Lecture 4- Nucleic Acid Structure DNA modifications -Recall from last lecture alkylation by mustards can lead to tautomerization and mispairing -Alkylation by mustards can also lead to interstrand crosslinking which blocks transcription and replication -Alkylation at N7 can also lead to backbone cleavage OH CH3 N O O NH N O O CH3 N HO O NH N O N N NH2 O O P O OR NH2 O O P O OR DNA crosslinking molecules Mitomycin A NH2 O Bind DNA (intercalation) O O MeO OMe N Me O H CH3 N H OH N CH3 N O O NH H O H N O H O P O OR B NH2 O H O O P O OR + H H2N NH N NH2 Alkylation leads to the cleavage of backbone MeO NH N Me N Me NH2 OH NH2 OH NH2 NH2 O CH3 N O NH2 O OH MeO O O P O OR CH3 N O NH2 H2N dG O MeO O NH 1. - MeOH 2. 1,3-H shift O OH OH H N Me O Base O NH OMe Mitomycin A - DNA alkylator - reductive activation N N MeO OH O O 2H+, 2e- NH2 O OH O O O O H N O MeO OH NH2 N NH2 OH H N dG H N OH MeO dG N Me OH NH2 dG N Me NH N H N dG N Me H2N dG OH NH2 inter- or intrastrand cross-linking Lecture 4- Nucleic Acid Structure Antibiotics (function by modify DNA) DNA crosslinking molecules O O P O O Benzopyrene - activated by p450 (Cyp1A1) - from fuel, cigarette smoke, burnt toast - intercalates into DNA - - - B O epoxide hydrolase O O P O O B O O O O P O O O OH B O O O H2N dG dG HN O OH O O P O OH HO HO MeO O O OH Sugar O B OH O O O O P O O O SR O O Enediyne (Neocarzinostatin) - extremely toxic - intercalates into DNA - bind carrier protein O O P O O - Or O - O B - O HO O O O O O O O RS O SR O Bergman Cyclization OH RO OH O Sugar . . O Sugar phenyl radical 110 kcal/mol (C-H bond) O O P O O B O O RO B cannot be repaired OH O H O Bind DNA (intercalation) Me - OH OH Enediyne (Neocarzinostatin) O O P O O - O O P O O - 3'-phosphodiester cleavage; same as EDTA.Fe(II) mechanism O HO O B B Lecture 4- Nucleic Acid Structure Modification of DNA (Enzyme mediated) -Epigenetic modifications passed on through multiple rounds of cell divisions; most common is 5-methyl-C NH2 NH2 CpG N N Me O N N 5.MeC O -modifcation of DNA causes silencing/activation of gene expression -DNA methyl transferases (DNMT) modify hemimethylated DNA -also 5-hydroxymethylcytosine found in brain O Tools for DNA -Synthesize -Sequence -Amplify (PCR) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 5' 3' 3' 5' Denaturation 5' 3' HO 5' N NH HO O N 5.HOMeC O -N-Ac-Lys -neutralize charged lysine (structural effects on chromatin) -bromodomain of transcription factors binds to -N-Ac-Lys (popular drug target) and recruits protein TFs and cofactors 5' 5' 3' -RNA is a subject to many base modifications -alkylate exocyclic NH2 of A/G/C -alkylate ring N of N1A, N7G, N3C O S R1 5' 3' 3' 5' 3' O O O O P O P O P O O O O O B OH Extension 5' Sequencing of DNA Chemical sequencing -A/G/C/T specific reactions enable specify DNA modification to identify A/G/T/C Sanger sequencing 5' 3' RNA modifcations R2 Annealing 10 cycle 210 ~103 HAT histone acetyl transferase K14/K9 H3 3' DNA Polymerase Modification of histone proteins R1 3' O NH 5' ds DNA R2 -saturate C(5)-C(4) -glycosylate (allow phage to identify E. coli genome from phage genome. ss DNA 3' 5' + Insert into D5 Phage genome isolate ssDNA + 3' RF restriction site DNA 5' 3' (+DNA Poly) -M13 phage has ssDNA form -RF (replicated form) ds DNA -packaged form ssDNA 5' Lecture 4- Nucleic Acid Structure Sequencing of DNA Sanger sequencing uses dideoxy chain terminators PPPO Find G: add dNTPs (A/G/C/T) + O 5' 3' 5' 3' DNA synthesis (continue) Base labile R (ddGTP) O O A: C: N H O N H G: N H OMe CddG GCATGC 5' Acid Label/Base Label-orthogonal protecting groups CGTACddG GCATGC 5' HO DMTO ...... ddT ddA ddC ddG O + H N O B'PG O BPG O NC O O P N O Drug for Ebola HO H N O H2 N DMTO Ebola RNA polymerase will take it as a substrate Human RNA polymerase will not take it NH NH2 OH OH B'PG O CN O P O O O2, I2 oxidation O DNA synthesis -phosphotriester -phosphoramidite Solid-phase synthesis-rapid way to purify reactants from products OMe more methoxy group less acid for cleavage O O Acid labile DMT dimethoxytrityl R1 H R2 O R4 R3 BPG O H N OMe O O R1 R2 HO R4 R3 stable cation B'PG O BPG O BPG O O H N O CN O O P O O H N O O O CN RO H B beta elimination to avoid phosphodiester bond cleavage 1. H+ deprotection 2. coupling 3. solid phase purification NH4OH H+
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