WILDCAT NEWS Volume 8, Issue 1 May 29, 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS IMPORTANT NOTES NO BUS SERVICE - Monday, June 1 FUN DAY – PLEASE TURN IN $2. GRADUATION – Join us, June 2 at 7 p.m. for the graduation ceremony of the 2015 St. Peter Graduates. Ceremony is held in the sanctuary. AUCTION MEETINGS – Yes, 2016 AUCTION! We need to pick a theme and start forming committees. If you would like to hear more information, please join us for one of the following meetings; June 3 at 7:45 a.m. or June 3 at 7 p.m. Bring theme suggestions! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, JUNE 5, 2015 Last day of school is all school Fun Day. Various game and activity stations will be set up for the students. We are asking $2.00 per student to help offset costs. Please turn money into your teacher by May 29th. VOLUNTEERS are needed to run the activities from 8-1. Interested in volunteering? Email jlahay@stpeterlcms.org. Your help is appreciated in making this a successful event. LAST CHAPEL SERVICE & AWARDS At 8:30 a.m. on June 5, we will have our end of the year Awards Ceremony. Kindergarten – 8th grade will be participating. Parents are welcome to join us. Chapel will begin at 9:15 a.m. Let SCHOOL TOOL BOX do your school supply shopping – Teachers have turned in their specific supply list for the 2015/2016 year and you can find it on St. Peter’s School Tool Box. It allows you to purchase all name brand supplies plus you can check off the items you may not need. Go to schooltoolbox.com and click find my school! Need to order by August 1st to insure delivery before school. SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS: This summer we will be offering a few PTL different IS HOSTING camps. InAN July we will have our annual AFTERNOON volleyball and basketball camps OF FOOD, instructed by Mrs.FUN Hineman & Coaches. In June, AND FELLOWSHIP! Matt Walsh (former SHS basketball coach) will do an instructional basketball camp for our students only! See attached flyer for details and registration. Please register by June 5. STEAM CAMP- June 16-20 from 1-4 p.m. at St. Peter Lutheran School. It is an exciting and handson learning opportunity for young people with a special emphasis on the STEAM curriculum areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). The camp sessions are both fun and full of learning. For more information and registration go to www.cuw.edu/STEAM. JUNE RNO will be on June 5 at Oberweis and Menchie’s. A great way to kick off summer. Menchie’s Flyer is attached, Oberweis will be available next week. June 15 will be the next Restaurant Night Out. Stay tuned for more details. Newsletter 1 CHURCH NEWS: For more information on Bible Classes and Weekly/Monthly Groups, take a look at our Weekly Take-Home. It can be found online http://church.stpeterlcms.org/weekly_take_home SUMMER TUTORING SHARE YOUR ST. PETER STORY! We would like to know your St. Peter Story and share with families considering sending their children to our school. If you are willing to SHARE YOUR STORY, please email Mary Bahn at mbahn@stpeterlcms.org! Slots are still available for summer tutoring. If you are interested in having your child tutored, please contact one of the following teachers directly for day, time, fees, etc. Pam Johnson (pjohnson@stpeterlcms.org) PS-4th grade, Math & Reading Kathy Kruel (kkruel@stpeterlcms.org) All levels, Math Jessica LaHay (jlahay@stpeterlcms.org) All levels, Math & Reading Amy Schneider (aschneider@stpeterlcms.org) K-2nd, Math & reading LIBRARY NEWS: Summer AR Testing: In order to support a strong reading program at St. Peter Lutheran School and encourage year round reading, we have made it possible for students to also take AR tests during the summer. Testing will take place every Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. starting June 17th and ending August 19th. In grades 5-8 a minimum number of AR points is required each trimester. Any student in grades 5-8 who earns AR points during the summer may apply up to 5 of those points toward each of the trimester requirements. Additional summer points may be applied to the student's cumulative goal including the end of the year special lunch and the end of the year point clubs. Students must take tests that are in their most recent ZPD level. SummerDaze student will have the opportunity to take tests during the day. Keep reading all summer long! EVENTS CONTINUED… FOOD PANTRY CHALLENGE – 3000 in 3 Weeks continues. As of Wednesday, we collected 168 pieces of food. We know more have come in since then. Donations can be brought in to the classrooms every day. See attached flyer for more details. Please make sure items donated are not expired. As of Wednesday we have received 1,447 items! Thanks! SEEDLINGS: Wed. morning playgroup for ages 4 & under - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in the church nursery from 9-10:30am. Step out into a new environment to connect with other parents while young children begin to socialize with peers of their same age. Contact Alison Tarman for details, AlisonTarman@Yahoo.com. Newsletter 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ May, 2015 31 Sunday Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 12:15 p.m. JUNE 2015 1 Monday NO AM OR PM BUS SERVICE All Day 1 2 5 5 5 5 8 14 Monday Tuesday Friday Friday Friday Friday Monday Sunday Eighth Grade Banquet – Chandler’s Eighth Grade Graduation – Church & Fellowship Hall Awards Ceremony for K-8th Grades, Parents Welcome Chapel Fun Day End of 3rd Trimester – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Summer Days Begins Voters Assembly 6:00PM 7:00PM 8:30AM 9:15AM School Hours 7:00am-6:00pm 10:00 AM THE HAITI SUMMER MISSION TEAM is packing their bags and practicing their Haitian Creole as they prepare for their trip to Haiti in June. While there, we will be leading VBS at 3 locations, teaching English as a second language, assisting at the computer school, and working with the women from several different communities, assisting with a feeding program and working with the community on farming techniques! We are looking for donations to take with us on this very special trip as we return on Sunday June 7 to the community of Les Cayes. ITEMS NEEDED ARE: gently used clean tennis shoes (any size), notebooks, peanut butter or cheese crackers, hard candy or suckers, chalk, rulers, women's dresses, skirts or blouses, tooth brushes and tooth paste, individually wrapped bar soap, wash clothes, cash donations for Haitian Bibles and Hymnals ($8 each), cash donations for goats ($50-60). All donations are needed by Thursday, June 4. Most importantly, we would love your prayers that we are able to serve our Lord and be the hands and feet of Jesus! LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS PTL BOARD MEMBERS – We are currently looking to fill a position for the PTL Secretary. If you or someone you know would make a great Secretary, let the school office know or email ptl@stpeterlcms.org to learn more. Thank you for considering being a part of this important committee. We also are looking for Event Committee Chair. Currently Holiday Shop and Birthday Party for Jesus and Auction Committee are looking for parents to take the lead. Volunteering is a great way to get involved and become more connected. Newsletter 3
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