The Stag Scene Any questions or concerns about The Stag Scene please contact Janelle Brand at Volume 2, Issue 30 April 20, 2015 Important Dates April 21st - 6th Grade to Zoo April 22nd - Spring Pictures April 29th –First Grade Grandparents Mass April 30th –First Communion Practice 2015-2016 School Registration School registration forms for next school year went home with the students last week. Please fill them out and send back in as soon as possible. If you didn’t get yours please contact the school office for them. 2015-2016 Kindergarten Registration We are now accepting registrations for kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year. Please pick up the information at the school office. Inside this Issue: Preschool Registration Nurse News - pg 2 Our Pre-School strives to provide a creative learning environment which supports the child’s family life while enriching his/her educational experience. Our state licensed program is designed for three, four, and five year old children. -Our program for three year old’s is Tuesday/Thursday 8am to 11am -Our program for four and five year old’s is Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8am to 11am OR Noon to 3pm Save the Date - pg 2 Tuition Assistance pg 2 CYO Soccer - pg 2 SAY Soccer - pg 2 Contact Shirley Minham at 937-293-9452 for any questions. Soccer Stars - pg 3 Cheerleading - pg 3 SDK Football - pg 3 Munchkin Track - pg 3 Summer Laureate pg 4 STAG Alumni - pg 5 PTO Mulch Sale pgs 6-7 St. Albert the Great Spring Art Show The art show will have it’s opening reception on Thursday, May 14th from 5 - 7pm at the Art Frame Gallery, 1652 Brown St, near the UD campus. The artwork will be there for viewing from May 7 through May 21. Notes will be sent home with the students by Monday, April 27, to let them know their artwork was chosen for the show. 2015-2016 Tuition pgs 8-9 1 Alter Lancerettes If there are any current 8th grade students that are interested in trying out for the Alter Lancerettes next year please see the link below. hps:// ree-Tryouts.pdf From the Nurse Immunization reminder to 6th grade parents: Ohio School Immunization Requirements are such that before a student enters seventh grade they are to have a documented Tdap vaccine. This dose is intended to be administered as a booster dose for students who have completed the required doses of the initial series of DTaP/DT/Td. Therefore, your current 6th grader will need to show proof of having received this booster dose before they can return to school in the fall. Please provide the Nurse the date that the Tdap was received with a copy of updated immunizations from your pediatrician. This reminder is sent out now to provide you with ample time to have your child immunized before the 2015-2016 school year begins. Please contact your physician or health department if your child still needs this vaccine. Save the Date 7th and 8th graders save the date for Saturday, May 23. St Albert PTO will be hosting a Jr. High dance from 7-10. Tuition Assistance Incoming kindergarten, first and second grade students whose family income meets the established guidelines under Ohio’s Educational Choice Expansion Scholarship Program may attend Saint Albert the Great free of charge. To see if your family qualifies, visit the website of the Ohio Department of Education at CYO Soccer Sign Ups Registration for CYO Soccer is now open! All St. Albert the Great School and Religious Education students who will be in grades 4-8 in the 2015-2016 school year can participate. To register, go to the St. Albert the Great Athletics site powered by Blue Sombrero,, or follow the link on the school website, Registration closes Friday, May 15th. Questions? Contact PJ Wagner at (937) 672-6779. SAY Soccer Sign Ups Registration for SAY Soccer is now open! All St. Albert the Great School and Religious Education students who will be in grades 2-3 in the 201-2016 school year can participate. To register, go to the St. Albert the Great Athletics site powered by Blue Sombrero,, or follow the link on the school website, Questions? Contact Jesse Brand at 937-299-5341. 2 Soccer Stars Sign ups are now open for Soccer Stars. Soccer Stars is open to all St. Albert students and Religious Ed students in grades TK - 1. Sign ups are being conducted through the Blue Sombero website. Cheerleading Sign ups are now open for Cheerleading for girls in grades 6 - 8. Participants must be St. Albert students or Religious Ed students. Sign ups are being conducted through the Blue Sombero website. South Dayton Knights Football & Cheer Registration The South Dayton Knights Football & Cheer program will conduct registration for its program May 1 – 18th. The football program will field teams 3rd – 8th grade and cheer will field 2nd – 8th grade squads. The 2015 season promises to be exciting, with several changes, including: cheerleading squads for 2nd – 8th grade, new player / cheer uniforms that can be kept at the end of the season, a large apparel e-store, online registration/team websites, and USA Football Heads-Up Certified Coaches. For detailed information regarding the 2015 season and to register, visit You can also email David Homan at Become a part of the SDK Football Tradition! Munchkin Track Information Friday April 24th: MEET at Centerville High School vs. Incarnation, 6:00 pm START TIME Saturday April 25th: Practice 12:00-1:00 Saturday May 2nd: Practice 12:00-1:00 (**PRACTICE AT ST. ALBERT) Friday May 8th: MEET at Centerville High School vs. both Incarnation and Holy Angels Friday May 15th: MEET at Alter High School vs. St. Charles Saturday May 16th: FUN DAY – Details to come! 3 The Summer Laureate for Promising Young Scholars 2015 The cost of the one-week program is $295 which includes all activities, instructional materials, recreation, noon meal and snacks, plus the Sundae Social on Friday afternoon. For more information or questions please contact Christine Evans. 4 St. Albert the Great Alumni Name Alig, Robert L. Braun, Courtney A. Buehrle, Mark W. Carone Jr., Massimiliano Carr, John P. Collins, James (Jay) T. Engler, Olivia M. Foppe, Samantha R. Luehrs, Christopher L. Mancz, Elizabeth R. McCur)s, Mark I. Miley, Bridget E. Miller, Julia M. O'Malley, Fiona M. Rowe, Morgan A. Rowland, Rachel B. Schimpf, Abigail L. Schimpf, Benjamin M. Schmitz, Peter D. Schuermann, Claire K. Stechschulte, Brock J. Tangeman, Hunter F. Trick, Gretchen E. Trick, Lydia E. Wi, Anthony S. Grade Honors 10 2nd Honors 11 Honors With Dis)nc)on 11 2nd Honors Congratulations to these St. Albert the Great alumni who now attend Alter High School and were named to the honor roll for the 3rd quarter. Great job and keep up the hard work! 12 1st Honors 11 Honors With Dis)nc)on 9 Honors With Dis)nc)on 10 2nd Honors 12 2nd Honors 12 1st Honors 9 Honors With Dis)nc)on 12 Honors With Dis)nc)on 10 2nd Honors 12 2nd Honors 11 2nd Honors 11 2nd Honors 11 2nd Honors 10 2nd Honors 11 1st Honors 11 1st Honors 11 2nd Honors 12 1st Honors 11 2nd Honors 11 2nd Honors 12 2nd Honors 9 1st Honors Congratulations Alter! We have a Nominee for the 2015 JJHuddle & Bucknuts Ohio High School Athlete of the Year Award. There are only 10 nominees statewide in all sports: boys & girls combined. This is a big accomplishment! This annual award is decided by fan vote, so we encourage you to forward this email to others in your school, district and community. Voting is live and will conclude at Noon on Wednesday, April 29. You may vote as often as you like. OHIO HS ATHLETE OF THE YEAR NOMINEES *Luke Kennard, Franklin Boys Basketball *Beau Justice, Peebles Boys Basketball *Alecia Farina, Brecksville-Broadview Heights Gymnastics *Kollin Moore, Norwayne Wrestling *Kevin Vough, Elyria Wrestling *Cam Kelly, Bellbrook Wrestling *Carlton Bragg, Cleveland Villa Angela-St. Joseph Boys Basketball *Kaayla McIntyre, Toledo Notre Dame Basketball *Claire Schuermann, Alter Swimming & Diving *Danika Hickey, Bryan Bowling CLICK HERE TO VOTE 5 Current Alter student Claire Schuermann is a STAG alumni! Please help her win this great award! The St Albert PTO and Green Rock Mulch Present... The Spring 2015 Mulch Sale April 1 - 30 With your support, the PTO has, over the past two school years, funded the following: To Contact Green Rock Mulch... OR… **Green Rock Mulch is a St Albert teacher-owned business! Don’t forget to mention the “PTO Sale” when you call!! Staff wishlist items including: Air conditioner units for classrooms/cafeteria, classroom storage items, educational website subscriptions, classroom bibles, classroom magazine subscriptions, library supplies, etc White boards in all classrooms Beginning of the year teacher supplies Teacher continuing education funds Ink cartridges for printers Toner for copy machines Projector bulbs for white boards Hand sanitizer for school and parish Kindergarten leveled reader books Copy paper for entire school Subsidized ski trip costs Field Day T-shirts Subsidized Glen Helen costs Illuminate—Girl Empowerment Muse Machine/Dayton Philharmonic guest musicians 4th Grade Venture Magazine 4th Grade Ohio History readers Photo Booth for Parish Picnic Baptismal Basket supplies and organization 8th grade confirmation t-shirts Power of the Pen dues and travel expenses Contributed time to the following: Friday packets Support for donut fellowship Support for Fish Fry—volunteers Support for Open House tours Support for Health and Wellness symposium And has been the lead on the following: Ice Cream Social Magazine Sale Christmas Tree Sale Uniform Room Note Card Sale Flower Sale Mulch Sale Restaurant Nights Catholic Schools Week Luncheon Catholic Schools Week volunteer organization Field Day organization Spirit Wear Calendar production Directory production Celebration Breakfast after Feast Day Mass Welcome Breakfast for New Families First Communion Wednesday “After Party” Baptismal Baskets 6 BEAUTIFY YOUR YARD!! Orders over 5 yards: FREE delivery!! Orders under 5 yards: $15 delivery fee. (Delivery subject to delivery zone. Please call to confirm.) Beautify your yard and support the St Albert the Great PTO at the same time! Green Rock Mulch will donate $3/00 per yard sold to the PTO! Types of mulch available: (All deliveries must be made by June 1.) Triple Shredded: $42.50/yd The back of hardwood trees, Just say “PTO shredded three times. Dark Sale” when you call brown in color. to order! Black Dyed: $38.50/yd 937-427-0235 It’s that simple! PRE-PAY when ordering to have it delivered when you’re ready! A natural product shredded three times and dyed black. Ask about our great 7 Tuition Information and Rates 2015– 16 School Year Our school is heavily funded by our Parish General Fund (Sunday collection). Therefore, only registered families qualify for the parish rate, which is reduced from the full actual cost to educate your child. It is expected that parish families with children attending St. Albert the Great School be active, contributing members of the church and participate in the spiritual and academic life of the parish and school. It is also an expectation that parents monetarily support the parish. Parish families are asked to contribute a minimum of $520 per year. Your Sunday contributions help us keep our school funded and viable since a minimum of $500,000 – and, usually more, of the parish income directly underwrites the school thereby keeping tuition at the lower listed rate rather than the actual cost to educate your child. Inability to contribute time, talent or financially to the parish will not disqualify a parish child from attending our school, however, families must call the pastor to discuss this matter privately. A fund is available for those in this circumstance. RATE FOR REGISTERED PARISH FAMILIES ** NON-PARISH FAMILIES Kindergarten or Transitional (half day) $2,800.00 ** ----------------- $4,000.00 Transitional Kindergarten (full day) $3,300.00 ** ----------------- $4,500.00 Kindergarten (full day) ------------------ $3,300.00 ** ------------------ $4,500.00 Full Day Kindergarten thru 8th grade and Multiple Children from the same family tuition rate ** One Child ---------------------------------Two Children ----------------------------Three Children --------------------------Four Children ---------------------------Five Children ---------------------------- $ 3,300.00 ** ------------------$4,500.00 $ 6,100.00 ** -----------------$9,000.00 $ 8,800.00 ** ---------------$13,500.00 $11,300.00 ** ---------------$18,000.00 $13,625.00** **ONLY REGISTERED, CONTRIBUTING, ACTIVE PARISHIONERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS RATE **. IT IS AN EXPECTATION THAT PARISH FAMILIES WILL DONATE A MINIMUM OF $520 PER YEAR TO THE PARISH BY ENVELOPE OR AUTOMATIC DEDUCTION AND BE ACTIVE IN THE LIFE OF THEIR PARISH AND SCHOOL. PARENTS WITH FINANCIAL CONCERNS ARE ASKED TO CONTACT THE PASTOR, BUSINESS MANAGER OR PRINCIPAL. FAILURE TO MEET THE ABOVE STATED REQUESTS WILL RESULT IN BEING CHARGED THE NONPARISH RATE. TUITION FACTS AND COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS • Registration fee will not be applied to tuition. Your $150 family registration fee is applied towards a school fee. • • • • This fee underwrites various school needs, ie technology, school assessment, student accident insurance etc. $100 discount if the full year’s tuition is paid before July 31, 2015 unfortunately due to excessive fees, this cannot be paid with a credit card. Half Day Kindergarten & Half Day Transitional Kindergarten is separate from grades 1 thru 8 tuition and DO NOT qualify for the multiple child discount. All Day Kindergarten and All Day Transitional Kindergarten students DO qualify for the multiple child discount. The Registration Fee is NOT refundable if you withdraw your child from St. Albert. OVER 8 If you are moving you must notify us before June 30 to qualify for a $50 refund. The $20 Kindergarten testing fee is NOT refundable even if your child does not attend St. Albert. This fee pays for the testing process. 2015-16 TEN MONTH PAYMENT CYCLE THROUGH FACTS TUITION MANAGEMENT: • The first payment for the 2015-16 school year begins July 2015 and the last payment will be due April 2016. • Payments will be made through FACTS with a debit from an account or credit card (2.75% convenience fee charged by the credit card companies). • UNFORTUNATELY, NO VISA PAYMENTS CAN BE ACCEPTED After 2015-16 school registration is received (with $150 registration payment), beginning in April / May your family will receive an email invitation to set up a payment plan with FACTS MANAGEMENT. Options that you will be able to choose from: • • Full Pay Due: July 31, 2015 (-$100 discount for early payment) Semi-Annual: (2 payments) July 2015 and January 2016 10 Monthly Payments: Starting July, due 15th or 25th of the month Bi-Monthly (twice a month): Starting in July, due 15th and 25th of the month If you were signed up for FACTS this year and your information has not changed, the process will be very simple for this upcoming year. You will receive more information with directions about this to come in the near future. • A Commitment Form will also be sent home in April. This form is to be signed and returned by the due date on the form. • All tuition and all program cafeteria fees, etc must be current to re-register for the 2015-16 school year. • All school, pre-school are handled through the Rectory Office, not the School Office. • Tuition Questions can be answered at the Rectory / Tuition Office, 293-1191. • The rectory office is open Monday thru Friday – 9 am to 4:00 pm – twelve months a year. The Rectory Office will contact by email or mail families with considerable past due balances. We are more than willing to work with families when unexpected expenses impede your ability to pay. However, failure to respond to this request and contact the office will result in suspending your access to your child’s grades online and can include your child’s suspension from school. ST. ALBERT AFTERSCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Provides a safe, educational, and fun experience for your child. This program is run by the South YMCA. Registration forms are available at: South YMCA 4545 Marshall Rd. Kettering, OH 45429 (937)434-1964 ST. ALBERT PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM Pre-Registration required. $50 registration fee per school year. THIS IS A SELF-FUNDED PROGRAM - NO DISCOUNT IS AVAILABLE. 3 yr olds – Tuesday & Thursday (8:00-11:00am) - $150.00 per month 4 yr olds – Monday / Wednesday / Friday (8:00-11am or 12:00-3:00pm) - $175.00 per month CALL SHIRLEY MINHAM, PRESCHOOL COOR. FOR DETAILS - 293-9425, EXT #232 9
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