Dates to Remember Deputy Principal Community Announcements Chaplain's Chat From the Principal Curriculum Corner Uniform and Tuckshop News School Notices 21 April 2015 **Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements, notices or flyers; this serves as a community noticeboard.** If you do not wish to receive the Newsletter please send an email to from the email you wish to unsubscribe. !!! IMPORTANT: DIRECT DEPOSITS !!! Please make sure the CUSTOMER ID (10 digit number with letter) is recorded before any other details and the correct amount is applied. Part-payments are also accepted. Please refer to ‘Information for the Payment of Invoices’ under School Notices. DATES TO REMEMBER 24.04.15 ANZAC Ceremony 2pm School Hall ANZAC Day Badges are available at the office for $1.00 27.04.15 Yrs P - 3 Cross Country POSTPONED TBA 28.04.15 Yrs 4 - 6 Cross Country 2 - 3pm (please read information under "School Notices" 29.04.15 School Photo Day 01.05.15 Yrs 5 & 6 Interschool Sport 07.05.15 District Cross Country 12.05.15 P&C Meeting 7:30pm Arts Building FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents Fortnightly newsletter from this Term: Starting from Week 2 there will be a more substantial newsletter with a Key Message email going out on the nonnewsletter week. This will mean that families will still receive an email each week but the more substantial newsletter report will be each fortnight. This fortnightly release will allow more time to prepare and share all of our news so that we can provide quality information and reports within a reasonable timeline. Student Resource Scheme and Voluntary Financial Contribution 2015 Many thanks to all parents who have already forwarded payments for the SRS and VFC for 2015. Each family has received a copy of information about the SRS and VFC. If you did not receive a copy, please visit the Office. If you wish, a payment plan for either scheme can be organised by filling out the details on either the SRS or VFC forms. When payment is made, both forms need to be returned to the box in the office. An invoice and receipt for the SRS will be issued and sent home with your child. Only a receipt will be issued for the VFC and sent home with your child. Stewart Jones Principal FROM THE DEPUTY Welcome Welcome to new families: Ryan 2D, Holly 4C, John 3D, James 3A, Riley 2A, Aiden 5B, Samuel 4B, Zachary 6B ANZAC Assembly –Friday 24 April 2pm An invitation is extended to all parents to attend our ANZAC Assembly, to be held in the Hall on Friday 24 April – 2pm. Teachers will be asking students to contribute a small bunch of flowers towards the making of a class wreath to be laid by Class Captains during the ceremony. These should be brought to class on the Friday morning. ANZAC Day March – Kenmore The President and Members of the Kenmore-Moggill RSL extend a cordial invitation to students and families of Chapel Hill State School to attend their March and Memorial Service on Saturday 25 April, 2015 to commemorate this year’s ANZAC Day at the Kenmore War Memorial, Kenmore Shopping Village. The assembly for the March is at the Catholic Church on the corner of Kenmore and Moggill Roads, Kenmore, and you are asked to be there by 7.30am. The March commences at 8.15am and the Memorial Service will conclude around 9.15 AM. Students are to wear their School uniform. We hope to see many of our students and families at this year’s ANZAC Day March Cross Country Prep - Yr 3 TBA Yrs 4 - 6 Unfortunately, this year there will be no Fun Run/Cross Country for Grades 4 – 6. This will be for students hoping to gain selection in the School Team to take part in the West Akuna Cross Country Trials. All students born 2003 – 2005 are eligible to take part in this trial (note this is not a compulsory activity). The date of the trial is Tuesday 28 April with a walk through of the course at 1:30pm and races to begin at 2:00pm. The first three to finish in each age group will gain selection in the School Team. Parents are more than welcome to come and support/help during the afternoon. Janet Hoek and Rhonda Martin Deputy Principals CURRICULUM CORNER Mathletics Congratulations to the following students who have achieved a Silver Certificate. Certificates will be handed out in the classroom on Monday 27 April. Michael 1A William 1C Zachary 1D Luka 1E Samuel 1E Oliver 2A Jordan 2A Gisele 2C Callum 2C Mikayla 3A Jodi 3B Cameron 3E Jennifer 4A Oscar 4C Hannah 4C Alia 5A Gold Certificates Please be aware that if your child has achieved a Gold Medallion, you will be emailed when it is to be presented on Assembly. Shelley Fanning Head of Curriculum IGNITE Units for Terms 2 and 3 Students in Years 5 and 6 who took application forms for this term's Hands-On History and Maths/Science units are reminded that these need to be handed to your class teacher before 9 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. Selections are made tomorrow, so late entries may not be considered. In fairness to those classes involved in NAPLAN preparation at the beginning of the term, students selected for IGNITE groups at the beginning of Term 2 will remain in those units until they conclude in Week 7 of Term 3. Australian Maths Competition - Thursday 30th July Applications for our keen and capable mathematicians in Years 3 to 6 will be out this week and will be due back in the box in the School Office by Wednesday 29th April. Australian Maths Challenge For those students in Years 3 to 6 who have registered to do the Challenge: We are intending to start the three-week period for the Challenge in Week 4, after the conclusion of NAPLAN. Further reminders will be issued closer to the commencement date. Janet Freyne IGNITE Coordinator Chaplain's Chat Hi Everyone, Welcome back to the new school term. With ANZAC day approaching, it is time for commemoration, and a time to remember the sacrifice and loss of lives of so many young men and women in their prime. It is perhaps a timely reminder to think also of those in our community who are currently experiencing grief or loss of some kind. This may mean through a death in the family, but also when a marriage or relationship breaks up, when we are diagnosed with a health issue, when we lose a job, move house, or even a change of friendship dynamics for children. Grief affects us on four different levels – our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and physical wellness and the process of grief requires us to rebuild a life and adapt to the changes which death or a loss have created. Everyone grieves slightly differently. A child may lash out physically or verbally, may want to be left alone or may be curious and full of questions. They may show regressive behaviour like thumb sucking, clinginess or have difficulty sleeping. If your child is extremely anxious or has a dramatic reduction in their school grades, professional help may be required. Otherwise, with care, patience and encouragement, they will gradually cope in their own way. I have attached an article by Michael Grose around this subject. Please click here for link: Insights_coping_with_Grief.pdf Please don’t hesitate to contact me, if you feel your child needs any additional support in this area. Best wishes Fiona Foley Chaplain From the Music Room WestCent Music Camps Congratulations to the following Students who have been selected to participate in the Honours Camp: Lucy, Nadia, Patrick, Ayesha, Verity, Violet and Kelly. Congratulations to the following Students who have been selected to participate in the Intermediate Camp: Matthew, Joseph, Molly, Emma, Mikayla, Charlotte, Breanna, Ellen, Joanna, Hannah, Maylia, Oliver, Jemima and Luc Junior and Senior Choir Choir will be on as usual this week. It has been wonderful to see so many children turning up each week. Don’t forget – children need to bring a folder to choir. There are some children who do not yet have a display folder in which to place their music sheets. It’s not too late to join, so if your child is interested, they are more than welcome to come along and join us! (Junior Choir is for Years 3 and 4 children on Wednesday mornings at 8am in the Music Room, and Senior Choir is for Years 5 and 6 children on Thursday morning at 8am in the Music Room.) Wakakirri 2015 Call us crazy, but we had so much fun last year that we’ve decided to do it all again!AUDITIONS ARE THIS WEEK – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11am in the HALL Please bring your lunch and wait outside the Hall until a staff member arrives to take you in. Children in YEARS 5 and 6 are invited to attend auditions if they think Wakakirri 2015 is something they would like to be a part of. Please note that as Wakakirri and Optiminds are on at the same time of year, children cannot be in both. From the Wakakirri Team Teachers: Bridget Cook, Jesse Olds, Rebecca Connor, Sarah Crawford, Melina Risson and Jane McGrath Bridget Cook Music Teacher SCHOOL NOTICES School Photo Day - Wednesday 29 April MSP Photography will be taking our School Photographs on Wednesday 29 April (Class, Individual and Family Photos ONLY. Other Group Photos will be taken in Term 4). Individually named envelopes have been distributed to all students. If you did not receive an envelope, please collect one from the Office. Envelopes need to come with your child ON PHOTO DAY. Please do not bring them before. Payment Information Credit Card payments can be made online prior to Photo Day ( Correct payment must be made if paying cash as the photographers will not carry change. Cheques are also accepted. Payment can be made in one envelope, however, each child requires their own envelope on Photo Day to ensure their order is placed and processed (payment can be in a sibling’s envelope: please DO NOT place envelopes inside one another) Student family photos will also be possible and these photos will be taken before School at 8am sharp in the Hall. Family/sibling Photo envelopes are available in the School Office. These photographs are for School-aged students attending Chapel Hill State School ONLY (NO parents or babies) It is important that students have the formal uniform for this day as it is a special moment and we would like to see the children looking their best. FORMAL UNIFORM For Girls: check dress OR check shirt with skirt; hairbands, ribbons in School colours only; hair below shoulders tied back. For Boys: check shirt with stubbies (not sport shorts) Footwear: must be a closed-in shoe black or white – NO COLOURED SHOES, SOCKS OR LACES Jewellery: small sleepers/studs only. No necklaces or bracelets. No chunky or coloured watches. Student Achievements Student Awards Congratulations to the following students who received Student of the Week Awards: Mark 6B, Bridget 2A, Indianna 1B, Jemima 6A, Joshua 3C, Blade 2B, Chris 5B. Futsal Fredrik 3D recently represented West Brisbane at the Regional Futsal Championships at Easter. His team won the under 9 competition and Fredrik has been selected in the QLD City Team to compete at the 2016 National Futsal Championships in Sydney. Congratulations Fredrik. Bookclub Issue 3 of book club will be coming home this week. Sales from book club assist the library enormously as well as providing books for children at less than recommended retail prices. Orders may be placed using credit card or cheque (payable Scholastic Australia). NO CASH PLEASE. Chapel Hill is now a ‘loop’ school. This means you can order and pay on line and there is no need to return order forms to school. If you prefer to pay by cheque or phone credit card – fill in the order form as usual and return to school by the due date. ***Please note cash can no longer be accepted for payment. Please place orders online by Friday 1 May. OR Please place orders in the orange box in the library by Friday 1 May. Information For The Payment Of Invoices During the year, invoices and permission slips will be sent home for various activities. Permission Slips All permission slips need to be returned to the box in the Office by the due date. Invoices All invoices need to be attended to by the due date using one of the following options listed below: 1. In person by placing your cash payment in an envelope in the box at the Office. 2. Cheque payable to CHSS and placed in the box at th Office. 3. Credit Card. Details of your Credit Card need to be written on the form provided at the bottom of the invoice and placed in the box at the Office. 4. Direct Deposit to CHSS account. It is most important that as many details as possible are given - Customer ID Number, Invoice Number and Student Name. *Please ensure that the amount deposited is the amount that you have been invoiced. Please note that if you are paying by cash, cheque or credit card the invoice needs to accompany the payment and placed in the box in the Office. Please do NOT cut the invoice/payment slip. If you wish to combine more than one invoice this is quite acceptable. When the payment is processed a receipt attached to the invoice will be sent home with your child. Payment Due Yr 6 - T-Shirt as invoiced due Friday 24 April Student Resource Scheme (SRS) overdue Voluntary Financial Contribution (VFC) Debtor Statements Many thanks to all parents who have paid for various activities during Term 1. Debtor Statements were issued yesterday for all overdue accounts. It would be very much appreciated if overdue accounts could be attended to as soon as possible. Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Overdue accounts include: Resource Packs, Excursions, Footsteps, Raw Art, Instrumental Music Program, Camp deposit, Interschool Sport, Chess and Student Resource Scheme. Please be aware that some payments (e.g. SRS, VFC and Direct Deposits made during the holidays will not be receipted until later this week) A reminder to parents/carers to notify the School about your child's health Please Note: Students who bring any medication (antibiotics etc) to School MUST hand it to their teacher or School Office in the morning for safekeeping. Students may collect this medication at the end of the School Day. Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Chapel Hill State School is committed to supporting students' health and wellbeing. We would appreciate parents/carers providing the School with any relevant health information that is required to support the student at school. This information is also collected at enrolment but needs to be updated regularly, or if a new health condition develops. Information about medically diagnosed conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy and other health conditions that may require School staff to provide support to students, including administering medication and performing health procedures, should be provided to the School. Additionally, any health need that may impact on School activities such as sports, outings (including camps) should also be discussed with the School. Information should be provided in writing through the Medication Request Form (below) and any specific health plans (only to be completed and signed by the medical practitioner) should be included. Please contact the School to discuss any specific requirements. Please inform the School Office of any changes to contact details or the contact details of the people nominated as emergency contacts. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. All information is kept confidential and only disclosed to the relevant staff required to supporting your child. Please click here for CHSS Medication Request Form **Please take this form to your GP so that they can sign it, otherwise the School will be unable to administer any medication. For any enquiries, please contact the School Office via telephone (3871 4888). Child Absent From School Parents are reminded that if their child is away from School, could they please phone the School early in the morning. Parents can ring our ABSENTEE LINE ON 3871 4860 and leave an appropriate message. Please note that if there is no message explaining your child's absence it will be an "unexplained" absence. Late Arrival to School Students who are late to School need to go to the School Office to confirm their arrival and collect a 'Late Arrival Card' to give to their teacher. Picking up during School Hours If possible, please send a note to your child's teacher explaining a pick-up time or if not planned before your child departs, please ring the Office. Your child is then to be collected from the Office (NOT the Turning Circle) and MUST BE SIGNED OUT. IMPORTANT PARKING INFORMATION Parking in Tinbeerwah If you use the Tinbeerwah entrance PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE NO STANDING ZONE! Please drive carefully and slowly AND BE AWARE OF OTHER CHILDREN. DO NOT STOP in the NO STANDING zones - Cars found to be stopped WILL BE FINED (police could be in attendance). Many thanks for your cooperation. Picking Up and Dropping Off Students It is asked that all parents please pay special attention when driving into and out of the School. With the new students at School there may be some students who are unfamiliar with these normal routines. Please adhere to the parking signs that are displayed in the grounds and on the neighbouring roads (Tinbeerwah, Hakea Crescent, Ironbark Road). Please note the turning circle at the top of the driveway is a pick-up and drop-off zone only. Please note that there have been instances where cars have parked across the driveways of homes surrounding the Chapel Hill School area (Goolman Street). Please refrain from doing so and be aware that if this continues to occur, the owners of these homes will be notifying the police. Thank you for your cooperation. Turning Circle A reminder to all parents that the School STOP DROP and GO section in the Turning Circle can be used up until 8:15 a.m. to access the Out of School Care facility. After this time there are two, 2 minute parks at the end of the Turning Circle that may be used. It is important not to park and leave your car in the STOP DROP and GO section after 8:15 a.m. as it restricts traffic flow. School Banking School Banking is on each Thursday morning from 8.20am in the Tuckshop area. Term 1 Commission $474.92 - by participating in the School Banking Program the students raised $474.92 for our School. During Term 1 there were 884 deposits made and 54 new accounts activated. Well done to everyone on a great effort! Term 2 Rewards - New rewards available to order from this week are the: Invisible Ink Martian Pen; and Intergalactic Rocket Calling for Volunteers - We are looking for someone to help us process deposits on a Thursday morning in Term 2. If you could help with the School Banking between 8.30am and 8.50am please let us know. If you have any queries in relation to the School Banking program please do not hesitate to email me at Jane Hallam School Banking Co-ordinator UNIFORM AND TUCKSHOP NEWS Tuckshop News We regret to inform you that the School Tuckshop is closed for lunches until further notice. We apologise for this inconvenience and hope to be up and running again as soon as possible. Vacant Position P&C ASSOCIATION TUCK-SHOP CONVENOR Casual position available, 14.5 hours per week Wed 8.30am - 1.00pm Thurs 8.30am - 1.00pm Fri 8.30am - 2.00pm during School Terms. Applicants will require excellent time management, communication & interpersonal skills. Basic computer skills are required along with honesty, reliability & flexibility. The applicant will also need to obtain a Blue Card & a Food Safety Supervisor qualification. Previous experience in a similar work environment will be highly regarded but not essential. For the position description please email or drop into the School Office and pick up a copy. Please forward Resume to or drop it into the School Office. Please click on the following: CHSS_Prep_Tuckshop_Menu_Term_2_2015.pdf CHSS_Tuckshop_Menu_Yrs_1-6_Term_2_2015.pdf Please click here for the Tuckshop Volunteer Form Kyla Bailey P & C President Uniform Shop New Uniform Shop Opening Hours for Term 2: Monday 8.30am - 9.15am Please click her for Uniform Price List Order online at and items will be delivered to your child's Teacher on Mondays/Tuesdays. Please note that orders placed during the week will only be delivered on the following week. Volunteers If you have time to spare on Monday mornings we'd love your help. Please let us know. Contact us at Thanks! Robyn Neill Uniform Shop Convenor COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS **Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements or notices; this section serves as a community noticeboard. Newsletter Notices If you would like to place a notice or advertisement in the Newsletter please email Val at by Monday 11am. The Newsletter will be emailed on Tuesday. For further information regarding pricing please email Val or call the Office on 3871 4888. Mindfulness Bookings are now open for Term 2 classes on Mindfulness for Adults and Mindfulness for Children. Spaces are limited so to express an interest or to reserve your space, please contact me on this email. To learn more about the program and learning outcomes, please see and scroll down to Adults classes or Kids classes. I look forward to seeing you in my programs! Tripty Hirani HIP HOP MnB HIP HOP DANCE Academy is right here at Chapel Hill State School Hall. EVERY THURSDAY - INTRODUCING A NEW CLASS (senior class) tell your friends about it. Classes taken by professional and experienced hip hop dancers. Be amazed at how your children grow in dance. Boys are more than welcome with half this academy consisting of boys. End of term performances at the end of each term. NO UNIFORM requirements or extra hidden costs. Term 2 classes commence 30th April and conclude 25th June Junior Class - 3.30pm - 4.15pm - as early as 4 years of age (prep to year 5) Senior Class - 4.30pm - 5.15pm - from year 6 and beyond Pay per term (can dance from term to term) For more information contact Bessy Kabamba - 0410470903 or visit Brookfield Show Children's Art Exhibition Do you have a child who loves to paint or draw? Why not enter them in the Children's Art Exhibition at the Brookfield Show this year? 15th, 16th, 17th May. Heaps of fantastic cash prizes!! Work will be displayed as part of a large exhibition. See website for entry form and format requirements. WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR PARENT HELPERS TO VOLUNTEER AT THIS FUN EVENT 62b218f619/1069653/false#!1069653/false/false Prue Cooper-White Chief Steward 0437991920 KENMORE TOASTMASTERS CLUB Want to improve your public speaking, communication and leadership? Widen your network? Kenmore Toastmasters is just the place. At Kenmore, we’re a mix of new members and members with years of Toastmasters’ experience. We’re all there to learn and to help each other and most of all it’s lots of fun! The Kenmore Toastmasters Club meets at Kenmore Library in the Kenmore Village Shopping Centre. Meetings start at 6.45 for 7pm and finish at 9pm. Visitors are very welcome to come along and try, simply contact us through our website ( Our next meetings are 13 and 27 April and 4,11 and 25 May. Come along and try we will make you feel very welcome! Toastmasters is a worldwide network of non-profit clubs which helps members develop these skills in a friendly and supportive environment. Special Cricket Match / Anzac Day What: ANZAC Day Twenty-Twenty cricket match between Australian Army XI (ASCA 7th Bde) and Brookfield United Cricket Club for Shell Green Trophy Where: Brookfield Showgrounds, 550 Brookfield Road, Brookfield. When: Saturday 25 April (game kicks off at 1300) Timings: 10:30am – Kenmore Moggill RSL Veteran's Breakfast. 11:30am - Brookfield Show Society Bar opens/ Sri Lankan Curries/ Girl Guide Sausage Sizzle. 11:30am - Brookfield District Museum opened - WW1 display. 12:00pm - Player's shirts presented. 12:20pm - Coin toss. 12:30pm - Light-horse muster. 12:40pm - Ode, Last Post and Rouse. 12:45pm - National Anthems of Australia and New Zealand. 1:00pm - Game commences. 5:00pm – 5:30pm Game concludes - presentations 5:00pm – 7:30 Burger dinner provided by the Pony Club 5:45pm – 8:00pm - Movie in the park - Gallipoli You are all invited to a very special and unique ANZAC Day commemoration. This ANZAC Day, an Army Cricket XI will again compete in the fourth annual Shell Green Trophy match. The original game was played as a diversionary tactic during preparations for the evacuation from the Gallipoli Peninsula, but was abandoned due to the inconvenience of Turkish shells landing close by. In complete contrast, the modern Shell Green game is quickly becoming an important stepping-stone for Army Service level cricketers who often use it as a ‘right of passage’ as they strive towards selection in the national Australian Army team. The awarding of the ‘Baggy Shell Green’ cricket cap to members who play on this day is now a cherished memento of the day. Commencing in the afternoon, the game will be preceded by the team Captains conducting a traditional 'tossing of the coin' (in 'Two Up' fashion); a light-horse re-enactment horse muster by the Brookfield Horse and Pony Club; recitation of The Ode by a member of the Kenmore Guides; a lone bugler from Kenmore State High School playing The Last Post; and the playing of the Australian and New Zealand National anthems. Additionally, the local cricket mad Sri Lankan community will again cater the event in commemoration of the part played in the ANZAC story by the Ceylon Planters Rifle Corps. The Commander of the ANZAC Corps, General Birdwood, made 71 of these men his guard and personal escort. By the end of the Gallipoli campaign, only 10 remained. Famously, one of the ‘Tea Leaves’ refused a Commission offered by General Birdwood so that he could remain a cook. This same chap later catered Lord Birdwood’s visit to Sri Lanka some years later. (SMH article from 1916 attached). The local Sri Lankan involvement in this game recognises those brave Sri Lankans who fought alongside the Australians and New Zealanders as fellow ANZACs. At the conclusion of the match, the Shield will be awarded to the winning Captain and the 'Corporal Mathew Hopkins Player of the Match Award' will be presented to the 'best on field' by a member of Mathew Hopkins' family. Matt Hopkins grew up in the local area, was schooled at Kenmore State High School, and was sadly killed in Afghanistan in 2009. At the end of the day, the pitch will be transformed into a ‘movie in the park’ venue for the screening of ‘Gallipoli’. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email: or 0438 208 658. I trust that all who attend will enjoy this unique ANZAC Day commemorative event. GuttaFilta For more information visit www.acetennisaustralia.comor call 3103 8672 Please click here for more information regarding TERM 1 2015
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