Calendar – May 20, 2015 Wednesday, May 20 Dr. Mary Brandt Friday, May 22 Last Day of School. Dismissal at 1:00 p.m. (No After Care) Monday, June 1 SCRIP order due St. Pius is a Catholic community that joyfully upholds “all things in Christ” by promoting personal responsibility, academic excellence and diversity. We wish all our families a fun summer break! School News: Pius Perks - Land a New Family (K – 8) and Earn a Sizable Tuition Credit. For every new student who enrolls, attends, and pays tuition in 2015-2016, a SPX School family can earn a $250 tuition credit. For every new student in the 2015 – 2016 2nd grade, the tuition credit will be $500. No limit on number of discounts which can be earned. Please note: Credit is for “new” students (that is, not returning ones). SPX families know we already offer Tulsa’s most generous “multiple child discount” (more than 70 of our families benefit). We’ll prorate the credit when the same new family enrolls several students. Reference needed at time of enrollment. As we near the end of the school year, we ask that each one of you pay close attention to your child(ren’s) lunch account balances. Emails have been sent home letting you know if you owe money. If you wish to view the breakdown of your child’s account, please log on to Teacherease, click on “fees”, then choose “lunch” from the drop-down feature. We ask that you please pay off any negative balances. If your child has money remaining in his/her account, the amount will automatically roll over to the next school year. Yearbook Photos are needed! If you have pictures of Fun Day, Christmas Program, Talent Show, Scouting, First Communion and other activities, please email Beth Krukowski at Home Tutoring - If you are looking for individual home tutoring for your child this Summer or Fall, you may contact Nan Ray (school parent with Teacher Certification) at 918-852-8113 or email As a reminder for students who attend After Care, the last day will be Thursday, May 21st. After Care will not be available on the last day of school, Friday, May 22nd. The St. Pius X School office will be closed Monday, May 25th and Tuesday, May 26th. We will re-open on Wednesday, May 27th. Summer office hours will be Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The office will be closed on Fridays. Final Registration packets are due back to the school office by June 1st. Please send the invoice back even if you will not be ordering optional fees. Parents please do not send checks for optional fees. They will be billed on your FACTS account. Checks are only accepted for the cafeteria pre-pay lunch accounts. Now is The Time to support our new school. Check out our video and make your pledge today! Home and School News: Please welcome new H&S Executive Committee Officers for 2015-16President - Jana Stutsman, 918-892-2329, VP/Secretary – Beth Taylor, 918-232-7593, (Returning) Treasurer – Sarah Goetz, 815-230-9627, Help is still needed chairing a few committees. Please contact Jana Stutsman if you would like to be involved with Home & School for next school year! Exciting News! The new gym floor mats are scheduled to arrive this week and should be in place for graduation next week! Thanks again to all who contributed! Dear Parents, We are excited to announce a convenient way for you to purchase next year's school supplies while supporting our teachers. The link below takes you to 1st Day School Supply Kits where you'll find pre-packaged supplies for each grade. These kits have great features: -All supplies are brand name and EXACTLY what the teachers requested -You order and pay for the kits online -Kits will be delivered over the summer and be on your child(s) desk when they arrive at teacher meet & greet the day before school starts -$3 from each kit comes back to the school to fund our Teachers' Wish Lists -Deadline for orders is June 30th Thanks for considering ordering your supplies here! hp?school_zip=74112 Auction News: SAVE THE DATE for our annual St. Pius X Auction: Saturday, November 14, 2015. See the attached flyer for donation details and more! Help us get our Auction off to a great start! We’re collecting anything and everything including new merchandise, gift cards, gift baskets, services, autographed items, handmade keepsakes, electronics, airline miles, time-share accommodations, cultural and sporting events tickets, and even cash! Donations accepted in the school and church offices along with an auction donation contract. You may download a contract online at, click parents’ corner, auction contract. Thank you for making us “The Wonderful World of St. Pius X”. Athletic Association News: Jr. Comet Tackle Football – Grades 1st – 8th, Online Registration for the 2015 fall season is now open. For additional information, visit their website at Register to play by clicking on the 2015 JCFA Registration from their homepage. Volleyball signups are still open for the incoming 5th through 8th grade girls. Please contact Royce at to sign up. If I have already confirmed your daughter, there is nothing to do until forms are sent over the summer. Church News: Special THANKS to the following who share their classrooms with our St. Pius X RE classes: Julie Haws, Valda Presley, Amy Wittig, Daniel Schneider, Theresa Adams and Marlo Register! You are true examples of Christ in this community and you are most appreciated! – Arlene Hausher and the St. Pius X catechists. Mark your calendars! Totus Tuus is coming to St. Pius X June 8-12, for all children entering 1st – 8th grade. All students entering 9th – 12th grade in the fall will meet for Tutus Tuus June 7th – 11th. This is a wonderful, faithfilled, Catholic youth program that changes lives. See the attached registration forms! Please consider donating an item or service to our school auction coming up November 14, 2015! Items can be dropped off in the School or Parish office. Contact Beth Krukowski at 918-627-5367 or SPONSORSHIPS now available. Please contact Katie Dale at 918-407-4599 or for more information! GENERAL TICKETS go on sale in August. Gift cards Sports tickets & gear Antiques & collectables Vacation properties Host a party Electronics Jewelry Art SAVE THE DATE! X s u i P . t S t a e b l l i w S U U T S U T O T 5 1 0 2 , 2 1 7 e n u J s e d a r g g n i r e t n e n e r d l i h c o t n e p O 5 1 0 2 , l l a F e h t n i h t 2 1 t s 1 ! n o o s e l b a l i a v a s m r o f n o i t a r t s i g e R h t 8 s 1 s e d a r g , ) F M , m p 3 m a 9 ( s n o i s s e s y a D t – h t 2 1 t 9 s e d a r g , ) h T u S , m p 5 4 : 9 0 3 : 7 ( s n o i s s e s g n i n e v E h – MARQUE SU CALENDARIO! TOTUSTUUSestaráenSt.PiusX Del7al12deJunio,2015 Abiertoparalosniñosqueentranaestosgrados: Del1roal12vogrado,otoño2015 Lainscripcionesestarándisponiblesmuypronto! Sesionesdedia: (9am‐3pm,Lunes‐Viernes),grados1ro–8vo Sesionesenlatarde: (7:30‐9:45pm,Domingo‐Jueves),grados9vo–12vo OK TOTUS TUUS 2015 Enrollment Form $30/child (first 3 children in a family) $15 additional fourth child and up Please send one snack to share: a large box of cheese-its, big bag of animal crackers, large bag of pretzels, etc per family Participant(s) reside(s) with (check all that applies): Mother Father Guardian Custodial Parent/Legal Guardian’s Name: Address: City/State: _______________________ Zip: ___________ Phone (H): (_____)___________________ (W) (_____)__________________ (C) (____) Email: Children being enrolled in TOTUS TUUS and their grade level for the 2015-2016 school year: NAME __________________________ GRADE _________ MEDICAL INFO TO BE AWARE OF ________________________________________________ __________________________ _________ ________________________________________________ __________________________ _________ ________________________________________________ __________________________ _________ ________________________________________________ __________________________ _________ ________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY CONTACT: Name and phone number of an adult to reach in case of emergency in the event that you cannot be reached at the numbers above. Emergency Contact: Relationship: ______________________________ Home Telephone: (____)_______________ Work (____)______________ Cell (_____) 2nd Emergency Contact: Relationship: ______________________________ Home Telephone: (____)_______________ Work (____)______________ Cell (_____) PERMISSION TO PUBLISH: In an attempt to share information concerning the outstanding accomplishments of our youth, we will write articles and provide pictures for publication in various media, including, but not limited to, the Totus Tuus and arch/diocesan Internet websites, and the Eastern Oklahoma Catholic/Oklahoma Sooner Catholic. To include your child and his/her work in this publicity, we must have your written permission. You have the right to revoke permission at any time. Please Check Below: I grant permission to the Diocese of Tulsa/Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and Totus Tuus to use pictures of my child/children in positive media presentations. I DO NOT grant permission to the Diocese of Tulsa/Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and Totus Tuus to use the pictures my child/children in positive media presentations. ______________________________________________________ Signature of Custodial Parent/Guardian __________________ Date Donate Your Old Backpack to Haiti! If you will get a new backpack for school next year, Please consider donating your old, gently used backpack to students at the Kobonal Haiti Mission’s Catholic School. There will be a collection of backpacks near the end of the school year. Your old backpack will be a great blessing to a Catholic school student in Haiti! The Kobonal Haiti Mission schools serve over 1,200 Haitian children living in rural Hinche, Haiti. Many of these children walk over a mile to and from school each day. A backpack to carry their books would make their trip a little easier. Thank You! The St. Anne Parish Haiti Mission Team 14263
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