LSE Tribune - Montgomery ISD

The Tribune
Lone Star Elementary
16600 FM 2854
Montgomery, Texas 77316
April Dates
April 2 – 10:00, rm 101 : PTA Meeting &
visit from Dr. Rees
April 3 – Good Friday Holiday
April 8 – Garden Day for 3rd Grade
April 8 – Librarian Appreciation Day
April 9 – 9:00, cafeteria 1st grade Music
April 14 – 5:00-7:30 , Montgomery Jr.
High: MISD Job Fair
April 17 – Kindergarten Field Trip
April 21 – Math STAAR for 3rd & 4th
April 22 – Reading STAAR for 3rd & 4th
April 23 – Kindergarten Graduation
April 27 – Garden Day for 2nd Grade
April 27 – Birthday Table at Lunch
April 29 – Field Day for 3rd & 4th Grades
April 30 – Field Day for K, 1st & 2nd Grade
April 30 – 3rd Grade Field Trip
STAAR Testing Dates:
Monday, March 30 – Writing, Day 1 (4th)
Tuesday, March 31 – Writing, Day 2 (4th)
Tuesday, April 21 – Math (3rd & 4th)
Wednesday, April 22 – Reading (3rd & 4th)
Interested in being a field
trip chaperone? All
chaperones must have a
background check on file.
Click here for the paperwork:
Catherine Bartlett, Ed.D.
Assistant Principal
Melissa Freeman
March brought many fun events for our
students and staff, including a special
day for two lucky kids! Jaeger Hurst and
Chesney Davis shared Principal for the
Day, which they won at the Winter
Wonderland auction. They had a great
time introducing our 2nd grade program,
checking on playground safety,
debriefing over an official pizza lunch,
and using the walkie-talkes for important
communication. It’s always nice to have
a little help!
Counselor’s Corner
Kindergarten Pre-Registration is this Month:
MISD offers a registration opportunity for incoming
kindergarteners who are 5 years old on or before September 1,
2015. This registration will be held on campus April 27
through May 1 from 9:00-11:00 and 1:00-3:00 daily. If you or
anyone you know has an incoming LSE kindergarten student
for the 2015-2016 school year, this is a great opportunity to
get a head start. Parents of the student should call our front
office for assistance with getting started on the online portion
of this registration process.
Thank You
Seeing the best at LSE,
Elisa Krug~Counselor
April Tribune, p2
Kindergarten Kiddos
April brings outdoor fun to kindergarten! We are
off to the Oil Ranch for our yearly field trip. We
will get to milk a cow, pet the baby animals, ride a
horse, and lots of other fun activities. Later in the
month, we will participate in field day for a funfilled day in the sun. Of course, in between we will
continue to grow into the best readers and writers
we can be!
Fantastic Firsties
Whew! Just wrapped up another AWESOME 9
weeks. We stuffed their brains full with big ideas
like inferencing, main idea and details supported by
text evidence, and problem/solution.It is our
mission for students to realize that while they read
their brains are doing all this thinking at the same
time. Firsties should be able to identify all the text
features of nonfiction too. We practiced multiple
strategies to solve problems while learning time to
the hour and half hour.
Texas, day/night, the seasons and animals have
been our focus for science and social studies.
CRAZY learning going on in this hallway!
Superstar Second Graders
2nd graders are looking more and more like 3rd
graders everyday! This month your 2nd graders will
be looking back and seeing how far they've come by
reviewing the different genres in Language Arts, fables,
tall tales, fiction, and non fiction. They will continue to
improve their personal writing and revision
skills. Your mathematicians have been telling time to
the 5 minute intervals. Thank you for reviewing with
your child. We can see improvement in their basic
math facts, don't stop the practice! We're winding up
discussing the phases of the moon in science and will
be moving on to the basic needs of plants and
animals. We have rescheduled our field trip to P6
Farms. It will be May 7th, Thursday. There will be
more information to follow. It is warming up at recess
with the beautiful weather we're having. Your kids are
allowed to take a water bottle outside with them. It's
helpful if you put their name on it. Enjoy April!
Lone Star Leadership
Thank you to our March group of leaders! Representatives met
to collaborate on classroom and help prepare our campus for
STAAR. They organized materials for Mrs. Krug and created
motivational posters for the third and fourth grade hallways.
Members included: Gabriel Babineaux, Nicholas Babineaux,
Claire Campbell, Nicholette Carter, Randi Carter, Saylor Davis,
Hayleigh Eichenberg, Megan Fair, Dakota Gordon, Taylor
Johnson, Brenna Lovan, Isel Martinez, Olivia Mays, Kendall
Mills, Abdias Mondragon, Nicholas Moody, Nathan Moshauer,
Henry Quekemeyer, Kyler Wilson, and Cole Wixson.
Thrilling Third Grade
Third graders are shining their scientific spot light on
Space. For the next two weeks your
budding scientist should be working on completing
their home project of choice. These projects show their
knowledge of our planets, our sun,
asteroids, meteoroids and constellations. We can't
wait to see what new frontiers will be explored!
In math we will be learning about capacity and weight
using real life experiences. (Would you fill a swimming
pool with cups of water or gallons...Would you weigh
an elephant in ounces or tons??) The countdown to
STAAR has officially begun and we appreciate you
sending your young learners well rested and ready to
learn each day.
Third graders are busy improving their
comprehension skills while we focus on main idea and
important details within a story. We are also fine
tuning our poetry skills and looking at an author's
purpose for writing a text. In social studies we are
learning about heroes in our community and ways to
be a hero to others in our lives.
Fabulous Fourth
Personal financial literacy, geometry, food webs and a
plethora of reading and writing experiences await our
learners in April! Without a doubt we are still going
strong and learning new things this spring. After
celebrating our growth as writers last month, we are
gearing up to show off our math and reading skills
towards the end of this month. We are ready to get our
"SHINE' on in April!
April Tribune, p3
Specials are Special!
Biblio-Tech News
Author and Illustrator Clay Rice
We were so excited to meet author/illustrator Clay Rice. His stories were very entertaining and it was a lot of fun to
learn about the history of silhouette cutting. He was so popular, in fact, we ran out of his book “The Stick”. All
orders will be completed in the next few weeks. Mr. Rice will autograph the remaining book orders and ship them to
LSE as soon as he returns to South Carolina.
Devan and Sophia are 2nd graders in Mrs. Harrison’s class who love to read.
They came up with the idea for “Lend – a – Book”. Second graders that are
interested in participating in “Lend – a – Book” fill out a survey the girls
created and donate a dime or more. Using the survey and books from their
personal collections, the girls find the perfect book for their classmates to
borrow. All of the proceeds are then donated to the LSE Library. We used
the proceeds donated to purchase “The Stick” by Clay Rice. The author
autographed the book in Devan and Sophia’s honor. Thank you so much for
working to make Lone Star an even better place, Devan and Sophia!
Magazine Fundraiser
We have made well over $3000 with our magazine fundraiser and the profit
checks continue to come in the mail! If you have any questions
about your order, you may contact the company directly by emailing
customer service at or calling 800.251.1542. Thanks for supporting our Library!
K, 1 and 3rd are working on a floral
masterpiece using various mediums
inspired by Vincent van Gogh. Second
graders are painting a jungle cat inspired
by Henri Rousseau and 4th graders
are hard at work on beautiful Banyan
trees with paint and oil pastels.
In February, all students worked
extremely hard jumping rope. They
worked on a variety of jumps and even
made up new ones. Also, many of our
kids collected money for the American
Heart Association. Our school collected
almost $9,000 for a fantastic cause.
This month, the 3rd and 4th graders are taking the Fitness
Test. It's a mandatory test that measures strength, flexibility
and endurance. The kids are doing a great job and giving
100%. Way to go 3rd and 4th graders!!
On April 23rd and 24th,The Texas Rush Soccer Club will be at
LSE during all PE classes. They will be incorporating soccer
skills in fun, small group games for all grade levels.
On Wednesday, April 29th and Thursday, April 30th, LSE will
be having their 9th annual Field Day. The kids will be
engaged in classroom relay races and stations throughout the
day. More information will be in Tuesday folders.
Music Notes
Kindergarten students just began learning new songs
for their end of the year graduation celebration. They
are learning some new songs and rhymes and having
tons of fun.
1st grade students are continuing to work on their
program songs. Their program will be held on
Thursday, April 9th. They are learning and singing
about the different qualities of having and showing
good character traits. After the program is complete, we
will review musical concepts they have been working on
this year.
2nd grade students have been reviewing quarter,
eighth, and half notes and rests. They have been
working on identifying and writing them properly and
performing series of rhythms with body percussion.
3rd grade students have been learning about sixteenth
notes and creating and performing rhythms containing
all the rhythms they have learned throughout the year.
They have also been working on naming the lines and
the spaces of the treble clef staff. Students have had a
fun time seeing how many notes they can name in the
lines and spaces challenge in only 30 seconds.
4th grade students have been working hard on their
recorders. I have seen some great improvement on
their recorder playing skills (it’s obvious they’re
practicing at home).  They will soon begin working on
songs for their end of the year program.
Working Together for School Success
April 2015
Lone Star Elementary
Dr. Catherine Bartlett, Principal
Stretch your
Develop strong
communication skills
Try this on-the-go game to sharpen
your child’s memory. Pick something
you see out the car window, and
describe it using one adjective. (“Red
barn.”) Your youngster repeats your
words and adds another object with
a different adjective. (“Red barn, big
bulldozer.”) Keep going until someone
can’t remember the list.
Whether your child is participating
in a class discussion, chatting with
a friend or relative, or answering a
teacher’s question, she’ll need to be
a good communicator. Here are
strategies to try.
Pretend play
Get started
Imaginary play boosts creativity and
lets children practice adult roles.
Offer props that inspire your child
to pretend, such as old clothes and
shoes for dressing up or a chalkboard
and chalk to play school. You could
suggest ideas that will spark her
imagination, too. (“How would you
teach your favorite subject?”)
Good communicators know
how to start a discussion and
keep it going. Let your youngster
ask you a yes-or-no question. (“Do
you have a pet?”) Then, tell her to
pose an open-ended question—one that
can’t be answered with yes or no. (“Why
do you think most people have dogs or
cats rather than other pets?”) She’ll see
how open-ended questions can lead to
more interesting discussions.
Asthma leads to more
school absences than
any other chronic condition — and spring allergies can trigger attacks. If your child has asthma,
talk to his doctor about ways he can
stay healthy. You might help him
keep a diary of attacks, with the date,
time, and weather, and what he was
doing beforehand. Together, look for
patterns to identify triggers.
Worth quoting
“You cannot use up creativity. The
more you use, the more you have.”
Maya Angelou
Q: How did the dragon
burn his hand?
A: When he sneezed,
he covered his mouth.
© 2015 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated
Jump in
Your child can join a classroom discussion or everyday conversation by “piggybacking.” First, she should listen closely
to what someone says. Then, she can
build on it, adding her own ideas. For
example, after a classmate speaks, she
could say, “That’s true. I was thinking…”
Or your child might restate in her own
words what the person said and then
share her idea or ask a follow-up question.
Explain reasoning
When your youngster expresses her
thoughts, encourage her to back them up
with facts or opinions. As she answers a
teacher’s question, she can refer to something she learned in class or read in a
textbook to support her statement. If
she’s responding to a classmate during a
discussion, she could say whether she
agrees or disagrees and tell why.♥
Spring volunteering
It’s not too late to be a parent volunteer! As the
school year comes to a close, your youngster’s teacher
will appreciate a hand. Ask if she needs help with
any of these tasks.
● Organizing or assisting with a class party.
You could email other parents, bring healthy snacks, plan games, or
take photos.
● Packing up the classroom. The teacher may want someone to put books
and supplies in boxes or to take down bulletin boards and other decorations.
● Wrapping up projects. There might be things you can do from home, such
as binding student books or framing children’s artwork.♥
Home & School CONNECTION
April 2015 • Page 2
Siblings who get along
Consider these two ideas for building bonds
between your children. They’ll gain friends for a
lifetime—and life will be more pleasant for everyone now.
1. Be a team
Show your youngsters how much fun it can
be to team up. Play board games in teams —kids
vs. parents. Or consider getting a cooperative
board game like Race to the Treasure or Castle
Panic. You could also suggest that they collaborate on a project, such as building a birdhouse or
creating a website.
2. Find common
Having shared
hobbies gives
siblings something
to talk about and to
do together. Notice
activities that your
children both like,
and encourage
them to enjoy them
with each other. For
instance, you might
sign them up for
cooking lessons, get
them new packages of trading cards to share, or send them out
to play catch. Tip: Even though you might want to join in the
fun, try to give them time alone to share their passions and
build their relationship.♥
Explore nature
Observing the busy animals and
blooming plant life during spring can
help your youngster learn about and
appreciate nature. Try these activities.
Classify animals.
Q Chores: Good for everyone
Q: I know it’s a good idea to give children chores. But by the
time I listen to my daughter complain and show her what to
do, it seems easier just to do the work myself. Any advice?
Which creatures live in
your area? When you
spot one, have your child
name it and say the
category it belongs
in. You may see
frogs (amphibians),
lizards (reptiles),
robins (birds),
deer (mammals), and butterflies
(insects). Suggest that she draw and
label pictures of the animals.
A: Chores are important because they teach responsibility
and encourage your child to be a contributing member of the household. Initially, it may take extra time
to have your daughter do chores, but once she gets into
the habit, her help will save you time.
Start by giving her jobs that she can feel confident about, such as clearing the
table after meals or watering plants.
Once the chores become part of her daily routine, assign more challenging ones
like vacuuming the car or mopping the kitchen floor. You’ll have fewer tasks on your
list, and she’ll become more responsible.♥
Watch for blooms. Encourage your
A reading challenge
youngster to look for trees or flowers with
closed buds, buds that are beginning to
open, and blossoms. Talk about why
some bloom before others. For example,
they may get more or less sunlight, or
they may have different rates of growth.
Let her check back in a few days to see
how the plants have changed.♥
To provide busy parents with practical ideas
that promote school success, parent involvement,
and more effective parenting.
Resources for Educators,
a division of CCH Incorporated
128 N. Royal Avenue • Front Royal, VA 22630
540-636-4280 •
ISSN 1540-5621
© 2015 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated
By reading more complex books, your
child can learn new words, facts, and
ideas. He’ll also be exposed to more
complicated plots and will grow as a
reader. Share these suggestions:
● Provide context. Knowing some-
thing about the topic or setting
will make a tougher book easier
to comprehend. If your youngster is reading a novel set in
China, he could talk to
someone who has been
there or look up the country
online (try a children’s site like
● Encourage your child to look at a
simpler book on the same subject. A
picture-book biography about Harriet
Tubman may help your youngster better
understand a textbook chapter on the
civil rights movement, for instance.
● Suggest that your child
read complicated material with pencil and
paper in hand. He
can jot down questions, words to
look up, or facts
he wants to learn
more about.♥
April 27, 2015 – May 1, 2015 ~~ 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Registration will be held at your 2015-2016 home campus
Montgomery Elementary – 20774 Eva Street (936) 597-6333
Lone Star Elementary – 16600 FM 2854 – (936) 588-6100
 Stewart Creek Elementary – 18990 Stewart Creek – (936) 582-5355
 Madeley Ranch Elementary – 3500 Madeley Ranch Rd – (936) 582-7500
Please bring the following information with you to registration:
 Certified Birth Certificate
 Immunization Record
 Social Security Card
 Parent/Guardian valid Photo I.D.
 Two proofs of residency in the district:
1. Real estate tax certificate or home purchase contract in parent/guardian’s name, or lease/rental agreement
2. Utility bill (e.g., satellite, cable, , water, gas, electric or telephone) clearly indicating parent/guardian’s name and
residence address as the service address
(If parent/guardian is living with another family in the district additional forms are required, which includes a notarized
statement with “proof of residency” attached.)
 If you have a parent Gradebook account set-up, please be sure to have your login and password information.
Kindergarten student must turn 5 on or before September 1, 2015.
27 de April -- 1 de Mayo, 2015 ~~ 9:00-11:00 a.m. y de 1:00-3:00 p.m.
La matriculación se llevará acabo en la escuela correspondiente a su domicilio para el año escolar 2015-2016.
Montgomery Elementary – 20774 Eva Street (936) 597-6333
Lone Star Elementary – 16600 FM 2854 – (936) 588-6100
 Stewart Creek Elementary – 18990 Stewart Creek – (936) 582-5355
 Madeley Ranch Elementary – 3500 Madeley Ranch Rd – (936) 582-7500
Favor de traer la siguiente información el día de matriculación:
 Acta de nacimiento certificada
 Registro de vacunas
 Tarjeta del Seguro Social
 Identificación con fotografía válida del padre/guardián
 Dos pruebas de residencia en el distrito:
1. Boleta de impuesto predial o contrato de compra de casa a nombre del padre/guardián, o contrato de
2. Cuentas de servicios (ej., satélite, cable, televisión, agua, gas, electricidad o teléfono) indicando claramente el
nombre del padre/guardián y la dirección correspondiente al servicio.
(Si el padre/guardián está viviendo con otra familia en el distrito, se requieren documentos adicionales, estos incluyen
un certificado notarizado con una “prueba de domicilio” adjunta.)
 Si usted tiene un padre Gradebook cuenta, por favor asegúrese de tener la información de nombre y contraseña.
El estudiante de Kinder deberá haber cumplido 5 años el 1 de Septiembre de 2015 o antes.
For Sara & Kelsey
Saturday, April 11th
13.1 10K 5K 1 Mile
Register at
Packet pick-up Thursday, April 9th 2PM—5PM & Friday, April 10th 3PM—7PM
Locker Up! 14375 Liberty St. Suite 102 Montgomery, TX 77356
For more information please check us out on Facebook at Angel Run for Kelsey & Sara
Contact Andrea Terna or Maria Esquivel
Woodforest Development in Montgomery
Celebrate in Woodforest’s Brand New Model Home Park
Refreshing Beverages
Healthy Snacks
Photo booths
Auction Items