2015 SEQ Administration Instructions

2015 Senior Exit Questionnaire Administration
The questionnaire will be on the web at www.cps.edu/seq2015. The questionnaire will be open to seniors from Friday,
May 1, 2015 through Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
The questionnaire takes between 25 to 30 minutes to complete. We recommend you administer the questionnaire either
during Senior Seminar, an extended division period, or during English class, whichever enables you to ensure all your
seniors complete the questionnaire. This should also help in scheduling computer lab time.
Student eligibility to complete the questionnaire
Only students who are in 12th grade and active in IMPACT on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, will be able to complete the
questionnaire. Please verify that students have an accurate grade and birth date in IMPACT prior to this date.
Student access to the questionnaire
Students may access the questionnaire beginning Friday, May 1, 2015. Student identification number and birth date, as
shown in IMPACT on April 29, 2015, will be required to access the questionnaire. Please ensure all students have this
information on their administration date.
Students will need to enter their CPS student identification number as their username and their birth date as their
password to log into the questionnaire.
Problems accessing the questionnaire can result if the student’s birth date is incorrect in IMPACT. If this is the case, the
student should enter their birth date into the SEQ login page as it is shown in IMPACT. Also, students who were not
listed as 12th graders in IMPACT on April 29, 2015, or who were not active on that date will not be able to enter the
A separate document (“Senior Questionnaire Instructions”) has instructions for students on completing the survey.
Please print this page and have it available at the computer where students will be taking the survey.
If students have problems accessing the questionnaire, please contact Whitney Triplett, Lead High School Counseling
Specialist, from the Office of School Counseling and Postsecondary Advising at wdtriplett@cps.edu or call her at
773.553.3585 or contact Sarah Dickson, Strategy and Research Analyst from the Office of Accountability at
skdickson@cps.edu or call her at 773.553.3828.
Please note: We would like every graduating 12th grade student to have the opportunity to complete the SEQ, including
students with disabilities. However, if you have graduating 12th grade students at your school with significant cognitive
disabilities for whom the survey would not be accessible or students who are 12th grade students but will be remaining
in the school until age 22, those students need not complete the SEQ. If this is the case, please compile a list of these
students in an Excel spreadsheet; include each student’s 8-digit CPS Student ID, name, and the reason the student is
unable to complete the SEQ, and email the spreadsheet as an attachment to Sarah Dickson at skdickson@cps.edu.
Completion Reporting
We will update completion reports on Monday and Thursday mornings. We will not be updating the completion
reports daily.
A separate document (“SEQ Completion Report Login and Instructions”) has information about how to login and
see the completion reports for your school
Frequently Asked Questions
I have 12th grade students who are not graduating because they are staying in school until their 22nd birthday, or
12th grade students with significant cognitive disabilities for whom the SEQ will not be accessible. How can I have
these students removed from my school’s roster?
Send an Excel file as an attachment to an email to Sarah Dickson at skdickson@cps.edu. In the Excel file, please
provide us with a list of students who, for either of the reasons listed above, will not be taking the SEQ. Please
include each student’s name, 8-digit CPS Student ID, and the reason the student will not be taking the SEQ.
I need to know how many of my students have completed the SEQ. Where can I find that information?
SEQ completion reports will be updated on Monday and Thursday mornings. Visit the College and Career data
portal to find your school’s completion report.
My student cannot login to the SEQ. What do I do?
If a student cannot login, first check to be sure that they are entering their correct 8-digit CPS Student ID number
and the birth date that is listed for that student in IMPACT in the MM/DD/YY format. If the birth date listed for
the student in IMPACT is incorrect, have the student enter their birth date as it appears in IMPACT. Students who
were not listed as 12th grade students in IMPACT on April 29, 2015, or who were not active on that date will not
be able to enter the questionnaire.
If you are certain your student is using the correct information to login and is still unable to access the survey,
please send an Excel file as an attachment to an email to Sarah Dickson at skdickson@cps.edu. In the Excel file,
please provide the student’s full name, 8-digit CPS Student ID, Birth Date, School Name (please use the short
name / nickname), 6-digit CPS School ID, and Network.