ARCHBISHOP O’ SULLIVAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL 974 Pembridge Crescent Kingston, Ontario Principal: Lisa Bickerstaffe Secretary: Kathleen Logan-Rebelo K7P 1A3 Tel: (613) 389-1891 Fax: (613) 389-8409 Email: April, 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians, On Thursday, May 7, 2015 (Rain date May 8, 2015), the students from Grades 1 – 6 will be going on a field trip to the Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada to participate in the Celebration of Dance event hosted by KFL&A Public Health, in partnership with the Limestone District School Board and Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board. Students have been working hard on the dances as part of the Health and Physical Education and Dance and Drama curriculum and are now looking forward to celebrating and sharing these dances with other students in KFL&A. Students are asked to bring their own water bottle to the event and ensure that they are dressed appropriately. This event is outside and students need to protect themselves from the sun by following safe sun practices. They are also asked NOT to bring anything valuable on the trip. As well as celebrating what the students have learned, it is important to promote what we are doing in our schools and share the message of the importance of healthy activity living within our community. Please be aware that participating students may have their pictures taken and/or be interviewed by local media (newspaper, radio, television or on-line media) about the event. Sincerely, Lisa Bickerstaffe, Principal ----------✄----------✄----------✄----------✄----------✄----------✄----------✄----------✄----------✄-My child, _________________________ has my permission to attend the Celebration of Dance on Thursday, May 7, 2015 (rain date May 8, 2015) at Fort Henry. I give consent for my child to participate in media interviews and to have his/her photograph taken while participating in the event and understand that these items may be used in the future promotion of the event. Name: ________________________________ Phone: ___________________ The school should be aware of special health conditions which might affect the progress or welfare of students while participating in this activity. Please specify this information below, with comments or recommendations: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Parent/Guardian signature: ____________________
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