The Church Commissioners have agreed to issue a note of explanation when we
publish a draft scheme under the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 which makes
provision for the future of a church building. This is to enable interested parties to
make a reasoned judgement on the merits of the draft scheme and, if they see fit, a
reasoned expression of support or objection to it.
The Current Proposals
The Commissioners have agreed to publish a draft Pastoral (Church Buildings
Disposal) Scheme providing for the closed church of Withernsea St Nicholas to
become a centre for the Arts, Heritage and Education. By publishing the draft
scheme The Commissioners are consulting the public on this proposal.
It is proposed that the church building and churchyard along with the existing
pedestrian access route from the A1033 (know locally as “Corpse Walk”) will be
leased or sold to Dragonfest Ltd for this use. It is also proposed that they will be
granted a right of access across the track which joins the southern side of the site
with Park Avenue under a separate deed of grant.
Dragonfest Ltd are a registered “Community Interest Company”. This is a special
type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private
shareholders. They wish to acquire the building and establish a centre for the Arts
Heritage and Education thereby securing the building for future generations.
There were two Anglican churches in close proximity to each other within the parish
of Withernsea. St Nicholas’ had a small congregation which could not meet the cost
of maintaining and using both St Nicholas and the nearby St Matthew’s. It was felt
that the parish should focus on St Matthew’s as a base for the mission of the Church
in this part of South Holderness. The Archbishop of York supported this view.
Following public consultation St Nicholas was formally closed for regular public
worship on 3rd July 2014. Since this time the Diocese and The Commissioners have
been working together to identify a suitable new use for the building.
The Building
The church is a Grade II* listed building. It was constructed as a replacement for a
much earlier church which was destroyed by the sea. St Nicholas was consecrated
in 1488 but by 1575 the chancel was in a state of disrepair and the building was
reputedly unroofed by a storm in 1609. The arrival of the Hull and Holderness
Railway in 1854 and the building of the station and Queen’s Hotel fired the revival of
the town as a resort. Cuthbert Brodrick, best known for designing Leeds Town Hall,
undertook a major restoration of the church in 1858-9 that involved part rebuilding of
nave, aisles and south porch, including new window tracery, re-roofing, re-flooring, a
new north vestry, and refurnishing throughout.
The church stands west of Central Promenade and north of Park Avenue and is
largely hidden by adjacent building. The site is designated as a green space.
The Views of the Statutory Advisory Committee (SAC)
The SAC are statutory advisors to the Church Commissioners. They advised that
the church was a building of moderate to high significance with limited scope for
change, and further advised that the church be preserved by conversion to a suitable
alternative use.
Dragonfest Ltd has had preliminary discussions with the Local Planning Authority
and English Heritage about their plans for the building. These have met with a
positive response to the principle of the new use. Dragonfest Ltd will secure all
necessary planning and listed building consents prior to them acquiring the freehold
of the site from the Church Commissioners.
The church yard, which is to be included in the disposal, contains burials. These
include 13 Commonwealth war graves. The burials will remain in situ. Covenants will
be included in the transfer to ensure an ongoing right of access for members of the
public wishing to visit the site to tend particular graves and to ensure that access to
the war graves is kept unobstructed by undergrowth overgrowth rubbish or other
The Current Scheme
The Commissioners now consider it appropriate to publish a draft Pastoral (Church
Buildings Disposal) Scheme providing for the sale or lease of the building for use as
a centre for the Arts, Heritage and Education.
If you have any general query about the proposals please contact the Case Officer,
Emma Cosgrif by e-mail at emma.cosgrif@churchofengland.org or by telephone at
0113 2000 565 .
Representations against or in support of the draft Scheme
Anyone may make a representation for or against any provision of the draft Scheme.
Representations should be sent to:
Closed Churches Division, Church Commissioners
Church House
Great Smith Street
London SW1P 3AZ
Or by e-mail to:
Any communication received after 22 May 2015 can not be treated as a
If no representations against the Scheme are received, the Commissioners shall
make the Scheme.
Emma Cosgrif
21 April 2015