ASEAN Cultural and Economic Connectivity in 21st Century: the way forwards Dr.Somchet Thinaphong Chairman, Executive Board Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology THAILAND 2 ASEAN Cultural and Economic Connectivity The way forwards ASEAN Cultural and Economic Connectivity: The way forwards3 PAST Future Present Areas Integration Religion (Buddhism) Ancient Trade Connectivity Silk & Spice Trade Way of Life ASEAN ASEAN+6 Regional development & Trade Cluster ASEAN in Borderless World Global Trade Competitiveness All religions, arts and science are branches of the same tree - Albert Einstein - Our Way Forwards on Connectivity Economic Clusters along Economic Corridors Cultural value based Tourism China on the connectedness 4 The cultural connectivity Core Value in Society Way of Life Religion All religions, arts and science are branches of the same tree - Albert Einstein - The Economic Connectivity Economic Value Trade & Merchandize Art & Science 5 CHINA Impact on Buddhism ตรัสรู้เป็น พระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้า พุทธศักราช คริสตศักราช 0 พ.ศ. 100 โกบี–ปาฏลีบุตร–ชวา หลวงจีนฟาเหียน มหาวิทยาลัย นาลันทา Ajanta Cave (หมู่ถ้าอชันตา) 200 300 400 500 0 ค.ศ. เล่าจื้อ ขงจื้อ จิ๋นซีฮ่องเต้ จักรพรรดิองค์แรก รวมจีนเป็นหนึ่งเดียว เชื่อมต่อกาแพงเมืองจีน 6,400 กม. 600 100 700 800 200 พุทธเข้าสู่จีน โดยจักรพรรดิมิ่งตี่ ราชวงศ์ฮั่น เส้นทางสายไหม 6,500 กม. โรม-เชียงอาน 300 ฮั่นทาลายตักสิลา/ ทาลายพุทธ ถังซาจั๋งมาอินเดีย ถังซาจั๋งมาถ้าอชันตา ถังซาจั๋งถึงเชียงอาน หลวงจีนอี้จิง พุทธสูญสิ้นจากอินเดีย บักซ์ติยาร์ ชิลยี นาทัพมุสลิมเติร์ก อังกฤษพบ ถ้าอชันตา 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 400 500 600 700 800 จักรพรรดิหวู่จง ราชวงศ์ถัง ทาลายพุทธศาสนา 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 เจงกิสข่าน ตะลุยเอเชียกลาง ปักกิ่งเมืองหลวงใหม่จีน มาร์โคโปโลถึงเมืองจีน กุบไลข่าน ประชุมสิ่งแวดล้อมโลก • DNA • ยีน • โคลนนิ่ง ฯลฯ Spreading of Buddhism 7 Finite Route, Infinite Value : The Buddha Organic Evolution from India to Southeast Asia 8 Finite Route, Infinite Value : The Buddha Organic Evolution from India to Southeast Asia 9 10 การเดินทางของหลวงจีนฟาเหียน (Fa-Hsien) 11 การเดินทางของหลวงจีนอีจ๋ งิ (I-Ching) 12 TRADE RELIGION Major Trade Routes of Afroeurasia 13 Major Trade Route Major Religious Driving Force Buddhist Christian Islamic Others Major Trade Routes & Merchandizes of Asia 14 Silk Road 15 India-Thailand-China Economics Collaboration to Cultural Mapping (Silk Road) Silk Road Major Trade Routes 16 17 MOTIVATION CHINA - ASEAN Integration: CONNECTING ON ALL FRONTS STEEP : Social, Technology, Economics, Environment, Politics Investment Security Financial-Legal Structure Enhancing trade investment, service, tourism and development Economic Corridor 4 ASEAN+6 + India and beyond 1 Socio-Educational Assimilation Financial • • Enhancing Human Capital Mobility Facilitating Business-to-Business contacts ASEAN+3 Regional financial design ASEAN (Asian) infrastructure fund/ ODA dialogues/ Loans New design for private participation and concessions Physical Hard Infrastructure Transportation: Road link, rail, sea- port , airport , Logistic park 3 Institutional Soft Infrastructure Investment liberalization and facilitation, Services liberalization Trade facilitation: E-W, customs integration FTAs/EPAs: AEC, AFTA harmonization ICT: Satellite constellation Optical fiber network / Myanmar-Thai PowerLine / TransGasPipeline/Border Immigration 2 Regional transport agreement: ATAP Capacity building programs Special Economic Zones / Border Trade Zones / Industrial Estate / Tourism Zones (Value-Chain Promotion) ASTP Governmental Framework on transport facilitation Multimodal Transport Facilitation of Goods in Transit Facilitation of Inter-State Transport /Grid Services liberali zation logistics and tourism. SEZ Offshore Manufacturing/International trade in goods and services Regional production and distribution networks Fragmentation and vertical integration Strategic Linkages ASEAN+6 + TPP 18 19 NEW 21st-Century SILK ROADS – Economic Connectivity 20 TRANS-ASIAN Rails CONNECT 21st-Century Silk Road Xian Kunming Track gauges 1,676 mm 1,520 mm 1,435 mm 1,057 mm 1,000 mm 1,000 / 1,435 mm TAR link Planned/ Under Construction Ferry Crossing Break-ofgauge 21 ASEAN Economic Corridors 22 Source : ADB, 2012 23 METHODOLOGY DMS SIS ระบบสนับสนุนการใช้ ข้อมูลภูมสิ ารสนเทศร่ วมกันของ สานักงานพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีอวกาศและภูมสิ ารสนเทศ (สทอภ.) MS GI Portal Platform 2D/3D View MS FS Map Online GISTDA (Demo) Internet API FS Map Online (Public) Internet Services WebSite Dat a Etc. Other Server Data ThaiSDI Data GISagro TMS Data Vector Data Data Raster Geodatabase หน่วงงานภาครัฐ/ ภาคเอกชน/ ภาค ธุรกิจ/ ภาคอุตสาหกรรม Map Online Commercial (Private) ผู้ใช้ / หน่วยงานในและนอกองค์กร 27 Objective : Tracking economic - potential areas and capturing value – creation opportunities Concept: Boosting industries with the potentials to shift production bases to a high value added (HVA) System parameters: - design along designated economic corridors & around 10 SEZs in border provinces (72 in ASEAN, 32 in Laos, 6 in Myanmar) - Place sectors based upon value chain To create linkages with existing industries Economic Priorities (i) Food Security (ii) Service & Tourism (iii) Healthcare 16 March 2015 : Carbinet 1. Agriculture and fisheries 2. Ceramics, Textile, Clothes and leather, Furniture, Jewelry and ornaments 3. Automotive, machinery and spare parts, Electronics and electrics devices, Plastics 4. Medicine, Medical equipment 5. Logistics , industrial estates 6. Tourism- related business SEZ in Production & OSS Operation Product Lineages to Global Market SMEs Enhancement - Factors Conditions ASEAN Agreement on Regulatory Framework Harmonization system on Investment/Trade/Service Cross-border Economic Activities & Sector based Value chain across ASEAN 7 Buffer Parameters Socio-Economic Conditions & Development potential along the corridors (Locality Effects) -Transportation System - Logistics System GMS Economic Corridors Potential Economic Corridors in the Mekong Regions Economic Impacts of the Southern Economic Corridors The development precincts and their respective functions in Cyberjaya, Malaysia Development Precincts Functions Enterprise zone The enterprise zone is designed based on the concept of a technology park with a focus on innovative building design, quality environment and attractive landscape. This precinct is the backbone of Cyberjaya, with ready-built enterprise buildings that are intelligent and eco-friendly. This zone acts as a catalyst for the development of a highly competitive cluster of IT and multimedia companies, and product and services that employ substantial number of knowledge workers, fulfilling the goals envisioned by the MSC. Commercial Zone The commercial zone realises Cyberjaya’s potential as the economic hub. Located in the main street of Cyberjaya, the Central Business District (CBD) it is designed to be a place with creative and innovative design opportunities and commercial potentials. The commercial zone locates commercial buildings, designed and constructed by independent developers. The completion of Cyberjaya CBD which offers day and night time facilities, including food shops, a shopping centre and entertainment has given a boost to the shopping activities. Residential Zone The residential zone promotes a high level of privacy whilst conveys a strong sense of community and integration with the overall development through the concept of residential park. It emphasises on a residential environment that meets high-class international standards, caters for the needs of top management and promotes smart home features. This zone is inclusively the largest proportion of total land in Cyberjaya, and designed as a world-class green living environment that caters for the high quality lifestyle of its residents. Recreational Zone The development elements of Cyberjaya are interconnected by the overall green and continuous natural open space network. The recreational components envisaged as ‘cyberpark’, offering active and passive sports and recreation facilities. In creating better sense of place, parks, pedestrian and cycling paths are designed to preserve green, water bodies and wetlands for a better microclimate. Institutional Zone The institutional zone acts to further promote knowledge based activities and it is envisioned to be the catalyst in creating a research community, utilizing the MSC unique environment. There are three major private higher education institutions in Cyberjaya i.e. Multimedia University (MMU), LimKokWing University College of Creative Technology (LUCCT) and Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences(CUCMS). While MMU focuses mainly on multimedia and engineering, LUCCT concentrates more on creative arts and design, architectural, fashion and industrial design. Meanwhile, medicine is the main course conducted by CUCMS.
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