St. John’s School Council Meeting Monday May 4, 2015 Present: Tami Browne, Jason Crawford, Andria Meskauskas, Sue Claessen, Sue Tavares Josie Rousell, Dolene Vanderlelie, Tania Medeiros Regrets: Dan Francis 6:30 Call to Order School Council Prayer 6:34 Approval of Minutes of Monday January 5, 2015 Motion by: DoleneVanderlelie Seconded: Sue Claessen New Business Arising: Sweatshirts-students paying on their own. Tami Browne will follow up with Mrs. Verardo. 6:41 Chocolate milk machine is fixed Pizza money reimbursed of parent who has moved Principal’s Report Catholicity (Tami Browne) 1. Students continue to lead prayers both morning and afternoon 2. Positive feedback from community with Easter Mass 3. Reconciliation grade 2 4. First Communion Sunday April 26th 5. 7th Several of our grade 6-8 students will participate in the Walk With Jesus Rally on May 6. We celebrate Catholic Education Week from May 4-9 with many activities going on around the school 7. Mass and talent show was on Sat. April 11 8. Grade 7 students will participate in Board wide Religious Education testing (May12-13) 9. Golden Time Together grade 3, 2, 1 Curriculum 1. Ordered 3 Epson DC 11 document cameras, 1 projector, 8 HP stream tablets + keyboard cases, 2 apple tv, computer speakers, calculators, 2. Supporting pathways and transitions gr. 7 and 8 teachers (promoting student engagement, pathway planner and building relationship between elementary and secondary 3. PD day- All About Me Portfolio/My Blueprint/Pebble Go 4. FDK in-service on EPCI- Early primary collaborative inquiry 5. In-service with I/SERT and Special Education regarding RTI and mental health 6. Catholic Education Week and Mental Health Week 7. Environment Week/Lights Out/Garbage pick up 8. EQAO testing will begin during the week of May 25th 9. Numerous teachers participated in workshops in various subjects with support from our Itinerant literacy and numeracy 10. PD day April 24th collaborative inquiry/professional learning cycle (plan, act, observe, reflect (4 part solving problem model) 11. Staff meeting- safe TALK was our focus for May 12. SPLT’s- Rich Math tasks 13. Golf Academy/Golf for kids 14. Share SAC Community / School Culture 1. Pasta Night- huge success- Thank you. 2. Food for thought continues 3. Battle of the books- Grades 3,4,5 Grades 6,7,8 Thank you Mrs. Petruccelli and Mrs. Zvonar 4. Mr. Fitzpatrick- hockey 5. Track and field 6. Grade 8’s going to Ottawa June 2-4 7. Volunteer luncheon was held Thurs. April 22nd 8. Two Lock down drills were held in April- both successful 9. June 17th- Carnival/Food Truck 10. Information was placed in the May newsletter for the opportunity for input for class placements as well as on the website. 11. Students raised money for Walk to Water 12. Golden Time Together 13. Golden Ticket Program – Performing Arts Centre GRADUATION DATE: JUNE 22, 2015 MASS: 10:30 AM LUNCHEON TBD Carnival/Food Truck—time? What is needed? 3rd Annual Halton Catholic Charity Golf Classic The 3rd Annual Halton Catholic Charity Golf Classic, in support of the Halton Catholic Children’s Foundation, will be held on Wednesday, June 4, 2014, at the Hidden Lake Golf and Country Club, Burlington. In the past two years, the tournament has raised over $18,000.00 to help enhance the educational experience and enrich the lives of our students. To participate in the event, or to sponsor a student to golf, or to donate a raffle prize, please complete the registration or sponsorship form that is available on the Foundation’s website: For more details, please contact Fred Sweeney or Stan Gajewski at 905-6326314 ext. 134 or by e-mail at Entry Fee including cart, golf, lunch, dinner and prizes is $200.00 or you are welcome to attend the Dinner only ($50.00). The success of this annual fundraiser depends largely on the generosity and support of individuals and businesses in our community. We appreciate your consideration to Sponsor a hole ($200.00); Sponsor a student to golf ($200.00); or a donation for the raffle or prize table (at your discretion). Your support of the goals of the Foundation and making a difference for our students is most appreciated. 6:58 7:02 Family of School Council Discussion (Dolene Vanderlelie) Email distribution list to build support/network of consultation Attendance was sparce Felt like a Council of Chairs meeting Difficult forum Small group discussion was more beneficial Dolene will contact Mental Health Liaison\Public Health Nurse for involvement in October Special Event Form (Sue Tavares) Special Event Form standardizes information that goes home to parents May also help to improve volunteer turn out Parents will complete it if it is a parent event Tami Browne will introduce it at the next staff meeting 7:15 7:21 7:30 7:35 7:35 Pro Grant Discussion (Jason Crawford) Money sitting in an account, Mad Science or something else? Can’t be curriculum or incentive based Money needs to be used this calendar year Carnival Wednesday June 17th, 2015 (Jason Crawford) No Play Day Students will be creating the activities for each centre Four food trucks have been confirmed (Dessert, Bar b q, Gorilla Cheese, Vegetarian). Pro Grant money will be used for Carnival Parent Volunteers needed Perhaps food trucks can be booked for September’s Curriculum Night Hockey Team (Jason) The Intermediate students really enjoyed playing hockey this year There may be a hockey team next year as well Food For Thought (Sue Tavares) Julie the program manager came to observe Sue will do it again next year Pasta Night (Mel Keogh) Very successful Total raised was $11,000. $6000 to $7000 was profit. (a little less than last year) Struggled with volunteers Larger focus was on Major prizes Companies have been donating a lot less Church donated table cloths Ticket sales for seating was higher than other years 7:40 7:50 8:00 Volunteer Update Caralyn Rath will no longer lead this Who will take over volunteer? Sue Tavares will speak to Caralyn Rath to ask particulars She will let Tami Browne know Other Business We will continue with Toppers for next year as our pizza provider Church working on website, Jason Crawford is assisting with this Signage for First Holy Communion for next year Possible Social for Council (will be organized by Sue Claessen) Motion to Adjourn Made by JosieRousell, Seconded by Mel Keogh
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