5220 NW Parker Street, Camas, WA 98607 Phone: 360 833-5800 • Fax: 833-5801 • Attendance: 833-5806 http://schools.camas.wednet.edu/skyridge/ April 2015 From the Principal – Aaron J. Smith Dear Skyhawk Families, It never seems to fail that the beginning of our hugely popular track season begins with some interesting weather. This was certainly the case on Tuesday afternoon when some impressive thunder and lightning brought practice to an abrupt halt and sent our 260 track participants running for cover! Hopefully, things will improve by the time our first meet occurs with Liberty Middle School on April 28. In addition to the start of our track season, there are many other invigorating things happening here at Skyridge. At the moment, this includes “Spirit Week”! Although I was a bit nervous about Wednesday’s crazy “whatever” day, our students kept things in check and had a lot of fun showing their creativity. It reminds me of the time I showed up to school a little late on a Monday in sixth grade dressed up as a punk rocker. When I walked into class, it became apparent that I was one week early expressing my spirit. This was certainly a memorable middle school moment! Of course, we have the opportunity to share many memorable middle school moments with your amazing kids every day. We wouldn’t have it any other way! Here’s hoping you have a restful and rejuvenating spring break full of fond family memories. Smarter Balanced Testing 2015 Skyridge Middle School Students will be participating in Smarter Balanced testing beginning on April 27. Smarter Balanced is a national assessment consortium designed to test student learning in relation to common core state standards. The testing this year will be in the areas of math and language arts for students in all three grade levels. Because this is a computer based assessment, testing will be spread over several weeks due to the limited number of students that can be testing at the same time. For the schedule specific to your child, please go to our school website under “Quick Links” on the Home page. Testing will occur during a student’s class period in each subject. Please make every effort to have students in classes during testing days, and make sure that they are well rested and have had a good breakfast. Please look for more information coming soon from your child’s teachers, and if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Associate Principal, Clint Williams at 833-5800, ext 79140 or at clint.williams@camas.wednet.edu. Stay informed… Skyridge Network News (SNN) Posted on Facebook and YouTube Search for Skyridge Middle School and be sure to “Like” us for school news. April 6-10 Skyridge Newsworthy Notes 1 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Daily calendar review is available on our website: www.http://schools.camas.wednet.edu/skyridge/ MAR 30 – Track Season Begins APR 6-10 – NO SCHOOL; Spring Break APR 13 – School Resumes APR 15 – Middle School Choir Festival in Ridgefield APR 15 – Cookie Dough Pick Up @ 2 PM – 4 PM APR 18 – Science Olympiad State Tournament APR 22 & 23 - LATE STARTS APR 22 – Earth Day APR 23 – ASB “We Day” Conference in Seattle APR 24 – Track Pictures APR 27– Smarter Balanced testing begins – see website Quick Links for the schedule APR 28 – Twilight Track Meet @ Doc Harris 6PM MAY 1 – End of Grading Period – Progress Reports LATE STARTS Wednesday and Thursday, APRIL 22 & 23 Classes will begin at 10:15 AM. Buses will run 2 hrs. and 15 min. later than the regularly scheduled times. LCRMEA Middle School Band Festival Scoring Superior and high Excellent, our 8th grade band came away with 4th place at the festival. The competition scored quality of sound, technique, musicality, and an “others” including group attention, music selection, and tempos. Our Skyhawks received high praise from the judges receiving 10’s in the “others” category. SKYRIDGE TRAFFIC FLOW Safety is our #1 concern. Please support the following practices: Parents are required to use our dropoff/pick-up loop. DO NOT use staff or visitor parking lots unless you are parking and entering the building. Pull forward as far as possible when you enter the student drop off area. Your student will be able to enter the building through any of the front doorways. Allow adequate time. Classes begin at 8:00 AM. Students can access their classroom hallways and lockers any time after 7:45 AM. Be courteous to others, use safe driving practices including no cell phone use, and be cautious of pedestrians. Do not enter or drop off students on the Leadbetter Drive bus entry road at the rear of our building. This entrance is for buses ONLY. THANK YOU! Way to go Skyhawks!! 8th Grade Families: You are invited to our Skyridge 8th Grade Celebration Friday, June 12, 2015 8:15 – 9:45 AM Ceremony in Tom Wallenborn Gym Reception following in Dining Room Students will then go to Big Al’s to celebrate from 10:30 AM - 2:15 PM Please stop by and check out the lost and found items located outside the LMC before spring break begins. All unclaimed items will be donated over spring break. Skyridge Newsworthy Notes 2 New Vaccine Requirements for Fall 2015! At Skyridge we Dress for Success! With warmer weather on the way, please remember to follow our dress code. The shaded portion of this figure represents those parts of the body that need to be covered up while attending school. Further details can be found in our Student Handbook. What may be considered appropriate at home often differs from what is appropriate at school. Students in 7th and 8th grade will be required to have two (2) doses of the Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccine. This year only students in 6th grade were required to have two doses. If you are unsure if your student will need this vaccine, please call the school nurse at 360-833-5800 ext. 78203. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR DRESS CODE! Science Olympiad Regional Champ! The Skyridge Blue team won 1st place at the Regional meet on March 7 at Lower Columbia College advancing to the state competition on April 18 at Highline College in Des Moines, WA. The Blue team earned medals in 19 out of 23 events. The Skyridge Green and Red teams competed as well earning more medals and honor for Skyridge. Blue team members: Tsering Shola, Maia Kawamura, Athena Tsai, Yeh Seo Jung, Rahul Ram, Jason Liu, Christopher Xia, Samantha Walters, Ben Peterson, Zaynah Usmani, Devank Shekhar, Shivank Shekhar, Donna Ferdows, Victor Wu. Green team members: Quan Ho, Daniel DeLeon, Justine Pendergraft, Parker Doyle, Donla Gyalnub, Efra Ashan, Lucas Mansfield, Diya Lonial. Red team members: Akash Prasad, Zachary Mello, Momina Naushab, Julian McOmie, Owen Baenen, Gabriel Guo, Brody Baenen, Jacob Bode. Skyridge Newsworthy Notes 3 Your Skyridge ASB Team has been actively involved in planning and implementing a few important events. We just finished a very successful school dance experience and Live Long and Strong Fitness Challenge Day. Both of these events were well attended and received by our student body. Upcoming ASB events to look for information about include: Our CAMAS Parks Clean-up event which is put on by the Skyridge ASB Team is in the process of being organized. This event will take place on a Saturday morning TBD in April or May and will focus on giving our parks a spring cleaning. ASB elections for ASB Officer positions that will be open for the 2015-2016 school year will take place in May. Look and listen for information regarding this important application and campaign process. The open Officer positions include, President (must have ASB experience to apply and run for this position), Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Rally Commissioners. Skyridge Newsworthy Notes 4 Skyridge Track began on Monday, March 30 with over 275 students in 6/7/8 coming out to participate. Please use the link on the school website to review the team informational letter, participant handbook, schedules and results through www.athletic.net, and much more. Geographic Bee News Our Skyridge Champion, Steven Sturges, passed the written level of competition to make it to the state level. Checkmate! Congratulations to Alex Gee, Tyler Gee, and Akash Prasad for winning 1st Place for grades 6-8 at the S.W. Washington Chess Championship tournament. These students along with Baenen Owen head to the state championship in Spokane on April 25. Good luck! Stay in the loop by clicking the PTO link off the Skyridge website, viewing our Facebook page, or adding your name to the PTO email list by sending us a message at skypto@yahoo.com. Dine-Out Success — Our Firehouse Subs night on March 4 was a huge success, earning over $200. Be on the lookout for another PTO dine-around event in late May. Waffle Bar for Staff — April’s Staff Appreciation event will be a waffle bar, with a variety of waffle choices, toppings, and syrups. If you’d like to join the committee or make a donation, contact Erika Cox at erikacox@gmail.com. Order Spirit Wear By April 15 — There’s still time to place your order! Get that form in by April 15 for delivery in early May: http://skypto.weebly.com/spirit-wear.html. Thank you for the great smoothies… Skyridge Newsworthy Notes 5
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