Office for Pupil Services and Counseling
785 Unquowa Road
Fairfield, CT 06824-5064
Phone: 203-255-7232 Fax: 203-255-7244
Robert A. Esposito, Director of Pupil Services and Counseling
Julie Power, Administrative Assistant
April 2015
Dear Senior,
The application form for the High School Scholarship Foundation of Fairfield, Inc. will be
available on line beginning Monday, April 6, 2015. This is the form required to apply for a
variety of scholarships from the Foundation and a number of local community groups.
The application is available to all seniors online at www.fairfieldscholarshipfoundation.org or
www.fairfieldschools.org/schools/flhs. Be sure to complete it on a device that has access to a
printer. If you do not have access to a computer or a printer at home, you may see your
counselor, go to the College/Career Center at FLHS, or the FLHS Library/Media Center, or any
of the Fairfield Public Libraries.
By saving a copy of the application to your home computer or to your student folder at school,
you do not need to complete this application in one sitting. Once you have completed the
application, please save a final copy. Print the application, attach the required documents, sign it
and secure the signature of a parent/guardian. Submit the entire completed packet to your School
Counselor no later than April 24, 2015. Incomplete applications cannot be accepted. Detailed
instructions are provided on page 1 of the application. Please contact the foundation if you have
any questions thehssff@gmail.com
After you have completed the application fully and printed the completed application, sign it,
have your parent(s) sign it, and submit two copies to your school counselor, along with two
copies of your essay, two copies of your written recommendation from an unrelated adult and
two copies of the SAR page from your FAFSA, on or before Friday, April 24, 2015. All parts
must be completed and submitted together. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Scholarship awards will be announced at the Senior Awards Night tentatively set for Tuesday,
June 16, 2015.
** Please see application requirements on the back of this sheet.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see your school counselor.
Robert A. Esposito, Director of Pupil Services and Guidance
Fellowship  Acceptance  Learning  Commitment  Opportunity  Niche  Success
Application Requirements
There are four sections to this application. You may be able to save your work on the application
as you go, but just in case, be prepared to complete it in one sitting.
Section A: Applicant Information
Section B: Family and Financial Information: If you are filing FAFSA, you must
submit a copy of the SAR page with the EFC amount.
Section C: Essay- An essay to be completed by the Applicant.
Section D: References: Two references as follows:
o A written recommendation from an unrelated adult (e.g. teacher, coach,
o School Counselor recommendation. Counselors may use college recommendation
Students must submit the following to his/her school counselor:
 Completed, printed application (2 copies)
 SAR page from the FAFSA if applicable (2 copies)
 Essay (2 copies)
 Written recommendation from an unrelated adult (2 copies)
Your counselor will include the following once you submit your portion of the application:
 Transcript
 Counselor recommendation
Fellowship  Acceptance  Learning  Commitment  Opportunity  Niche  Success