May 2015 - Schools

A publication of Basswood Elementary School
May 2015
A note from principal smith:
It has been a busy few weeks of MCA testing for our 3rd-6th graders. I am proud of our students as they have worked hard to
do their best. Thank you for supporting your child as he/she continues to prepare for MAP testing over the next month.
We have a busy month ahead as we close out the school year. A lot of planning is currently happening in order to prepare
for the 2015-16 school year. One of the things we are planning for is saying good bye to our 5th & 6th graders as they get
ready to head into middle school. I’d like to thank the parents & staff who have been involved in planning some end of the
year celebrations & closing activities. I know our 5th & 6th graders will always remember their final days at Basswood. If you
would like to order a 5th or 6th grade level DARE picture, you can do so by going to the follow link: This is a great picture to have as a keepsake for their final year at BW.
I wanted to let you know that we are planning for an additional playground at Basswood to be built in the very near future.
It has been determined that the need is there for a second playground area in order to accommodate the large number of
students we have in each grade. A playground committee has been created and has begun meeting to plan for the build
day. The playground build date has yet to be determined but we are hoping for early Fall 2015. If you are interested in
being involved in the build, please look for more information on this to come over the summer.
Let’s make this a great end to a wonderful school year!
Staff Appreciation Week
1st grade Naturalist – all day
5th grade Orchestra Concert 6:30pm (Osseo Junior High)
School Safety Patrols field trip to MOA 9:30-3:10pm
Kindergarten field trip to Stages Theater
3rd grade Bee Presentation 1:30-3pm
Kindergarten Naturalist – Morning
1st grade Naturalist – all day
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon Noon (Media Center)
Parent Playground Committee Meeting 6-7pm (Media Center)
School Spirit Day: Decades Day! (Dress like the ‘70s, ‘80s, etc.)
Kindergarten Naturalist – all day
Kindergarten Muffins with Moms 9-9:30am
6th grade field trip #1 Boston Scientific 9-11am & 11-1pm
6th grade field trip #2 Boston Scientific 9-11am & 11-1pm
Scholastic Book Fair BOGO (Media Center)
Book Fair/PTO Ice Cream Social 5-7pm
PTO Meeting 6:30pm
3rd grade field trip to Baker Park (King & Schmidt)
Basswood Night Out at the Twins Game 7:10pm (Target Field)
3rd grade field trip to Baker Park (Jensen & Sager)
1st grade field trip Kelley Farm
3rd grade field trip to Baker Park (Bohr & Harrington)
1st grade field trip Kelley Farm
Connect Program field trip to Como Zoo
School Spirit Day: Backwards Day!
NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day
Super Kids Day – Kindergarten only
Playground Committee Meeting 6-7pm (Media Center)
Super Kids Day
Super Kids Day
5th grade visit from Eastman Nature Center
2nd grade field trip Ordway 9:00-2:30pm
coming up in June:
6 grade bike trip – all day
4th grade egg drop 10:45am
Kindergarten picnics Noon-2pm (Basswood Park)
6th grade End of Year Celebration 10-11am
5th grade End of Year Celebration 2-3pm
1st grade picnic 10:30-12:00pm (Basswood Park)
2nd grade picnic 12:30-2:00pm (Basswood Park)
3rd grade End of Year Celebration 11:10-12:10pm (Basswood Park)
4th grade End of Year Celebration 1:15-3:15pm (Basswood Park)
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Wear your Basswood gear!
Dream big!
Office Hours: 8am–4pm
School Hours: 8:50 -3:20
To report your child
absent or tardy to school,
please call and leave a
message at
763.494.3858 ext 1
Homework will be
available after 2nd day of
Patrick Smith, Principal
15425 Bass Lake Road
Maple Grove, MN 55311
Email me:
Notes from Tricia & joann in the office!
Contact us! 763.494.3858 or or
We are beginning to plan for the 2015-16 school year. We would appreciate it if you would let us know if your child
will not be attending Basswood Elementary next school year. Please call the office and let us know!
Just a friendly reminder…if your child will be missing school for a planned absence, please let the office know along
with your classroom teacher. And remember when calling into the attendance line, please state a reason for the
absence; otherwise, it will be recorded as an unexcused absence. Thank you!
We are looking forward to warmer weather and some outside play time!!
Thank you!
Notes from Lisa lucio, Registered Nurse!
Contact me! 763-315-7670 or
Allergy Eyes or Pink Eye!?
Seasonal allergies are in full bloom! And it is terrible for our kiddos suffering with seasonal allergies. If
your child suffers from seasonal allergies please provide documentation from your MD.
Kids coming to the health office with red, itchy, painful eyes, with discharge coming out of the eyes will
need to be examined by a professional provider to determine if he/she is contagious. Many parents have
told me they have drops at home they use on their children when they suspect pink eye.
Please note the district policy is 24 hours taking drops before returning to school!
Health Services forms available on ISD 279 website:
Plan ahead for 2015-2016 School Year! All forms are available online to bring with to summer well-checks!
To access this information go to: -> click on Students & Families -> Student
Services -> Health Services -> Health Forms.
Current 6th Graders:
Thank you to those who have already turned in your child’s updated
immunization records!! Send the records in any time before June 1, 2015.
After this date, records should be sent to Maple Grove Middle School.
A note from the basswood PTO!
Like us on Facebook!
Updates from our April General Meeting
We are excited to announce our new PTO Board for the 2015-2016 School Year!
Carrie Pzynski – President
Jen Kretsch – President Elect
Treasurer – Stephanie Lenertz
Chairperson of Events – Kelsey Dawson-Walton
Communications-Marketing – Gretchen Findlay
Communications-Secretary – Rachel Grahek
Thank you to Maggie Kiefer, Lisa-Marie Stienessen, and Katie Bowman for your service on the PTP Board. We are so
grateful for their work and passion for Basswood!
BOGO Book Fair
The Scholastic BOGO Book Fair is coming up on May 13-15. This is a great opportunity for kids to stock up on new
books for their summer reading. We also need many volunteers to make this event a success so please visit and search for to sign up for a shift. We will also be hosting an Ice Cream
Social on Thursday evening, May 14, from 5pm to 7pm!
Playground updates
If you would like to learn about the playground updates, please join Principal Smith for an informational meeting on
Thursday, May 7, from 6pm to 7pm in the Media Center.
On Thursday, May 14, we will hold a special PTO General Meeting at Basswood to vote on funding for the playground
project. Stop by for some ice cream and attend this meeting, which will begin at 6:30pm.
How to get involved and stay informed
Visit the PTO Page of our website to view our financial summaries and contact information for our board members. As
always, “liking” us on Facebook is a great way to see up-to-the minute updates from the PTO and Principal Smith.
Please make sure you also sign up to get notifications from our Facebook page.
Please contact any Board members if you have any questions about how to get involved at Basswood!
Notes from jane Williams, volunteer coordinator!
Contact me! or 763.315.6419
It is not too late to make plans to attend our Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on
Thursday, May 7, at 12:00 in the media center. Please join us!
Not surprisingly, this school year has flown past. It is hard to believe, but we will start our Art
Adventure presentations on May 5. Art Adventure is a well-loved program at Basswood, and always
signals the end of the year for me. Thank you to all of our presenters who have trained and
prepared for this month long commitment.
Before we know it, we will be preparing for the start of school in the fall. Please let me
know if you would be available and interested in helping at school in August. There are
many tasks that need to get started before the students return; I realize how busy everyone is at
this time with children at home, so please know how much your help is appreciated!
This is my last inclusion in the Basswood newsletter, as I will retire at the end of this school year. It
has been my joy to be the Basswood volunteer coordinator for the past 16 years. I have truly loved
this opportunity to work with so many wonderful volunteers and staff members. THANK YOU for the
support you have given to me and all of Basswood. Please welcome the new coordinator and enjoy
the energy and ideas that she/he will bring to this great community!
Notes from donna wood, cashier!
Contact me! or 763.315.6417
The end of the school year is fast approaching and I wanted to remind everyone to make sure their children
have enough money in their accounts to cover the cost of lunches through June 4. All negative balances
need to be paid by the last day of school, June 4.
We strongly encourage parents to make sure their children have enough money in their accounts to cover the
cost of lunches, breakfasts, and a la carte items through June 4. Any money not used in their accounts will
carry over to their same account next year, or if they are moving to Middle School the balance will carry over
Lunch deposits can be made through June 4.
If your child is in fifth grade, or transferring to another Osseo District school, the money left in their lunch
account will transfer with them. If your child won’t be attending school in the Osseo District next year, please
let me know sometime in June and their remaining money can be refunded to you.
All students and staff in every grade level (including middle school and high school) will receive a new lunch
number. This number will be a “universal” lunch number they will carry with them from grade to grade/school
to school. We are going to try to have the new lunch numbers ready for open house in September.
Families will be able to deposit money into their student’s lunch account through “School View” without a
processing fee beginning this fall. You do however have to be signed up for “School View” before you can do
Please either email or call me if you have any questions.
May 2015 Gifted Ed News!
Marji Olson
Erin Haynes
Needs Based Classes (NBC) Information
NBC #4 for Grades 3-6:
Acronyms and abbreviations:
GE= Gifted Education
NBC= Needs Based Classes
Hero Story
Mock Trial
Mock Trial
All GE students in grades 3 through 6 will continue focusing on their Verbal skills during May. This
includes reading, writing and communicating effectively.
Affective Seminars begin for Kindergarten through Second Grade
Inclusion in these sessions is based on informal observation and other assessment data. These seminars
implement lessons and activities regarding the social and emotional development of students who are
ready for additional challenge. This class is designed by District 279 staff to enrich the regular curriculum
by providing for the needs of elementary students with high academic potential. Kindergarten and 1st
grade sessions have been held for those classrooms working with Mrs. Haynes. For those 1st grade rooms
working with Mrs. Olson, these lessons will begin during the second or third week in May. Second grade
groups will also begin meeting at that time.
Testing Information for Grades 2-4
Most second graders and some third and fourth graders participated in cognitive thinking-skills testing
during January (CogAT). Data gathered from this process will be used for Spring 2015 decisions about GE
services for 2015-16. Parents should have received these results in the US mail in April. In the fall of
2015, MAP data (RIT scores) will also be reviewed as a second tool in determining GE services for the
coming year.
Visit our school district’s webpage for Gifted Education at:
For more information about GE Services, please access our web site:
Notes from the media center!
Jennifer perusse, library media specialist
Contact me! or 763.315.7661
Below is information from the Maple Grove Library about programs happening during the summer
For Kids & Teens @ The Maple Grove Library
Learn Together: Circuits Explore
Tuesday, June 9, 2–3 p.m.
Registration required, begins May 12.
Entering grades 1-3. Learn about the flow of electricity and hook up different circuits to light up a bulb or make a
noise. Make a simple flashlight to take home. Materials provided.
Presented in collaboration with The Works ; Sponsored by the MELSA (Metropolitan Library Service Agency).
Teen Anime Club
Thursdays, June 11, June 25, July 9, July 23, Aug. 6, 2:30–4 p.m.
For teens. Watch anime, discuss manga and share artwork. Something different every time!
Sponsored by Friends of the Maple Grove Library.
Learn Together: Story Walk
Thursdays, June 11–Aug. 13, 4–6 p.m.
Town Green Trail- between the Farmers Market and the Maple Grove Library
For families. Walk and read along the trail as you "step" into the pages of a book. Begin at the Farmers Market and
end at the Maple Grove Library. Complete the trail and complete the story! A new story will be posted bi-weekly from
4-6 p.m.
Presented in partnership with Maple Grove Farmers Market.
Library Lab for Kids: Flat Stanley Crafts
Monday, June 15, 2–3:30 p.m.
Registration required, begins May 18.
Entering K-grade 6. Where in the world should Flat Stanley go? You decide! Using Model Magic clay, create your own
Flat Stanley puppet, and then design accordion books with places from around the globe for him to visit. Materials
Sponsored by Friends of the Maple Grove Library .
Act Out for Kids: Creative Movement
Tuesday, June 16, 2–3:30 p.m.
Registration required, begins May 19.
Entering grades 1-2. Learn how to walk like a bear, creep like a tiger or be like a tiny fly! An experienced Guthrie
teaching artist will show you fun and creative ways to use imaginative movement.
This project is funded with money from Minnesota's Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Presented in collaboration with Guthrie Theater.
Cosplay Masks
Wednesday, June 17, 2 p.m.
Registration required, begins May 20.
Entering grades 6-12. Using anime/manga and theater for inspiration, create wearable masks using various arts and
crafts materials. Materials provided.
Sponsored by MELSA (Metropolitan Library Service Agency) ; Presented in collaboration with Bloomington Theatre
and Art Center.
Continued on next page
Continued - Notes from the media center!
Jennifer perusse, library media specialist
Contact me! or 763.315.7661
Girls Only Kids Book Club
Tuesday, June 23, July 14, Aug. 4, 2–3 p.m.
Registration required, begins May 26.
Girls entering grades 4-6. Join other girls to talk about a great book! Lending copies may be picked up at the
information desk prior to meeting.
Sponsored by Friends of the Maple Grove Library.
What we're reading
June 23: Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage
July 14: Our Only May Amelia by Jennifer L. Holm
August 4: The Meaning of Maggie by Megan Jean Sovern
Stuffed Animal Sleepover
Saturdays, June 27, 4–4:45 p.m.
Saturday, July 25, 4–4:45 p.m.
Registration required, begins May 30.
Entering K-grade 2. Wear your jammies (optional) and bring a stuffed animal. We will give your animal an "owner's
tag," tell them a bedtime story and sing a song. Leave your stuffed animal overnight. Pick them up on Sunday and
see pictures of the fun they had!
Guys Read Kids Book Club
Wednesday, July 1, July 22, Aug. 12, 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Registration required, begins June 3.
Guys entering grades 4-6. Join other guys to talk about a great book! Lending copies may be picked up at the
information desk prior to meeting.
Sponsored by Friends of the Maple Grove Library.
What we're reading
July 1: Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett
July 22: Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins
August 12: Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer by John Grisham
Learn Together: Science with Curious George
Sunday, July 5, 1–2:30 p.m.
For families. Get curious about science with special guest Curious George! We'll listen to a story together and then
George will be on hand to introduce play and experimentation at our science tables for kids.
Sponsored by Barnes and Noble .
Divergent Designs
Tuesday, July 7, 2–3:30 p.m.
Registration required, begins June 9.
Entering grades 6-12. Which faction will you choose? Create unique symbols, tattoos and jewelry to exemplify your
favorite faction from the "Divergent" trilogy.
Sponsored by Friends of the Maple Grove Library .
For more classes happening during summer or to register, please see below.
To register for programs, go online to or call 612.543.6450.