The Transformer Issue 2

 Issue 2
Upcoming events
The Transformer
Apr + Singapore Maths
Issue 2
Welcome to the second newsletter for
the mathematics community of the
GLOWMaths Hub
May + Local Leaders of
Mathematics Education
Network meeting
+ Developing a mastery
approach to primary
June + Makings sense of the new
GCSE specs Part 2 (Glos +
+ Subject Expertise: New GCSE
Higher content
+ NRICH: Problem Solving and
+ #YesUCan: Growth Mindset
+ MathsTEACHmeet (Worcs)
+ 24 Challenge
July + MathsTEACHmeet (Glos)
+ Making sense of the new
GCSE specs Part 2(Glos +
+ Singapore Maths:
+ MathsFest15
See Pages 6/7/8 for full details and
other ways to get involved
Keep up to date on
+ Who are the Strategic Partners?
Balcarras School, Cheltenham
Chipping Norton School, Oxfordshire
Farmor’s School, Fairford, Glos
Glenfall Primary School, Cheltenham, Glos
Naunton Park Primary School Cheltenham. Glos
Pates’ Grammar School, Cheltenham, Glos
Pittville School, Cheltenham, Glos
Thomas Keble School, Stroud, Glos
The Chase School, Malvern, Worcs
Oxford University, Oxfordshire
University of Gloucestershire, Glos
Oxfordshire LA Primary Maths Team, Oxfordshire
Further Maths Support Programme
We are also delighted to announce two new
Strategic Partners:
Malmesbury School, Wiltshire
The Rivers CE Multi-Academy Trust, Worcester,
Over 2200 get involved with
GLOWMaths in the
first 6 months!
We are delighted that so many pupils, teachers, subject
leaders and head teachers have already seized the
opportunity to get involved with our unique face to face and
online events since September.
GLOWMaths Hub aims to ‘shine a light’ on collaborative
working across primary, secondary schools, and colleges in
GLoucestershire, Oxfordshire and Worcestershire (hence the
name ‘GLOW’ !) and beyond. We would like to thank all the
strategic and operational partners for their enthusiasm,
positivity and commitment to make this work for pupils,
teachers and leaders across the GLOW region.
More info about the GLOWMaths Hub programme can be
found here and @GLOWMaths.
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
Breaking down barriers 1 Issue 2
+ Celebrating the first 6 months of GLOWMaths
CPD Events
Over 550 teachers and senior
leaders have got involved with
our face-to face events providing
opportunities to work with
international and national leaders
of mathematics education
• Jane Jones, Lead HMI for
• Professor Jo Boaler, Stanford
• Jennie Pennant, NRICH
• All three major exam boards
(AQA, Edexcel, OCR)
Plus unique opportunities to work
• Ms Sun Jue and Ms Gao Zefeng
(aka Sunny and Julia) from
Cornerstone Mathematics
• Primary and Secondary
Colleagues at
Research and Innovation
Over 170 teachers and leaders
have taken up the opportunity to
research and innovate particular
issues in mathematics education
through our work groups
• #YesUCan: Developing a
growth Mindset in
• Problem Solving and
Reasoning (Primary)
• Bar Modelling (Primary)
• Secondary Ready? Improving
outcomes for low attainers
• Enriching Mathematics
• Exploring the Big Ideas of KS3
• 733 (and growing) followers on
Twitter from all continents in the
World (not just GL,O,W)
• 130 members have joined our
online NCETM community
• 700+ teachers have already
signed up to receive newsletters
and details of other events from
the GLOW Communications HQ
(not to be confused with the
other ‘GCHQ’!)
Register your details using this
• Question time with colleagues
and teachers and subject
leaders at the GLOWMaths
‘Making Sense of the New
GCSEs’ event.
• Jane Jones, HMI Lead for
Mathematics’ discussing
school improvement strategies
with subject leaders and Head
teachers at the
GLOWMaths/Ofsted Better
Maths Conference
• Professor Jo Boaler discussing
growth mindset research, the
power of ‘Yet’ and other
strategies to create positive
norms in the mathematics
classroom at the GLOWMaths
YesUCan! The Growth Mindset
Revolution in Mathematics
event at The Andrew Wiles
Building, Oxford University
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
More info and photos can be
found @GLOWMaths
Breaking down barriers 2 Issue 2
+ National Projects Updates
The GLOW Maths Hub is keen for leaders and teachers to have the opportunity to
get involved with classroom based research and support innovation. Some
research opportunities are linked to national projects
and others are local work groups responding to local priorities.
National Project 1: Use of high quality textbooks to support teacher
professional development
Severnbanks, Lydney CofE and Ellwood primary schools, are trialing the use of
adapted versions of textbooks currently used in Singapore. These schools have
chosen to trail InspireMaths, adapted by Oxford University Press, with Year 1
classes only. Teachers engaged in the project participate in five workshop days to
support them in introducing the books to pupils, in using the books in the course of
lesson planning and design, and in their own professional learning. The aim of the
project, as in the England – China project, is to help participating teachers and
schools develop and embed a mastery approach to maths teaching.
National Project 2: Post 16 Participation (with FMSP/CMSP)
Balcarras and Malmesbury School are currently working with schools interested in improving post 16
participation rates. This national project has the broad aim of increasing participation levels of post-16
students in A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics courses, and other level 3 courses, such as Core
Maths. Farmor’s School, The Commonweal School and Royal Wotton Bassett Academy are the ‘Core Maths
Early Developers’ for the GLOWMaths Hub.
National Project 3: England/China (Shanghai) Research Project
Following a successful visit to Shanghai in the Autumn Term, Glenfall Primary
School hosted the exchange visit of Ms Sun Jue and Ms Gao Zefeng (aka Sunny
and Julia) during March. Sunny and Julia taught Y1, 3 and 4 classes and
provided opportunities for over 120 teachers and 150 trainee teachers to
researching lesson design, teaching for mastery, number fluency and feedback.
- Reflections from teachers directly involved at Glenfall
- Thoughts and reflections from a delegate attending the GLOWMaths Shanghai
Live event on 17th March can be found
Examples of the PPTS (Powerpoints) designed and used by Sunny and Julia for
schools to use and research further can be downloaded here:
Pupils from Glenfall Primary School Dr Vanessa Pittard (DfE), Louise Seeley (GLOW Lead Practitioner Shanghai Project),
welcome Sunny and Julia
Robert Wilne (NCETM) and Anthony Mitchell (Head teacher, Glenfall) share their
thoughts at the Shanghai Live event.
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
& Innovation
Farewell Ceremony at the Chinese Embassy
with Nick Gibb, Schools Minister
Breaking down barriers 3 Issue 2
+ Local Work Group Updates
All teacher researchers and innovators are expected to inspire other
colleagues by sharing their thoughts, next steps and early impact
through a range of activities. One such activity is the production of a
‘So What Now?’ report ( ). The current reports
can be downloaded using the links below:
Improving leadership of mathematics
#YesUCan: Growth Mindset Revolution
Making sense of the new GCSEs
Problem Solving and Reasoning
& Innovation
England – Shanghai
Research Project
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
Breaking down barriers 4 + Local Leaders of Mathematics Education:
Issue 2
Directory of Providers of Support for Schools and Colleges
As part of the GLOW Mathematics Charter, we are committed to ensuring all leaders can access
quality support from practitioners, schools and departments to improve mathematics in their school or
college. GLOWMaths is compiling a directory of individuals (SLEs, PD Leads, (ex-)ASTs, MaSTs, Lead
Practitioners/Teachers, consultants, etc), primary schools and secondary mathematics departments
recognised for their track record of improving mathematics. This directory will become the local ‘go to’
for schools and colleges looking for support to improve mathematics.
If you would like to be included, or recommend someone, in the directory, please complete this form
Important Meeting
The first GLOWMaths 'Local Leaders of Mathematics Education (LLME)’ Network Meeting will take place
on 13th May 2015 (15:30 – 17:00) at Balcarras School, Cheltenham. The aim of this event is for local
leaders of mathematics education (SLEs, PD Leads, (ex-)ASTs, MaSTs, Lead Practitioners/Teachers,
consultants, etc) in all phases of education to network, share their specialist expertise and explore ways
of getting involved with the work of the GLOWMaths Hub to support local schools and colleges.
Please register online:
+ Enriching Mathematics
The GLOW Mathematics Charter also outlines our commitment to ensuring all all pupils of all ages have
access to enrichment activities and competitions. This has already included with an online Sumdog
competition for Glos, Worcs and Oxon
schools and look out for news of the
GLOWMaths 24 Challenge during Term 6.
Huge congratulations to winners of the
Y10 Enrichment Event – a joint
Balcarras/Pittville team.
Many thanks to Pat Cobb (FMSP),
Balcarras and Thomas Keble schools for
making these events happen.
Monthly Maths Competitions
GLOWMaths is keen to
support schools with
enriching mathematics
by providing monthly
competitions for
teachers to adopt and
adapt. Download the
April competition
Many thanks to
Register to
automatically receive the monthly competitions.
Important Meeting
The first GLOWMaths Enrichment Work
Group Meeting will take place on 28th April
2015 (16:00 – 17:30) at Thomas Keble
School, Eastcombe, Glos. The aim of this
event is for local teachers of primary and
secondary mathematics to network, share
their specialist expertise and explore ways
of developing enrichment opportunities for
all schools to use. Please register online:
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
Breaking down barriers 5 Issue 2
Universal events
April 2015
+ GLOW: The Singapore Approach to teaching Mathematics
- Where and When: Balcarras School, Cheltenham
21st April, 13:00 – 16:30
- Focus: Presentation from OUP about the ‘InspireMaths’ textbook scheme to support a
mastery approach to teaching mathematics and feedback from the three
Gloucestershire schools involved with the national collaborative project
- Phase: Primary
- Target Audience: Primary senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers
- Register: FULL (An additional date to be confirmed in June)
- Where and When: Balcarras School, Cheltenham
13th May, 15:30 – 17:00
- Focus: Meet the Maths Hub team, network with other leaders of mathematics
education and learn more about the priorities and how to get involved with the
GLOWMaths Hub
- Phase: Primary, Secondary and FE
- Target Audience: Al All SLEs, PD Leads, (ex-)ASTs, MaSTs, Lead Practitioners/Teachers,
consultants, etc
- Register:
June 2015
+ GLOW: MathsTEACHmeet
- Where and When: The Chase, Malvern, Worcs
16th June, 16:00 – 17:30
- Focus: Share teaching and learning ideas with other colleagues
- Phase: Primary, Secondary and FE
- Target Audience: All teachers, subject leaders and senior leaders
- Register:
+ GLOW/FMSP: New GCSE Higher Tier content
- Where and When: Balcarras School, Cheltenham
25th June, 09:00 – 15:30
- Focus: Strengthening subject knowledge – exploring the new GCSE Higher Tier content
Further details:
- Phase: Secondary
- Target Audience: Secondary teachers and subject leaders
- Register:
+ GLOW: The Singapore Approach to teaching Mathematics
Miss It, Miss Out! Get Involved! May 2015
+ GLOW: Local Leaders of Mathematics Education Network Meeting FREE
- Where and When: Balcarras School, Cheltenham
TBC June, 13:00 – 16:30
- Focus: Presentation from OUP about the ‘InspireMaths’ textbook scheme to support a
mastery approach to teaching mathematics and feedback from the three
Gloucestershire schools involved with the national collaborative project
- Phase: Primary
- Target Audience: Primary senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers
- Register: Date being confirmed with OUP - link will be tweeted out @GLOWMaths in due
July 2015
+ GLOW: MathsTEACHmeet
- Where and When: Balcarras School, Cheltenham
14th July, 16:00 – 17:00
- Focus: Share teaching and learning ideas with other colleagues
- Phase: Primary, Secondary and FE
- Target Audience: All teachers, subject leaders and senior leaders
- Register:
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
Breaking down barriers 6 Research + Innovation Workgroups
+ GLOW: Raising the bar to explore big ideas of KS2 Mathematics
Issue 2
- Where and When: Henmans Freeth Central Oxford 22nd Apr, 20th May 13:30– 16:00
- Focus: Exploring the use of the Bar Model to develop children’s conceptual
understanding of number and proportional reasoning
- Phase: Primary
- Target Audience: Subject leader and/or Year 3,4,5 Teachers
- Register: FULL
+ GLOW: YesUCan! The Growth Mindset Revolution in Mathematics FREE
Get Involved! + GLOW/NRICH: Problem Solving and Reasoning Part 2
- Where and When: St Clement's CofE Primary, Worcester
16th June 10:00 - 15:00
- Focus: Face to face meeting for schools involved in the Problem Solving, Reasoning
and Fluency: workgroup. The workgroup will provide an opportunity to further
develop thinking around embedding problem solving and reasoning, update on key
actions, plan next steps and explore the role of GLOW ambassadors/champs.
Jennie Pennant NRICH/Steve Lomax will facilitate this workgroup
- Phase: Primary
- Target Audience: Subject leader and Teachers
- Register:
+ GLOW: Making sense of the new GCSE specifications Part 2
- Where and When: Balcarras School, Cheltenham
15th June 10:00 – 14:30
The Chase Malvern
10th July 10:00 – 14:30
- Focus: Follow up meeting for schools attending the Dec/Jan meetings. The
workgroup will provide an opportunity to hear presentations from all three major
exam boards – AQA, Edexcel, and OCR – on the latest SAMs, outcomes from the
Ofqual Report and plan next steps.
- Phase: Secondary and FE
- Target Audience: Secondary subject leaders, KS4 co-ordinators
- Register:
+ GLOW: Exploring the Big Ideas of KS3 mathematics
Miss It, Miss Out! - Where and When: Chipping Norton School
10th June 15:30 – 17:30
- Focus: Based on the growth mindset research of Carol Dweck and Jo Boaler,
teachers will research the power of ‘Yet’ and other strategies to create positive
norms in the mathematics classroom.
- Phase: Primary/Secondary
- Target Audience: Teachers, Subject Leaders and senior leaders
- Register:
- Focus: Project in partnership with Cornerstone Maths developing the use of dynamic
technology to support mathematical learning. The project units have be created to
improve the understanding of the “Big Ideas” in the 2014 National Curriculum
- Phase: Secondary
- Target Audience: KS3 Teachers and Subject Leaders
- Register your interest:
+ GLOW: Secondary Low Attainers
- Focus: An innovation opportunity for secondary teachers to improve the progress of
students leaving primary school below age related expectations(< KS2 L4b). The work
group will focus on exploring effective curriculum models and developing intervention
models to enable students to ‘get back on track’
- Phase: Secondary
- Target Audience: Teachers, subject leaders and senior leaders
- Register your interest:
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
Breaking down barriers 7 + Other ways to get involved
Issue 2
The GLOWMaths also supports events run by national and strategic partners including:
+ MathsFest15
30th June 2015
GLOWMaths is a major partner of the Balcarras Teaching
School MathsFest15 Conference.
This annual conference will explore Life without Levels, the
Mastery Curriculum, Problem Solving, Reasoning, The Role of ICT
and much, much more.
Keynotes from Professor Tim Oates and Dame Celia Hoyles plus
workshops from Debbie Morgan (NCETM: Primary), Robert Wilne
(NCTEM: Secondary), Pete Griffin (NCETM) David Bird (AQA
Advocate) and local teachers.
Book a place:
20% discount for all school registered with GLOWMaths
+ Oxfordshire Maths Conference
10th June 2015
Conference speakers this year are Mike Askew
‘What are big ideas in mathematics and why
are they important?’ and Catherine Foley ‘Girls’
mathematics and identity; building ownership,
forging confidence.’
Delegates can choose to attend two workshops
Mike Askew: ‘Big Ideas in teaching and
Catherine Foley: ‘Finding out what children really
think about mathematics.’
3. Nasreen Majid: ‘Statistics in the new national
4. GLOW Maths Hub: ‘What’s it all about?
Shanghai maths’
More info:
+ FMSP A-level Active!
9th June 2015
These completely interactive hands-on sessions are designed to share techniques, resources,
technology and approaches for engaging all students in A level mathematics learning.
All sessions will be led by experienced teachers of A level Mathematics and Further
Mathematics. More information:
+ TEACHMeet: Rivers CE Multi-Academy Trust
@GLOWmaths Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
18th June 2015 Start: 18:00
Breaking down barriers 8 Issue 2
Enjoying mathematics
Creating mathematicians
Breaking down barriers
GLOW Strategic Mathematics Lead: Steve Lomax
@GLOWmaths GLOW Administrator: Jo Newman
Enjoying mathematics Ÿ
Creating mathematicians Ÿ
Breaking down barriers 9