Lecture 3 - Binding of small molecules to DNA Binding of small molecules to DNA - Electrostatics - Intercalation - Groove binding through Van der Waals and hydrogen bonding Distamycin A-T O NH N R O O H 2N N N N N N3A O2T NH Distamycin-Increasing selectivity -Selectivity is not great i.e. (1/2) 5- one in every 32 sites is an AT rich run of 5 bases How do you increase selectivity? -Simplest solution is to increase the length of polypyrrole H N N H Distamycin = P3 (n=3) H N O N O n This works for n≤ 5, but for n>5 the curvature of the polypyrrole backbone doesnt match the curvature of DNA. -To solve this add in an aminobuteric linker to reorient the pyrrole units N NH O K A~ 10 8 M -1 H N R H N N O H N N NH 2 NH 2 O -Sequence specific - favors [A:T]n or [T:A]n, n=4,5. -Binds and displaces the spine of hydration in the minor groove. -Bifurcated hydrogen bonding of one NH to two lone pairs -Entropic driving force due to displacement of H2O. -Enthalpic driving through Van der Waals and hydrogen bonding. -Can also have 2:1 binding mode (2 distamycin/site) -No major change in DNA upon binding O H N P3 O N H O H N P3 NH O -One can also make a distamycin who's binding dependent on metal ion binding -Add in a metal binding sequence i.e. a PEG spacer which will bind to a metal ion to form a crownether type structure H N -Sr2+ and Ba 2+ show high binding affinity O O H -Unfortunately this doesn't work with Ca 2+ N O 2+ M O HN O N O O H O NH O HN HN N O Why not G:C? NH 2 N N O O -Another solution would be to space distamycin with an interchelator N N HN N H 2N NH 2 group in minor groove sterically inhibits binding of distamycin P3 EtBr P3 (A/T)n GC/CG (A/T) 2 Sequence Specific Binder - How do you determine where small molecules bind? -Take advantage of the following reaction: DTT H 2O 2 EDTA.Fe(II) O2 OH OR O P O O H OR O P O O B O O O P O OR' OH Distamycin OR O P O O B O O O P O OR' -If you bind a molecule (distamycin) to the DNA, it will provide either steric blockage or quench the cleavage reaction -The resulting gel will have a "foot-printed" binding site B HO O O2 OR O P O O O H small O O P O OR' To increase resolution add an Fe(II) binding motif to generate site specific OH adjacent to ligand binding site. H O O P O OR' B labelled with 32P treat with EDTA.Fe(II), O 2, DTT "single hit" kinetics 5' N O O P O OR' Run on polyacryamide gel + + N HO O O O O O2 Fe(II) DTT FeII H N OH O N HN N O n -generates OH at the site of binding -reacts at a diffusion controlled rate constant -in water small molecules diffuse at 10 9-1010M -1s-1 -large molecules 10 6-107M -1s-1 -end up with local cleavage of distamycin binding site large 5' 5' HO B cleavage ladder DNA backbone is cleaved 5' O HO H O O O P O OR' OR O P O O O Distamycin binding site: Foot printing O HO O large Distamycin binding site small -separate DNA to nucleotide resolution -visualize fragments that are 32P labelled -If you label both strands you can track cleavage on both strands -but still limited to AT base pairs 3'-end labelled NH 2 O N N N N O 5'-end labelled FeII N HN H 2N C G O2/N3 H-bond Donor H N H N N 5' FeII N O minor groove 3' -TA vs. AT O C4H' FeII 2 base pairs C4H' -Fe(II) cleaves 2 base pairs away on the other strand due to helicity of the strands NH N N O closer 5'- T G G A C A 3'- A C C T G T Py Py Py HP Im 5' FeII OH N N HP Im Im Py Py major groove H N N H 2N further -But helicity in the major groove is different, so Fe(II) cleavage of major groove binders results in a shift in the 5' direction -used to distinguish between major or minor groove binders O Im Py -this is due to the helicity of right-handed DNA N Modify to: -observed that cleavage on the 5' strand was shifted in the 3' direction 3' H-bond Acceptor N O HP Im/Py Py/Im aminobutyric acid HP/Py Py/HP GC CG TA AT Typically bind with KD<10 -9 M -1 Binding of longer sequences N major groove O N NH N O T Chemical Modification of DNA R T N NH 2 N O N O A N HO N Cl Mustards N H 2N C minor groove O N HN N CH+ O N H pH 6.2 H 2N N N Cl G X= NH, S X -Use Hoogsteen base pairing in the major groove -Two hydrogen-bonds from protonated CH+ (pH 6.2) binding to GC -Two hydrogen-bonds from T binding to AT CH+- T - T -CH+- T 5' - G - A - A - G - A 3' - C - T - T - C - T - 5' A-A-(A)10 3' T- T-(T)10 O Cl 5'- T-T- T-T- T-T- T 5'- A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A 3'- T-T- T-T- T-T- T-T 5' 3' G N7 Alkylation leads to tautomerization and mispairing O O H O O N N R N NH NH 2 N R N N Cl N7G N7G NH 2 N O O H O OH N N NH 2 N HN Cl O 7 N -Crosslinks the DNA -Interstrand crosslinking negatively impacts replication and transcription -Hoogsteen is parallel Py/Pu versus antiparallel Py/Pu R N 7 N anchimeric effect -cleavage pattern shifted in the 5' direction -indicates major groove binder FeII N N N -This only works for -(Py)n- or -(Pu)n - sequences (i.e. GATGA does not work). NH 2 HN Cl Cl T- T-(T)10 -Chlorambucil - anti-cancer drug -Alkylates the N7 on G Cl 3' TT(T)10 R O N H H 2N O 5' AA(A)10 N R N7G N N7G
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