THE BEACON CHESAPEAKE CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Mr. Alan Loman, Principal Mrs. Mandy Feeney, Assistant Principal MARKING PERIOD 4 OF THE 2014—2015 SCHOOL YEAR APRIL 13 THROUGH JUNE 16 It is hard to believe that this is the last newsletter of the 2014 – 2015 school year. This year has been a blur but a very, very good blur. I am so fortunate to have been assigned to a school with wonderful students, a great faculty and staff, and a tremendous parent and community support. As we move into the last marking period, I am confident that the year will end on a strong note. During the last marking period of the year we begin the process of preparing for the next school year. The biggest task facing us will be developing the class lists. In early April, I will be charging the teachers with the assignment of preparing proposed class lists. As they develop these lists, I will ask them to consider the student’s instructional and emotional needs first and foremost. One major change that will happen this year is that the name of your child’s teacher for next year will be listed on the final report card that goes home on the last day of school. Once the report card goes home, the assignment will be final and we will not make any changes. There are many factors that go into these decisions and making changes affects the balance of the classes which will have a major impact on the teacher’s ability to meet the needs of all students. If you would like input in to this process, please submit a written request to the school prior to May 15, 2015. Many of you have noticed that we have been having some minor construction here at school over the past month. We are very excited that we have been able to relocate our main office to the former Music room. By doing this, we have significantly increased the safety for all of our students and staff. Now, when someone comes into the main entrance, they can only go into the office and cannot access the rest of the school until we’ve determined that it’s safe for that person to be here. This change was made possible through a “Safe Schools” grant and will ensure a much safer school for all of us. Finally, the budget process through the Cecil County government continues and we are awaiting the County Executive’s proposed budget. The Executive has already notified CCPS that she is not going to include funding for major capital improvements next year so the plans for building a new Chesapeake City Elementary School are being put on hold for at least one year. As we await the news on funding for instruction, it is important to remember that if you are concerned about the number of children in your child’s classrooms next year, appropriate funding must occur in order for there to be enough teachers to cover the needs of our students. As we move into the last marking period, I want to thank everyone in the Chesapeake City Elementary School community for your continued support. This is an amazing school community and the students are very fortunate to have such a group of carrying and dedicated individuals in their corner. As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Alan Loman, Principal Pre-Kindergarten Spring is finally here! Our prekindergarten friends have been talking about signs of spring all around us: warmer air, flowers blooming, birds, butterflies, animals waking up from hibernation, leaves growing on trees, greener grass. Soon, we will be talking about the life cycle of seeds and will plant seeds to observe what happens. We have met 19 of our 26 Alphafriends and the kids are doing a great job identifying the letter and the sounds each letter makes. Ask your child to write their first name! They have been working very hard on handwriting mechanics to write their names correctly. We are very impressed with their hard work! We continue to work on counting in math and are now comparing objects using the words heavier and lighter. Make sure your child is reading every night with an adult to help increase their reading skills and to model the importance of reading! Now is a good time to check your child's change of clothes in the classroom. Our prek friends have been growing and may not fit into the set of clothes they currently have in their lockers. Please send in a fresh change of clothes for your child in case of an accident. Kimberly Bonson Kindergarten Spring is in the air!! We have been studying the farm along with identifying living and non-living things. Students have been working in our farm center, performing farm chores such as gathering and selling eggs, feeding the animals and making a big farm breakfast. During the Farm Unit, students learned about many types of farms and the five foods groups. As a culmination, students were able to taste foods from each group. They often surprise themselves by finding new foods they liked. We will be visiting Kilby’s Creamery and Dairy Farm in May. Keep an eye out for further info. Students have worked hard learning assigned star words. We are proud of the students who read 50 star words correctly and have moved up to the “50 star word club.” We are working on learning to read 75 words for our next star word test and a chance to move up to the “75 star word club. Continue to study your assigned stars words each week. Unit 4 Math will have students composing and decomposing numbers to 20, representing and solving addition and subtraction problems, and using data, measurement and geometry in a variety of situations. Our new Science Unit, Wood, will begin soon. Students will explore properties of wood, as well as make their own particleboard and plywood. Students will also experience the career of carpenter by sanding, nailing, and staining wood. Mrs. Huyett , Mrs. Messing, and Mrs.Wallendorf 1st Grade Our first graders are counting the days until summer and second grade! In Language Arts, the students are working hard to improve their reading skills, using all that they have learned throughout the school year. The students are trying to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. They are reading on-level text with purpose and understanding. They are using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. It is still important that the students practice their high frequency words and spelling words frequently at home. We will be writing informative/explanatory texts in which we name a topic, supply facts, and provide a sense of closure. We will also write opinion pieces with a topic, opinion, a reason, and a sense of closure. In Mathematics, we will continue solving word problems for adding, subtracting, and comparing. We will continue to mentally add and subtract within multiples of ten using various strategies. We will compare numbers based on tens and ones and add two-digit numbers up to 120. We will also tell time to the hour and half-hour on a digital/analog clock. Finally, we will partition two-dimensional shapes into halves and fourths. Many of the skills learned throughout the year will be reinforced and expanded! In Science, the students will investigate pebbles, sand and silt. In Social Studies, we will learn about geography. We are very excited about our upcoming field trip to The Grand Theatre to see The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley on Monday, April 27th. Parents will receive a field trip permission slip and a request for chaperones for the theatre trip soon. The first graders have made tremendous progress and we are really proud of all of them! Thank you for supporting your child’s education this school year! Mrs. Lemerand and Mrs. Shives 2nd Grade Reading: During the fourth marking Science: Students will be learning about period, we will work on identifying key agricultural engineering and the details with support from the Engineering Design Process in text, describing connections our new unit, Engineering is between Elementary. Our second grade texts, and using comprehension skills understand character’s the to meteorologists will be busy observing temperature, wind, and clouds, and will be point of view, setting, or plot. We will also participating in many hands-on activities be working with alliteration, rhymes, and during the Air and Weather unit. how word and phrases give meaning as we explore poetry. Our writing focus will be on writing and supporting opinions. We are looking forward to visiting the DuPont Theater in May to see Charlotte’s Web! Social Studies: As we study Our Changing World, the students will learn to read timelines, about gather the past informational Math: marking During period, the fourth the second compare from sources, changes transportation, information in communication, graders will continue to develop communities, and environment, and learn their understanding of number sense. This about how people affect their environment. includes solving real world problems using We look forward to helping your children mathematical place grow and learn during this last marking value, and measuring objects with the period! Thank you for your support during strategies, using appropriate measuring tool. We will be collecting and creating bar graphs and line plots. We will also be working with time, shapes, equal shares, and rows, columns, and arrays. this year. Mrs. Ruocco, Mrs. Bouldin, and Mrs. Pierce 3rd Grade English Language Arts: This marking period our overarching concept is “Forces”. We will be reading a variety of texts that show different “forces” that are placed on the characters. We will be Social Studies: This fourth marking period we continue to work on our Economics Unit. Third graders will explore economic concepts like: wants and needs, supply and demand, focusing opportunity on point of view and the difference between characters’ point of view and our point of view. We will also compare characters, setting, and plots between different stories written by the same author. We will finish the year reading different fables and focus on the different lessons that we can learn from them. We will be writing an opinion paper to show our point of view on a topic. Math: We will be reviewing quite a few concepts this marking period. We will continue to work with fractions and multi-step word problems. Please continue to practice all basic math facts at home each night. We will review area and perimeter with different shapes. We will introduce quadrilaterals this marking period. cost, and running a business. We will also participate in one of our favorite activities: Mini Society. Each third grader will set up and operate his/her own business! Parent support is always acceptable. Science: We are excited to announce our new unit of science study. We will begin our Final Unit: The Physics of Sound!! Third Graders will learn that sound is produced by vibrating objects. They will understand the relationship between the pitch of a sound and the physical properties of the sound source. They will observe and compare how sound travels through solids, liquids, and air. We will be going to Fair Hill this marking period on Monday, May 4. Look for information on the trip as it comes closer. Thanks for all of your support this year! Mr. Patton and Mrs. Griffie 4th Grade Spring has sprung and our sprouting In Social Studies, students will continue fourth graders are marching on! their study of their home state and Congratulations to our March become informed citizens by investigating the Multiplication Madness winners! Our macro-concept in Language Arts for the 4th Marking Period is Perspective. This unit is about the use of close following questions: How are economic decisions made in Maryland and What role does government play in the economic processes of Maryland? reading, writing, and research to develop In an understanding through the knowledge of Magnetism and Electricity comparison of point of view in and literature process. Students will use knowledge of and texts. informational and explore we will the build electricity to design and build identify working alarm circuits. The evidence used to support a point of view. engineering and on engineering will Students paraphrase Science, our design design They will also compare first and third process is very interesting person points of view in literature and and engaging! second hand accounts in informational During the month of May, we hope to be text. Students will be asked to write an traveling to the Maryland Science Center opinion relevant in Baltimore to enhance our study of information from past experience or from Mechanics of Motion, Earth’s Changing print and digital resources. Surface and Magnetism and Electricity. piece by recalling In math, Unit 4 is about building on ideas of number operations and problem solving. Unit 4 focuses on We look forward to an electrifying trip! Please look for information to follow! Again, thank you for your time, geometry and organizing and continued efforts, and consistency as using data. spring has sprung! Ms. Mabry, Mrs. Powers and Mrs. Strauss 5th Grade Congratulations to our 5th grade students who showed great perseverance in completing multi-step math problems and managing multiple pieces of text during our first round of PARCC! Fabulous job! Congratulations to our March Multiplication Madness winner, Emmerson Sentman! Rounding out the Final Four were Jason Davies, Dennis Kemether and Kaydence Buckley. Great job to all for a fierce, yet friendly competition! Our upcoming trip to the North Bay Adventure Camp on Friday, April 24th, is quickly approaching. Please continue to submit your CCES and North Bay permission slips. As the trip nears, we will send home the specific information needed in order to make our trip a success! Speaking of quickly approaching…we can’t believe it is that time of year to talk about celebrating our 5th graders as their elementary years come to an end. Please mark your calendars with these important dates: April 20th June 5th June 16th 5th Grade Class Picture 5th Grade Class Picnic 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony (Morning) We will be asking you for your support with these events in the form of planning, time and food donations. Please look for further communications to come home regarding these events. Our final macro-concept for the year in English Language Arts is Perspectives. This unit is about examining, understanding, and conveying opinions by identifying and evaluating point of view. In Social Studies, our macroconcept is Revolution. This unit is about the conflicts and compromises that led to the development of our country as a result of the battles of the American Revolution. These concepts will be woven together as students engage in reading informational and historical fiction throughout the marking period. They will be asked to examine and gain an understanding of the many perspectives that were developed during this time of change in America. During guided reading, students will read texts that complement these themes in both subject areas such as Guns for General Washington, Tolliver’s Secret, Phoebe the Spy and Daughter of Liberty. In Math, Unit 4 is all about comparing attributes using Measurement and Data concepts. Students will utilize measurement conversion within the US customary and metric systems while solving real-world problems, determine volume through the use of multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals, and explore geometric figures by identifying their common attributes. These basic skills build upon our previous units of number operations and number sense. Thank you to all parents who frolicked with fraction homework during the past unit! We appreciate your support! Again, thank you for your time, continued efforts, and consistency as spring has sprung…hopefully! Mr. Rash, Mrs. Steiner and Mrs. Wescoat If you have Medication in the Health Room… If your student has medication in the health room, it must be picked up by a parent or guardian by the close of school on Tuesday, June 16th. In the interest of safety for your child and others, we cannot give medication to children to take home. Also, school policy states that any medication remaining in the school after school closes for the summer must be discarded. If your child will be taking medication next school year, it is helpful if you can have the necessary forms completed during the summer. New forms are needed every school year. Please have your child’s physician fill out and sign the forms. The completed forms, along with a supply of medication in the original pharmacy labeled bottle should be brought to the school Health Room at the beginning of next school year. Summer is also a great time to update physicals, schedule eye examinations and hearing screenings. Please provide the school with a copy of screening results and updated physicals and immunizations to keep in your child’s health record. Many doctors are now recommending a second varicella immunization as well as Hepatitis A vaccines. Be sure to send in any vaccine updates to Nurse Mollie for the school record. Submitted by Mollie S. Graham RN, BSN School Nurse Band & Chorus The 4th and 5th Grade Band and Chorus spring concert will be on Thursday, May 21, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Chorus members should wear some combination of black and white. All are welcome to attend. Students in grades 1, 2, and 3 will give a concert on Friday, June 5, at 2:00 p.m. in the school gymnasium. This year’s theme is Disney: The Movies, The Music. All are welcome to attend. Congratulations to the following students for being selected for the CCPS All County Chorus for 2015: Emma Long Leora Poteet Kira Hook Hayden Rash C. C. Geidzinski Mr. D’Amico Music Teacher Olympic Day 2015 Olympic Day T-Shirt Sale CCES will once again Olympic Day t-shirts. sell The sale begins on April 15th and will conclude May 1st. The t-shirts will have the same design as last year! BELIEVE – ACHIEVE – SUCCEED. It is This year, Chesapeake City Elementary School’s Olympic Day is scheduled for Friday, May 29th. The rain not mandatory for students to purchase date for the event is Wednesday, Olympic Day t-shirts. June 3rd. Students could also choose to wear a t-shirt in the designated color of their class. Pre-K – Orange Kindergarten – Gold st 1 Gr. – Royal Blue 3rd Gr. – Green participate On this day students will in fun and exciting fitness related games and activities! th 4 Gr. – Light Blue 5th Gr. – Tye Dye We look forward to a day filled with sunshine and smiles! See you there! 2nd Gr. - Red Fifth grade will be given the option of purchasing a Tye-Dyed t-shirt to celebrate Mrs. Vaughan PE Teacher their last year at CCES! Further information regarding Olympic Day t-shirts will be sent home ASAP. Mrs. Vaughan PE Teacher Running and Walking Club Exciting Fitness News!! Students in the grades 3, 4, and 5 have the opportunity to participate in an after school program, which will prepare them to run a 5K (3.1 mile) race. The CCES Running and Walking Club will begin on Monday, May 4th, and will take place on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Students will need transportation home from the club on those days. regarding the Running and Walking Club will be sent home soon! More information Career Day 2015 Attention CCES Parents, Grandparents, Retirees, Aunts, Uncles and Community; If you are interested in sharing your career with students, please remember to complete and send in the Career Day Presenter Form that was sent home recently or simply fill out the section below. All jobs and careers are welcome! Here are the dates for this year’s events: On Thursday, May 14, we will hold our traditional Career Day for grade 3-5 students from 1:30-3:30. o This afternoon session will contain several 20-minute blocks where you will meet with a small group of students and discuss your career. o On Tuesday, May 19 (Rain Date: Friday, May 22) we are going to hold our second Truck and Tractor Day for PreK-2 students from 9:15-11:45. o If you use a truck or tractor for your job, please consider joining us! I would love to have a total of 10 vehicles for students to explore and learn about. My hope is that some folks from last year will be able to join us again and we’ll get some new jobs represented as well! It would be great to have as many careers represented as possible so that students can learn about all the choices out there from “real people, doing real jobs”! If you are interested in learning more about Career Day (or Truck and Tractor Day), or have questions about volunteering, don’t hesitate to contact me at CAREER DAY PRESENTER FORM (PLEASE RETURN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) Your Name Child(ren) & Teacher(s) I am able to participate in (please check all that apply): Career Day, on Thursday, May 14 (Please plan to be here from 1:15-3:45). Truck and Tractor Day on Tuesday, May 19 (Please plan to be here from 9:00-12:00). Rain Date for Truck and Tractor Day on Friday, May 22. Occupation and description of what you do Best email to contact you Best phone # to contact you Will you be able to bring handouts or hands-on materials? YES NO Please indicate any special needs or notes for your presentation (DVD player, overhead projector, computer and/or presenter, etc.) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Classroom Guidance News In addition to career exploration, we will be spending classroom guidance time learning about and reinforcing bullying-prevention strategies. The concept of empathy is so important when making choices about what we say and how we act. Positive choices made with empathy will help make peer relationships better rather than worse. My hope is that each one of our children feels confident and exhibits empathy in order to get along with others! The following books are great stories to read at home about friendship and bullying prevention: The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill Simon’s Hook by Karen Gedig Burnett (A favorite of grades 3-5 about handling teasing.) Mr. Peabody’s Apples by Madonna The Bully Blockers Club by Teresa Bateman Nobody Knew What to Do by Becky Ray McCain Juice Box Bully by Bob Sornon and Maria Dismondy Big Bully by Greg Watkins Trouble Talk by Trudy Ludwig (An important story about spreading rumors.) Group & Individual Guidance If you would like for your child to participate in a lunch group with me, please let me know. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any behavioral, social, or academic concerns about your child and would like for me to meet with him/her individually. Mrs. Marino, School Counselor PTO News The PTO thanks the fabulous school community for continuing to support PTO sponsored events! We especially thank those who attended the Sock Hop on a snowy evening. Once again, the children really enjoyed themselves and looked awesome in their 80’s attire! We are also sponsoring a RUN FOR READING on Wednesday, April 22nd, otherwise known as the annual Walk-a-thon. All the funds collected will benefit the children with new books for the classrooms. Our Family Movie Night was such a huge success that we will be offering another night this time outside (if the weather cooperates). The tentative date is May 1st. On Olympic Day we will be offering food for sale. Look for more details to follow regarding these events and more. Many Spirit Wear orders have been submitted! If you haven’t ordered, there is still time to show your Canal Digger pride! Orders are due Thursday, April 9th. Thank you everyone for making our school truly a small town delight! Ms. Palmer, Mrs. Steiner and Mrs. Galasso
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