>InTheLoo p WITHGOSSIP GAL ~ ....................................................................., 16 eve Gal . PaulOkoye of theNigerian R&B duoPSquareknown for the hit No OneBe Like vouis reported byNigerian media to be set to walk down the aisle. Paul hasapparentlymet his longtime girlfriendAnita's familyand she too,has been welcomed in his home and plansfor aweddingare underway. The two have been spotted severallyon romantic getawaysand Paul has been spoilingoil industryemployee Anita with expensive gifts and tripsabroad. Paul is surely livinghis plans as he once said that he wouldn't liketo go the way of his identical twinbrother Peter and partner in PSquare. when Petergot a baby out of wedlock. "It's agreat thing, but ithas to be done the Wednesday, September 26. 2012 / TheStandard t. , 1/ ,Y II J , , proper way;theright way.For me.myown plan will haveto wait till Iget married," saidPaul in apreviouspressinterview. Peter already hasachildwithgirlfriend Lola Omotayo.and they are currently expecting another one. Peter has. however.statedmorethan once that he is not yet ready for marriage. Lola, 35, five years Peter's senior seems to be okay with it. "There isso muchthat completes a woman and marriage isnot it. I'venever focused on that. I'mnot afraid to be alone. I pray. Iam not going to end up alone for therest of my life.Iwant alifepartner. But thetag'marriage' is not something Ithink isthe ultimate. Iwould rather take my time thanrushinto marriage only to later discover that it isnot what Iexpected. And Peter, as well, is dealing with hisown careerand wantsto focus onthat and you know, maybe in ayear's time. I'd be readytoget married andif he's not, then we may get to go our separate ways. The truthof the matter is that marriage isnot inthe picture for me now," Lola was once quoted. Lola and Peter have been dating for three years now. Kendall and ~ Kylie Jenner The hit reality television show Keeping up with the Kardashiansmade its debut in 2007 and has grown to be amust-watch in many homes worldwide. While it has turned Kim. Khloe and Kourtney into mega stars, their little sisters Kendall and Kylie have not been left behind. They were little girls when the show began, but now they are teenagers and making waves in Hollywood's fashion. The two famous teenagers are the daughters of Bruce Jenner and Kris Jenner, who wed in 1991. Through their mother, they have three older half-sisters. Kourtney, Kim and Khloe and a half-brother. Rob. Through their father. they have three older half-brothers, Burton, Brandon, Brody and an older half-sister. Casey Jenner. Kendall Jenner was born on November 3. 1995 and is the oldest daughter of Kris and Bruce Jenner. She loves modelling and has modelled for Forever 21. Lura Couture, Nordstrom Teen Vogueand PaperMagazine. Kylie Jenner, who was born on August 10. 1997, is also a model and first featured in Paper magazines Beautiful People article series with Kendall. She has done photo shoots with OK! magazine. Teen Vogue and also modelled for Avril Lavigne collection, The two sisters are currently the Style Ambassadors for Seventeen magazine and earlier in the year were both featured on the cover of Teen Vogue. The sisters are currently working on anovel aimed at the young-adult audience. The book will be in the same genre as books like: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Twilight They story is ascience-fiction story that isset 200 years in the future. Fan Fad While Kendallis acheerleader. Kylie prefers trackrunning. - Shirley Genga
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