April 2015 J.J. O’Neill Catholic School 240 Marilyn Avenue, Napanee, Ontario. K7R 2L4 613-354-9500 http://schools.alcdsb.on.ca/jjon Principal: Tammy Hulton Vice-Principal: Gloria Hackett Superintendent of School Effectiveness: Terri Slack Trustee: Greg Speagle Spring’s Magic Spring is: Mud, Mops, Measles, Cough drops, Snow, Sleet, Sniffles, Wet feet, Soggy woolens, Leaden skies, No glad sight for tired eyes. Then! Everything comes to focus With a crocus. By Faye Tanner Cool Happy Easter to all our students and families. LITURGICAL UPDATE Stations of the cross will take place on Holy Thursday, April 17th in our gym starting at 9:45 a.m. led by our intermediate classes. Father Marek will celebrate our April Mass at J.J. O’Neill on April 16th at 11:00 a.m. Parents and parishioners are most welcome to join us! Upcoming Events FIRST COMMUNION Our Grade two students will make their First Communion on Sunday April 26th at 12:00 at St. Patrick’s Church. Thank you to Mrs. Gauthier and Ms. Hegan for preparing the students for this important sacrament. Thank you once again to St. Patrick’s CWL for the reception to follow in the parish hall. EQAO Grade 3 & 6 Testing It is that time of the year again. Our grade 3 students in Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Rodrigues’ classes, as well as our grade 6 students in Mr. Borges class, will be writing the yearly provincial large-scale standardized EQAO test in late May and June. Mark these dates in your calendar: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Mary 27th to May 29th, and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 3rd to June 5th. If your child is in grades 3 or 6, they will be writing a portion of the assessment on each of those six days. So plan on being at school, well-rested and ready to show what you know on this important test. Page 1 of 3 EARLY LEARNING KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION A message to Future Early Learners, formerly known as Junior Kindergarteners, who are interested in enrolling at J.J. O’Neill Catholic School for September 2015. You are encouraged to tell your parents to drop by the school and fill out registration forms. If your parents have any questions, please contact Mrs. Craigen in the office for further information. Keep in mind that to complete your registration, you will need your Baptismal Certificate, Birth Certificate and Immunization record. So ask your parents tonight! Babysitter Course (11-14 yrs) Saturday, April 18 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Napanee Contact K. Mills 613-354-0828 Limestone Community Education Criminal Background Checks for Parent Volunteers The Board requires that parent volunteers produce Criminal Background Checks. If you anticipate that you would like to serve as a volunteer in our school, or be a chaperone for a school activity, you are encouraged to initiate the process as soon as possible in anticipation of a possible delay. School year end trips are coming up fast! Please contact the office to obtain the correct forms. Spring Cake Walk Our Grade 4/5 Class will be holding a Spring Cake Walk on Friday, April 10th to raise money for their trip to Medieval Times. Tickets are 25 cents each or 5 for $1.00. We can’t wait to see the wonderful cake creations from our very talented families. Thank you to: Mrs. Gauthier and her grade 2 class for organizing the “Share Lent” collections this year. With all the donations for our spirit week March 9th to 13th, we have raised a total of $336.76 which will be given to Father Marek for the Share Lent this year. Thank you to everyone for your generous donations and to Mrs. Gauthier and the students for this great Lenten project. Mrs. Mulhall and her grade 7 class for planning and cooking all those wonderful grilled cheese sandwiches. Mrs. McKeown and Mrs. Lajoie had a big hand in this as well and we thank you for your help. We have raised a total of $652.15 which will be donated to the Morningstar Mission in Napanee. Way to go Grade 7 class – such a great Lenten project! Page 2 of 3 Spring Book Fair There will be a Spring Book Fair at J.J. O’Neill from April 27 to May 1. We are looking forward to adding new and exciting books to our Learning Commons from the money raised at this event. If you are interested in volunteering, please let Mrs. Miles know at mileemil@alcdsb.on.ca. Spring Art Show There will be a Spring Art Show at J.J. in the evening of Wednesday, April 29. This is a great time to come and see all the beautiful works of art and classroom creations made throughout the year. More details to follow. Author Visit Award winning author, Rene Schmidt, will be coming to give a presentation on the Franklin Expedition and his Canadian Disasters series. He will be speaking to Mr. Borges and Mrs. Breault’s (St. Pat’s Erinsville) classes on April 7. We are very much looking forward to his visit. Page 3 of 3 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 2 Good Friday 3 SomeBunny is coming……4 9 10 11 17 18 Holy Thursday Stations of the Cross in gym Happy Easter 5 6 7 8 Welcome Back to School Easter Monday -Cake Walk for Grade 4/5 class -Chess Tournament 12 13 14 15 Dental Screening Grades 16 Mass at the School at 11:00 a.m. 4H Club presentation in the Commons Room JK,SK,2 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 Parent Council meeting 6:30 p.m. 26 First Communion Gr. 2 at 12:00 p.m. – St. Pat’s Church 27 28 Art Show Serve Well, Bring Hope, Celebrate All 24 25
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