ek=k dh igpku djus 7 3 8 11 15 5 ebZ Loj Tkwu TkqykbZ esjh iqLrd&1 O;atu vxLr esjh iqLrd&1 o.kZekyk fp= dh igpku djrs gq, lHkh Loj /ofu;ksa dh igpku djds cksyukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu xzh”ekodk’k & 1 Tkwu ls 30 Tkwu rd UkoEcj esjh iqLrd&1 lIrkg ds fnu fnLkEcj esjh iqLrd&1 xasn cYyk tuojh esjh iqLrd&1 eSa Hkh i<+us tkÅ¡xh Qjojh esjh iqLrd&1 cky xhr ekpZ ds lkFk&lkFk lHkh ek=kvksa okys ‘kCnksa dh igpku djrs gq, i<+uk lh[kuk o mudks fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu cky&dfork dks lqudj le>uk o gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk lIrkg ds fnuksa dh Øeokj igpku djrs gq, le>ukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dks lqudj le>rs gq, vius euilUn [ksy ij ppkZ djuk rFkk cYyk vkSj xsan dk fp= cukdj mlesa jax Hkjuk dfork dks lqudj le>dj okpu djuk rFkk dfork esa ls ‘kCnksa dks ns[kdj fy[kukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, gko&Hkko ds lkFk cky xhr xkuk o muls feyrs&tqyrs vU; ckyxhr d{kk esa lqukukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu nksgjkbZ rhljs lIrkg esa okf”kZd vkdyu 13 6 14 6 10 4 16 5 uksV%& v/;kid iwjs ‘kSf{kd l= ds nkSjku ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj d{kk rRijrk dk;ZØe dh xfrfof/k;k¡ Hkh lkFk&lkFk djok,¡A d{kk&2 fgUnh ekl iqLrd dk uke fo”k;oLrq vizSy ,fDVfoVh d{kk RkRijrk ekWM;wy dk;ZØe esjh fourh iqLrd&2 esjh nknh ek¡ ebZ esjh ?k.Vh dkSu iqLrd&2 ck¡/ks ns'k gekjk Tkwu TkqykbZ vf/kxe ;ksX;rk,¡ lq>kbZ xbZ xfrfof/k;ksa dks djus ds mijkar lHkh Hkk”kk;h ¼lquuk] cksyuk] i<+uk o fy[kuk½ dkS’kyksa dk fodkl djukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>uk lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[kukA dgkuh lqudj mldk Hkko le>uk nknh ek¡ dh rjg ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ds izfr lEeku dh Hkkouk n’kkZuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA dgkuh lqudj mldk Hkko le>uk rFkk vius bnZ&fxnZ lHkh i'kq&if{k;ksa ds izfr laosnuk j[kuk o iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>uk o iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[kukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu f’k{k.k ds ihfj;M 10 nksgjkbZ ds ihfj;M 4 2 4 2 10 3 7 3 10 4 7 3 xzh”ekodk’k & 1 Tkwu ls 30 Tkwu rd esjh lkglh lquhrk ikB dks lqudj mldk Hkko le>uk rFkk iqLrd&2 lgikfB;ksa ds lkFk ppkZ djuk o iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA vPNh ,d felky v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>uk o iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[kukA dfork esa vk, ‘kCnksa dh rqdcanh djrs gq, u,&u, ‘kCn fy[kukA vxLr esjh viuk&viuk iqLrd&2 clsjk cw>ks og dkSu gS\ flrEcj esjh ‘kjhj ds vax iqLrd&2 dÍks fxygjh vDrwcj esjh esys dh lSj iqLrd&2 Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dks lqudj mldk Hkko le>uk rFkk lgikfB;ksa ds lkFk ppkZ djrs gq, fofHkUu i'kq&if{k;ksa dh vkokt fudkyuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA ikB dks lqudj mldk Hkko le>uk rFkk lgikfB;ksa ds lkFk ppkZ djrs gq, cknyksa ls ckfj’k dSls gksrh gSa\ mlls lacaf/kr iz’u djuk rFkk mudk mÙkj v/;kid ls tkurs o le>rs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djukA ‘kjhj ds izR;sd vax dh lkQ&lQkbZ ds izfr tkx#d gksuk rFkk dkSu lk vax D;k dke djrk gSa bl ij ppkZ djds Kkuo`f) djukA dgkuh lqudj mldk Hkko le>rs gq, vius bnZ&fxnZ lHkh i'kq&if{k;ksa ds izfr laosnuk j[kuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk o ikB esa vk, ‘kCnksa ds ek/;e ls ,d opu o cgqopu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA vfUre lIrkg esa v)Zokf”kZd vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj mldk Hkko le>rs gq, vius vkl&ikl yxus okys esyksa ds fo”k; esa ppkZ djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA ikB esa vk, ‘kCnksa ds ek/;e ls iqfYyax o L=hfyax dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA pk¡n dk dqjrk v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djrs gq, mldk Hkko le>rs gSa lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[krs gSaA dfork esa vk, ‘kCnksa dh rqdcanh djrs gq, u,&u, ‘kCn cukrs gSaA pk¡n 8 3 7 3 5 5 5 4 8 3 7 2 UkoEcj esjh lqjkgh fdlus iqLrd&2 cukbZ\ ;s cksysa] rqe lh[kks fnLkEcj esjh nhik dh iqLrd&2 fpV~Bh >c# tuojh esjh isM+ yxk,¡ iqLrd&2 Qjojh esjh n;kyq fl)kFkZ iqLrd&2 ckny xjts ds ?kVrs&c<+rs vkdkj ds ckjs esa ppkZ djrs gq, dkxt ls pk¡n vkSj flrkjksa ds eq[kkSVs cukukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dk Hkko le>rs gq, feV~Vh dk ?kM+k dSls curk gS\ bldh tkudkjh izkIr djuka rFkk fofHkUu O;olk;ksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[kukA dfork dks lqudj mldk Hkko le>dj lgikfB;ksa ds lkFk ppkZ djrs gq, fofHkUu i'kq&if{k;ksa dh vkokt fudkyrs gSa rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kus dk iz;kl djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu i= fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksrs gSa] i= fy[krs le; fdu&fdu ckrksa dk /;ku j[kuk pkfg, bldh tkudkjh izkIr djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djrs gq, mldk Hkko le>rs gSa] i'kq&if{k;ksa ds izfr laosnuk j[krs gq, i'kqvksa o muds cPpksa ds uke ls ifjfpr gksrs gSa rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djukA mldk Hkko le>rs gq, isM+ksa ds izfr isM+ksa dh mi;ksfxrk ,oa egÙo ls ifjfpr gksuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj mldk vFkZ le>rs gq, n;kyq fl)kFkZ dh rjg gal ds izfr laosnuk j[kuka rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk *j* ds fofHkUu :iksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djds fy[kukaA dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djrs gq, fofHkUu _rqvksa ds vuqlkj [kku&iku] igukok] Qy&lfCt;ksa ij ppkZ djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa 8 2 7 2 8 3 7 2 10 4 8 3 7 3 ekpZ fy[kukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu nksgjkbZ rhljs lIrkg esa okf”kZd vkdyu uksV%& v/;kid iwjs ‘kSf{kd l= ds nkSjku ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj d{kk rRijrk dk;ZØe dh xfrfof/k;k¡ Hkh lkFk&lkFk djok,¡A d{kk&3 fgUnh ekl iqLrd dk uke vizSy ,fDVfoVh d{kk RkRijrk lq>kbZ xbZ xfrfof/k;ksa dks djus ds mijkar lHkh ekWM;wy dk;ZØe Hkk”kk;h ¼lquuk] cksyuk] i<+uk o fy[kuk½ dkS’kyksa dk fodkl djukA fgUnh&3 ueu djsa v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>ukA lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[kukA viuk dke dgkuh lqudj mldk Hkko le>rs gq, viuk dke Lo;a djks Lo;a djus ds fy, izsfjr djukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA ebZ fgUnh&3 fo”k;oLrq uhe ehBh cksyh mUufr dk jgL; Tkwu TkqykbZ vf/kxe ;ksX;rk,¡ ikB dks i<+dj uhe dh tM+] rus o iÙks fdu&fdu chekfj;ksa esa dke vkrs gaSA bldh tkudkjh izkIr djds vkil esa ppkZ djukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds fyax o opu] fcanqvksa dh tkudkjh izkIr dj fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>us ds lkFk&lkFk fofHkUu if{k;ksa dh cksfy;ksa ls ifjfpr gksukA lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[kukA ikB dks i<+dj mldk vFkZ le>rs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk rFkk okD; jpuk djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu f’k{k.k nksgjkbZ ds ds ihfj;M ihfj;M 10 5 1 5 1 6 2 6 2 5 2 10 4 xzh”ekodk’k & 1 Tkwu ls 30 Tkwu rd fgUnh&3 j{kk cU/ku R;ksgkj dk egÙo le>ukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk rFkk okD; jpuk djrs gq, O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA <kslh dh igkM+h vxLr fgUnh&3 esjh cfx;k >k¡lh dh jkuh flrEcj fgUnh&3 bZn eqckjd vH;kl dk deky vDrwcj fgUnh&3 yky cgknqj ‘kkL=h eksj ikB dks i<+dj LFkkuh; esys dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk rFkk okD; jpuk djukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djrs gq, i;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds izfr tkx#d gksuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[krs gq, okD; jpuk djukA ikB dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZ dks le>rs gq, ns’k ds vU; egku iq#”k o ukfj;ksa ls lacaf/kr tkudkjh ,df=r djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk rFkk okD; jpuk djrs gq, O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZ dks le>rs gq, fofHkUu R;ksgkjksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA ikB dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZ dks le>rs gq, ojnjkt ls izsfjr gks dfBu ifjJe }kjk dk;Z dks ckj&ckj djus ds fy, mRlkfgr gksuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[krs gq, O;kdj.k ds varxZr fyax dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA vfUre lIrkg esa v)Zokf”kZd vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj mldk vFkZ le>us ds lkFk&lkFk fofHkUu egkiq#”kksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk rFkk O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djrs gq, mldk Hkko le>us ds lkFk&lkFk fofHkUu if{k;ksa dh cksfy;ksa ls ifjfpr gksukA lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa 7 3 8 3 7 3 5 4 5 4 8 3 7 2 dks vFkZ lfgr fy[krs gq, iqu#Dr ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr dj fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA UkoEcj fgUnh&3 vkseuk vkSj tkstks vodk’k ds fy, izkFkZuk i= fnLkEcj fgUnh&3 lgh fu’kkuk cgqr cM+k lalkj tuojh fgUnh&3 fpV~Bh dh dgkuh mlh dh tqckuh dcM~Mh dk [ksy Qjojh fgUnh&3 vfHkyk”kk Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu nwljs ns’k dh cPpksa dh tkudkjh ds lkFk ogk¡ ds R;ksgkj o O;olk; dh tkudkjh izkIr djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[krs gq, iqu#Dr ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr dj fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA i= fo/kk ls ifjfpr gks vodk’k ds fy, izkFkZuk i= fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj mldk Hkko le>dj iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[krs gq, iqu#Dr ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr dj fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>us ds lkFk&lkFk fofHkUu if{k;ksa dh cksfy;ksa ls ifjfpr gksukA lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[krs gq, O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA Ikfjokfjd i= dh tkudkjh izkIr dj fy[kus dk vH;kl djrs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk o O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ikB dks i<+dj mldk vFkZ le>uk o fofHkUu f[kykfM+;ksa ls lacaf/kr tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk o v/kwjs ‘kCn dks iwjk djrs gq, okD; jpuk djukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj o ‘kCnksa dks vFkZ lfgr fy[krs gq, fyax ,oa lekukFkhZ ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr dj fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA 7 2 8 2 8 3 7 2 5 2 5 2 8 3 lwjtdq.M esyk ekpZ ikB dks i<+dj lwjtdq.M esys ls lacaf/kr tkudkjh izkIr djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj o dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu nksgjkbZ rhljs lIrkg esa okf”kZd vkdyu 7 3 uksV%& v/;kid iwjs ‘kSf{kd l= ds nkSjku ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj d{kk rRijrk dk;ZØe dh xfrfof/k;k¡ Hkh lkFk&lkFk djok,¡A d{kk&4 fgUnh ekl iqLrd dk fo”k;oLrq uke vizSy ,fDVfoVh ekWM;wy fgUnh&4 ebZ Tkwu TkqykbZ fgUnh&4 vf/kxe ;ksX;rk,¡ d{kk RkRijrk dk;ZØe lq>kbZ xbZ xfrfof/k;ksa dks djus ds mijkar lHkh Hkk”kk;h ¼lquuk] cksyuk] i<+uk o fy[kuk½ dkS’kyksa dk fodkl djukA gksaxs dke;kc v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>rs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj fy[kuk o rqdcanh djrs gq, ‘kCn o ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA usgk vkSj ‘osrk dgkuh lqudj mldk Hkko le>uk o usgk ds O;ogkj ls izHkkfor gks nwljksa ds izfr n;kyqrk dk Hkko j[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[krs gq, O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu] okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn rFkk fo’ks”k.k dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ‘kghn Hkxr ikB dks i<+dj egku iq#”kksa ds ckjs esa flag tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj cksy dj lqukuk o fy[kukA >.Mk xk;u v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>rs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj crkuk o rqdcanh djrs gq, ‘kCn o ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA frjaxs >.Ms dh foLr`r tkudkjh Hkh izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu f’k{k.k nksgjkbZ ds ds ihfj;M ihfj;M 10 5 1 5 1 9 3 8 3 6 3 xzh”ekodk’k & 1 Tkwu ls 30 Tkwu rd fgUnh&4 cpiu dh ;knsa ikB dks i<+dj egku iq#”kksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh izkIr djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[krs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj cksy dj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr foykse] okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA fpfM+;k?kj dh lSj dke dh ckrsa vxLr fgUnh&4 lh[kks Vsyhfotu gekjk Hkkstu ikB dks i<+dj fpfM+;k ?kj esa ekStwn fofHkUu i'kq&if{k;ksa ls lacaf/kr tkudkjh izkIr djuka rFkk orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kuk o iz’uksa ds mÙkj crkuk rFkk fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ikB dks i<+dj NksVh&NksVh egÙoiw.kZ tkudkjh izkIr dj vius O;ogkj esa ykus dk iz;kl djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[krs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr foykse ,oa fØ;k dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, okD;ksa esa fy[kus vH;kl djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djukA fofHkUu oLrqvksa ls izsj.kk izkIr dj mls O;ogkj esa ykus dk iz;kl djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[krs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj cksy dj crkuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr lekukFkhZ ,oa rqdcanh okys ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ikB dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZ dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, Vsyhfotu ij izdkf’kr fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[krs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr milxZ&izR;; ,oa foykse ‘kCn dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ikB dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZ dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, LoLFk fnup;kZ ds izfr tkx#d gksukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kuk o iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu 6 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 flrEcj fgUnh&4 ifjorZu vDrwcj fgUnh&4 nksgk lIrd UkoEcj fgUnh&4 [kq’kh ykSV vkbZ dgkuh dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZ dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, u’ks ls gksus okyh cqjkb;ksa ls nwj jgus ds fy, izsfjr djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu gekjs ioZ ikB ds varxZr fofHkUu R;ksgkjksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djds mls vius ifjos’k ls tksM+rs gq, vkil esa fopkj foe’kZ djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr loZuke dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ns’kHkDr Hkkek’kkg fnLkEcj fgUnh&4 dgkuh dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZ dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, fyax lekurk ds izfr tkx#d gksukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kuk o iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr izR;; ,oa foykse ‘kCn dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA vfUre lIrkg esa v)Zokf”kZd vkdyu ikB ds varxZr fofHkUu nksgksa ds vFkZ dks le>rs gq, vius O;ogkj esa ykukA nksgksa dk vkn’kZ okpu djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukAiz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA ftanxh dSls pysxh \ 9 9 8 3 7 2 8 2 7 2 8 3 ikB ds varxZr ns’kHkDr Hkkek’kkg dh tkudkjh ds lkFk&lkFk ,dkadh fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksuk rFkk fofHkUu ik=ksa dk vfHku; djrs gq, muds laokn cksyukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr foykse ‘kCn dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk isM+ksa dh mi;ksfxrk o laj{k.k ds izfr tkx#d gksukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mŸkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr lekukFkhZ ,oa opu okys ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA rksdks tuojh Qjojh fgUnh&4 fgUnh&4 nwljs ns’k ds cPpksa ds lkFk&lkFk ogk¡ ds R;ksgkj dh tkudkjh izkIr djuk rFkk LFkkuh; R;ksgkjksa ls mudh rqyuk djrs gq, ppkZ djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj cksy dj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr lekukFkhZ ,oa izR;; okys ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA 7 2 Hkkjr dksfdyk& ikB dks i<+dj egku efgykvksa ds ckjs esa ljksftuh uk;Mw tkudkjh izkIr djuk] orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu ,oa dky okys ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA 5 2 [kks&[kks dk eSp ikB dks i<+dj [ksy laca/kh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gq, vius euilUn [ksy ij ppkZ djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr fojke fpg~uksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu fgeky; v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk] orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr lekukFkhZ okys ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA nks MkWDVj ,dkadh fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksuk rFkk fofHkUu ik=ksa dk vfHku; djrs gq, muds laokn cksyukaaA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr eqgkojksa ds vFkZ dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA 5 2 8 3 7 3 ekpZ rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu nksgjkbZ rhljs lIrkg esa okf”kZd vkdyu uksV%& v/;kid iwjs ‘kSf{kd l= ds nkSjku ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj d{kk rRijrk dk;ZØe dh xfrfof/k;k¡ Hkh lkFk&lkFk djok,¡A d{kk&5 fgUnh ekl iqLrd dk uke fo”k;oLrq vizSy ,fDVfoV d{kk RkRijrk h dk;ZØe ekWM;wy fgUnh&5 ekr` Hkwfe iRFkj fi?ky x;k ebZ fgUnh&5 cqf)eku ckyd pUnzxqIr vf/kxe ;ksX;rk,¡ lq>kbZ xbZ xfrfof/k;ksa dks djus ds mijkar lHkh Hkk”kk;h ¼lquuk] cksyuk] i<+uk o fy[kuk½ dkS’kyksa dk fodkl djukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk rFkk mldk Hkko le>rs gq, vius ekr` Hkwfe ds izfr mues leiZ.k Hkko tkx`r djukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsrs gq, rqdcanh djrs gq, ‘kCn o ‘kCnkFkZ viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA O;kdj.k esa laKk ‘kCnksa ls ifjfpr gksrs gq, okD;ksa ds ek/;e ls mudk ys[ku dk vH;kl djukA cM+ksa ds izfr lEeku Hkko tkx`r djukA gSA iz’uksa ds mÙkj viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr i;kZ;okph o okD; dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ,dkadh fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksuk rFkk fofHkUu ik=ksa dk vfHku; djrs gq, muds laokn cksyukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA f’k{k.k ds ihfj;M 10 nksgjkbZ ds ihfj;M 5 5 1 1 6 2 ty gh thou gSA dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk RkFkk ty ds egÙo ls ifjfpr gksukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kuk iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr Hkko okpd laKk dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA 6 2 lPpk fe= dgkuh lqudj o i<+dj vFkZxzg.k djuk rFkk iz’uksa ds mÙkj le>rs gq, mUgsa viuh iqfLrdk esa fy[kukA O;kdj.k esa 5 2 fo’ks”k.k inksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu Tkwu TkqykbZ xzh”ekodk’k & 1 Tkwu ls 30 Tkwu rd fgUnh&5 IykfLVd vkSj ge dnEc dk isM+ vxLr fgUnh&5 Mk;jh ds iUus ck/kkvksa ds ikj ikB dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZxzg.k djuk rFkk O;kogkfjd thou esa viukrs gq, IykfLVd dh mi;ksfxrk dks le>ukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr foykse ‘kCn o izR;; dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ikB dks i<+dj mlesa fufgr vFkZxzg.k djrs gq, ds lkFk&lkFk vU; R;ksgkjksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA lkFk gh iz’uksa ds mÙkj alqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djuk RkFkk isM+ksa ds egÙo ls ifjfpr gksukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr opu dh tkudkjh izkIr djrs gSaA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu Mk;jh fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksuk rFkk viuh fnup;kZ mlh ds vuq:i djus dk iz;kl djukA ikB ds ek/;e ls t;iqj ds fofHkUu n’kZuh; LFkyksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj cksy dj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr dkjd dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA ikB ds ek/;e ls fo’ks”k vko’;drk okys cPpksa ds izfr laosnuk Hkko tkxzr gksuk 6 2 6 2 6 2 8 3 7 3 flrEcj fgUnh&5 egkjktk vxzlsu vDrwcj fgUnh&5 dEI;wVj vfHkekuh nhi UkoEcj fgUnh&5 gfj;k.kk ds xkSjo l[kh dks i= orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kuk iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu fofHkUu egkiq#”kksa ls lacaf/kr tkudkjh izkIr djukA ikB dks i<+dj le>rs gq, vH;kl ds iz’uksa ds mŸkj lqukuk o fy[kukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA vfUre lIrkg esa v)Zokf”kZd vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj dEI;wVj ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa dh tkudkjh xzg.k djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djrs gq, daBLFk djds d{kk esa lqukukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr i;kZ;okph ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj gfj;k.kk ds egku iq#”kksa ds thou ifjp; ls ifjfpr gksukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA i= fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksukA gokbZ vM~Ms dh tkudkjh izkIr djuk rFkk izkIr tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij viuh fe= dks i= fy[kus dk vH;kl djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA O;kdj.k ds varxZr i;kZ;okph ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh 9 9 7 3 7 3 8 2 7 2 fnLkEcj fgUnh&5 gfj;k.kk ds esys ,oa ioZ R;ksgkj izkIr djukA Ekkl ds vUr esa ekfld vkdyu ikB dks i<+dj gfj;k.kk ds esys ,oa R;ksgkjksa ls lacaf/kr ikSjkf.kd dFkk dh tkudkjh ,d= djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA 5 5 5 2 2 1 5 5 2 2 8 7 3 3 gekjs vueksy jru ikB dks i<+dj gfj;k.kk dh lkglh efgykvksa ,oa iq#”kksa dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA nksgs eqgkojsnkj tuojh fgUnh&5 cky vnkyr fnYyh dh dgkuh] mlh dh tqckuh Qjojh fgUnh&5 can djks ;g ‘kksj ge ckyd nksgks dk okpu djrs gq, vFkZ le>dj fy[kuk o muls izkIr f’k{kk dks O;kogkfjd thou esa viukukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA feyrh&tqyrh /ofu okys ‘kCn cukukA eqgkojksa ds vFkZ fy[kdj okD;ksa esa iz;ksx djukA ,dkadh fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksukA ik=ksa ds laokn cksyrs gq, vfHku; djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA thouh fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksukA ikB dk lkjka’k le>rs gq, iz’uksa ds mŸkj lqukuk o fy[kukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu ,dkadh fo/kk ls ifjfpr gksukA ik=ksa ds laokn cksyrs gq, vfHku; djukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA v/;kid dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, dfork fgUnqLrku ds ekpZ dk gko&Hkko ds lkFk okpu djrs gq, daBLFk djds d{kk esa lqukukA orZuh lq/kkj gsrq dfBu ‘kCnkFkZ fy[kukA iz’uksa ds mÙkj lqukuk o fy[kukA okD; jpuk dh tkudkjh izkIr djukA rhljs lIrkg esa ekfld vkdyu nksgjkbZ rhljs lIrkg esa okf”kZd vkdyu uksV%& v/;kid iwjs ‘kSf{kd l= ds nkSjku ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj d{kk rRijrk dk;ZØe dh xfrfof/k;k¡ Hkh lkFk&lkFk djok,¡A Class-3 Subject : EVS Month Book Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Class Readiness Programme Looking Around 1. Poonam’s Day Out 2. The Plant Fairy 3. Water O’ Water Looking Around 4. Our First School 5. Chhotu’s House 6. Foods We Eat Monthly Assessment at the end of the month May June July Looking Around August Looking Around Sept. Looking Around Oct. Looking Around Nov. Looking Around Dec. Looking Around Jan. Looking Around Feb. Looking Around March Looking Around No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision 10 3 3 3 ---1 1 1 6 6 5 2 2 2 Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 7. Saying Without Speaking 8. Flying High 9. It’s Raining Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 10. What is Cooking 11. From Here to There 12. Work We Do Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 13. Sharing Our Feelings 14. The Story of Food Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month 15. Making Pots 16. Games We Play Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 17. Here Comes a Letter 18. A House Like This Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 19. Our Friends—Animals 20. Drop by Drop 21. Families can be Different 22. Left-Right Monthly Assessment in the Third of the month 23. A Beautiful Cloth 24. Web of Life Monthly Assessment in the Third of the month Revision Annual Assessment in the Third Week 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 6 6 3 3 5 6 4 5 5 6 4 4 7 5 5 5 4 4 2 2 5 7 5 4 The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Month Book Class-4 Subject : EVS Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Class Readiness Programme May Looking Around 1. Going to School 2. Ear to Ear Looking Around 3. A Day with Nandu 4. The Story of Amrita 5. Anita and the Honeybees Monthly Assessment at the end of the month June July Looking Around August Looking Around Sept. Looking Around Oct. Looking Around Nov. Looking Around Dec. Looking Around Jan. Looking Around Feb. Looking Around March Looking Around No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision 11 4 3 ---2 2 6 6 5 2 2 2 Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 6. Omana’s Journey 7. From the Window 8. Reaching Grandmother House Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 9. Changing Families 10. Hu Tu Tu Hu Tu Tu 11. The Valley of Flowers Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 12. Changing Times 13. A River’s Tale 14. Baswa’s Farm Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month 15. From Market to Home 16. A Busy Month 17. Nandita in Mumbai Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 18. Too Much Water to Little Water 19. Abdul in Garden Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 20. Eating Together 21. Food and Fun 22. The World in My Home 23. Pochampalli 24. Home and Abroad Monthly Assessment in the Third of the month 25. Spicy Riddles 26. Defence Officer : Wahida 27. Chuskit Goes to School Monthly Assessment in the Third of the month Revision Annual Assessment in the Third Week 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 4 5 2 2 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 5 4 2 2 3 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 2 3 2 2 5 3 5 3 2 3 The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Class-5 Subject : EVS Month Book Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Class Readiness Programme Looking Around 1. Super Senses 2. A Snake Charmers Story May Looking Around 3. From Tasting to Digesting 4. Mangoes Round the Year 5. Seeds and Seeds Monthly Assessment at the end of the month June July Looking Around August Looking Around Sept. Looking Around Oct. Looking Around Nov. Looking Around Dec. Looking Around Jan. Looking Around Feb. Looking Around March Looking Around No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision 11 5 4 ---1 1 5 4 5 3 3 3 Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 6. Every Drop Counts 7. Experiments with Water 8. A Treat for Mosquitoes Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 9. Up You Go! 10. Walls Tell Stories Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 11. Sunita in Space 12. What If It Finishes…? Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month 13. A Shelter So High! 14. When the Earth Shook! Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 15. Blow Hot, Blow Cold 16. Who Will Do This Work? Monthly Assessment at the end of the month 17. Across the Wall 18. No Place For Us? 19. A Seed Tells A Farmer’s Story 20. Whose Forests? Monthly Assessment in the Third of the month 21. Like Father, Like Daughter 22. On the Move Again Monthly Assessment in the Third of the month Revision Annual Assessment in the Third Week 5 5 5 4 2 3 6 6 5 4 6 6 3 3 6 5 5 4 6 5 4 4 6 5 5 5 5 4 2 2 7 5 5 4 The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Class-1 Subject : Maths. Month Book Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Math-Magic Class Readiness Programme Math-Magic Numbers from 1 to 9 Monthly Assessment at the end of the month May June July Math-Magic August Math-Magic Sept. Math-Magic Oct. Math-Magic Nov. Math-Magic Dec. Math-Magic Jan. Math-Magic Feb. Math-Magic March Math-Magic No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision 6 8 5 3 18 5 Shapes and Space Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 Addition Subtraction Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Subtraction (continued) Numbers from 10 to 20 Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Numbers from 10 to 20 (continued) Time Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month Measurement Numbers from 21 to 50 Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Numbers from 21 to 50 (continued) Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Data Handling Patterns Numbers Money Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month How Many Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Revision 10 5 4 5 5 11 2 3 5 7 3 2 10 5 2 3 15 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 3 2 15 6 Annual Assessment in the Third week of the month The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Class-2 Subject : Maths. Month Book Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Math-Magic Class Readiness Programme Math-Magic Counting in Groups Monthly Assessment at the end of the month May June July Math-Magic August Math-Magic Sept. Math-Magic Oct. Math-Magic Nov. Math-Magic Dec. Math-Magic Jan. Math-Magic Feb. Math-Magic March Math-Magic No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision 6 8 5 3 18 5 What is Long , What is Round Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 How much can you carry ? Counting in Tens Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Patterns Foot Prints Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Foot Prints (continued) Jugs and Mugs Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month Tens and Ones My Fun day Monthly Assessment at the end of the month My Fun day (continued) Add our Points Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Lines and Lines Give and Take Give and Take (continued) The Longest Step Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Birds come , Birds go How many Pony Tails Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Revision 10 5 5 4 8 7 4 2 5 8 2 2 10 5 3 2 5 10 2 2 10 5 3 5 3 2 2 4 8 9 2 2 Annual Assessment in the Third Week of the month The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Class-3 Subject : Maths. Month Book Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Math-Magic Class Readiness Programme Math-Magic May No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision Where to Look From 6 6 5 5 Where to Look From (continued) Fun with Numbers 5 11 4 3 Monthly Assessment at the end of the month June July Math-Magic August Math-Magic Sept. Math-Magic Oct. Math-Magic Nov. Math-Magic Dec. Math-Magic Jan. Math-Magic Feb. Math-Magic Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 Give and Take Long and Short Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Shapes and Designs Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Shapes and Designs (continued) Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month Time Goes On Who is Heavier Monthly Assessment at the end of the month How many times? Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Play with Patterns Jug and Mug Can we share Smart Chart Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Smart Chart (continued) Rupees & Paise March Math-Magic 10 5 5 4 16 6 14 3 6 8 3 3 15 4 8 8 7 3 2 2 2 2 5 10 2 4 Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Revision Annual Assessment in the Third week of the month The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Class-4 Subject : Maths. Month Book Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Math-Magic Class Readiness Programme Math-Magic May No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision Building with Bricks 6 6 5 5 Long and Short 16 7 Monthly Assessment at the end of the month June July Math-Magic August Math-Magic Sept. Math-Magic Oct. Math-Magic Nov. Math-Magic Dec. Math-Magic Jan. Math-Magic Feb. Math-Magic March Math-Magic Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 A Trip to Bhopal Tick-Tick-Tick Monthly Assessment at the end of the month The Way the World Looks Monthly Assessment at the end of the month The Junk Seller Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month Jug and Mug Carts and Wheels Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Halves and Quarters Play with Patterns Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Table and Shares How Heavy? How Light? Fields and Fences Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Smart Charts Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Revision 10 5 5 4 15 6 12 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 6 6 10 4 4 4 15 6 Annual Assessment in the Third week of the month The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session. Class-5 Subject : Maths. Month Book Name of the Lesson /Subject Matter April Activity Module Math-Magic Class Readiness Programme Math-Magic May No. of Teaching Periods Periods for Revision The Fish Tale 6 7 5 4 Shapes and Angles How Many Squares? 7 7 5 4 Monthly Assessment at the end of the month June July Summer Vacations-June 1 to June 30 Math-Magic August Math-Magic Sept. Math-Magic Oct. Math-Magic Nov. Math-Magic Dec. Math-Magic Jan. Math-Magic Feb. Math-Magic March Math-Magic How Many Squares? (continued) Parts and Wholes Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Does It Look the Same? By My Multiple, I’ll be your Factor Monthly Assessment at the end of the month By My Multiple, I’ll be your Factor (continued) Half Yearly Assessment in the Last Week of the month Can You See The Pattern? Mapping Your Way Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Boxes and Sketches Tenths and Hundredths Monthly Assessment at the end of the month Area and Its Boundary Smart Charts Ways to Multiply and Divide Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month How Big? How Heavy? Monthly Assessment in the Third week of the month Revision 5 10 5 4 12 4 3 2 14 3 8 7 3 2 5 5 5 4 6 6 10 4 4 4 15 6 Annual Assessment in the Third week of the month The activities based on the CRP module should be carried out throughout the academic session.
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