Risk-Avert - Essex Schools Infolink

Suffolk Schools
Information Pack
Risk-Avert was commissioned in 2013 and
developed through a public / private sector
partnership between Essex County Council and
The Training Effect.
The project has now grown to multiple local
authority areas and is delivered to schools across
Medway and Essex and from September 2015 to
schools in Hertfordshire.
This pack will provide you with information related
to the content of the Risk-Avert programme, how
it works and what your school can expect to gain
from taking part.
For further information please visit - risk-avert.org
Or contact The Training Effect on:
01233 626424 or mail@thetrainingeffect.co.uk
What do participating schools receive?
•  Licence to access the Risk-Avert online portal
(unlimited number of staff per school)
•  Training to deliver the Risk-Avert PSHE
•  Training to deliver the Risk-Avert SOCIAL
NORMS intervention
•  Training to deliver the Risk-Avert MAIN
•  New programme elements as they become
•  Online survey to ascertain level of risk-taking
within the target year group
•  Identification of young people appropriate for
the programme
•  Analysis of all data
•  Risk-Profile for target year group
•  Project support (unlimited support to deliver the
•  Email Newsletter at least once per month
highlighting effective practice, additions to
programme and updates
•  Online SDQ’s pre and post to monitor
How does the programme
Schools complete
the Risk-Avert survey
either paper based
or online. We tasked
ourselves with only
using the minimum
number of questions
possible. A whole
form group of
young people can
complete in 10
minutes of less.
The results are entered into our bespoke database
which scores the survey and generates data
reports for schools at the whole year group and
Individual level.
Schools receive a RiskProfile highlighting the
answers to the survey
across the entire year
group. In addition,
schools receive the
average scores for
each school in their
This enables schools to
compare data with other local
schools, and helps us discover
why some schools may have
lower or higher rates for certain
The surveys also
enable the delivery
of social norms
based universal
interventions across
the entire target
year group.
Risk-Avert utilises a bespoke
online portal for schools to access
all required programme
elements. Participating schools
receive an unlimited number of
log-ins for their staff.
Over 500 pages of
content support teachers
to deliver the Risk-Avert
programme. From PSHE
lesson plans to record
Education staff are
further supported by
practical demonstration
videos and extensive
video resources.
Alongside the original programme we are
developing additional strands focused on
specialist issues. These maintain the underpinning
philosophy and approach of Risk-Avert, whilst
supporting young people with specialist needs.
Our first strand is focused on Healthy
Relationships and Intimate Partner Violence in
Adolescent Relationships. Development of this
programme is underway and testing of the
resources and approach will begin in this
academic year.
We have plans to explore programme strands
related to Emotional Health and Well-being and
Gangs over the next two years.
Risk-Avert is
evaluated through
SDQ’s, Qual and
Quant activities,
focus groups and
‘hard’ data from
The original evaluation of the original pilot is
available on the Mentor ADEPIS website, a DFE
funded project tasked with improving the quality
of drug and alcohol education in UK schools.
Starting in September 2015 we will be working
with leading independent academics to design an
evaluation methodology and help us test the
effectiveness of the Risk-Avert programme,
leading to improvements in the programme and
contributing significantly to the available evidence
The reputation of RiskAvert is growing.
2014 saw us featured in
Children and Young
People Now,
Independent Education
Today and we were
invited to speak at the
NSCOPSE conference in
Already in 2015 our
project will be featured
within School Leadership
Today and on the
Innovate my School
Our website and mailing
list continue to grow with
unique visitors up by
125% and over 600
professionals now on our
mailing list.
‘'Risk Avert was one of the pilot schemes introduced
at a healthy Schools meeting and from the onset,
made perfect sense to the professional audience as it
was clear concise and provided an excellent
screening tool for professionals to identify students
who may have life choices limited if they were not
warned against the potential danger of some of their
The training was excellent and allowed professionals
to use their experience and professional judgement,
whilst learning more about lifestyle choices and
potential risks through adolescent psychology. The
screening tool used by schools was fast and effective
and gave sufficient evidence to identify those
requiring more intervention.
We have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the
programme and look forward to continuing. It is a
scheme that I would certainly recommend to any
school wishing to enhance their pastoral support and
one that our recent ‘outstanding’, OFSTED
inspection was impressed with.'
Gaynor Wilson, SEAL and PSHE Co-Ordinator,
St Martins School, Brentwood