BUDGET INFORMATION 2015-2016 Schroon Lake Central School District Budget 2015-2016 District Budget, Bus Purchase & Repair Reserve Resolutions. Board of Education Seat Tuesday, May 19, 2015 NOON-8:00 P.M. SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE Budget Hearing May 5, 2015 7:00 P.M. Auditorium All of the band students in 5th-12th grade participated in the Pops Concert this February. The concert featured popular music and tunes from movies, and included the 5/6 Band, a sax quartet, a wood-wind trio, and the 7-12 Band. We had a great time and thank you for the support for this concert. In late March grades 3-6 went to the 1812 Homestead in Willsboro to learn about the tradition of maple sugaring. Schroon Lake Central School April 22,2015 Dear Community Members: This booklet contains the 2015-2016 budget for Schroon Lake Central School. Your school board and school administration have prepared a budget that continues the current school academic program and extra-curricular activities while staying within the state mandated tax cap. B O A R D O F E D U C A T I O N 3 The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a program for our students that will enable them to prepare for college or other educational opportunities beyond high school or to enter the work force with the necessary experiences that will allow them to find jobs in the field of their choice. SLCS students have continued to score well on the state tests. We have graduates who have taken advanced and college level courses while here, which transfer to colleges, giving these students a head start on their higher education careers. Our students who attend BOCES to take VO-TECH courses are able to enter advanced programs or the work force with the training necessary for success. Our school faces fiscal challenges in the coming years, as do most schools in New York State. As part of our effort to maintain these essential elements of the school's offerings, the 20152016 budget includes the placement of $300,000 from our surplus this year into a reserve fund. Doing so will give us a source of funds for necessary repairs or improvements to our physical plant as they occur in the future, without having to cut our student offerings. The board urges your approval of this move. The board recognizes its responsibility to the taxpayers of our district to use our fiscal resources with prudence. We also recognize that our first responsibility is to the students. With your continued support, we pledge to execute these responsibilities with careful consideration as we go forward. The budget hearing is on May 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM. The budget vote will be on May 19, from 12:00 to 8:00 PM. Come vote! Come to a Board of Education meeting! Come visit your school! Sincerely, Robert W. Claus BOE President H I G H L I G H T S 4 H I G H L I G H T S 5 District Budget Resolution: On May 19, 2015 district residents of Schroon Lake Central School will be asked to vote on the 2015-2016 SLCS Board of Education adopted budget of $7,737,640.00. This budget reflects the following fiscal and/or programmatic planning: => A 1.53 % tax levy increase (SLCS district maximum) => A budget at or below the district "2%" limit for the fourth consecutive year => A "regular" majority vote to pass (not a supermajority vote of 60%) => An increase of $174,638.00 over the 2014-2015 budget (a 2.3% budget increase) => Staffing levels at current 2014-2015 with increases in related services per special education and/or Pre K needs $424,599.00 of unallocated fund balance to be used toward lowering the tax burden for District residents => Expanded college credit-bearing courses. The District now offers twelve (12) college courses totaling 31 potential college credits for students. => Expanded Career and Technical Education funding for students => Funding for all existing extra-curricular activities for students => Increased AIS (Academic Intervention Services) support for at-risk student 6 Bus Purchase Resolution: On May 19, 2015 district residents of Schroon Lake Central School will be asked to vote on a bus purchase resolution. The Board is seeking the community's support in purchasing one (65) sixty-five passenger school bus. This school bus will afford the district the flexibility to transport students during the school day as well as options for field trips and/or after school extra-curricular activities transportation On May 19, 2015 district residents of Schroon Lake Central School will be asked to vote on the funding of an established repair reserve. The following information is provided to help our community understand why the SLCS Board of Education has put forth the repair reserve resolution For the second year in a row the SLCS Board of Education has decided to put forth a resolution to the community to fund a repair reserve in the amount of $300,000.00 for known future repairs. This decision was made after a review of the SLCS Building Condition Survey and Five Year Plan Summary prepared by Bernier, Carr & Associates. The funding for a repair reserve will come from unallocated fund balance. The purpose of a repair reserve is to pay the cost of repairs to capital improvements or equipment that does not recur annually. The decision to put forth a resolution to fund the repair reserve is very pro-active and reflects the Board's long range planning for sustainability and fiscal stability of the Schroon Lake Central School District. Board of Education Seat The Board of Education seat up for election is a three-year term beginning on 7/1/15 and expiring on 6/30/18 to succeed Anne Durkee. R E S O L U T I O N S Repair Reserve Resolution: 2015-2016 Proposed School Budget Expenditures I. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPONENT 7 BOARD OF EDUCATION 2014-15 Budget $5,103.00 2015-16 Proposed $5,736.00 Includes costs for workshops, conference expenses, law books, etc. Board members serve without pay. District meeting, legal notices TOTAL BOARD OF EDUCATION $2,500.00 $7,603.00 $2,500.00 $8,236.00 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries for superintendent and two secretraries Materials & supplies, contractual expenses TOTAL CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION $166,451.00 $8,500.00 $174,951.00 $174,943.00 $10,500.00 $185,443.00 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Salary for business office treasurer Materials & supplies, equipment, contractual and BOCES Auditing, independent & internal claims, GASB 45 audit Tax collector, supplies, tax bills, postage Legal, attorney's fees Personnel public information, finger printing, BOCES TOTAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE $60,800.00 $32,240.00 $17,342.00 $8,000.00 $12,000.00 $20,450.00 $150,832.00 $62,624.00 $32,427.00 $17,686.00 $8,000.00 $12,000.00 $21,294.00 $154,031.00 $25,500.00 $53,790.00 $79,290.00 $25,500.00 $58,982.00 $84,482.00 $20,103.00 $19,120.00 $20,166.00 $19,495.00 $39,223.00 $39,661.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $110,099.00 $116,616.00 I. TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COMPONENT II. PROGRAM COMPONENT $561,998.00 $588,469.00 $1,988,928.00 $38,375.00 $20,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,053,303.00 $2,094,415.00 $39,000.00 $20,000.00 $6,015.00 $2,159,430.00 $339,978.00 $39,500.00 $263,152.00 $162,378.00 $15,000.00 $376,539.00 $70,000.00 $247,804.00 $167,250.00 $15,000.00 B U D G E T E X P E N D I T U R E S SPECIAL ITEMS Insurance: includes liability, fire, school dues Boces administration, facilities fees TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS SUPERVISION AND INSTRUCTIONAL IMPROVEMENT Salaries for supervision & curriculum development Support for instructional programs including in-service training and staff development and BOCES TOTAL SUPERVISION AND INSTRUCT. IMPROV. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Salaries for elementary & secondary teachers, aides, subs Equipment, materials & supplies, contractual expenses Textbooks BOCES services, legal TOTAL INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Salaries for therapist, special ed and remedial teachers materials & supplies, contractual expenses Cost of special education students at BOCES Occupational education at BOCES centers Summer school salaries, materials and supplies 2015-2016 Proposed School Budget Expenditures, continued $24,115.00 $24,400.00 $188,962.00 $178,500.00 $161,800.00 $167,400.00 $100,775.00 $108,150.00 $1,295,660.00 $1,355,043.00 $214,180.00 $220,544.00 $177,490.00 $218,990.00 $391,670.00 $439,534.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $1,698,825.00 $1,652,101.00 II. TOTAL PROGRAM COMPONENT $5,439,458.00 $5,606,108.00 $114,191.00 $331,630.00 $11,750.00 $457,571.00 $116,930.00 $331,724.00 $11,750.00 $460,404.00 $70,770.00 $58,074.00 $42,874.00 $975,331.00 $15,000.00 $38,328.00 $971,257.00 $15,000.00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFER $1,033,205.00 $1,024,585.00 III. TOTAL CAPITAL COMPONENT $1,561,546.00 $1,543,063.00 TOTAL BUDGET $7,563,002.00 $7,737,640.00 Library & audiovisual, salaries for librarian, library materials, books, and periodicals, BOCES media center services. Computer assisted instruction, technician, hardware, software, materials & supplies internet connections, BOCES services Guidance, psychologist, health services includes salaries for guidance counselor, psychologist and nurse, as well as testing, reference, medical supplies, contractual cost for student & employee physicals Interscholastic athletics and co-curricular, salaries,supplies, equipment for sports, and other extracurriculars TOTAL PROGRAMS & SERVICES TRANSPORTATION : Salaries for transportation mechanic, bus drivers, subs Contractual expenses, materials & supplies, auto parts, gas oil, tires, insurance, equipment and BOCES TOTAL TRANSPORTATION III. CAPITAL COMPONENT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Salaries for custodians, substitutes Contractual expenses, repairs, utilities Equipment, materials & supplies TOTAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INTERFUND TRANSFERS Debt Service Bus bond note , interest Building bond note, interest School lunch fund 8 E X P E N D I T U R E S 2015-16 Proposed B U D G E T 2014-15 Budget ADDITIONAL PROGRAM & SERVICES 2015-2016 Budget Expenditures and Revenues Summary 2014-2015 Budget 2015-2016 Proposed APPROPRIATIONS 9 Board of Education Central Administration Business & Finance Special Items Total Employee Benefits Sup'v & Instructional Improvement Instructional Service, Regular School Programs & Services, Special Education Transporation Operations & Maintenance Debt Services, Interfund Transfers $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,603.00 174,951.00 150,832.00 79,290.00 1,879,694.00 39,223.00 2,053,303.00 1,295,660.00 391,670.00 457,571.00 1,033,205.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,236.00 185,443.00 154,031.00 84,482.00 1,826,791.00 39,661.00 2,159,430.00 1,355,043.00 439,534.00 460,404.00 1,024,585.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 7,563,002.00 $ 7,737,640.00 Property Tax / STAR Aid Interest & Penalties Admission to Ballgames Interest Earnings Misc. Revenue State Aid Elizabethtown shared service Estimated Fund Balance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,163,211.00 16,000.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 22,000.00 958,291.00 18,500.00 380,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,257,271.00 16,000.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 22,000.00 992,770.00 20,000.00 424,599.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $ 7,563,002.00 $ 7,737,640.00 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 B U D G E T S U M M A R Y ESTIMATED REVENUES SUPERINTENDENT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Salary Superintendent Soc. Sec. Retirement Health & life ins. & workers comp $ $ $ $ 112,000.00 8,568.00 15,120.00 15,276.00 $ 150,964.00 2015-2016 Budget Expenditures and Revenues Summary 9000000 8000000 7000000 6000000 5000000 2013-2014 2014-2015 4000000 2015-2016 3000000 10 0 Administrative Program Capital Total 9000000 8000000 7000000 6000000 5000000 2013-2014 4000000 2014-2015 3000000 2015-2016 2000000 1000000 0 Property Tax/STAR State Aid Fund Balance Misc. Total 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 1000000 B U D G E T G R A P H S 2000000 T A X C A R D Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance as a Percent of the Total Budget 18.77% 1,419,639 Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance Actual 2014-15 (D) 1,402,128 210 0 380,000 2 5,181,427 5,181,427 Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance Adjusted Restricted Fund Balance Consumer Price Index Public School Enrollment I. Difference: (G - H); (negative value requires 60.0% voter approval) H. Total Proposed Tax Levy for School Purposes, Excluding Permissible Exclusions and Levy for Library Debt, Plus Prior Year Tax Cap Reserve (E - B - G. School Tax Levy Limit , Excluding Levy for Permissible Exclusions 981,784 F. Permissible Exclusions to the School Tax Levy Limit 3 6,163,211 6,163,211 7,563,002 14.47% 1,119,639 424,599 Estimated 2015-16 (E) 1,702,690 203 0 5,282,633 5,282,633 974,638 6,257,271 6,257,271 7,737,640 2015-16 (B) 2014-15 (A) E. Total Proposed School Year Tax Levy (A + B + C - D) B. Tax Levy to Support Library Debt, if Applicable C. Tax Levy for Non-Excludable Propositions, if Applicable 2 D. Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce Current Year Levy, if Applicable A. Proposed Tax Levy to Support the Total Budgeted Amount 1 Proposed Budget Budgeted 2015-16 Property Tax Report Card R E P O R T Total Budgeted Amount, not Including Separate Propositions P R O P E R T Y 11 1.62% -3.33% 1.53% 2.31% Change (C) Percent RP-495 (9/08) NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION & FINANCE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXEMPTION IMPACT REPORT (for local use only -- not to be filed with NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services) Date: April 23, 2015 July 1, 2014 Total equalized value in Itaxing jurisdictions$ Exemption Code (Column A) 12100 13500 13510 13800 877,657,825 Statutory Authority (Column C) RPTL404(1) RPLT406(1) RPTL406 RPTl408 Number of Exemptions (Column D) 17 42 8 2 Percentage Total Equal- of Value Exized Value empted (Column E) (Column F) 1.10% 9,688,900 1.41% 12,399,400 0.01% 64,200 0.46% 4,000,600 0.00% 37,400 0.79% 6,908,000 18020 Exemption Description (Column B) NY State Owned Property Town Owned Property Town Cemetery Lane School District Property Municipal Industrial Dev. Agen RPTL412-a 1 25110 Nonprof corp-Relig(Const Pro RPTL420-a 5 25120 Nonprof corp-educ(Const Pro Nonprof Corp - Specified uses Veterans organizations Historical Society RPTL420-a 4 366,100 RPTL-420-b RPTL-452 RPTL-444 26 1 1 8,234,100 11,800 91,600 RPTL 464(2) 2 400,700 27350 41300 41400 41800 41834 41854 47450 47460 Ins Volunteer Fire Co or Dept Privately Owned Cemetery Lan Paraglegic Vets Clergy Persons age 65 or over Enchaned Star Basic Star Forest/Ref land - fisher act Forest Land Certd after 8/74 7 1 2 52 224 414 18 15 152,000 1,000 3,000 3,649,892 13,871,180 12,419,690 6,876,206 1,524,787 48670 50000 50005 50006 Redevelopment Housing system code system code system code RPTL 446 RPTL 458 (3) RPTL 460 RPTL 467 RPTL 425 RPTL 425 RPTL 480 RPTL-480-a PHFI L125&127 not defined not defined not defined 1 1 1 1 1,311,900 704,200 19,348,470 19,279,440 0.08% 2.20% 2.20% $121,344,565.00 13.83% 25300 26100 26250 26400 0.94% 0.00% 0.01% 0.05% 0.02% Totals 846 The exempt amounts do not take into consideration any payments for municipal services. Amount, if any, attributed to payments in lieu of taxes: $0.00 (details contained on RP-495-PILOT) 0.04% 0.00% 0.00% 0.42% 1.58% 1.42% 0.78% 0.17% 0.15% 12 R E P O R T Fiscal Year Begining: I M P A C T Schroon Lake Central E X E M P T I O N Taxing Jurisdiction: DIRECTIONS FOR USING THE VOTING MACHINE When you enter the voting machine, swing the handle of the curtain lever overhead from the left hand side of the machine over to the right as far as it will go and leave it there. This will close the curtain around you and unlock the machine for you to vote. Board of Education Seats: There is one Board of Education seat up for election this year. Mrs. Anne Durkee term as Board of Education member will expire 6/30/15. Two petitions have been submitted for the vacancy on the Board of Education and each individual will be assigned a lever on the machine. The candidate that receives the highest number of votes will win the three year seat. 1 . Mrs. Susan Repko 13 2. Mr. Bruce Murdock At the top of the machine is a closed window for “write-in” votes for a candidate for both Board of Education seats. To write-in a candidate for a seat, open the box at the top of the voting machine and write-in the candidate’s name. You must spell the candidate’s name correctly. M A Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 V O T E Budget Resolution: In the next row of levers for voting, the levers at the furthest left of the machine are for voting on the 2015-16 proposed school budget. You may vote either YES or NO where it is marked BUDGET RESOLUTION. The Resolution reads: BUDGET RESOLUTION RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of Schroon Lake Central School District, County of Essex, be and hereby is authorized to expend the sum of $7,737,640.00 as set forth in the 2015-2016 school budget and to levy the necessary tax thereof. Bus Purchase Resolution: The next row of levers is activated to vote on the school bus purchase. Again you may vote either YES or NO where it is marked SCHOOL BUS PURCHASE. The resolution reads: BUS RESOLUTION RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of Schroon Lake Central School District, County of Essex, be and hereby is authorized to expend a sum not to exceed $104,000.00 for the purchase of one 65- passenger school bus. Such sum shall be raised in annual installments under issued obligations as provided by Education Law Section 416. Repair Reserve Resolution: The next row of levers is activated to vote on the funding of Repair Reserve. Again you may Vote either YES or NO where it is marked REPAIR RESERVE. The resolution reads: REPAIR RESERVE RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of Schroon Lake Central School District, County of Essex, be and hereby is authorized to use $300,000.00 of the school fund balance to fund a District Repair Reserve Fund. PLEASE LEAVE ALL LEVERS DOWN TO CAST YOUR VOTE. Only the levers down will be counted. If you push them back up, you have not voted. The machine will push the levers back up automatically and register your vote when you swing the curtain handle to the left to go out. Your vote is completely confidential. No one knows how you have voted. QUALIFICATION TO VOTE AT THE ANNUAL MEETING 1. A citizen of the United States of America 2. At least 18 years of age. 3. A resident of the Schroon Lake Central School District for a period of thirty days or more prior to the voting day. A person can have only ONE voting residency and may not vote in more than one school district. _________________________________________________________________________________ The 2013-2014 NYS School Report Card is available in its entirety at www.schroonschool.org High School Team division - 2nd in New York State with a team score of 3052 (missed 1st by only 18 points) We have 10 National Qualifiers 5 of the Top 15 Overall Boys 4 of the Top 20 Overall Girls 25 archers in the Top 10 of grade their level From the cast of Cinderella Creative art students Greenfiber’s Earth Patrol Just a note Hyde Collection in Glens “Out of about 1,100 entries, Schroon Lake Central School is proud to announce that three of our student artists had artwork selected in the top 100 to be on display in the gallery at the museum…” SCHROON LAKE CENTRAL SCHOOL PO BOX 338 1125 US RT. 9 SCHROON LAKE, N.Y. 12870 Postal Patron Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 Schroon Lake , N.Y. 12870
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