77(1), 2007, pp. 3-18 Ecological Monographs, ? 2007 by the Ecological Society of America THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF A 15-YEARDECLINE IN COVER OF THE CARIBBEAN REEF CORAL MONTASTRAEA ANNULARIS Peter Department State California of Biology, and J. Edmunds1 Robin 18111 Nordhoff University, Elahi Street, USA 91330-8303, California Northridge, in the decline trend of the last 25 years has been On Caribbean reefs, a striking a species that has dominated coral Montastraea annularis, framework-building but such losses are important for millennia. the region reefs throughout Clearly, ecologically, causes to be placed of the proximal in the context to evaluate their significance they need fully, In this and recruitment. in cover the potential for gains and balanced growth through against Abstract. cover of the was a population in St. John, U.S. censused annularis of M. Islands, annually Virgin a size-based to quantify The model. 1988 to 2003 coral cover and construct demographic cover to ascertain was to explore in coral and of change the mechanisms model developed of M. the cover Over the study for future period, growth. population likely trajectories to ?12% 41% in 1988, but remained from 1999 declined annularis by (a 72% decline) study, from Between for the last five years of the study. 1988 and 2003, colony to 20 colonies/m2), 47 colonies/m2 and the losses were by 57% (from to large colonies and fission driven mostly of medium (i.e., >151 by the death cm2). By 2003, more <50 the population small colonies had proportionally (70% were large cm2) and fewer in in 1988 (60% and 6%, respectively), and the changes >250 than colonies (3% were cm2) structure >14% in terms of the rate of change in population size had accelerated population statistically declined unchanged abundances to attain of colony size structure. the time necessary equilibrium an ongoing and imminent decline coincident population cover. coral indicate stable Fifty-year projections apparently and this analysis Importantly, the recent with of period revealed of M. extirpation of constant at annularis this the likelihood strong to a continuation (in contrast structure cannot 1988 population be restored reverse until decline will there is an amelioration site particular that the and suggest cover) It is unlikely that the population conditions that kill individual colonies. low recruitment. of the marine Caribbean; coral; demographics; Key words: U.S. Virgin Islands; Yawzi Point. Scleractinia; Introduction The reefs et al. decline of coral ecological widespread et al. 2003, Pandolfi et al. 2003, Bellwood one of the best-known of examples provides global, (Gardner 2004) contemporary Decreases earliest in coral degradation (Woodruff cover were recorded in some of coral analyses et al. 1981), losses in some quantitative 1969, Woodley the century, (Stoddart the 20th coining from biome the coral Knowlton become (Roberts more have Berkelman et uncertainty concerning Buddemeier al. 1987), frequent 2004). et 1992, al. of 2004), consensus through entirely shifts in (Hughes et coral there by St. John; that they will change et al. 2003), (Hughes relative of abundances some with 2003), even as the bellwether of reef rather than most likely coral species their altering condition et al. 2004). Typically, as "bad," with interpreted Bellwood is "good" (Hughes but such inferences cover nistic 1991) provides basis of and little 2000, a decline an Gardner can be misleading information regarding the changes serve as can 1984, (Hughes an ambiguous (Connell of coral increase being et al. 2003), coral because the mecha 1996, Babcock indicator of A and community of population dynamics. as cover the the of of limitations of metric good example comes from where reefs abundance Jamaica, species as the poster have child of Caribbean reef served long trajectories still reefs is a decline revised received 20 July 2005; Manuscript 2 June 2006. Corresponding Editor: M. accepted 1E-mail: peter.edmunds@csun.edu al. annularis; and Tanner events (Hoegh-Guldberg there is Although the fate growing disappear 1997, cover region the throughout similar episodes and area; Montastraea protected serving first-known occurred episode 1999, 2001, the attention, of justified the switch to describe change" "phase to macroalgal dominance (Done these before 1992, 2004). Shortly since (Knowlton the end of John and Aronson ranges (Precht 2004). ecological tool in coral for describing The changes principal cover structure of is the percentage community analysis the cover of live scleractinian coral of benthic taxa, with 2001). of the communities by locations term gained widespread wide coral-bleaching in 1987 Caribbean much reef but in St. In this (Hughes 1994, and 1996, Aronson of community location, analyses on both 16 years, based led at times approaches, 1 June 2006; H. Carr. coral cover to dissimilar 3 This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Precht structure 2001a). over and demographic outcomes (Hughes 4 PETER Tanner and of trajectory traea annularis changing was for explanations employing population of 1973, assessing the communities, Sheppard structure than community frame-building wide losses 1980s 200\b) of reefs 20016). traea has and Meesters Bak roles. Changes (sensu Goreau on coral effect corals in greater in cover of secondary changes For the Caribbean example, Aronson 1982, (Gladfelter a long and had enduring the throughout Caribbean Among (Aronson region these Jackson like M. and Tanner 2000) et al. Bythell The et al. and elsewhere Edmunds of area Rogers which of at 9-m is the annual cover and adverse small by charac and (Dustan Halas 1987, over and dynamics of St. reefs (see Plate last the surveys the fate of as of years (Collet? Beets Edmunds 2001, in cover is the decline changes off Yawzi depth subject 43 Point the present study. a source of data colonies, here we recruitment (Edmunds and 2002). of M. 2002), 15 years Using on percentage present our to project the population an for test effect the for structure the varying selected We because investigation the demo of structure. population throughout et al. Rogers 1979, which of representative we extend and rare are species is Second, dynamics. graphic approach over 50 years on recruitment recruits Caribbean of this and (Bak and Tanner 1984, Hughes an the possibility that this represents trait whereby organ important life-history long-lived isms "store" the effects of infrequent successful recruit Engel 2000), ment a raises and Chesson (Warner as at Edmunds 1985, is well trait life-history a "masting known tree many over where, large trees synchronously strategy," intervals, irregular Such 2002). for of seeds 1994, Koenig produce large quantities (Kelley and Knops and has considerable relevance 2005), clearly cover to understanding the basis of M. of declining annularis Unfortunate 1992, Edmunds 2002). (Jackson the occurrence a masting time scales of the mismatch by of effect is of most vs. to decades) like M. annularis years (from organisms of M. that populations even within deteriorate, recruitment colonies until rate, will annularis this MPA and rates mortality to continue of regardless of established decline. Methods Estimates The coral analyses depth along using three (Appendix positioned each sects, contiguously in 10 m were transect) 1989) from a Nikonos 35-mm film 1988 V 990, (Nikon Coolpix In both 2000 onward. strobe (Nikonos SB at to 3.34 cases, off Yawzi Point photoquadrats tran permanent (10/ in a photoquadrats statistical for replicates differences among in 1988 (twice annually were The pictures taken testing least to 2003. camera 1988 from The length. as treated measures design repeated times and were recorded and cover of coral at 9-m community was A) quantified with of the reefs 1). Most a marine within have been protected and 1962 since Teytaud (MPA) (Rogers Beets but have still and 2001), they Islands changed extensively Earle 1972, Rogers of these One aspect annularis corals these 2002). the population study addresses on the shallow annularis John, U.S. Virgin in this location 1988, characterized 1995). 1993, present of Montastraea protected species cover changing indicates large colonies, of periods survived goals. to 1967, (Mesolella record fossil form of suggest Montas terms we a demo First, develop causes the of the identify proximal of M. and to test whether annularis the two approach in cover changes trend Monographs Vol. 77, No. 1 results to centuries) 1992). The (Jackson (from decades the of limitations underscore of the present analyses to assess and condition coral-reef coral cover as a means Precht Together, the negative consequences ecological in cover of declines of the ongoing novelty in Jamaica and 1994, Hughes (Hughes temporal annularis M. than (Johnson underscore teristics that have better colonies the corals annularis, conditions millennia Moreover, 1992). Caribbean that for roles accomplish ecological investigations to long-lived those relevant provides cover this species critical in coral because plays changes in reef construction and roles community ecology 1959, Barnes 1973, Knowlton 1992) and has (Goreau fulfilled to graphic Ecological ELAHI ly, demonstrating made difficult the ecology and Precht corals, case in reef-building a special annularis and on effect ROBIN populations areas and 1999). trends in coral temporal of changes in cover varies species. corals of the frame-building Acropora to white A. cervicornis band due disease and palmata in the corals frame-building a have 1982) primary 2003, the general, still remains in significance and their ecological species of 1984, (Hughes 1988, Babcock 1987, and Miller scleractinian (Connell terms 1959, of biology known poorly In cover Lirman 2000, et al. 2005), Glynn Smith 2005, in part by Cas well 2001). (sensu in have been used approaches to investigate the causes and in coral changes Jackson 1985, Done AND population cover, projections of and Fong Edmunds in coral changes population consequences and Hughes among cover the demographic studies designed 1991, a downward 1987, 2000). More importantly, Hughes were a demographic to use able (2000) as possible evaluate several mechanisms to Although several and coral Montas reef-building to the upward of trajectory number of (i.e., colonies) contrary size population Tanner and (Hughes and Tanner approach 1986 2000). During cover of the J. EDMUNDS and (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) camera a digital 1999 and megapixel the camera 105) and to the attached from resolution) was fitted with to a framer a that 35-mm it perpendicular reef so that each a photoquadrat in size and 1 X 0.75 m recorded a photoquadrat in 1 X 1m recorded each digital frame were to determine the percentage used size. The pictures held frame cover of grid on coral a each image with overlaying and the dots dots counting randomly placed on M. were tissue. Dots scored annularis scleractinians of 200 by to quantify the contribution separately structure. Because coral community This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions of this statistical species indepen to POPULATION DYNAMICS OF MONTASTRAEA 2007 February 5 M%% *jj&&toea&*i w^rnm ' ? -:* fc?'-,; Plate 1. View across the study reef at Yawzi St. John, U.S. Virgin has a coral fauna dominated Point, Islands, which by Montastraea annularis. The photograph shows a portion that have been monitored of the reef that lies along one of the transects since 1987, and which provide records within photoquadrats of the fates of individual colonies lobes) that are the (= autonomous core of the present analysis. Photo credit: P. Edmunds. dence the among assumption of assumption was (1988) and examined for (2003) of Neumann's test for serial Rohlf and the important this applied, transect at the each the end 1995) as annularis an is photoquadrats statistical procedures the the study using von and (Sokal of Montastraea independence cover percentage a dependent variable. start For all transects at were the quadrats times, statistically independent = < < n not and were 2.468, 10, P > 0.05) r| (0.979 autocorrelated significantly B). (Appendix both Demographic The density colonies time, a demographic autonomous areas photographic cm diameter also were Colonies analysis. of living coral were to used the results the quantify annularis used were tissue determined to complete as defined (after Connell over intervals of and The 1993-1998, 1998-2003). as small as 1 allowed colonies sampling to be resolved, the five-year and interval the temporal to resolution detect necessary in colony and sizes (i.e., growth was quantified structure changes The population images, which, scanning to the originals. The used digital images were abundance and size-frequency distribu colony as the start and end of each five-year interval, over the fate of colonies the same intervals. quantify tion at well as for the color slides, statistical were shrinkage). using digital obtained by the from which number of as served size was and as assessed a the replicate, colony area of coral tissue as measured planar using NIH Image 1.63 software Institutes of Health, Bethesda, (National was The distribution USA). Maryland, size-frequency prepared consecutive the by measuring size measured. using four range of of until photoquadrats all colonies Size-frequency size classes were that were and size-based using to selected encountered within were colonies ?500 distributions sizes colony of populations dynamics Montastraea individual and 1973), and their fates five years (1988-1993, provided were photoquadrats and size of over analysis was determined density in each photoquadrat, Colony colonies models). Demographic were Population dynamics quantified at the start whether the colonies present prepared the span the capture matrix models {Methods: were they were Colonies those or dead alive whether from assess the at the end had grown, tracked using and end start of the shrunk, the of by recording of each interval interval if alive, and, or fused, split. with digital pictures, the intervals to serving changes in size variations in position the photoquadrat, of or uncertain fate quality, colony (e.g., or fusion). For colonies undergoing and those from the intervening to ensure used of being unequivocal tracking not possible It was to track all colonies in the colonies. as some not be relocated to could due photoquadrats, years slight impaired image complex shapes fusion the during intervening were fusing, years with the pictures intervals, study were to determine which used the size of the fused This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions colony from colonies determined the 6 PETER from at the end of the picture in a similar way, tracked were determined products interval. To from traea at 9-m depth between and screened for At the among sibling the high abundance although reefs suggests that most nearby pooled <40-mm those fission or (after Weil not possible and by this in on the annularis recruits to taxon belonged abundance of juvenile 1994 and 2004 between annually were and 2002, (Edmunds 2004) using completed X at multiple 0.5 located (0.5 m) randomly quadrats coral sites >200 Juvenile per year). (mostly quadrats corals was recorded density to species, identified M. annularis juvenile the data pooling was among Density years among compared sites. occurs. In at a rate of four year was period, to the 25th added smallest size The year). was projected the population and high recruitment episodic at a rate of 20 recruits per These period. in the fifth class for the no models Demographic based matrix procedure The intervals. five-year as defined categories (>50 cm2 but <150 <250 and cm2), transition in the Yawzi that recruitment Point given is probably too low to detect, than absent. rather In contrast, rates applied in the second the recruitment estimate, habitat third projection the effects (i.e., testing were recruitment, episodic respectively) extreme to the known relative recruitment the and class, rate intrinsic at characterized in each nies X and (available of sexual and necessary of colonies class fates. Because colonies were formed for one any of fate rate of consistent to by size size four classes each size calculate (i.e., a exceeds for 2000); a population in each using transition probabilities population growth unless <1, the rate mortality (Hughes related p is inversely the stable to achieve size class. PopTools had (X). of size numbers matrices Elasticity 2.4 to determine the greatest asexual 1984, Hughes to the time constant provide of the were on this recruitment of M. annularis. of M. annularis analyses using times with among arcsine-transformed overall effect sures of were intervals were completed Systat using Illinois, Evanston, (SPSS, USA) estimation for the matrix parameters cover was 2000. Coral Excel compared bootstrap completed a repeated-measures percentage-cover time was detected, with compared ANOVA data. consecutive separate ANOVA using an When sample repeated-mea was used to One-way of Montastraea annularis colonies density with hoc multiple among years, post comparisons a Bonferroni with For all AN completed procedure. of normality the assumptions and homoscedas OVAs, ANOVAs. the compare were of graphical analyses were non not met, assumptions were used. contin parametric procedures Chi-square to compare tables were used the size-frequency gency ticity tested through the residuals; where distributions among of fission which effect for of the analyses software 9.2 version frequency In order population estimation (www.cse.csiro.au/cdg/poptools) from Statistical with to be scaled rates serve area to shallow nearby an ecological context within which the veracity can be evaluated. recruitment scenarios tested recruitment Statistical the colonies for to explore the potential species, simply to restore structure the 1988 population In all cases, estimates the empirical was fission p were a value has calculated 2 II online)2 proliferation and Tanner also four 2.4 calculated using PopTools in Excel In the absence 2000. running X measures the rate of population recruitment, structure); decline size the growth (X) and the rate (p) to a structure converged of colo relative abundances population by constant the on based cm2), size of and the (>250 cm2), size classes calculated the mortality were used matrices of I (<50 probabilities to > 1. The of population the which among calculate the using for each 1984) were IV colony (i.e., new summed to class class transition splitting), class sometimes used size size common relatively prepared (Hughes matrices a cm2),' size class III (>150 cm2 but probabilities from the empirically was were (i.e., rates In brief, however, is a conservative recruitment and models were recruits iteration recruitment in the discussion. of the population that consistent projection, rationale is presented assumption to the is similar and Demographic by population recruit steady per square meter per five to the smallest size class of the this Third, population with the assumption that 25 years occurred every square meter per 25-year the annularis vector the population the with starting recruits vector. tested by of Montastraea and of this analysis the final year (2003) for 50 years. Three increments in five-year were the First, population completed. was with of no the assumption projected recruitment ment, the of Monographs Vol. 77, No. 1 a scenario that apparently recruitment, recent history reef. Second, of the study was with the assumption projected added were several genus, although M. annularis. including by matrices, population structure in projections structure 2004]) by multiplying the for all juvenile and one were structure population proceeding of the of the for species. Surveys were out carried the Ecological ELAHI projected of Montas 2000, (i.e., created species of M. situ, The at 5 m, not clearly annularis complex this small size, it was of M. distinguish this rate Point colonies of end ROBIN was the fission the in Edmunds juvenile were that fragmentation) Knowlton 1994). to at and White Horn events Fission size of recruitment [described Cabritte diameter the the study reef, surveys sites (five sites shallower at mostly corals interval. with the picture the into insight gain on annularis the AND J. EDMUNDS describing to as well sampling periods, events size classes. among calculate variance estimates parameters procedure the fate X, and (mortality, was to applied of colonies. This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions These as for the the p), a bootstrap raw data the data were 7 POPULATION DYNAMICS OF MONTASTRAEA 2007 February Census period B 1988 100 1993 1998 2003 I IV Size class on a reef at 9-m depth at Yawzi Point, St. John, U.S. Virgin trends in coral community Islands. Long-term dynamics of coral cover at each survey period between March 1988 and August 2003. Note that two surveys were completed (A) Percentage ? SE (vertical lines above bars) are shown for sample sizes of n = 30 quadrats/survey in 1988 and 1989. Means 1989 except October = 1990 (n = 29), and April 1992 (n = 20). Montastraea annularis accounted for 94.2% ? 0.9% (mean ? SE, n = 18) (n 28), September structure of M. annularis at the start and end of each five-year of the coral cover in all surveys. (B) Population interval (1988-1993, used to construct the matrix models is based on the surveys completed in 1993-1998, 1998-2003) (Appendix C). The 1988 analysis March 1988. The size-frequency show the percentage distribution of colonies the size classes among analyses (I-IV, Appendix B) = 571 colonies the matrix models used to construct in 1988, 499 in 1993, 501 in 1998, and 510 in 2003). Inset graphs show the (n = 15-30 mean per year). colony densities (?SE, n quadrats Fig. 1. with replacement using added into Excel {available online)3 sets were with this data generated a resampled was to calculate used classes to calculate 1000 values a mean and The confidence and 97.5th evaluate significance vals. 3 One procedure, rate by size mortality Results routine thousand and class Estimates and to matrix of four population consisting as previously that was used (I-IV, described) X and p using 2.4. The resulting PopTools to calculate for mortality, X, and p were used 95% were of percentiles differences between based (www.resample.com) on for intervals confidence intervals determined the data mean nonoverlapping each from metric. the 2.5th and were used values for statistical confidence inter to cover of coral each a size-based create size software 2000. on cover the coral 2003, much lost of several study during periods rapid with the aftermath of Hurricane decline Hugo beginning between 1994 and and (September 1989) continuing 1999 (Fig. coral cover differed 1A). Overall, significantly across the annual df = 14, 406; P < surveys 50.438; (F= the results from October 0.001; 1989, September 1990, Between 1988 and of reef was the 1992 were to incomplete omitted due data April ANOVAs sets). Separate repeated-measure comparing consecutive revealed declines between years significant and April increased 1989 (P < 0.001), and for all 1989 and October of pairs between years between 1997 and between 1994 1999 1996 and (P and 1996 < (P < 0.013). = 1997 (P This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions and 0.008), cover Coral 0.004), but all 8 PETER J. EDMUNDS ROBIN AND The best estimate annularis to juvenile shallower corals the reefs In these of and relatively detected easily of reef large areas 1994 and between surveys, to 60 m2) annually colonies of the M. juvenile at densities found from ranging annularis complex 0 colonies/10 m2 to densities did not vary 1.5 colonies/10 m2 (Fig. 2). These 11 years the among significantly surveyed n > 80 quadrats/yr, Wallis test, H= 10.365, n?i?i?i?i?i?i?r 1994 1996 On 1998 2000 2002 2004 Fig. 2. Density, of juvenile colonies number (<4 cm of Montastraea annularis in St. per 10 m diameter) complex were John between 1994 and 2004. Values obtained from at two sites in 1995 (n = 80), five (0-25 m2) censused quadrats = sites in 1994 and 1996-1998 (? 200), and six sites in 1999-2004 = the sixth (n 240). Five of the sites were at 5-m depth, with ? SE in the surveys from 1994) at 9-m depth; means (included are shown. the actual ity of colonies made reef, study the recruits. However, each (30 quadrats annularis colonies of M. diameter colonies are that topographic abundance high of of 0.25-m2 between 1996 this consecutive indistinguishable, Between 1988 out of intervals, including those and to (from 43.4% most the five annularis sampling but remained sampling the dominant remained the for study, accounting the coral cover in the The of (94.7%) majority of M. annularis in March declined cover coral 2003, 12.3%), recent Demographic of density estimates over varied due with both annularis, reduced number >1215 varied trends 5.632, in through ? 0.9% 94.2% and by this 2003, intervals 67.837, number of in cover occur at densities products) to the highest which is similar reduction), smaller four pairwise small in density the 11 years of surveys 2). Overall, a mean water in shallow density provide population ? M. of 0.36 of juvenile annularis 0.08 colonies(10 ? n = 2316 SE, (mean quadrats [pooled m2)-1-yr-1 we conservatively and therefore estimate among times]), m2, shallower water (Fig. and size-frequency in the more colonies both small found (1-2 in all recent and cm2) annularis declined from the of densities colonies a mean of 47 in 2003 (a 57% in 1998 and 2003 differing from the density in 1988 (P < 0.040). No other plus colonies/10 recorded of Montastraea distribution in 1988 to 20 colonies/m2 with of ?1.8 1993, 1998, 2003) (1988, df = 9, P < 0.001), largely an of colonies and larger were of M. colonies/m2 suggest <40-mm had (>700 intervals, cm2) were three of the 499 colonies tracked 1993, cm^ in area. Additionally, the density of colonies the four years of that are representative among = across cover in coral the three intervals (F P = 0.001). df = 3,100, the population Overall, density juvenile analysis decline IB). However, (Fig. colonies of for 2004 years (?SE, ?=18). cover was composed size-frequency The changed. at five-year time (%2= intervals large and the the colonies a to increased scleractinian 1988, 72% by area) and to 90.3%. slightly In concert declined 2003. among unchanged Montastraea years. a mean 18 sampling the coral were statistically, to 1999 from complex of small (i.e., colonies of juveniles species a combination fission other (Kruskal P = 0.409). 3), produced by fission (Fig. to unequivocally sexual identify to survey small areas on this attempts reef small the high the substratum, annularis of M. it problematic that the juveniles smooth are and 2004, were for surveys facilitated recruits coral of large areas corals small consist (Edmunds 2000). were sampled (up bay. shallow of from in mostly diameter) In comparison to the same detection of Montastraea comes <40-mm the which upon Monographs Vol. 77. No. 1 recruitment reef study areas, unambiguous because they rock the of (i.e., of the areas reef deeper Ecological ELAHI comparisons were significant (P > 0.069). 1988-1993 1993-1998 Census 1998-2003 period Fig. 3. Percentage of Montastraea annularis colonies fusion or fission over three survey intervals between undergoing 1988 and 2003. Sample sizes are 326 colonies between 1988 and 1993 and 1998, and 250 between 1998 and 1993, 309 between 2003. Inset graphs show the percentage allocation of colonies fission among four size classes (I-IV; Appendix undergoing C). 1988 and 1993, 44 between Sample sizes are 30 colonies between 1993 and 1998, and 24 between 1998 and 2003. This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions POPULATION DYNAMICS OF MONTASTRAEA 9 February 2007 that the rate recruitment not did exceed this of this to the species 100 reef study value. models Demographic Analyses of the photoquadrats identified 326 colonies that could be tracked between 1988 and 1993, 309 colonies between 1993 and 1998, and 250 colonies between 1998 and 2003. Most colonies (>75%) were in size I and classes II for all time were fewer intervals; found in the larger size classes (III and IV), especially in the final time interval (Appendix C). The reduction across the three time in number intervals could be tracked reflects colonies as the population the 1). For varied (Fig. fates stasis, or 13.5% of that colonies were but of colonies could be biased strongly their tracked, towards death, and 4.7% C). Between (Appendix in the smaller size classes shrinkage the colonies that the difficulty of locating density declined by 57% II III I, II, (i.e., and III) grew into larger size classes between 1988 and 1993, but <5.3% of the colonies in the smaller size classes into grew intervals numbers in some and numbers colony each size class When subsequent However, C). relatively large were affected and fusion, by fission resulted in a net in fission increase cases, so the that transition to > summed C). of colonies fusion undergoing five-year means ? procedure of Montastraea annularis mortality Percentage in four size classes C) over three (I-IV; Appendix shown are intervals between 1988 and 2003. Values 95% CI that were obtained by a bootstrap sampling of the original data. (1000 iterations) was declining values show population These (1988-1993), C]). 3.3% (11 colonies) of the colonies fused, and this rate remained largely unchanged (3.2% [10 colonies]) over the next interval (1993-1998), finally declining to 0.4% (one colony) between 1998 and 2003 (Fig. 3). The proportion 4. Fig. colonies for probabilities 1 (Appendix were highest abundances colony two in the size classes larger (Appendix of colonies the among to compared significant confidence resampling colonies the three number undergoing intervals of colonies of the The small numbers number relative of fission was among iadistinguishable = P = 0.088), df =2, and the (%2 4.856, was fission undergoing independent of the size class and study intervals (Fig. 3; x2 = 6.807, df = = 6, P Mortality 0.339). rates (per five-year period) were highest (>36%) for size classes I and II for each of the three intervals The still were but highest I over the final on Based C). Appendix for mortality rates the 95% III and classes (56%) was rate mortality in size class in size >11% recorded interval IV. for corals (1998-2003; confidence intervals obtained by bootstrap resampling, rates displayed size classes differences among mortality intervals that differed between (i.e., there was a sampling interval sampling appears to be X size caused class largely by This interaction). the mortality effect rates for size classes III and IV in the 1993-1998 interval, both of which have confidence are that intervals non-overlap ping with those for size class I in all sampling intervals (Fig. 4). The transition matrices were of mortality and shrinkage, rates of population change dominated and (k) therefore all are rates by high the intrinsic <T (i.e., the the as = 2, P 0.043), between fusing because largely 1998 and 2003. over each interval that the population [Appendix decline slowed by 2% over the second interval (X = 0.673) = compared to the first interval (X, 0.661), but the decline accelerated by 14% in the final interval (X = 0.581) = 6.266, df three study intervals changed significantly (%2 = class Size second a reveals X, obtained measure to a stable converges analysis the The D). (Appendix a relative provides from for intervals this interval; assessed size overlapping by bootstrap ratio damping structure, and increase in (p) a cohort in the present tempo over the of increases) not 95% the rate at which of slight was trend p (i.e., dynamics 15-year population on the replicate values of p obtained Based by period. for p were similar the mean values resampling, bootstrap two sampling but a 7% increase in the first intervals, between occurred trend was not the significant and second as the assessed third interval; from the this overlap ping 95% confidence intervals (Appendix D). The elasticity matrices (Appendix C) reveal sensitivities proportional transition probabilities, the transition cating on X. The the (i.e., three the relative intervals^ II?II of X to changes with the largest in each elasticity with the greatest probability values of the elasticities vary with transition the stasis of probability) size class having the the of indi effect among II colonies the greatest effect on X for the first (elasticity = 0.224) and third intervals (elasticity IV colonies having interval (elasticity intervals, a ity would = the stasis of size class and 0.326), the greatest effect on X, for the second = 10% change 0.215). in the In the first and II?II transition third probabil alter X by 2% in the first interval, and 3% in This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Ecological Monographs Vol. 77, No. 1 PETER J. EDMUNDS AND ROBIN ELAHI 10 150 400 Size class I II class Size Years Years that recruitment annular is, assuming Fig. 5. Fifty-year C) for Montastraea by size class (I-JV; Appendix projection population structure in 25 m2 of the study are based on an initial population from the population vector determined does not occur. Projections and trajectories were in each of size classes I, II, III, and IV, respectively), reef in 2003 (Fig. IB; 355, 118, 21, and 16 colonies = from 1998-2003 in five-year increments calculated 0.581; Appendix C), as well as the (for which X using the transition matrix to the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for X (Appendix D). For size classes I?III, the projections matrices corresponding bootstrapped for the upper 95% CI For size class IV, the projection based on the actual matrix. based on the 95% CI for X flank the projections were lower than the projection and therefore are not shown. for the actual matrix the third the IV?IV To in transition better the in the interval; understand the population continued projection without future, The years. first conditions traea annularis defined by 2003: 355, I, II, III, second probability the how the of regarding the reliability different site with areas shallower to density areas that of vector reef in size classes recruitment rate estimated from of uncertainty to a these data annularis recorded an outcome 2]) revealed with 0 recruitment Edmunds, data). unpublished from the matrix using pleted two matrices additional and in very (P. J. was com projection 1998-2003 C) (Appendix to the X corresponding The intervals confidence the upper and lower 95% marking the percentage Even of for this metric. though coral cover values appeared to have stabilized at over ?12% this 2003 and period second and, to taken projection addition the years, cm2) will be dead, of colonies density (>250 be or 0, rate of population intervals (Figs. near-zero, (X) growth 5 and 6). projections of recruitment were calculated using were for to gain ameliorate place was of corals-m~2-(5 than higher the again, was projections recruitment rate third scenarios significantly an reveals to selected of Montastraea the matrix 1998 to 2003 (Appendix C). The goal of these from has and two change projection 25 Within size of the intrinsic regardless within the 95% confidence incorporate annularis the the population will classes three other not did 1), collapse. annularis population of M. largest colonies 50 years, and within the and (Fig. imminent The to 0 a characteristics; set to 0.04/m2 the recruitment M. 1999 between in substratum juvenile [Fig. obtained of set (Fig. 2) because of extrapolating with completed projection (the mean population in 25 m2 of in each We IV; respectively. the recruitment using shallower similar colonies and instead the the 16 colonies 118, 21, and of Montas recruitment with of number nearby deeper change study reef might over was 50 projected that the 2003 assumed started and a 10% change in alter X by 2%. interval, would this surveys between into the insight the population 2003. 1988 and to identical recruitment to rate yr)_1. This the best estimate species for the size of The but first, I at class recruitment of the mean to the study reef, corals juvenile class This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions that second with a the rate of to 4 is ~20-fold recruitment as determined nearby of corals the number augmented of a near-stable the formation I, with at initial value ?52% after ?30 of the density Recruitment for potential decline size years. from areas. in size class Size I A) No 600 11 POPULATION DYNAMICS OF MONTASTRAEA 2007 February recruitment recruitment B) Steady recruitment C) Episodic 4 colonies-rrr2-(5 20 coloniesnrr2-(5 yr)~1 yr)_1 of Fig. 6. Fifty-year annularis, under three scenarios by size class (I-IV; Appendix C) for Montastraea population projections at 4 coloniesm~2(5 shown in Fig. 5), (B) steady recruitment recruitment: (the same projection (A) no recruitment yr)_1, and (C) are based on an initial population vector determined from the at 20 coloniesm~2(25 recruitment episodic yr)_1. Projections in five-year structure in 25 m2 of the study reef in 2003 (described in Fig. 5), and trajectories were calculated increments population added to size class I at each iteration. for 1998-2003 with recruitment (where appropriate) using the transition matrix a near-stable II reached class initial density. failed however, at ?13% density recruitment Steady to return a at of the rate, high of the the population density III and to the class levels (size IV) or the start of the start of the third interval largest colonies marking the study (1988). The third projection was identical to the that first, except number of recruits added I after (20 coralsm~2(25 yr)_1) was This level of recruitment 25 years. a a career working of marine as important researchers it allows not have to corals size of colonies Following episodic declined size population size high rapidly classes at (Fig. projection are that (a) projections annularis in 2003) of M. imminent prevent colonies population transition collapse the collapse that were structure. probabilities is that of this recruit Episodic of large numbers and III, the of the on effect II, recruitment, to <3% (510 colonies) 6). The notable 2002) the scale possibility recruitment infrequently. in of the high to selected time year added transiently class I, but had a negligible number density recorded it occurs because species ment in the 25th This ecologists. a test of large class to size of this species (Edmunds putative masting with time scale the length compatible mimic on recruitment episodic end of outcomes of replace the size class III and IV of the 1988 components important in the This will require changes the fate of established describing Discussion Globally declining et Bellwood anthropogenic corals actinian meier et al. coral al. disturbances 2004) (Brown have abundances 2004) that continue revealed large and continue 1997, Knowlton occurred against (Gardner a diversity to kill et al. of scler Budde 2001, a backdrop of that result of and was analysis to determine stabilized at analysis the and revealed a how the and The in coral cover was rather than decline high mortality by accompanied in the abundance reduction accentuated even end of the 1988 cover, Hurricane with and the demographic but of population decline at change (p) continued the 2003, rapid occurring and Witman and warm of unusually The trend of 2004). (Edmunds of representative al. 1991, Rogers unpublished cover has data), occurred other and lost reef study in 1995 sites Miller {X) the over statistically was there (i.e., declines Hugo (Edmunds and between 1994 hurricanes density cover had rate overall Between (affecting level, the of tempo same pace (i.e., X and p did not vary even and perhaps accelerated years), trend for X and p to increase). coral low a disproportion of big colonies by fission the population coral study, while reduced that 15-year has species changed to change in the near future. the that was cm2) of the colonies), 52%. By the declined al. 1991) by two serious a year (1998) colonies. 2003, population it might how (>250 >9% 50-year these three a demographic was designed structure of this for a largely recruitment al. provided of Montastraea that analysis a et al. 2004). In the present study, cover on one reef in St. John context ately the present-day population (i.e., in Great is facing Lameshur Bay cannot alone and (b) recruitment or the et Bellwood 2003, coral annularis the the of al. are to ask which corals beginning their populations this onslaught and how et al. 2003, 2002, (McClanahan Hughes change Buddemeier record et Gardner 2001, scientists will IV. population the starting exploitation state in a pristine then, the prognosis surprisingly (Knowlton that 2004) will survive has left that, arguably, et al. 2001). Not (Jackson for coral reefs is so poor human century-scale no coral reef 1999, 72% 15 a of its in 1989 due to et 1991, Rogers a period marked et al. 1997) and (Smith seawater temperatures cover coral is declining around 2006; St. John P. J. a slight increase although over a similar on at period This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions et (Rogers Edmunds, in coral least one 12 PETER J. EDMUNDS reef <1 km from Yawzi Point (Edmunds 2002). reflect the biases may discrepancies are when not sites chosen develop study but in the case of 1992, Lewis (Hughes 2004), in St. John, it is important that the dissimilar In part, can such cover coral changing at occurred two that trends of both chosen in 1987 based on high coral cover (>32%) (Edmunds that the entirely This also 15-year of the The 2002). illustrate trajectories were not constrained contrasting community dynamics initial condition by their was true within decline in coral (sensu Hughes 1992). a site, for at Yawzi the Point, cover was more two rapid along cover where coral declined from transects, 35-45% in 1988 to 3-6% in 2003, to the third, compared cover coral where from 50% in 1988 to 27% in declined 2003 J. Edmunds, (P. It is unknown unpublished data). are small-scale patterns biologically within of the framework interpreted these when significant region-wide some that of majority further. et al. 2003), but signs (Gardner are doing reef than the better is cause to study such patterns enough reef decline areas of reefs placed Yawzi Point is equivalent Jamaica from reported the Caribbean (Gardner the context, to the losses of that have and 1994) (Hughes et al. loss at coral been this site in St. ? 12% during coral John, cover at stabilized apparently recent the most interval. five-year This that were (1998-2000) et al. of Gardner into the meta-analysis incorporated in to and their conclusion that contributed, part, (2003) cover the rate of loss of coral has slowed recently interval included but significantly, and 2002) 3.3% (from by preventing too far apart coral linear cover, could years St. be the John, death of M. it reduced because important it also vacant created by macroalgae preempted Edmunds five In region. was colonies cover, of fusion years the throughout annularis that was three space et al. (Rogers 1997, the frequency depressed probably over to 0.4% over 1988-1993 1998 contacts conspecific (i.e., colonies to touch). After 11 years of declining from recent the most extrapolation as construed for support "guarded the likelihood of further coral optimism" concerning et al. 2003). However, losses be may (Gardner optimism on for this reef. Population based premature projections the dynamics between that the extirpated There coral reported 2000). of colonies the and conditions 1998 and 2003 demonstrate local within are strong community parallels structure for previously Notably, of M. population 50 years. the reefs dominated study periods suffered large losses of the between in Jamaica in both prevailing the high likelihood annularis St. John (Hughes locations by Montastraea coral on a decadal will be in changes and those and Tanner started annularis, scale, hurricane as population the largest size over the time, skewed positively are also there However, these studies, that namely water than (9-m depth) and the St. John (35-m depth), study a decade the Jamaican initiated after study began it was when ?50% in reductions already recording the Jamaican and their they in part displayed deter and annularis, became structure and Tanner 2000). differences between important reef is in shallower the St. John was both trajectories More demographic analyses. here for St. John, in Jamaica, the most to the mortality sensitive of of M. colonies and community vs. is reported was decline population Monographs Vol. 77, No. 1 damage, coral cover coral by just reef cover coral St. and Tanner (Hughes reef is John et Mittelbach set al. a in 2000). local-scale that 2001) the Additionally, context (sensu an within is protected and is substantially MPA internationally-recognized than many degraded less in Jamaica reefs 1994, (Hughes a and Precht this backdrop, 200\d). Against the in both of dynamics community a poor prognosis for other Caribbean provides Aronson comparison locations are annularis of M. populations in this context is the observation large Most important "Jamaican-like" did not occurring underwater in reef throughout ~ is 1.4-fold it 2003); on parts than the ~50% loss that has occurred of higher et al. 2004). While the Great Barrier Reef (Bellwood 1988 and of coral died between 1999 at large amounts 2003) were of between reefs where in a global When coral result (Hughes three whether a Ecological ELAHI disconnects over, were that as ROBIN mined randomly our work sites AND with on a that the St. of (Hughes 1994) collapse occur contemporaneously at least based Jamaica, found. John that anecdotal from St. John that were taken pictures 1970s loaned early by C. Birke (generously in Lee et al. 1975), but instead 45-48 land; see also Figs. a decade it began later with Hurricane nearly Hugo the during (Fig. 1). the causal Although identical in Edmunds most of appears, the a "patch" 1980s, of reef John outcome the 2002), cover coral with to have broadly, the study that reef decline of processes and St. Jamaica been in St. reef John not 1994, overall similar. For represented in condition differed apparently were (Hughes to regard the north reef along of apparently healthy patches at various reef still occur coral scales spatial throughout at the Dairy Bull site in the Caribbean, for example et Bruno al. Jamaica and 1996, Idjadi 2006) (Edmunds the reef in St. John and at the Tektite (Edmunds 2002), compared coast of to the Jamaica. larger While that present suggests study on at different points reef condition disturbance trajectory. tions on method the and may histories Demographic such "healthy to test are this of patch be located may patches of downward trajectory in their from one another such same differ that them propel of analyses the patches" provide hypothesis the same explicitly this along coral popula one potential that the (i.e., at different following it is likely that rates), although to some extent, be unique will, In St. the mortality John, trajectories the demographic annularis classes patches varied differed among among sample of the larger mortality III and for size classes size to each colonies IV) was 1988). (Done of Montastraea rates intervals, patterns reef in a pattern because that per five between years 1993 largely (11-39% reduced This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions the and least Smaller rates ity to the other sample compared colonies (<150 cm2) had high mortal The in all three intervals. per year) at 1998, intervals. (35-56% rates of massive mortality greatly corals on depending and size regime, DYNAMICS POPULATION 2007 February in other class studies projection annularis outcome 1991, et al. 2000, Hughes Bythell 2000). Mortality rates as low as < 1% per year have been for M. reported as as et annularis for and 90% al. 2000) (Bythell high cm diameter) small colonies of massive Porites (<30 to exposed censuses Acanthaster 6-7 completed 1988). Typically, Babcock instance, on pr?dation (based Done after the outbreak; planci years declines mortality found (1991) Goniastrea for size; colonies with small that on the Great Barrier ?spera 32% per year, while larger colonies at a rate died 5% per In the of year. (>120 cm2) Jamaican annularis and Tanner study of M. by Hughes cm2) of died at a rate of (<40 Reef (2000), rates mortality (per five years) 1977 between and 1982 ranged from 43% to 3% for the smallest (<50 cm2) to largest 1987 and to 86% (>200 1993, and colonies, rates had cm2) these 38%, but respectively, accelerated between dramatically by conferring of disturbance growth rapid resilience (the and rate recruitment, of regrowth) Rodenhouse is accentuated of M. years by the >100 required to grow at a typical rate of annularis in the colony and a height of size largest ? 1m class (with [P. J. Edmunds, an 1-1.5 1985) into a and Jackson 1981, Hughes cm/yr (Hudson a for area >250 unpublished cm2 and the high chance (>17% per five years) that itwill die in this size affects massive 1987, 1988). class. A similar on Porites Given the demographic the Great Barrier of plethora there is clearly inequality Reef (Done are events that an corals, currently killing to evaluate need the ecological significance a demographic context. death within of The projected collapse Montastraea annularis effectively the paucity 0. The Caribbean and (Bak for instance, including, Hughes annularis and of the study that assumes rationale for this important of coral of population recruitment assumption is lies in of this species the throughout et al. 1979, Rogers Engel 1984) at 35-m depth in Jamaica where found of M. (2000) only one recruit recruits Tanner 16 years of annual of 12 m2 of surveys during reef. In the present recruitment of study, we estimated M. annularis from in reefs, yet even adjacent fringing areas where to detect these it is relatively small easy corals (Edmunds 2000), we have rarely encountered the of M. recruitment et nature open with organisms for manipulation coral populations 2000, would of would be loosely only recruitment Nevertheless, link with a have 1988). Caribbean the brooding coral, the stock-recruitment an at coral in al. recruitment population one weedy least Porites astreoides, to appears relationship et 1984, (Hughes commensurate varying on effect For al. the et (Caley inevitable defined has with developed, et of relationship scale trickle-down 1987, (Done marine (Levitan size population demographic on a time Caswell therefore, 2001); with the lifespan of coral colonies, should Given (Caley members the broadcasting spawning annularis species complex it is likely that any stock-recruitment species size population like 1996), Montastraea 1996). 1988, Caley and Morse larvae pelagic to controlled relationship. of most populations dispersive are increase in to approach. in order 1987, (Done Raimondi al. this contributing two tested we collapse, a projection if elevated, of a stock-recruitment 2000), which, as a function be well to sensitive population growth being rates of recruitment (Lirman and Miller 2003). For like massive corals, long-lived and Montastraea Barrier Reef Great on Porites annularis the the in recruitment is intriguing theoreti Caribbean, because, need produce cally, a colony living for centuries only one recruit to sustain its lifespan the population size. during This data]), that the hypothesis to some extent by et al. 1996, Hughes changes found population the factors explore selected test structure and In the (Andres 1993). rates of the larger colonies the mortality present study, were to the slow rate at which relative smaller high colonies transitioned into these size (i.e., grew) larger a classes five per (<11% years), thereby creating The of this in demographic inequality. significance equality recruit was Recruitment rates thereby to the effects to further population projected recruitment scenarios using al. respectively. have recruitment, 50 years, within will with disappear unaffected altered slightly being (although the use of different matrices corresponding confidence intervals for X. the the that we those Without 0.04/m2. that the 2003 only revealed a means As to 2004), for this the biological of high mortality However, significance on rates to the demographic process depends acting can be the colonies. The effects of coral mortality replace offset rate) by the 95% with annularis, to amounting vary Babcock 1988, (Done and Tanner of M. juveniles disturbance location, species, 13 OF MONTASTRAEA assertion of recruitment and massive et Hughes annularis, common to be consistent with the low rates appears of both M. annularis discussed previously Porites and Johnson 1998, (Dunstan al. to M. in contrast 1999); although colonies juvenile on Pacific of massive are Porites reefs A (Done 1987). life-history a with rare adult but strategy large population has been as recruitment in a general described form a population the of old effect, storage whereby individuals a event recruitment In what non, may sexual Populus Mountains time scale "windows corals (e.g., many recruitment historic be occurs an certain trees) another until (Warner extreme recruitment tremuloides and signal and Chesson of example the common of this "stores" episodic 1985). phenome tree native in the Rocky aspen) on a to occur is thought to thousands rare of hundreds of years during of et al. (Romme opportunity" 2005). Unfortunately, of a storage of North (quaking America it is difficult effect because to demonstrate the This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions passage the existence of years or 14 PETER decades to without the recruitment that occur. not does the annularis, sexual significant conclusion incorrect available J. EDMUNDS contain are summer late et al. to early Levitan 1997, fall et in results rates et al. 2004). fertilization relatively (Levitan high Successful recruitment, poor yet by reproduction, the consequence Montastraea of annularis could reflect processes multiple and Roughgarden influencing and 1985) and (Gosselin these possibilities Qian available However, the mediating likelihood on a scale further comes at from years products annularis (i.e., are 1989). evidence (Fairbanks cores contain of M. populations time scale as long as asexual the Because 1989, the of M. of populations the of (Fairbanks which reveals of centuries three support offshore Empirical cores taken stratigraphy reestablishment least the is ecologically significant to centuries of decades (or independent temporally on a that are separated annularis ? 10000 1989). or small of M. lobes) fragments to disperse too large generally heavy see Edmunds the and Witman 1991), (but of M. annularis reestablishment populations distances periodic is that (Fairbanks colony cores the Barbados by (Fairbanks If sexual recruitment. occurred through events is correct, then the large recruitment suggested 1989) probably this assertion of M. the mechanism(s) of M. annularis, Barbados of and disappearance annularis within several Moreover, of multiple, of attention. rock the 1992), result time among of the distinguishing the scope beyond regardless success end the warrants longer) this possibility for the reef through Jackson but 1997), recruitment that recruitment post-settlement is currently data. (Gaines events pre-settlement annularis in Barbados occur indeed did at such events intervals (i.e., with by at separated infrequent in the 20th occurred least had that, centuries) they have detection would avoided century, by easily our work in St. John, From it is clear that ecologists. of M. recruits annularis we and numbers, have are available used DNA to demonstrate techniques on colonies of M. annularis (P. J. Edmunds, of products distinct are at that the study at very low fingerprinting 10 nearby least reef are genetically data) unpublished recruitment. sexual and therefore sexual Thus, occurs in the study magnitude at some scale. It of M. annularis temporal populations was our intention to explore further this possibility using the recruitment of unknown additional The first one aspect recruitment tested projection elevated recruitment recorded projections population scenarios. recruitment on of the 27-fold shallow the storage and [Warner the effect above the and the reefs, effect hypothesis Chesson differing employing 1985]) of yearly we density second tested (episodic by high elevating above 100-fold it once applying Monographs Vol. 77, No. 1 that in shallow recorded over 25 years. However, neither of these scenarios after structure of either characteristic 2003 (the start of the projection) or 1988 (the start of this Szmant 1997, which > recruitment and Ecological ELAHI the 50-year projections, restored the population that 1991) event in the et al. (Knowlton al. 2004), ROBIN water populations sub allocates this recruits, yet species resources to reproduction (Szmant in an annual released mass-spawning rarely stantial lead meaningful for M. Interestingly, indicate that data can recruitment biologically AND Stable recruitment study). a population but created and (<50 episodic, cm2), transient of pulse prevented dominated collapse colonies recruitment high colonies small population by small a created did but not prevent illus outcomes Both collapse. population of the transition that influence matrix strong was used in the projections C), or in other (Appendix was structure the projected words, relatively population subsequent trate the to insensitive of fate recruitment, affected yet strongly This conclusion colonies. existing was the by supported that which demonstrated analyses, elasticity of colonies to the proportion sensitive remaining interval. for the duration of each size classes specific the by was the and 1988-1993 in size class remaining between 1993 and IV had class measure indirect 1998-2003 the intervals, X in For colonies effect on X, but the greatest in size colonies remaining on X. Because X is an influence II had the 1998, the greatest of fitness and Peckarsky 1998, (McPeek can be used to indicate elasticities 1999), high that are under the strongest of the life cycle portions be best and which selective pressure, by targeted might Ebert resource these portions cm2 and (51-150 and Jamaica (Hughes of coral The dominance the Class >250 cm2) and Tanner (i.e., population is a common skewing) to environmental positive populations 1998, Done interpreted stage (Done annularis, can also 1999). For trend with a their (i.e., colonies of coral and Glynn which has 2000), earlier successional like Montastraea size colony of asexual advantages crowded of a habitat decreasing the demographic the constraints within coral IV John colonies small (Fong species for St. by to an reflect proliferation with conspecific some contrast, mental time Class in both response Tanner massive population For M. 2001). II and 2000). assaults and 1999, Hughes as a skewing been of purpose Caswell 1999, are (Ebert annularis, colonies the for managers conservation and (Lasker Sanchez respond populations to In 2002). environ is with that the opposite direction, structure skewed negatively becoming habitats in disturbed by big colonies) in assaults population dominated or when et al. 2001) 1999, Meesters (Bak and Meesters and Rodenhouse is accelerated 1993), (Andres growth as by to rising seawater such exposure temperature reasons for and Glynn 2000, Edmunds 2005). The (Fong but it is likely that the trends are unclear, these opposing to new distur the response disturbance affects history with distur bances and Glynn varying 2000), (Fong distinct and disturbance bance histories types creating An structure. in coral population and dissimilar signals acute small larger and more Rogers caused disturbance destroy 1993); and robust for by delicate colonies branching a severe storm but corals, (Massel corals, This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions will to is likely behind leave and Done negative skewing 1993, of 2007 February POPULATION can structure the population of effects temperature rising (Edmunds could Bak 2005). from data empirical to suggest stimulatory calcification from Florida pattern (i.e., negative skewing) effects of deteriorating conditions and recruitment (see also Lirman patterns positive annularis skewing under of the adverse as and previously described here, reported for Jamaica and Tanner reflect the 2000), might (Hughes effects of chronic caused mortality by disease, physio or algal in reducing stress, overgrowth colony logical conditions, the and fission. Given partial mortality to structure of coral responses population the likelihood that coral populations and disturbances, will be affected both by events favoring simultaneously an and negative research positive skewing, important sizes through differing goal must of coral conditions to understand be of Regardless size structure has positive how the demographic abiotic and with interact populations to shape traits of coral causes, skewing In particular, important implications. has for sexual implications important skewing because reproduction, to colony size tively coral is related fecundity posi and Hughes 1977, Hall (Jackson at a finite is typically attained maturity a potentially Szmant with 1991, 1991), and sexual 1996), size (Soong interactive effect in mean reduction level fecundity, structure may a and Quinn (Kojis 1985). Thus, the size will lower colony population a positive and of the size skewing result in the majority of colonies of age to a sexually In the immature size class. belonging at ?100 is achieved of M. sexual maturity annularis, 1991), and (Szmant therefore by 2003, 41% the functionally probably in 1988, I). In contrast, that classes (>50 cm2) in the and 7% were individuals, sexually mature fecund category (i.e., >250 to what it is unknown Although included cm2; cf. 3% in 2003). extent M. annularis most are self-replenishing et al. 2000), and are affected populations populations 1991, Cowen local success, reduction probably Black (sensu to what therefore by in local depress a potential thereby creating rates of population decline. the present While analyses positive et al. extent reproductive will fecundity population-level rates at some spatial recruitment feedback scale, on loop Some of events these example, 1989 (Edmunds while other of episode out to have and Witman conspicuous 1987 (Roberts surprisingly are for unambiguous, in Hurricane by Hugo et al. 1991), 1991, Rogers like the bleaching events, caused the destruction of St. have as John, played have important elsewhere they seen of M. examples killed annularis colonies that had were the skeletons stark (i.e., as a result II Disease of Plague possibly Type land et al. 2004), which has been colonies killing recently been white), (Suther of M. on the nearby et al. 2003). annularis Tektite Reef (Miller we often have found macroalgae, mostly Additionally, ta spp. and Halimeda and with, Dietyo spp., competing can annularis in interactions that over, M. growing to contribute et McCook water, temperatures there is clearly declining to determine reefs For have large-scale et meier tissue including 2004) of phenomena roles strongly of of investigations by the goal of in Karlson 1978, is it each disturbances major (Connell most organization yet of populations, relative importance ecological abiotic warming and turbid coral the 2001, (Lirman adverse with (Edmunds a plethora influenced the community Hurd 1993, and on recently focusing Budde (Fitt et al. 2001, episodes Now is an urgent need for there to elucidate studies the effects of designed Rogers 1993), bleaching al. 2004). demographic will coral decades, been understanding chronic, on coral of to impossible of these factors. coral death 2001). Together the reef, study on conditions seawater the al. cumulative, change populations in the and subtle potentially in order to understand disturbances how reefs centuries. coming Acknowledgments Over the years, this research has been funded from multiple but the most consistent has come from sources, support California State University, and the Virgin Islands Northridge, National Park. The demographic analysis of the long-term data described here was supported by grants from the Sea Grant of the University of Puerto Rico and Program (#R-101-2-02) the National Science Foundation thank R. (DEB 0343570). We our research and C. Rogers Boulon for supporting in St. John two decades for nearly and the Virgin Islands Ecological our visits. P. J. Edmunds Resource Station for hosting thanks his graduate students for assisting with particularly S. Prosterman for providing scuba facilities, and V. fieldwork, an Powell for on-site from Comments support. logistical an earlier draft of this paper. reviewer anonymous improved This is contribution number 130 of the CSUN Marine Biology Program. into the provide insights a population of Mon processes causing demographic tastraea to decline, it provides annularis little informa events the success of tion on the proximal determining colonies. reefs cm2 70% of on the study reef were in size class (i.e., they were were in size of the colonies colonies sterile case events destructive the contributing the proximal 15 and Hurd of the 1993, Rogers (Karlson 1993), but many recent to be the study reef appear phenomena affecting or complete or events chronic causing partial mortality, over we For the have years impaired growth. example, biotic structure. the population OF MONTASTRAEA Infrequent roles on used (1999) and Cura?ao In contrast, 2003). structure of M. population the coral and Meesters both the from on mortality and Miller from on a similar that result result DYNAMICS minor 1987, Glynn 1993), effects (Edmunds turned 2002). 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Islands (Ecological Virgin tests for independence 10 of which among contiguous quadrats, the core of the long-term 1-3) forming study site off Yawzi Point, are St. APPENDIX C Transition 1993-1998, matrices and elasticity analyses and 1998-2003 at St. John, U.S. for a population Islands Virgin of Montastraea annularis ditYawzi Archives M077-001-A3). Point (9-m depth) for 1988-1993, (Ecological APPENDIX D rate (X) and damping growth Population Archives M077-001-A4). (Ecological ratios (p) for Montastraea annularis at 9-m depth in St. John, U.S. This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 May 2015 19:17:37 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Virgin Islands
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