Rutherford Elementary School 5840 HAMMOND BAY ROAD NANAIMO, B.C. V9T 5M6 PHONE 250-758-5331 FAX 250-751-0829 Jeff Hasenauer, Principal Barb Suttie, Secretary NEWSLETTER Newsletter 9 April,2015 DEAR PARENTS Spring has sprung. As we enter the final months it is important for students to continue to follow their school routine as much as possible. Setting aside time to study and read each day will help each student remain focused on school and their goals. As always, things are busy at Rutherford. Some recent events: the conclusion of basketball, beginning of track and field; Mad Science assembly; the Terry Fox Run for cancer research; a fire drill with bell ringing; new Lockdown procedures (drill in the near future – will be announced in advance); Smash This Badminton; the arrival of our new student ipad purchase. An ongoing thanks to the Rutherford PAC for all they do for students: various fundraising; garden maintenance; hall displays; and recently the purchase of Daily 5 literacy texts and cases for student ipads. Jeff Hasenauer Principal KINDERGARTEN FOR 2015-16 REGISTRATION Registration for Kindergarten for September 2015 is well underway. Complete information about registration will be available on the school district website A Special Note About Grade 7-8 Registration Our Grade 7 students are automatically "transitioned" to Dover Secondary, as Dover is the high school that our school "feeds" in to. There is no need to apply for Dover Secondary as this is automatically taken care of for your child. Grade 7 students, with the consent of their parent/guardian, who wish to transfer to a secondary school other than our designated high school (Dover) are required to complete an Out-of-Catchment application form and submit this form to the high school your child wishes to attend. The out of catchment registration started on Monday January 5 and concludes on Tuesday, March 31st . Applications are on a first come, first served, basis so early registration is encouraged. There is more information at Follow the registration link and the various forms are there. There is no guarantee that your out of catchment request will be granted at the high school level, however the form is needed at that school to start the process. Please let Mr. Hasenauer know if this is the case for your child and/or if you have any further questions about this process. If you currently live in the catchment area of another high school and your child plans to attend that high school (ie not Dover) please ensure the student registration forms are completed and submitted to that high school. There is no out of catchment form necessary in this case; however registration needs to be done prior to June 15th . If this is the case for your child please let Mr. Hasenauer know. CLASS PICTURE DAY WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN SCHOLASTIC BOOKS 50% SALE Class picture day is on Wednesday, May 27th. Each year Rutherford looks forward to welcoming the newest group of Kindergarten students to our school. If your child is attending Kindergarten in September, 2015 please make sure you register a.s.a.p. in the school office. You and your child are invited to come to an important orientation session at the school on Tuesday, June 2nd from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Each year-end Scholastic Books holds a Half-Price Sale in our school district. This year Rutherford will be hosting the sale. Invitations go out to school staff and PACs in our district and surrounding areas. The sale will be held: Wednesday April 22 2:40-3:30pm Thursday April 23 8-9am, 2:40-6:00pm Friday April 24 8-9am, 1:40-7:00pm Monday April 27 8-9am, 2:40-6:00pm Tuesday April 28 8-9am, 2:40-6:00pm Watch for a notice with more information about the sale and request for volunteers to help make the sale a success and add some great books to our school library. ARE YOU MOVING? If you are planning to move away from the Nanaimo area or are transferring your child(ren) to another school next year, please advise the office as soon as possible. Your co-operation greatly assists us in determining our numbers and school organization for the 2015-2016 school year. BASKETBALL The basketball season has finished for all of our teams. The Bantam girls coached by Mrs. Carole Ory and Mrs. Wendy Byrne had a strong season that finished the first week of April. The bantam boys coached by Mr. Rick Hart and sponsored by Ms. Lycan have had a strong season. Finishing 1st place in the district. Thank you to our other coaches and sponsors for their time and dedication: teacher Garrick Neumann (pee-wee boys; volunteer Walter fields and parent Theresa Patenaude (pee-wee girls). Also thank you to all of the parent drivers that transported students to the away games. Congratulations to all of our players on a great season. PARENTAL PLACEMENT REQUESTS FOR NEXT YEAR We would like to clarify our position on parental requests for placement of students in certain classes and with certain teachers. Parents should understand the assignment of students into classes each year is a careful process where considerable time and effort is spent by staff. Only parental requests based on an educational reason will be considered. Parental requests should be placed in writing with sound educational reasons given. It must be stressed there are no guarantees of class placement based on parental request. Requests must be received (addressed to Mr. Hasenauer) by May 29th. RUTHERFORD DRESS CODE With the warmer (we hope soon) weather, comes the need to wear lighter clothing. Please remember that school is a workplace for your child/children and what may be acceptable attire at the beach or other places may not necessarily be acceptable at the workplace. At Rutherford, we follow the SD #68 Dress Code guidelines and add our own guidelines with respect to “revealing” clothing. TRACK AND FIELD As part of our school-wide athletic program, classes from grades 3 to 7 will participate in a Track and Field Meet at the Rotary Bowl on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 for the above grade levels. We still need parent volunteers to help judge, measure or record events. Please contact the office if you are able to help out. Events will run from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. SD #68 Guidelines Appropriate dress is considered to be that which: Is safe 2 LITERACY Is free of any reference to alcohol, drugs, gangs, hate, obscenity, profanity, racism/discrimination, sex and or violence Is not disturbing or distracting to others within the school setting. Did you know that more than half of Canadians (55%) do not have the minimum skills necessary to meet the information demands of today’s world? Literacy levels affect family in-come, health and quality of life. Canadians with lower levels of literacy are more likely to earn less and use computers less frequently. Conversely, higher literacy skills correlate to greater involvement in community groups and volunteer activities. Working in partnership with the school to enhance your child’s ability to access information is the best way to enable them to achieve their goals and reach their potential in life. Research tells us there is a predictable reading slump occurring around Grade 4. One might assume by then that kids can read well enough on their own, but this is precisely the time when reading material becomes more challenging. We often say: In the primary grades, children learn to read and in the intermediate years, they read to learn. Tips: Rutherford Dress Code Guidelines: In addition to SD # 68 guidelines, Rutherford has adopted the following dress code guidelines: The appearance of any young person is primarily the responsibility of that individual and his/her parents. We expect students to maintain the type of appearance that is not distracting to teachers or other students to the detriment of the educational process of the school. At Rutherford school, staff, in conjunction with parents, has agreed that we would like to maintain a dress code. Some guidelines are: hats are not worn in the building beach wear or clothes that are revealing (low cut tops, short shorts, exposed underwear, spaghetti straps, muscle T-shirts, haltertops, bare midriffs and backs are not acceptable) items of clothing that display offensive graphics/writing are not appropriate for school (vulgar language, racist or sexist comments, suggestive sexual thoughts, advertising drugs and alcohol) tops must meet bottoms. students should not cover their heads unless it is for religious reasons sanctioned by their parents. for female students, heavy makeup (thick eyeliner, eye shadow and lipstick) is not appropriate at elementary school. 1. Don’t stop reading aloud to them once they can read independently—instead, simply take turns being the narrator. 2. Set a monthly goal in terms of reading minutes. Chart the progress and then reward your child with a new book, sticker or bookmark. 3. Encourage your child to develop an interest in different literary genres, such as adventure, mystery, fantasy and poetry. 4. Develop the habit of giving books or magazine subscriptions as gifts for birthdays or other special occasions. YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR SHOW DATES TO REMEMBER Over the past several weeks, some of our students have been participating in PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, an engaging, hands-on program that empowers students to develop their own businesses. These enterprising students have committed to building new skills and are now ready to display their business plans and market their products. Our Young Entrepreneur Show will be held at the school on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 1:00-3:30pm in the gym. There will be a variety of crafts and lots of creative surprises. Prices generally range from 50 cents to $4.00. Please come and join us. We look forward to seeing you there! May 4 May 12 May 18 May 19 May 26 May 27 June 2 June 4 June 5 June 12 June 24 June 24 3 Pro D Day School Track Meet Victoria Day PAC Meeting 7:00 pm Zone Track Meet Class Photos Welcome To Kindergarten District Track Meet Primary Fun Swim Fun Fair - 5-8:30pm Year end Assembly Last Day of School RUTHERFORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COMMENT SLIP Newsletter No. 9 IT IS IMPORTANT that all comment slips are signed and returned to the school to indicate that you have received this letter. If you have any comments regarding the information in this newsletter, you may also include them below. Thank you. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Student’s Name: _______________________ Div.: _______ Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________ Slips returned by Wednesday, May 6th will be included in a draw for a Little Caesar’s Pizza. Last Month’s Winner – Emily Purkis 4
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