Sacred Heart of Jesus Preparing Minds for the Future...Souls for Eternity Sacred Heart School Newsletter Upcoming Events at SHOJ Catholic School April 10, 2015 JMJ April 17 - All School Mass April 18 - 1st Communion April 22 - Faith Families April 23 - All School Mass April 23 - 11:30 Dismissal April 24 - No School - Staff Development April 25 - SHOJ Benefit Auction Dear Sacred Heart Family and Friends, Mrs. Engen spent this week in Orlando, Forida attending the National Catholic Education Association annual conference, so I get to fill in for her. Please enjoy! “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John 3:16 Often referred to as the most famous bible verse, it is one of the most quoted bible verses in all of Christianity, and has been called “the Gospel in a nutshell.” (Come to Mass next Wednesday and here it in full context in that day’s Gospel reading!) April 12 - Divine Mercy Sunday April 13 - St. Martin I April 19 - 3rd Sunday of Easter April 21 - St. Anselm April 23 - St. George and St. Adalbert April 24 - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen April 25 - St. Mark April 26 - 4th Sunday of Easter There is no doubt that people like Tim Tebow have also helped popularize the verse once again to a new generation. The message is one of great importance as it does serve as the Gospel in brief. One particular word in that verse, which happens to be repeated, is the key to the whole message…the word “might.” In This Issue Principal’s Memo 1 April Lunch Menu 2 Brown Bottle Gift Baskets 2 CPS Needs You 2 St. James Tennis Academy 3 SHOJ Families! 3 Get A Smart Start 4 Simple belief in the Son of God, in Jesus Christ, does not guarantee eternal life. That belief gives us the opportunity work toward eternal life. While he will continue to believe in us, it is up to each one of us to decide if we are willing to work for that eternal life. Just because Lent is over, does not mean we can go back to the way we were doing things. In Fr. Craig’s homily today, he told us that we should not fall back into old habits, but to keep working to make positive changes in our lives. During this Easter season, keep up the good work, continue to sacrifice, take nothing for granted, and remember while we may not be perfect, it does not prevent us from experiencing the perfect love of Jesus Christ. Pax Vobiscum! Ben Chapman Director of Technology SHOJ Publisher (and sometimes writer!) Sacred Heart School Newsletter April 10, 2015 April, 2015 Sacred Heart School Lunch Menu Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Chicken Nuggets Buttermilk Mash Potato Green Bean w Bacon Lemon Bar 2 Holy Thursday 11:30 dismissal 3 No School Good Friday 6 Easter Monday No School 7 Cheese Quesadilla Rice Pilaf Veggie Ranch Cinnamon Roll 8 Grilled Turkey Cheddar Veggie Ranch Fresh Fruit Brownie 9 Mac and Cheese Garlic Toast Garden Salad Ranch Cookie 10 Sausage Pizza Veggie Ranch Fresh Fruit Chocolate Cake 13 Taco Salad: Taco Beef, Cheddar, Black Olives, Lettuce, Salsa, Tortilla chips, Peaches and cookie 14 Baked Pasta Meat Sauce Garlic Toast Garden Salad Ranch Apple Crisp 15 Breakfast for Lunch French Toast Sticks Sausage Patties Hashbrown Potatoes Fresh Orange Wedge 16 Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Garden Salad Ranch Lemon Bar 17 Pepperoni Pizza Garden Salad Ranch Fresh Fruit Ice Cream Cup 20 Italian Dunkers Garden Salad Ranch Fresh Fruit Cookie 21 Turkey Bacon Ched Wrap Pasta Salad Fresh Fruit Brownie 22 Hamburger Pizza Garden Salad Ranch Fresh Fruit Rice Krispie Treat 23 11:30 dismissal 24 No School 27 Cheeseburger Roasted Potatoes Veggies Ranch Chocolate Cake 28 Corn Dog Veggie Ranch Fresh Fruit Lemon Bars 29 Chicken Nuggets Buttermilk Mash Potato Green Bean w Bacon Brownie 30 Grilled Ham and Cheese Potato Chips Fresh Fruit Cookie Brown Bottle Gift Baskets Thank you to all who have already sent in donations for your child’s classroom gift baskets. Just a reminder to please have your donations to school by April 17. The classroom with the most donated items will be receiving a very special surprise the week following Brown Bottle. The classroom with the most parents in attendance at the auction will receive a walking field trip to eat lunch at Pizza West. As mentioned earlier, there is a very exciting change regarding the gift baskets this year. The baskets will not be a part of the silent auction. Instead, students will be able to purchase raffle tickets to win these gift baskets. The tickets will be available for purchase beginning on Monday, April 20. Tickets will be $1 each or 25 tickets for $20. The students will be able to put their name in any gift basket they are interested in winning. The baskets will then be set out the night of Brown Bottle and tickets will continue to be available to purchase up until the live auction begins. At that time, the winners for the baskets will be drawn. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Dreiling at Thank you so much for supporting our kids. CPS NEEDS YOU in 2015-2016!! CPS is a ministry of Sacred Heart School that is committed to serving and supporting our Domestic Church, school, parish and greater community. As parents, we are each called in different ways to give of our time, talent and treasure to our families, church and school. CPS is currently looking to fill a few roles in our team of coordinators for the 2015/2016 school year. Serving on CPS is a great way to stay involved in our school as well as supporting our school staff that do so much for our children. Please take a moment to look over the open roles and prayerfully consider if you are being called to join our CPS Team. If you have any questions, please contact the current co-leads MeghanMagistro at or Jodi Chaput at Thank you for considering using your gifts to bless our school!! 1. School Lobby and Hallway Marketing Coordinator (1 open position)- Decorate the school lobby and front hallway with marketing materials, announcements, art work and school work on a regular basis to show case what is going on at our school (also includes updating the school bulletin board calendar monthly). 2. Vocations Coordinator- Bring awareness of vocations through prayer and support. Organize a care package for our seminarians as well as recognize them on their birthdays. Sacred Heart School Newsletter Middle School Camp (all levels) May 26th- May 29th 1:00-3:00 Mill Valley High school $80 (register thru ) April 10, 2015 High School Camp Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 2nd-July 16th Beginner and JV camp 9-10:30 Advanced JV and Varsity camp 10:30-Noon $150 (register thru ) Interested in weekly classes for the Spring or Summer? Have elementary age children wanting to play? Check out our web site at for class schedule and registration. For more information contact Coach Fangman at SHOJ Families! Okay- we will be having a tailgate THIS Saturday- APRIL 11th at 5:30pm before the Sporting KC game! If you attended last year, I plan to have it in the same spot- which was in the Community America Ballpark Parking Lot (right behind the HOTEL on 110th Street)- BUT I still need to get that completely approved (as it looks like they have changed that to Season Ticket Holder parking- so be watching for an email with the EXACT LOCATION! Sacred Heart will be providing HOT DOGS, CHIPS, & POP for everyone but please feel free (or not) to bring an appetizer, dip or dessert to share! I WILL need a few helpers to bring cooler for the Pop- so please respond if you can help with anything! I plan to arrive at 5:15 to set up a covered tent & the grill! Tailgate will start at 5:30!! I will be HUSBANDLESS because our son has a soccer tournament down in Oklahoma- so I’m hoping some of the guys help out with grilling the hot dogs (like last year)- but I will have all the stuff we need!! Just bring your chairs & your tickets!! ALSO- BIG NEWSThe night of our SHOJ SPORTING KC event, our beloved Noah Wilson will be honored in recognition or the Newton Kindness Award that he received from the high school in Connecticut. He and his family will be at the game (pending he isn’t receiving any inpatient treatments that day). This family, if you have not heard, met or prayed for them, is a SHOJ Parish family. We thought it might be so AMAZING if our section made SIGNS or anything that would SUPPORT him & his FAMILY. We will have materials at our tailgate to make some signs- but feel free to make some ahead of time if you’d like as well! Here is a link to their information in case you have not seen or heard or prayed for them Also, we are including our cell phones – in case you cannot find us this Saturday- please text or call Michelle Coffey 816-878-7633 or Amie 913269-6728 & we will be sure to give you specifics on where we are! Thank you & we cant wait for this CPS Family Event!! GO SPORTING!! If you are NOT planning to attend the tailgate, can you please respond back to this email- as I am planning on food for everyone & need to get an accurate count!! Thank you! - Michelle Sacred Heart School Newsletter April 10, 2015 Sacred Heart of Jesus School 2015 Get A Smart Start! Supply & Suzan Shawnee KS Get A Smart Start! School Supplies on Sale Now! Teacher Approved * Quality Products * Guaranteed * Hassle Free Grade: -K- -1st- -2nd- -3rd- -4th- -5th- -6th- -7th- -8th- Price: $60 $50 $50 $70 $60 $60 $50 $70 $70 Parent’s Name:________________________________________Phone#______________ Student’s Name Next Year’s Grade Price 1 $ 2 $ 3 $ 4 $ Please make checks payable to: Sacred Heart Total Amount Due: $ Order Forms due by: April 24, 2015 For Questions, please contact: Students may pick up supplies at Registration Night in August. Supply & Suzan is owned and operated by the Beran Family, members of Sacred Heart Parish
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