ةدوــــجلا نامض ةدحو

‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
Curriculum Vitae
personal Information
:Manal Afifi Aly.
Professor of poultry diseases.
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Shobra, Cairo.
Cairo, egypt
Contact Information
Home phone
Work phone
Mobile phone
Web site
Current Address
0235720399 - 0235710306
53 misr helwan elzera3y, borg lo2lo2a elma3adee, entrance D, cairo, Egypt.
Educational Qualifications
Ph. D.,
1991 , Fac., of Vet. Med., Cairo Univ.
M. Sc., 1987 Fac. of Vet. Med., Cairo univ.
B. Sc., 1983 Fac., of Vet., Med., Cairo Univ
Academic Positions
Demonstrator of poultry diseases 1983- 1987
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
Assistant Lecturer of Poultry Dis. 1987 - 1991
Lecturer of Poultry Diseases 1991 – 1996.
Assistant Professor of Poultry Diseases, 1996 – 2001
Professor of Poultry Diseases 2001 – till now
Director of unit of diagnosis and treatment of poultry diagnosis: December 2010 till now.
First award of scientific innovation in agriculture field (2006) from Arab organization for Agricultural Devolvement, League of Arab States.
Areas of experience
Diagnosis, prevention and control of poultry diseases.
Avian Immunity , virology and vaccine 'evaluation and production.
Professional Memberships
-Membership of Egyptian Veterinary Poultry Association.
- Membership of World Veterinary Poultry Association.
- Membership of Veterinary Medical Association.
- Membership of Pharmacy Veterinary Medical Association.
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
Professional Qualifications
Director of unit of diagnosis and treatment of poultry diseases.
International scientific conferences:
XII International Congress World Vet. Poult. Assoc. (2001)
XIII International Congress World Vet. Poult. Assoc. (2005)
XIII International Congress World Vet. Poult. Assoc. (2013)
Local Conferences:
Many conferences (about 35 conferences).
About 10 Scientific Conf. Egyp. Vet. Poult. Assoc.
About 7 Scientific Conference (International) of Vet. Med. J., Cairo univerisity.
About 5 Arab conferences of Egyp. Vet. Med., ASoc.
Training courses
Computer Skills
Many training courses (about 25 courses) in diagnosis of poultry diseases, prevention and
control. Field and laboratory Diagnosis and differential diagnosis as: bacterial, viral
diagnosis, immune response evaluation, PCR and molecular characterization.
Microsoft office
Internet browsing.
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
‫‪Research Projects‬‬
‫‪1- Principal investigator of research project funded from Cairo University titled: "Screening of some avian‬‬
‫‪respiratory viruses of economic and human health importance" (Cu-008-12) since January 2009 – till Jun‬‬
‫‪2010, then extended another year (till Jun 2011) to the complete the significance results and publication.‬‬
‫‪2- Participate in the team work of International F. Sewed project (IFS) at Veterinary Control of Stockholm‬‬
‫"‪shared with Animal health Institute at Dokki titled " Biological properties of very virulent gumboro viruses‬‬
‫‪funded from Scientific Sewed Institute, ( 2000 - 2002).‬‬
‫ المشاركة كعضو فى المشروع البحثي ( تحسين إنتاجية دجاج التسمين عن طريق مقاومة المثبطات المناعيةة بةالمركا القةومى لوبحةوب شةعبة‬‫البحوب الاراعية و البيولوجية قسم الطفيويات و أمراض الحيوان برقم كودى ‪ .12/2/2/1/1‬وذلك من سنة ‪ 1991‬م ‪2001‬م‪.‬‬
‫ الوشاركت كعضو في الوشروع البحثي هنشطاث الوناعت بقسن الفيروساث بكليت الطب البيطرى جاهعت القاهرة في الفترة هن ‪ 5991‬الي ‪5991‬م ‪.‬‬‫ المشاركة كعضو فى الفريق البحثى لمشروع تحسين سالالت اإلنتاج فى الةدجاج المرةرى ‪ 424‬نةار بةين قسةم أمةراض الةدواجن بالكويةة وقسةم‬‫اإلنتاج الحيوانى بكوية الاراعة جامعة القاهرة وجامعة والية بنسوفانيا بأمريكا فى الفترة من ‪1991‬م – ‪ 1994‬م والممول من النار ‪.‬‬
‫ المشاركة كعضو فى الفريق البحثى لمشروع المشخرات البيولوجية لمسببات أمراض الدواجن بقسم أمةراض الةدواجن والممةول مةن النةار فةى‬‫الفترة من ‪ 1993‬م‪ 1995 -‬م‬
‫‪List of publications:‬‬
‫‪1- Manal, A. Afifi. (1987):‬‬
‫‪Studies on some immunosuppressive factors interfering with poultry vaccines.‬‬
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
M. V. Sc. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med. , Cairo university.
2- Bassiouni, A.A.; Awaad, M.H.H.; Amer, M.M.; Yassien, Saffa, and Manal, A. Afifi. (1987):
Some factors influences of immunosuppression in chickens. 1- Immunosuppression of Newcastle disease vaccination by Turkey herps
virus (Marek’s disease vaccine).
Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 19, No. 37.
3- Manal,A.Afifi. (1991):
Studies on the role of some immunostimulants in using poultry vaccines.
Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med. , Cairo university.
4- El-kady,M.F. ; Soliman,R.; Manal,A.Afifi; Reda,I.M. and Adel Khalid(1992)
Studies on the effect of specific immuno-stimulant on the immune response of chickens. 1-Evauation of the immuno-potentials of
Newcastle disease virus-specific transfer factor (ND-S-TF).
Vet.Med.J.,Giza Vol.4 (1) 89-110.
5- El-kady,M.F.; Manal,A.Afifi and Reda,I.M.(1994)
Stimulation of chicken immune system to Newcastle Disease vaccine(Clone-30). II. The use of Corynebacterium cutis lysate
(Ultracorn)as an immunomodulator.
Beni-Suef Vet. Med. Researches. Vol. 4(1-2) 412:423.
6- Saad, F.E.; Manal, A. Afifi; El-Sanousi, A.A., and Hamouda, M.A. (1993):
The effect of drinking water adminstration on the non- specific immunostimulant “ Ultracorn” on chicken immune response.
Proc. 3rd. Sc. Conf. Egyp. Vet. Poult. Assoc. : 53 – 63.
7- Madbouly, H.M., and Manal, A. Afifi (1995):
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
Comparison between Solid phase ELISA, Dot ELISA and Agar gel precipitation test for detection of Bursal disease viral antigen in
bursal homogenates.
Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol. 43, No. 37 – 42.
8- Hegazi, A.G.; Manal, A. Afifi, and Saleh, A.A. (1995):
Studies on the effect of some Reo viruses on the immune response of chickens.
Journal of Egyptian Association of Immunology. Vol. 1, pp. 107 – 112.
9- Awaad, M.H.H.; Bastami, M.A.; Manal, A. Afifi; Mounira, Nasser; Micheal, A., and Zaghloul, W.A.G. (1995):
Studies on the effect of vitamin A on the immune response of chickens against fowl pox vaccine.
Journal of Egyptian Association of Immunology. Vol. 1, pp. 155 – 162.
10- Manal, A. Afifi; Mohamed, F.F., and Kutkat, M.A. (1995):
Influnce of the adminstration of bursal extract on Performance and immune response of Infectious Bursal Diease vaccine in chickens.
J. Egyp. Vet. Med. Ass. 55, No. 5: 1071 – 1036.
11- Saad, F,E.; Manal, A. Afifi, and ZouElFakar, A. Sahar. (1996):
The effect of the quality of water as diluent on efficiency of “Ultracorn” as immunopotentiator in chickens.
Proc. 4th. Sc. Conf. Egyp. Vet. Poult. Assoc. : 171 – 180.
12- Manal, A. Afifi; El-kady,M.F. and El Gohary, A.E. (1997):
Investigations on recent field outbreaks of Newcastle disease.
Beni-Suef Vet. Med. Researches. Vol. 7(1) 180:191.
13- Sahar, A. ZouElFakar; Mona, M. Aly; Manal, A. Afifi; M.K. Hassan, and F.E. Saad. (1997):
Evaluation of two vaccination programs to control infectious bursal disease in commercial broilers.
Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol. 45, No.4: 531 – 540.
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
14- Manal, A. Afifi; Zouelfakar, A. Sahar and El-kady,M.F.(1998)
Studies on some immune parameters of chickens vaccinated with different programs against Newcastle disease.
15- Bastamy, M.A.; Manal, A. Afify; Soad, M. Soliman, and Namaa, A. Mohamed. (1999):
Evaluation of locally prepared egg and tissue culture adapted fowl pox vaccines from WP1 strain.
Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol. 47, No.4: 499 – 517.
16- Manal, A. Afifi; Hassan, M.K.; El-Kady, M.F.; Sahar, A. Zou-El-Fakar, and Mona, M. Aly. (1999)
Prevalence of avian influenza in Egypt. 1. A preliminary serological surveillance in chicken flocks.
J. Egypt Vet. Med. Ass. 59 No. 4. 1271- 1284.
17- Awaad, M.H.H.; Saad, F.E.; Manal, A. Afify; M. O. Elshazly, and Hala M.F. El Miniawy.(1999):
Immunomodulation of organic acids in chickens.
Suez Canal Veterinary Medicine Journal vol. II (1): 103 – 114.
18- Awaad, M.H.H.; Saad, F.E.; ; M. O. Elshazly, Manal, A. Afify; Sahar, A. ZoELFakar, and Hala M.F. El Menyawi.(2000):
Immunomodulation of Acidifiers in cyclophosphamide treated chickens.
Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol. 47, No.4: 499 – 517.
19- Awaad, M.H.H.; Manal, A. Afify, M.O.; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar; Elshazly, and Iman, B. Shaheed. (2000):
Immunomodulatory properties of inactivated propiobacterium granulosum (IM-104 ). 1: In non immunosuppressed chickens.
J. Egyp. Vet. Med. Ass. 60, No. 7: 137 – 148.
20- Mohamed, F.F., and Manal, A. Afifi. (2001):
Role of inorganic chromium in modulating performance and immunity in broilers.
Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol. 49, No.1: 147 – 162.
21- Hassan, M.K.; Manal, A. Afifi, and Mona, M. Aly. (2001):
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
Very virulent infectious bursal disease virus in Egypt: Isolation, resistance of local breeds and immunogenicity of classic vaccine.
Proceedings of 50th. Western poultry disease conference, Davis. California, USA. (24 –26 March) pp 21 - 22.
22- Awaad, M.H.H.; Manal, A. Afify; Sahar ZouElFakar; Aziza El-Kasaby, and Hilali, M.A. (2001):
Anticoccidial efficacy of salinomicin semduramicin combination in chicken broilers.
J. Egypt Vet. Med. Ass. 61 No. 4. 351- 362.
Proceeding of 25th Arab Vet, Ned. Congress.
Abstract form in the proceeding of 18th international Congress of the World Assoc. of Advanced Veterinary Parasitology., 2630 Aug. 2001, stresa Italy.
23- Manal A. Afifi. (2001):
Updating of Avian Adenovirus – 3 Surveillance in Egyptian chicken flocks.
J. Egyp. Vet. Med. Ass. 61, No 5: 95-107.
24- Hassan, M.K.; Manal, A. Afifi, and Mona, M. Aly. (2001):
Genetic resistance of Egyptian local chickens to infectious bursal disease, Newcastle disease, and coccidiosis.
XII International Congress World Vet. Poult. Assoc. oral 28. pp.190. 17-21 Sep.
J. Egyp. Vet. Med. Ass. 61, No 7.
25- Manal, A. Afify; M.O. Elshazly; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar; Iman, B. Shaheed., and Awaad, M.H.H. (2001):
Immunomodulatory properties of inactivated propiobacterium granulosum (IM-104 ) versus Vit E in cyclophosphamide
immunosuppressed chickens.
XII International Congress World Vet. Poult. Assoc. oral 80. pp. 244. 17-21 Sep.
J. Egyp. Vet. Med. Ass. 61, No 7.
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol. 51, No. 2: 257-272.
‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
26- Mohamed K. Hassan; Manal, A. Afifi, and Mona, M. Aly. (2002):
Susceptibility of vaccinated and unvaccinated Egyptian chickens to very virulent infectious bursal disease virus.
Avian Pathology, 31,149-156.
27- Awaad, M.H.H.; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar; M.O. Elshazly; Manal, A. Afify, and Osman, A.H. (2003):
Effect of pediococcus acidilactici on zootechnical performance and E.coli infection in broiler chickens.
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol.51, No.2: 273-281.
28- Manal, A. Afify; O.A. Elshazly; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar; Iman, B. Shaheed., and Awaad, M.H.H. (2003):
Immunopotentiation properties of propiobacterium granulosum versus Vitamin E in cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed chickens.
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol. 51, No. 2: 257-272.
29- Awaad, M.H.H.; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar, and Manal, A. Afify. (2003):
Evaluation of Enterococcus Faecium and Oligosaccharides to reduce caecal colonization and organ invasion of Salmonella
Typhimurium in broilers.
J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc. 63, No.1: 55-62.
30- Awaad, M.H.H.; Manal, A. Afify; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar, and Basma Shalaby. (2003):
Effect of pediococcus acidilactici and Saccharomyces boulardii as probiotics on intestinal and caecal colonization of Salmonella
typhimurium and Clostridium perfringens in broiler chickens.
Egypt. J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 37, pp. 127-136.
31- Awaad, M.H.H.; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar, O.A. Elshazly, Manal, A. Afify and Osman, A. (2003):
Effect of pediococcus acidilactici on Zootechnical performance and E.Coli infection in broiler chickens.
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol.51.No.2, pp.273-281.
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‫جامعة القاهرة‬
32- Manal A. Afify, Sahar A. Zouel – fakar, M.O. El-Shazly and M.H.H. Awaad (2003):
Effect of Synbiotic as Immunomodulator on Humoral and Cell Mediated Immunity in Immuno- Compromized Broiler Chickens.
Egypt. J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 37. pp. 137-148.
33- Awaad, M.H.H.; Manal, A. Afify; Sahar, A. ZouELFakar, and M.A. Hilali. (2003):
Anticoccidial efficacy of steroidal sapogenins (organic cocciostate) in broiler chickens (semi-field and field trials).
Egyptian Veterinary Medical Society of Parasitology Journal (EVMSPJ), I (1).
34- M.K. Hassan; M. A. Afify, and M. M. Aly. (2004):
Genetic resistance of Egyptian chickens to infectious bursal disease and Newcastle disease.
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 36. 1-9.
35- Bastamy M.A., Manal A. Afify, Soad M. Soliman and Namaa A.A. Mohamed. (2007):
Studies on Infectious Laryngotracheitis in chickens. I. Isolation and identification of Infectious Laryngotracheitis from some chicken
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol.55 .No.4 pp. 1123- 1139.
36- Kheir El-Din,W.A., Manal A.A., Afify, Mervat AbdEl-Gawaad, and Rayhan, E.A. M. (2008):
Present status of Clostridium Perfringens infection in broiler chickens.
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol.56 .No.3 pp. 167-194.
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‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
37- Yahya, M.A.S.; Manal , A.A.Afifi and A.W. Khir Eldin (2009): Some studies on Avian Influenza in Egypt. I. Experimental
trail for evaluation of humoral immunity of vaccinated chickens and ducks with different commercial Avian Influenza vaccines.
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol. 5, No.4. Tenth Scientific Conference (Second International) part 3, Hurghada 19-22 October 2009.
38 - Manal , A.A.Afifi; Yahya, M.A.S. and *A.W. Khir Eldin (2009): Some studies on Avian Influenza in Egypt. II. Screening on
Avian Influenza infection in some chicken flocks.
Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol. 5, No.4. Tenth Scientific Conference (Second International) part 3, Hurghada 19-22 October 2009.
39- Kamel, K.M.; A.A. Bassiouni; Manal A.Afify and Nagwa Rabie, S. (2010): The prevalence of Infectious Bronchitis (IB) in
Some chicken farms in Egypt. I. Spotlight on the status of IB outbraks in some chicken flocks.
6th Scientific Veterinary Medical Conference, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
The Journal of American Science; 6 (9), 236-260.
40- Kamel, K.M.; Khaphagy, A, A.A. Bassiouni; Manal A.Afify and Nagwa Rabie, S. (2010): The prevalence of Infectious
Bronchitis (IB) outbreaks in Some chicken farms. II. Molecular characterisation of field isolates IB virus.
6th Scientific Veterinary Medical Conference, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
The Journal of American Science; 6 (9), 261-276.
41- Kamel, K.M.; A.A. Bassiouni; Manal A.Afify and Nagwa Rabie, S. (2010): The prevalence of Infectious Bronchitis (IB)
outbreaks in Some chicken farms. III. Cross protection of vaccinated chickens versus field IB virus.
6th Scientific Veterinary Medical Conference, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University.
The Journal of American Science; 6 (9), 277- 296.
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‫جامعة القاهرة‬
42- Ahmed S. Abdel-Moneim; Manal A. A. Afifi, and Magdy F. El-Kady (2011): Genetic drift evolution under vaccination
pressure among H5N1 Egyptian isolates.
Virology Journal 8: 283 .
43- Ahmed S. Abdel-Moneim; Manal A. A. Afifi, and Magdy F. El-Kady (2012): Isolation and mutation trend analysis of
influenza A virus subtype H9N2 in Egypt
Virology Journal 2012, 9:173 doi:10.1186/1743-422X-9-173
44- Manal A. A. Afifi, Magdy F. El-Kady, Sahar A. Zoelfakar & Ahmed Sayed Abddel-Moneim (2012)
Serological surveillance reveals widespread influenza A H7 and H9 subtypes among chicken flocks in Egypt
Trop Anim Health Prod. DOI 10.1007/s11250-012-0243-9.
45- Ahmed S. Abdel-Moneim, Manal A. Afifi & Magdy F. El-Kady ( 2012). Emergence of a novel genotype of avian infectious
bronchitis virus in Egypt.
Arch Virol. DOI 10.1007/s00705-012-1445-1.
46- Helal,A., Susan,S.El-Mahdy; Manal, A. Afify (2012). Study the prevalence of Variant IBD strains in some
Egyptian chicken faros. New York science Journal : 5(6).p 8.
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‫وحدة ضمان الجــــودة‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬
47- Susan, S. El- Mahdy, Manal, A. Afify and Helal, A. M. (2013). Evaluation of live gumboro vaccine prepared
from local variant strain for control of infectious bursal disease in Egypt. Veterinary world, vol. 6 (9): 674-680.
EISSN: 2231 – 0916.
48- Awaad, M. H. H.; Basma Shalaby; Manal. A. Aly1; Sahar A. Zoulfakar; M. El-Deab; and Faten F. Mohammed
(2014): Effect of Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus Plus Pichia Anomola and Lactobacillus
Acidophilus Plus Pichia Anomola Plus Bacteriophage on Immune Responsiveness, Intestinal Enumeration of
Clostridium Perfringens, Salmonella Typhimurium, Colisepticaemia, and Gut Integrity of Broiler Chickens. IOSR
Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 7,
Issue 7 Ver. I (July. 2014), PP 59-65. www.iosrjournals.org.
49- Awaad, M. H. H.; A. Atta.; M. A. Ali; S. A. Zoulfekar; Asia El-Sawey; H. B. Ghareb; M. Elmenawy;A. A.
Nada and D. Vanessa (2014): Effect of Pediococcus Acidilactici Supplementation Through Drinking
Water on Immune Response and E. Coli Infection in Laying Hens. XIV th European Poultry Conference
Stavagner, Norway 23-27 June 2014, pp 483.
50- Shany, S.A., Ibrahim, M., Lee, C. W., Afifi, M. A., Hassan, K. E., El-Kady, M. F. (2015): Genetic and
antigenic diversity of Egyptian highly pathogenic H5N1and low pathogenic H9N2 avian influenza
viruses. 9th International Symposium on Avian Influenza. The University of Georgia, Athens GA, April
12-15, 2015.
51- Shany, S.A., Ibrahim, M., El-Kady, M. F., Afifi, M. A., Lee, C. W. (2015): Humoral antibody responses to
inactivated H5N1 and H9N1 reassortant cell culture grown avian influenza virus vaccines in chickens .
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‫جامعة القاهرة‬
9thInternational Symposium on Avian Influenza. The University of Georgia, Athens GA, April 12-15,
52- A.M. Helal, Afify,,Manal.A. Deab,K.A.M., El-Mahdy, Susan S., and M.A. Rohaim. (2015): Antigenic
and Genetic Characterization of Avian Influenza H5N1 Subclade 2.2.1/C in Egypt During 2014.
9thInternational Symposium on Avian Influenza. The University of Georgia, Athens GA, April 12-15,
Journal’s Publication
Conference’s Publication
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‫جامعة القاهرة‬
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