April 15, 2015 Dear Families: Please note the following information for this week: Attached to the Weekly are the following: REVISED June Calendar Drama Club Prop Request and Program Ad Form Annie Jr. Ticket Request Annunciation Players Ticket Request Girl Scout Sunday Invitation Calendar Information April 17th 7th and 8th Grade Dance 7-10PM April 22, 23 and 24 NYS Math Testing Grades 3-8 April 29 Report Cards Sent Home School Uniform Summer Polo The optional summer polo shirt from Liebman’s may be worn again beginning today Wednesday, April 15th. As with dress shirts and blouses all polo shirts must be tucked in. Thank you. Independent School Fee Due for 2015-2016 This is a reminder that if you didn’t pay this fee at the time of re-registration, either full or partial payment is due April 15, depending on which option you selected. Please see the excerpt below taken from the re-registration letter sent home on February 11th: …In addition to these fees, we are continuing an additional fee for 2015-2016, which will assist us in moving ahead as an independent parish school. This additional revenue will allow us to ensure our ability to operate independently; offset additional costs of being a parish based school and maintain the high quality of our educational programs. Accordingly, there will be a per family charge of $250 for one child, $400 for two children and $500 for three or more children. This fee will be payable either all at once by April 15, 2015, or in two equal installments payable by April 15, 2015 and October 15, 2015. Grades Seven and Eight Spring Dance The dance is this Friday, April 17th. The cost is $10 payable at the door. Please keep in mind that when students are dropped off, they must enter via the main doors of the school and will not be allowed out of the building until picked up by an adult. Thank you. Vacation Bible School Annunciation is excited to offer a Vacation Bible School this June! Current Annunciation PreK and K students are invited to join us for two weeks of music, activities, and faith-filled fun. The program will run from June 15 – 26, on Mondays through Thursdays from 8:15 – 2:30 and on Fridays from 8:15 – 12:00. Children will bring their own lunch and snack every day (no lunch on Fridays). The cost for the program is $500. To secure your spot, a nonrefundable deposit of $100 is due by May 1st, with a final payment of $400 due by June 1. We hope to see you there! Summer Programs We receive many flyers from various organizations for summer programs including camps and summer enrichment in math and reading. Please see Mrs. Sinnott if you are in need of a summer program. Dismissal In order to ensure our students’ safety, please monitor your children at dismissal time. Some of the younger children are playing with sticks and rocks and we want to be sure no one gets hurt. Thank you for your cooperation! God Bless! Maureen Noonan Principal Attention Annunciation community. The Drama Club is in need of some props for this year’s production of “Annie Jr.” Please see the list below and, if you would like to donate or lend any of these items please contact Mary Potenza, mpallone@hotmail.com. 1 hankerchief 23 metal buckets for cleaning (should be large enough to fit scrub brush in) 23 wooden scrub brushes 23 wooden brooms and/or mops 1 basket for Annie 1 large rolling laundry bin (must be large enough to fit sheets, pillows, blankets, and one child) 1 old fashioned flashlight (like from the 1930s) 1 cloth Laundry bag 1 metal trash can 1 old wooden rolling office chair 1 old office desk 1 other wooden chair for Miss Hannigan’s office 1 broken old-‐fashioned doll 2 old-‐fashioned suitcases 2 wooden chairs 2 old-‐fashioned studio microphones 1 old-‐fashioned wooden wheelchair 1 Christmas tree with lights fancy furniture for warbuck’s mansion (victorian chairs, large plants, maybe a bust of a statue) 1 switchblade comb 6 plastic champagne glasses 1 paddle (for “punishing” orphans) Thank you, Ms. Stoutenburg “Annie Jr.” Program Ad Order Form This year, we will, once again, be selling program ads so that friends and family will have the opportunity to send messages of love, support, and congratulations to the members of the cast. If you would like to purchase an ad, send the text, picture, and/or any graphics directly to Geri Sciortino(geri@bronxdesign.com), who will be designing our programs and compiling the ads. Please put “Annunciation Program Ads” and your child’s name in the subject line. Please include the size of ad you will be purchasing in the e-‐mail. Formatted ads can be sent in pdf, jpg or docx formats. If you have a photo you can e-‐mail the photo in jpg format and type your text into the e-‐mail. Send in this form with payment to Ms Stoutenburg by Monday April 27th. I have included a payment of $ ___________ for the followings ads. Quarter Page _______ ($25) Half Page _______ ($50) Full Page _______ ($100) Student Name: _________________________________________ Class: ____________________ Parent signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________ April 15, 2015 Dear Parents, Annunciation School’s Drama Club, under the direction of Ms. Stoutenburg, Mrs. Brosnahan and Sr. Theresa, will be presenting Annie Jr. on Friday May 1st at 7:00pm and Saturday, May 2nd at 7:00pm. Tickets will be sold for each performance on a first come, first served basis, and there will be assigned seating. Please note that all ticket sales will be by written request through the school office, and no tickets will be sold at the door at either performance. If you would like to purchase tickets, please complete the tear off below and include your payment (check payable to Annunciation School) for $10.00 per ticket. Place in an envelope marked “Annie Jr. tickets.” Each person attending the show must have his/her own, numbered ticket including children age 2 and up. We look forward to seeing you at the show! Thank you, Maureen Noonan Principal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____I would like to purchase _____tickets to the Friday, May 1st performance of Annie Jr. Enclosed is my payment of $______ ($10.00 per ticket) _____I would like to purchase _____tickets to the Saturday, May 2nd performance of Annie Jr. Enclosed is my payment of $_____ ($10.00 per ticket) Tickets will be sent home in an envelope with your youngest child. ______________________________________ Print Youngest Child’s Name ______ Class Parent’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ THE ANNUNCIATION PLAYERS present FRIDAY, APRIL 24 & SATURDAY, APRIL 25 8:00PM in the Annunciation School Auditorium GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY! AN ORIGINAL MUSICAL BY DICK MONACO To purchase tickets, please complete the form below and return to the School in an envelope marked “Love Boat” Tickets will be sent to your home, not given out at school. Please indicate your address below. NO RESERVED SEATING. Complimentary Refreshments • Wine & Beer Cash Bar For information, call 914-337-3465 or email kathee337@aol.com *Not recommended for children under 5 Please make check payable to “Annunciation Church” Return to the school office in an envelope marked “LOVE BOAT” Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Friday, April 24 : _______ # adults @$15 each, _____# children @ $5 each (age 12 and under) Saturday, April 25 : _______ # adults @$15 each, _____# children @ $5 each (age 12 and under) Total # of Tickets __________ Total enclosed $____________ Girl Scout Sunday April 19, 2015 Church of the Annunciation, 10:15 mass Please join us for a special annual ceremony honoring Girl Scouts and leaders in our community! *Reception to follow for Girl Scouts and their families in the Annunciation School gym* Questions : Robyn Talamo robvin@verizon.net
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