March 25, 2015 Dear Families: Please note the following information for this week: Attached to the Weekly are the following: Annunciation School Lenten Collection Walk-a-Thon Parent Letter and Sample Letter Sent for Walk-a-Thon Donations Summer Solutions Reminder After School Clubs April Lunch Duty Calendar Stew Leonard’s Easter Gift Cards Palm Sunday Bake Sale Volunteer Request Feast of the Annunciation Mass Tonight Annunciation Players Ticket Request Calendar Information March 25th Feast of the Annunciation March 31st Mad Cap Puppets Assembly (PreK-5) April 1st Full Day of School April 2nd Holy Thursday/Noon Dismissal/No Extended Day Thank You Home School Association The children will enjoy an ice cream treat today to celebrate our feast day. The eighth grade will also challenge the faculty to a volleyball game! Sixth and Seventh Grade High School Fair Annunciation School will host its annual High School Fair tomorrow Thursday, March 26th from 910:45AM in our school gym. All sixth and seventh grade students will have an opportunity to visit the fair and their parents are encouraged to attend. You will have an opportunity to meet Admissions directors from local high schools. Last Call for Summer Solutions If you haven’t yet sent in your payment for Summer Solutions and you are interested in the book please send in payment by April 1st. New York State Testing Students in grades 3-8 will be taking the NYS ELA exam on April 14, 15 and 16 and the NYS Math Exam on April 22, 23 and 24. Walk-thon May 22nd Please see the attached information regarding the walk-a-thon. I will be meeting with all the classes on Friday in a pep rally of sorts to explain the details. Ladies Guild Palm Sunday Bake Sale: Please mark your calendars and start your mixers! The Annunciation Ladies Guild will be hosting its annual Palm Sunday Bake Sale in the school gym following the 5pm Mass on Saturday, March 28th and continuing throughout the morning of March 29th. We are in need of baked goods such as cakes, pies, cookies and cupcakes! Our best sellers are the home cooked meals such as Stromboli, chili, chicken potpie and quiche! We would like to introduce gluten-free, nut-free and low-fat baked goods this year. The class with the most donated baked goods wins a pizza party! God Bless! Maureen Noonan Principal Annunciation School Lenten Collection The Jeanne Jugan Residence, Bronx, NY (Administered by the Little Sisters of the Poor) Needs Our Help Please consider bringing in a donation from the following list: Body Lotion Mouth Wash Napkins Body Wash Balmex Polident or Efferdent Kleenex Paper Towels Paper Plates (all sizes) Our collection will end on March 27th Thank you! Student’s Family Name and Class: ___________________________________ Annunciation School Family 465 Westchester Avenue Crestwood, NY 10707 (914) 337-8760 RE: 3rd Annual Annunciation School Student and Faculty Walk-A-Thon Dear________________________________, I am very excited to be participating in the 3rd Annual Annunciation Student and Faculty Walk-‐A-‐Thon and am writing to request your support in helping me raise money for Annunciation School. Last year’s walk-a-thon raised over $35,000, with 87% of our school families participating and we had a great time supporting our school. This year, the funds raised will be used for student and faculty enrichment programs, updated computers for all students, and also for iPads for our early childhood program. Annunciation, like other Catholic elementary schools, is self-supporting, surviving financially only from our families’ tuition fees, various fundraisers, our parish’s help, and other generous donations from families, benefactors, and alumni. Every penny that we raise during the walk-a-thon, exactly 100% of the proceeds raised, will go to Annunciation School to support the educational tools our teachers and students need. During our walk, we will also be praying for special intentions that are noted on the donation cards. The walk-‐a-‐thon will be held on Friday, May 22, 2015. This is an opportunity for my classmates and me to raise money for Annunciation School. Students of all grade levels will walk from Westchester Avenue, across Hothorn Avenue, down St. Eleanoras Place, and back to Annunciation. Then we will celebrate with a homeroom party and a DJ dance in the gym. I would really appreciate it if you would please consider a donation to support me walking on Friday, May 22nd. Any level of donation is greatly appreciated, and we are praying for a broad base of support. If you can send us any amount we would be grateful. Whether you can send $5, $10, $20, $25, $50, $100, or any higher amount, please have total confidence that your tax-deductible donation will be put to great use at our school! Sincerely, _______________________________ TURN OVER PLEASE è When sending your donation please note: Checks should be made payable to Annunciation School and mailed in the enclosed envelope. • Please fill out the form below and include it with your gift. • If your gift is eligible for a matching gift from an employer or other institution, please advise us so that we may apply for the matching gift. • Please make sure to include any intentions you would like the participants to pray for during our walk. • As noted above - all gifts are tax deductible. • Please return your donation to us by May 1, 2015. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Please complete this form and send this back to Annunciation School with your gift by May 1st. Attention: Annunciation School - Student and Faculty Walk-A-Thon Committee Enclosed please find my donation sponsoring the ________________________________ Family in the 3rd Annual Annunciation School Student and Faculty Walk-A-Thon to be held on Friday, May 22, 2015. The amount of my donation is: $________________________________ Please make checks payable to: Annunciation School Donor’s Name: ___________________________________________ Donor’s Mailing Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Donor’s Email Address: ___________________________________________ Donor’s Phone Number: ___________________________________________ As you walk, please say a prayer for the intention, person, people, family, or families listed here: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ March 25, 2015 RE: 3rd Annual Annunciation School Student & Faculty Walk-A-Thon Friday May 22, 2015 Dear Parents, Last year’s Annual Annunciation School Student and Faculty Walk-A-Thon was a wonderful success. The walk-‐a-‐thon raised over $35,000 while building school spirit with an activity everyone enjoyed. It was a wonderful day, filled with school pride, fun and prayer. This year’s walk-‐a-‐thon will focus on raising money for student and faculty enrichment programs, updated computers for all students, and also for iPads for our early childhood program. At an assembly on Friday, we will have a kick-off pep rally and your child will be given all the details regarding the walk-‐a-‐thon. Each student is asked to bring in the suggested seven to ten, addressed, stamped envelopes to school. The envelopes should be addressed to relatives, neighbors, friends, or any other person you can think of to request some support. Also send in seven to ten return envelopes stamped and addressed to Walk-A-Thon Committee, Annunciation School, 465 Westchester Avenue, Crestwood, NY 10707. The students will personalize the letters in class – all you need to send in are both sets of envelopes, addressed and stamped. The students will complete the personalization of the letters in class and will be given time to draw a picture or write a personal note to include with the donation requests. If students bring in the addressed envelopes to school on Monday, March 30, they will be able to dress down at school on Tuesday, March 31st. Details parents need to know: • Participants will wear their gym uniforms on the day of the walk. • The walk-‐a-‐thon will begin at 9:30AM, starting with an opening prayer. • The walk will proceed from Westchester Avenue, across Hothorn Avenue, down St. Eleanoras Lane, and back to Annunciation. • The walk-‐a-‐thon will proceed as scheduled, rain or shine. • During the walk, we will also be praying for intentions that are noted on the donation cards. The prayer intentions will be placed on the church altar and will be prayed for during the month of May. • The day will end with a dance party in the gym, a class party and a special treat for all participants after the walk!!! With your support we can make this a great, fun, rewarding event for all of our children and Annunciation School. Thank you, Maureen Noonan Principal It’s hard to think about summer amidst all this snow, but before you know it, summer will be here… As you are aware, students in Grades 1-8 are using Simple Solutions workbooks in their math classes. We are offering parents the opportunity to purchase a Summer Solutions workbook for your child(ren) as a way to review concepts learned over the course of the year, so that these concepts are not forgotten over the summer vacation. Workbooks are optional and are appropriate for students currently enrolled in Grades 1-7. (Don’t worry --- all answers are provided in the back of the Summer Solutions workbook! J) Orders must be placed by Wednesday, April 1. Workbooks cost $15. Please make checks payable to Annunciation School. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes! I would like to order Summer Solutions workbook(s) for my child(ren.) (Please print) Child’s name: _________________________ Child’s name: _________________________ Child’s name: _________________________ Class: _________ Class: _________ Class: _________ Enclosed is my check for $ _____ ($15 each workbook). Check number _____ March 18, 2015 Dear Parents: Attached please find the schedule of the winter session for after school clubs. Clubs will run for five to eight weeks, depending on the day of the club, beginning the week of April 13, 2015. All clubs meet from 2:45 – 3:45. Students must be picked up on time. Please do not arrive later than the scheduled dismissal time. There will be no classes on days when the school is closed or when there is an early dismissal. The cost to join an after school club varies depending on the number of sessions. Please see the attached description of clubs and fees, which includes the registration fee. Note that Arts and Crafts club includes an additional fee for supplies. Please complete the registration below for each child you wish to register for clubs and send to school in an envelope labeled with the club(s) that your child is signing up for. Please return all registration forms and fees by Thursday, April 2. A minimum of fifteen students must register for a club to take place. Thank you, Erin McHale Assistant Principal ***************************************************************************** Please register my child, _________________________________, of Class _______ for the following club(s): 1. _________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 4. ________________________________ Enclosed in my check payable to Annunciation School in the amount of $ ______________ I understand that while my child attends the after school club program, s/he must abide by all rules and regulations as outlined in the Annunciation School Family Handbook. Parent’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Annunciation School After School Clubs - Spring 2015 Date Club Grade(s) Fee Teacher Reading for Understanding K-3 $50 Sr. Theresa Homework Club K-3 $50 Ms. Secchiano Arts & Crafts K-4 CLOSED Ms. Secchiano Computer Club 1-6 $80 Sr. Theresa Kick Ball K-4 $70 Sr. Theresa Italian 1-5 $80 Ms. Secchiano Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/11, 6/1 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 4/15, 4/22, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/3 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4 (5 sessions) (8 sessions) (7 sessions) (8 sessions) Clubs are filled on a first come, first serve basis. APRIL 5 12 1 Michelle Mancini Daniel Drago Dana Roberts Christine Conese 2 3 NOON DISMISSAL EASTER RECESS EASTER RECESS 6 7 8 9 10 Easter Recess Easter Recess Easter Recess Easter Recess Easter Recess 13 Valerie Monaco Barbara Condon Diann Simmons Jim Moyna Margaret McEvoy 14 Margaret Meade Maria Sullivan Mary Haugh Claire Buff 15 Liz Welsh Barbara Graham Azure Cierro Teri Fitzmaurice 16 Bridget Costiglio Patricia Dente Aileen Ryan Saisha Gotay 17 CariAnne Zimny Krista Brown Lauri Griffith Jessica Iannelli Jamie McGuinniss 4 11 18 Annunciation Players 19 20 Mary McCusker Ali O’Brien Silvana DeFrancis Christina D’abbraccio 21 Robin Spillane Charlie Zegers Maria Neglia Desiree Vacca 22 Katie Gelosa Mary Tomkins Jack Kathsihtis Catherine Mascia 23 Jeannie Rocque Martine Loughran Michele Scanlon Suzanne Flynn 24 Christine Pilone Patricia Rutledge Susan Recine Jessica Iannelli Gloria Alves 28 Jennifer Downes Nelson Carreira Alison Daniel Danielle Bonner 29 30 Claudia Mauro Ken Greehan Robin Randolph Hilda Gonzalez MAY 1st Oonagh McElhatton 26 27 Carla LaPietra Christopher Taylor Russell Deutschen Vincent Castelli Emily Crookston Francesca Kolitsopoulos Vanessa Castellano Cindy Martyn Nishamol George NOON DISMISSAL 25 Shopping at Stew Leonard’s for Easter? You can purchase gift cards and earn money for our school! As in past years, the Annunciation Home School Association is selling gift cards to Stew Leonard’s. Stock up now for all of your Easter purchases! For each gift card you purchase, Annunciation School receives 10% of the total we purchase as a group, and you get the full value of the gift card. It really is as easy as that! If you wish to order one or more gift cards, please complete the bottom portion of this flyer and return it to school with a check payable to Annunciation Home School Association, in an envelope marked “Stew Leonard’s Gift Cards.” All gift card orders MUST be returned by Thursday, March 26 th . The cards can be sent home in your child’s homework folder or will be available for pick up at school on Tuesday, March 31 . st Please call Suzie Marley at 914-337-0337 for gift cards, to arrange a delivery if you are unable to pick up your gift cards, or if you have any questions. If you shop at Stew’s, please consider buying gift cards. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, and the money really helps our school! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you would like to receive your gift cards via your child’s homework folder, please be advised that Annunciation School and the H ome School Association will not be responsible for any lost or m isplaced cards. If you select this option, please sign the acknowledgement below. Name _________________________________________________ Phone ___________________ Email Address ____________________________________________________________________ Child’s name _________________________________ Class ________ Check # _______________ ----Stew Leonard’s Gift Cards: $100 minimum per card, up to $500 on a card---- Total amount: $___________ All on one card OR Number of $100 cards __________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Send gift card via folder. Signature ________________________________ ____Will pick up gift card. Volunteers Needed for the LADIES’ GUILD Annual Palm Sunday Bake Sale Saturday, March 28th Sunday, March 29th To help set up and wrap baked items from 11:00am – 5:00pm To help sell after the 5:00pm Mass To help sell items following the Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 and 12:45pm Please drop off baked goods to the Annunciation School Gym (St. Eleanora’s entrance) on Saturday, March 28th between 11:00am and 3:00pm. Introducing Gluten-free, Nut-free and Low-fat baked goods!!! We will showcase Easterthemed baked goods. The class with the greatest participation wins a pizza lunch!!!! Remember to sign in after you drop off your baked goods in the gym. Any questions please call Robin Spillane at 787-8725 or Lisa Sohr at 787-8336. Complete this form and return it to school in an envelope marked Palm Sunday Bake Sale by March 26th or email your availability to or Name______________________ Tel #_______________________ Email______________________ I would like to volunteer to help (Please check): Saturday, March 28th: Sunday, March 29th: 11:00 to 1:00pm 5:00 to 6:30pm 9:30 to 11:00am 1:00 to 3:00pm 11:00 to 12:30pm 3:00 to 5:00pm 12:30 to 2:00pm You will receive an email to confirm what time you have been scheduled. Please join us on Wednesday, March 25th for a special mass at 7:30PM in the Church for The Feast of the Annunciation and also for the Knights of Columbus Founder Fr. McGivney. THE ANNUNCIATION PLAYERS present FRIDAY, APRIL 24 & SATURDAY, APRIL 25 8:00PM in the Annunciation School Auditorium GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY! AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL BY DICK MONACO To purchase tickets, please complete the form below and return to the School in an envelope marked “Love Boat” Tickets will be sent to your home, not given out at school. Please indicate your address below. NO RESERVED SEATING. Complimentary Refreshments • Wine & Beer Cash Bar For information, call 914-337-3465 or email *Not recommended for children under 5 Please make check payable to “Annunciation Church” Return to the school office in an envelope marked “LOVE BOAT” Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Friday, April 24 : _______ # adults @$15 each, _____# children @ $5 each (age 12 and under) Saturday, April 25 : _______ # adults @$15 each, _____# children @ $5 each (age 12 and under) Total # of Tickets __________ Total enclosed $____________
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